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Letters A candidate
Continued from page A-5
Commissioners are unable
to reach an agreement with
the FAA to keep the fair-
grounds? Opportunity lost.
I hope the port commis-
sioners are hearing loud
and clear that 'our com-
munity supports the fair-
grounds. It is part of our
history and identity and
certainly worth saving.
Diane R. Hartley
Don't listen
to ads
Editor, the Journal
Have you ever really lis-
tened to political ads? Mitt
Romney keeps saying that
we can't do away with the
tax breaks for the wealthy.
After all. they are the ones
who are growing the econo-
my, making jobs, etc.
Then out of the other
side of his mouth, he states
this is the worst economy
in 40 years. No jobs, people
on unemployment, or no
unemployment insurance
at all. Well I ask you, if the
wealthy are the ones who
create jobs, why haven't
they done so in the past four
The excuse is made
that small businesses are
afraid to hire because of
the economy going in the
tank. What happened to all
those million/billionaires
and all the job-creating
they are supposedly mak-
ing? Their money is going
out of country to make jobs
with cheaper wages and no
benefits for the workers in
other countries. Then their
profits are going right into
offshore accounts to avoid
paying taxes.
If they continue this
process, there will not be
many who will be able to
buy those products. Eventu-
ally, their profits will dry
up. What happens to the
American in the meantime?"
People will lose their homes,
those who still have them
will be in constant fear of
home invasion, etc.
I think any business that
takes their jobs overseas
should have their product
taxed so severely it would
not pay for them to boost
the economy of other coun-
tries. As for the offshore
accounts, let them pay taxes
on that money too. Take
away the tax loopholes they
hide behind now.
As for Congress, stop be-
ing obstructionist -- both
sides of the isle and both
houses. You were elected
to do what is right for the
citizens of this country, not
what is best for your favorite
lobbyist. Some of you have
been in Congress so long you
have forgotten why you were
elected in the first place.
Drop the pompous attitudes.
To the citizens of this
country, when it is time to
vote, vote your conscious, no
matter what other people
think of your vote. If you
don't, we could one day lose
the right to vote. Look what
is happening in Florida with
the new restrictions county
registrars are putting on
new voter registrations.
These new regulations were
put in place by the Legisla-
tures. Be watchful.
Jacquelyn Johnson
Vote for
Editor, the Journal
I would like to recom-
mend Willie Pierce, who is
running for the position of
PUD 1 Commissioner.
We have been neighbors for
25 years. He has had a long
and dependable career with
PUD i and he knows from
firsthand experience the busi-
ness of public utilities. He's
a good man and I'm lucky to
have him as my neighbor.
Erlyn Jensen
Editor, the Journal
This year as we vote in
the primary, there is a can-
didate who is far above the
others running for the U.S.
Congress in the 6th District.
That candidate is Jesse
Jesse is a true patriot
who is running not to make
a name for himself or to be-
come a career politician, but
a man of integrity who is
running because he wants
to protect our freedoms.
Jesse is quite happy as a
family man, in business for
himself, and enjoying the
company of his wife and
five children. However,
he knows that with his
business experience and
his knowledge of the con-
stitution he can make this
country a place where his
children can also be success-
ful. He wants to keep the
wonderful benefits we now
enjoy in this great district.
but improve upon them.
Jesse knows how to bring
jobs to this area by using
the resources we now have
and drawing businesses
to our district. He knows
which regulations are
hurting business and will
vote to get rid of them. He
knows how to make health
care more affordable while
still maintaining patient
choice. He knows how to
work with others to bring
about the types of laws that
will benefit the individual
and repeal those laws that
stand in the way of our lib-
erties. Jesse knows the con-
stitution and will not vote
for any law that violates its
Jesse is also the only
candidate who pledges to be
accountable to the voters by
stating his goals online at
the beginning of each quar-
ter and then returning to
each county in the district
every quarter to hold town
meetings So his constituents
can question him on his
A vote for Jesse Young
will mean an increase in
fiscal responsibility with
cost cutting measures that
really work, an increase in
jobs in our region, and a
stronger and freer nation
for all of us.
Kathy Johnson
has the
Editor, the Journal
After reading the bios
on the candidates running
for Mason County Commis-
sioner District 1, I saw only
one that has the life experi-
ence, the education and the
ability to use these tools to
facilitate change. With a
degree in geography/history
and a master's in counsel-
ing psychology and having
worked for the Peace Corps
and the United Nations in
more than 80 countries,
Denny Hamilton has the
skills and knowledge that
would help make Mason
County a better place for us
David King
Young is
Editor, the Journal
This is a request for lo-
cal pastors: if your church
is pro-life and believes in
traditional marriage, please
tell your congregation those
things are only found in the
Republican Party platform.
