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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 24, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 24, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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By INGA MARIE ST. CLAIR t, I 426-8824 to welcome our new Earl and Joan Nilsen, sons, Steven and Scott. Nilsen family lived in has owned property Mason Lake for several life in the big city be too much for them were always dreaming Dace and quiet out here. the school year was sold out and moved They are now renting is being built. building is a family mother and sons and and father all with the building been employed as an for the Washington State tern for the past 16 years low commuting to Pt. in Tacoma to continue when school reopens will attend school in Scott will enter junior Steven will continue studies. congratulations to Dolores Cox who celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary on July 7. We wish you many more years of happiness. Sunday, July 6, was the day when their three children, Don Jr., Debbie and David, hosted an open house party for their parents. Over a hundred friends and relatives called during the afternoon to extend their best wishes. Sunday morning the children encouraged their mother and dad to go out for breakfast. While they were gone, the three of them scurried about and transformed the Coxes' home into a beautiful party decor. The main color scheme was carried out in the traditional silver contrasted with other pastel colors. A buffet table was set out for aft to help themselves of the delicious food that had been prepared. Lela Rodewald is now home from the hospital and is doing well. She is gradually regaining her strength. Kenneth and Zelda Adams of ~lng families 1909 ap Way Sr. FUNERAL CHAPEL Call us collect from anywhere. ES 7-3836 - Lester M. Lewis, Jr. II IIIlfllillillflli||lhiiililnlliMllllflllllllllllllilllffllnUmUlUli~ BONDED LICENSED INSURED ml CONSTRUCTION = = CONTRACTING • BUILDING CONCRETE WORK ' I 11 . ,, Jim Jesfield i Was. 275 6684 = IIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlUlIlUlfl| Fue For Chevron Heating Fuels-- Modern Heating Equipment- Complete Housewarming Service... "JUST CALL" SERVICE FUEL ¢O., INC. 479-2772 Our accounts payable at Puget Sound National Bank in Belfair. Park Ave. Sremerton, Wa. GLAS PLY BOATS 16'-28' -- LIFETIME WARRANTY Clarkston are enjoying a few days of their vacation at the Calan-Adams summer home. Tuesday night they were surprised with the arrival of Zelda's sister and brother-in-law, Ben and Vera Sibon of Camano Island. The Sibons had a bit of trouble finding the right place and in their efforts in turning around to get back on the right road it seems the camper backed up on a slope and got hung up, causing a problem. Late at night there are not too many cars around, but luck would have it that some young lady came along and stopped to offer assistance. All ended well with no serious problems. In their moments of anxiety, the Sibons neglected to get the name of this angel of mercy. If this helpful person reads this story, would she accept their grateful thanks and please call me and give me her name, as Ben and Vera would like to write her a note of thanks. By Leo & Margaret Livingston--CR 5-6421 The theory that lightning may have killed spawning sturgeon in Hood Canal over the weekend of July 4 is an interesting speculation. As many as six sturgeon were found dead, including two on the North Shore, two at Sunset Beach, one in the flats near the head of the Canal, and one near Alderbrook Inn. It would have taken a many-forked bolt of lightning to wipe out these big fishes, even if they were all cavorting in a group in the Union River. In our opinion the sturgeon could have just as easily been killed by falling meteorites. Several years ago we reported a meteorite was sighted falling into the Union River. This could be a repeat performance. The horrendous barrage of fireworks over the weekend is another possibility. A new type of cherry bomb made its appearance. It has a waterproof fuse. Many were thrown into the water. Or someone with old-fashioned dynamite may have simply bombed those floating caviar factories. Daniel Wingate Hunt is a new member of the Hunt clan on the North Shore. He was born July 19 to Jim and Cindy Hunt. He joins his brothers, Warren and Dale. His father is a new member of the Bremerton Fire Department. We, your correspondents, were going to visit friends at Tiger Lake Saturday night and were amazed to see several hundred cars, mostly empty, parked along the Sand Hill Road just south of the Belfair Transfer Station, formerly known as the Dump. Returning later, we found even more cars and some people, including a deputy sheriff. Upon inquiring, we found that there was a party in progress with some 600 people in attendance. There had been some complaints of noise from loud music and traffic congestion. We wish we could get out a crowd like this on meetings of public interest. LAS PLY Deluxe, List price $4,050.00 50 HP Mercury, E-Z loader trailer . . Special $3,195 ;LAS PLY Deluxe, List price $6,090.00 85 HP Mercury, Calkins trailer ..... Special $4,195 LY Deluxe, List price $6,690.00 HP I/0, Calkins trailer ........ Special $5,695 GLAS PLY Deluxe, List price $9,165.00 HP I/O, Calkins trailer ............. Special $7,495 We specialice in MerCruiser and Mercury outboa~ repair. k Terms 275-2297 at NATSUMI SOMA (left) and Yumiko Kobayashi are two Japanese students visiting this area for three weeks this summer as part of a Lions Club International youth exchange program. Yumiko, 20 years old, is studying the piano and drums at a music school in Japan. She's from Nagaoka, Niigata, and is staying with the Mac McKinney family of Union. Natsumi, 18, goes to high school in her hometown of Shimoda, Shinzuoka. She is staying with a Bremerton family. The two arrived in Washington last Saturday and are busily discovering new things, likes electric dishwashers, bingo, wild blackberries, raspberries, rhubarb, Crab, Mexican food and different houses. In the exchange program, students from all over the world visit formgn countries, under the sponsorship of their local Lions Club International chapters. Don't forget the dance the Tahuya Fire Department and Community Club are sponsoring this Saturday night, July 26. This will be a chance for you to donate to the Belfair Ambulance Fund and have fun doing it. Yes, all proceeds will go for that cause. Many's the time this service has been called to our area on emergencies. You have the opportunity now of showing your appreciation. Six dollars isn't all that much and, who knows, the next call from out here may be for you. ' Weft, it continues to happen - dogs chasing deer. Two were found dead bn the beaches at Bald Point Saturday morning. A third had been chased out into the canal. Two fishermen, Herb Fleischman and Jim Reynolds, were able to use their boats to lead it back to shore. More often than not, the chased deer has become over-tired and over-heated and, upon hitting the cold water, dies from shock. If you should see this sort of thing happening, please try to find the owners and have them tie up the dogs. Once dogs start chasing deer they never stop and are shot by irate property owners. Got the message? Would you believe department. A business call to Tahuya last Saturday came from Angola, Africa. The reason made mention was the fact not many people in Washington State know where Tahuya is - in fact, some who live here still have trouble spelling it. Angola, Africa? FOUND: ONE BOAT Don Huson, Willis Nolan and Alfred Pease reported to the Howard Smith took a jaunt to sheriff's office on July 18 that he Tokeland last weekend and came found a ten-foot wood pram that back with 15 fish. All but one looks like it had been floating for were silvers ranging from 6 to 14 awhile. He found it on the North pounds. Guess the best part was Shore. the crabbing. They said it was fabulous. LOCK PRIED The old post office sure doesn't look the same any more. Eugene Hursley reported to the sheriff on July 18 that a trunk lock on a car had been pried out, but nothing was taken from the trunk. PROWLERS ARE PROWLING The sheriff's office received a report on July 19 of prowlers at' the St. Albans Girl Scout Camp. There has been petty theft there in the last few weeks, the caller By LENNIA CATES --CR 5-2245 a At this writing (last Monday sketchy at this time. It is a John and Jeannie O'Neil purchased the old landmark and have been busy cleaning and painting the place. Don't know what you'd call the color, but what do you put on hot dogs that rhymes with custard? said. So human He thought as a sage, but he felt as a mail. James Beattie morning) two fire reports. A cabin on Tee Lake belonging to a couple in Bremerton burned to the ground last Sunday night at I 1:30 p.m. The couple had been out earlier so cause is not as yet known. Also a fire burning at Wildberry Lake with details reminder, however, that woods are terribly dry, so we should be extra careful until we get some of that liquid sunshine. Speaking of fires, "Knowledge is awareness of the fact that the fire will burn you. Wisdom is remembering the blister." ...... % Snyder & Sons No job too small or too large , Slabs, sidewalks, foundations curb & gutter Belfair H SHOP TOWING LIGHT & HEAVY TOWING 24 HOUR SERVICE 275-28J81 Allyn & Belfair 426-1731 Shelton I I II I I ARCO HEATING OILS Conserve ENERGY by with ECONOMICAL - CLEAN - SAFE OIL HEAT ' Local men toser;e ;ou ! 'John Johnson AI~ Eddy Chauncey Vaughn I iwanis Air Fair 9 a.m. to 9:30 Kitsap Airport WATCH FOR NEXT WEEKS AD Bayview Mobile Homes The Largest Selection of Mobile Homes~ in the Northwest Quality Rex-Bilt Single and Double Wides Always on Display. Consult with Jim Yoest, BuTt Wold or AI Logan. Open daily except Sunday 9 to 6 GORST 377-4461 Picadilly Bazaar & Flea Market "Downtown Port Orchard" Every week, Friday & Saturday, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Sundays, 12 Noon to 6 p.m. Rummage Sale & Exhibit Space For Rent • Collectibles .• Rummage • Craft Space 77-1166 876-2503 ¢ i " * ]. ~,:=:~ [" POLYESTER-COTTON a ' " " , PERMA-PRESS ~~!L Awaltzlengthgownandrobe I ~ / with white yokes in multi-toned [ ~ / floral prints on white and on I I / tinted Leno grounds, satin i(// shadow stripe. /fie t'o th e. Line 275-2033 Mary Wright Belfair The Farm at Crozy Eric's • Farm-fresh milk, 2% .............$1.25 gal. • Oranges, 25 for ................. $1.00 • Vine-ripened tomatoes ............... 49 basket • Peaches • Cherries • Local earn • Watermelons Installed Most American compact cars Larger cars at comparable savings gMH~IQW CONTROL CENTER CUSTOM PIPE BENDING and WONDER SHOCK ABSORBERS at equally low prices. • if a Wonder Muffler or Tail pipe should ever fail during normal use, for as long as you own your car, it will be replaced absolutely FREE at any Wonder Muffler Center. No installation or labor charge, Drive in for a free exhaust system inspection! Belfair 275-2128 July 24, 1975 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3