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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 26, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 26, 2012
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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STAFF REPORT Mason County. pr@ma,vuncoun~y,eom A list of these locations will be mailed .......................................................................... with the ballot. Accessible voting equipment that al- Ballots for the Aug. 7 primary election lows voters with disabilities to vote inde- were mailed out last Friday. pendently will also be available in the au- This is a countywide election and since ditor's office beginning last Friday. Mason County votes entirely by mail, all For persons not already registered in active registered voters will automatically Washington state, you may register in- be mailed a ballot for this election, person no later than July 30 at the audi- In each race, you may vote for any can- tor's office. didate listed. The two candidates who re- If replacement ballots are needed or to ceive the most votes in the primary will have questions answered regarding the advance to the general election, election, please contact the auditor's office Ballots mailed to the Mason County Au- at 427-9670 ext. 470 or call 275-4255 ext. ditor's office must be postmarked no later 470 from the north end of the county. than Aug. 7 in order to be counted. They Election results will be posted on the can also be deposited in one of the five out- auditor's website at door ballot drop boxes located throughout auditor after 8 p.m. on election night. STORE & DELl SPECIALS- IULY 26- AUG 1 Journal file photos This burned-out home at 721 W. Alder St. has sat in this condition for almost two years after a fire in October 2010 made it uninhabitable• On Monday, the Shelton City Commission voted to abate the building, or demolish it, and potentially place a lien on the property. ~ii~ :~fi!~¸ N• i II g~rat :])iego Dragon Shrek HookulesManny Dr Ho~o ''''~- Hammy | 1 360-426-7167 ,800-675-7167 2911 E. Brockdale Road 17853 Coors & Coors Light ': )7 g,. ~"~:' 57;~z~- " ::e; ~i~,,m u, . .,~ ~:~; ~ilt[:: :~ii 18 pk. 125Z cans ,,,~'t S KO KQ M i S H ~.~,~, ~-~ , ||~PARKI:t,:,%,,o,|R NOW OPI:::N g ~,:: at : ::Potlateh > ~' f ~ N~8el ° gVs NORTHFORK BAR &GRILL Bud & Bud Light l~ llk.V~' :: SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Quitting Smoking NOW Greatly Reduces Serious Risks To Your Health Marlb~ ~.~ • • .... • $£ t" !! ~: .......... Carton ~,: Next to By NATALIE JOHNSON tz ct tct ~ ie@# ~.ct ,~o l~co ~z t~ ??2 A two-bedroom home at 721 W. Alder St. has sat vacant and uninhabitable for nearly two years after a fire destroyed much of it in October 2010. On Monday, the Shelton City Commission voted to take action to commence abatement, or remove the structure. This could take place as early as August. "We're kind of excited to bring this forward," said Steve Goins, the city's com- munity and economic de- velopment director. On Oct. 17, 2010, Ma- son County Fire District 5 crews responded to a fire at the home. After arriving at the residence, which is direct- ly across from the Shelton Timberland Library, at 12:04 p.m., crews found the house fire to be fully Fire crews resonded in October 2010 to a fire at 721 W. Alder St. listed as Bank of America and Edward Santodomingo to demolish the building within 60 days. "That 60 days has lapsed," Goins said. McCarthy's ruling al- lows the city to take action to abate the unfit build- ing after the 60 days has lapsed. ed unanimously to approve the expenditure and the abatement. gHELTON KIWANi PANCAKE IN THE PARK involved ....... Goins said city staff has In all, six fire engines, gotten a quote from KD&S three medic units, a Environmental of Monte- breathing air supply unit, sano to supervise city staff a water supply tender, five during the abatement, command cars and 18 re- which will be performed sponders were at the scene, by public works crews. The The fire was under con- entire cost of the abate- trol by 2:30 p.m. that day. ment is projected to cost One occupant of the resi- $12,000. dence was transported.byThat cost includes re- medic unit to Mason Gen-moval and proper disposal eral Hospital for burn inju- of asbestos, demolishing ries. the building, removing the The fire was determined foundation and filling in to have started in a second the hole left behind. floor bedroom. The damage The project will be paid was valued at $100,000. for through the city's gen- Since then, the burnt- eral fund. out home has been an eye- "We did not anticipate sore for area residents. It this expenditure. We be- is clearly visible from A1- lieve we can recoup this in der Street and the Shelton a number of ways," Goins Timberland Library. said. On April 27, 2012, the The insurance company city hearings examiner, that covered the home may Terrence F. McCarthy, pay for the abatement. issued a decision on theOtherwise, the city plans building, to place a lien on the prop- His decision stated,"Theerty. building located at 721 W. "I don't think you'll find Alder St. is unfit and dan- a lot of no's on this side gerous." of the table," Mayor Gary The decision ordered Cronce said. the owner of the home, The city commission vot- ~. A DU, B L .T,;;.. LO.E. , KNEELAND PARK 7 AM - I PM ONTHEMENU HOTPANCAKE BACON&gAU AGE gCRAMBLEDEGGg JUICE &COFFEE The Kiwanis Club of Shelton - serving our community since 1924. Yes, Alpine Way can help, and for less than the cost of the nursing home! Your parents will have nurses and assistants available If you'd like to free yourself up so that the time when needed. You you spend with Mom and Dad can bequality will also be pleased to time, come and tour Alpine Way. Wedl6ve see everything from a to treatyou to un& showyou ourlove y apartments, and answer all your questions. beautician and a chef to laundry services and security on-site. Call Kathy Burbidge at (360) 426-2600 for a free lunch and tour 900 West Alpine Way. Shelton, WA 98584 ili pINE WAy INDEPENDENT LIVING ASSISTED 'LIVING AND ALZHEIMER'S SPECIAL CARE Shelton-Mason County Journal-Thursday, July 26, 2012 - Page A-3