That's not being political,
that's just being factual.
I've run into too many
Democrats who've innocent-
ly voted for the exact oppo-
site of what they wanted to
vote for. It's tragic.
Since I'm not in a pulpit,
...... J, O U',i nal: ::',Lette:r' Peii::icy
The Shelton-
Journal will not
libel0 ,U::S:o !!scurritous,innature:: Signed:letters :: support letters
p::r0vi'de!! 0ntaCtand address:: informationa er the July
:theJeurnali: " 26 issue.
I'll name a candidate that's business owner in our coun- tles represent the 35th Dis-
exceptional in all regards ty and does not represent trict candidate Jeff Davis
-- Jesse Young. Beyond his any special interest group, and give reasons as to why
morals and values, Young's Andrews has been a lifelong " he is the right candidate to Inthe July 19 edition of
convinced this district volunteer for the improve- elect into the House of Rep- the Journal, MarkThomp-
can lead the nation in'job ment of all of our commu- resentatives, son was misidentified as
growth. He spells out exact- nities by being involvedDavis understands the Lt, G0v. Brad Owen in a
ly how. It's dazzling. Plus, I and volunteering for many needs of the local industry- picture aCcompanying an
believe our military would organizations and special based economy that encom- article c~lled "LocAl art at
truly have a best friend pos- events, passes Mason County and the capitol."
sible in Young (Bill Driscoll I have known Darrel An- plans to utilize his field ex-
looked good on paper. I be- drews since he was a little perience in order to protect
lieve I even sent him some boy. He was born in Mason our state's industrial niche, roots here. Both he and
money early on). County, grew up here andHe understands that going his family have pursued
But Young's the real had hard-working parentsto college, even community many projects to make
deal. Please help elect that instilled citizenship, college, is not always some- this county a better place
Young (for smaller, more discipline, courtesy to oth- thing feasible for every per- to live.
responsive government; for ers and honest values inson. As a state representa- In this case to solve the
our babies: for our families; their children. Andrews is tive, he intends to push for problems, don't call your
for our jobs and for our mili- a good example of a home- more technical education to doctor, vote for Andrews for
tary), town product who loves make sure that each person Position 3 Mason County
Mason County and the has the skills necessary to Commissioner.
Donna Mann people that live here. He enter the workforce. Jobs
Sheltonwants what is best for our need to be created, but peo- William R. Valley
communities and stands pie must also be fully quali- Unicm
for using our environment fled for such jobs. We need
Muri wisely, managing our tax more engineers, more fish-Sheriff's
dollars wisely, improving ers and more electricians.
our recreational opportu- We need someone who has
veterans nities, listening to citizen a plan and a realistic objec-
concerns and providing for tive instead of fuzzy prom-
Editor, theJournal safe living, while working ises of a delusional future, nuestioned
Dick Muri, the long-time, to attract new business to Davis is a friendly, down-
highly successful Pierce provide more jobs. to-earth guy who is not Editor, the Journal
County Councilman, gets Will you please join Joe afraid to make personal I think it is time to set
my enthusiastic vote for, Robertson, Mary Reller, calls to the people of the the record straight. The
representative of our new Dick Reller, Bill McGee and community to answer ques- Mason County Sheriff has
10th Congressional District. myself in casting your vote tions, address concerns and recently been specifically
I was very sorry to see for Darrel Andrews on the to listen.' He deserves the blaming tt}e board of" corn-
Norm Dicks retire. Over mail-in primary ballot that support of Mason County missioners fbr budget, cuts
the years he has been is due by Aug. 7? over any other candidate resulting in service ~edu(:-
Washington's staunchest because he understands the tions in the operation or hi s
Congressional supporter of Annette McGeeneeds of the people and he department during the last
National Defense and Vet- Sheltonis a responsible, trustwor- few years.
erans Affairs. Though I tend thy person. Davis for Con- First and foremost, if
to vote the other party, for gress, budget cuts are needed, it
the past 20 years Dicks has would be impossible for one
gotten my vote. As a retired . Melodie Reece commissione'r alone to be re-
Air Force officer, Muri.will Kimilchesponsible for them. It takes
provide that same vigorous two votes for any action
support for national defense taken by the commission to
and Veterans Affairs we Editor, theJournal Keep signs occu .
have grown to expect of our I am voting for Curt Ben- However, the fact is
Congressman. nett to fill Mason County a way that since 2007, the Sher-
So why Dick Muri? He's Commissioner District 3. iffs budget has increased
from way up in the Tacoma I have known Bennett, except for the two worst
area. What does he know his father and his grandfa- Editor, the Journal years of the recession that
about the people of Mason ther and can attest to his No votes for those whowe have all been experi-,
County? He knows thathonesty and listening abil- post their signs unlawfully encing (2009 and 2010).
Mason County has always ity. Bennett knows localwithin the right of way of During those two years,
supported a strong national government, having served our streets and highways, the entire county budget
defense -- the thousands of as a fire district commis- Why would I want to vote was decreased because rev-
veterans living in the coun- sioner for 16 years. With for someone who can't even enues were significantly
ty attest to that. He is well other board members, theobey the simple laws for reduced. Between 2010
aware that we insist that district has developed aposting campaign signs only and 2011, his budget was
the government use our tax strategic plan and multiple- on private property? Those increased by more than
dollars wisely. He believes year spending plan, keeping of you who have your signs 10.4 percent to approxL
that the people of Washing- a healthy account reserves in rights of ways of any pub- mately $9,835,000 and his
ton should decide what's for emergencies, lic roadway are in violation 2012 budget was again in-
best for Washington -- not He is familiar with the of the law. creased by approximately
some bureaucrat in the na- budgeting system and other 1.75 percent to nearly
tion's capitol, guiding RCWs and WACs Rose Swier $10,010,000. Every time
The voters of Mason of local government. Ben- Sheltonthe sheriffhas requested
County have the rare op- nett is a strong proponent of extra funds from the com-
portunity to initiate a new open govermnent especially mission, he has received
Congressional District. the open public meeting And rews them through borrowing
Let's set the standard high act. He knows how to run from other areas of county
and select Muri as our Con- a business having been an operations.
gressman, independent contractor for ca res Other departments
most of his life. within the county that we
James C. McElroy Bennett is involved in Editor, the Journal all depend upon for servic-
Major General (Ret.) his community in severalIf you want your car es have experienced signifi-
Sheltonways. He is a long-standing fixed, call a mechanic. If cant employee layoff~ and
board member of EFI and you want your broken arm many have had their hours
Fire District 4. He has mended, call your doctor, reduced during these ~ame
Andrews a led a team in the Spell-e- If you want the problems years. The sheriff has ira_
bration with Mason County in Mason County govern- plied to the public that his
good choice Literacy and has taken meat solved, elect Darrel department has been re-
his team to the final round Andrews for Mason Countyquired to lay off nine depu-
many times. He is highly Commissioner District 3. ties during this time pc-
Editor, the Journal intelligent, especially with I have worked with An- riod. In fact, only two depo-
Joe Robertson's and mathematical issues. He is drews on several Mason ties were laid off in 2009.
Mary and Dick Reller's a good writer and an espe- County projects and thanks In addition, during 2011,
letter to the editor in last cially good speller, to his leadership they have the sheriff chose not to fill
week's Journal demonstrat- Of all his good leadership been very successful. In three vacant positions so
ed that they have done their skills, Bennett is honest the late 1970s and early that he could provide his
research on who to vote for and will listen to all points 80s it was the rebuilding senior staff with increases
in the race for Mason Coun- of view before acting. Our of the Forest Festival. An- in pay. Since that time and
ty Commissioner District 3. county can use a person drews came back and didbecause the pay increases
Responsibility, integrity, with Bennett's qualities and it again in the 2000 time did not actually occur as
honesty, common sense and I urge you to support him. period, a result of an inability to
a full-time working commis- I have observed his work- justify them througb the
sioner that will work for us Gary Plews ing with both local Shelton usual processes required
and will truly listen to the Sheltongovernment and with Ma-for such raises, those three
citizens is one that we need. son County agencies. His positions have been filled.
Since my letter also Davis is ability to analyze and find It is important that the
appeared in last week's proper solutions has earned citizens of Mason County
Journal and I live in Com- him the admiration of his know the whole truth about
missioner District 3, Ihave riohf fellow workers and theirthis situation. Thebudget
received many telephone '~' ' *" administrators. He under- information is available to
calls asking me ifI would ndidate stands the budget process everyone from the county's
share who I was going to ca and has the insight to re- website at www,co.mason.
vote for. I am proud to say solve the problems, wa.us in the auditor's sec-
that I'm voting for Darrel Editor, the Journal He has been a success- tion.
Andrews, who possesses all Longshoreman, port corn- ful business person. He is
of the above qualities, missioner, former school a native of Mason County Pare Ward
He has been a successful board member -- these ti- and has strong historical Shelton
Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 26, 2012 - Page A-5