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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 26, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 26, 2012
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Sentence Continued from page A-1 On July 16, Burke entered an A1- ford plea, and was consequently found guilty of one count of vehicular homi- cide and two counts of vehicular as- sault. The Alford plea is a guilty plea in which the defendant admits that the prosecution has sufficient evidence to convince a jury to find the defendant guilty, but continues to assert their in- nocence in the crime. "Terra was a good friend. I have to live with this the rest of my life," Burke said in court Tuesday. "And Cody ... is like my brother. He's still in the hospi- tal." Dorcy asked for the court to impose the maximum sentences in the three charges. Courts use the offender score to determine sentencing guidelines. Based on Burke's offender score of four, which is a result of his convic- tions on the counts of vehicular homi- cide and vehicular assault, the sug- gested sentence was 51-68 months for the vehicular homicide and 15-20 months for each of the vehicular as- sault charges• "These types of cases are difficult and unfortunately they're not as rare as they should be," Dorcy said. "They can be difficult and they can be emo- tional, it doesn't make them less seri- ous, I think we all know that." Dorcy addressed the court, and brought up pending charges against Burke in Shelton Municipal Court of driving under the influence, in addition to "numerous traffic violations," such as driving recklessly and with a suspended license. "This crime has a very real and very devastating effect." Burke's attorney, Ron Sergi, asked the court for leniency in Burke's sen- tence. "We're here about Dylan," he said. "He is a good individual. It's hard for Dylan to accept ... He was friends with all these people.•, that probably makes this more tragic." Sergi said Burke does not remember the car crash but has accepted respon- sibility in the incident. "This was not malicious," he said. "I would ask the court to consider sen- tencing in the bottom end." After listening to arguments from both the prosecution and the de- fense, judge Amber Finlay imposed a 64-month sentence for the vehicular homicide, and 20 month sentences each for the two assault charges, to run concurrently. Burke will also serve 18 months in community custody and will be respon- sible for court costs and restitution to the victims' families• Finlay also or- dered Burke to have no contact with Dittmer's family for life. Finlay made several comments on the case. "When we're talking about a vehic- ular homicide or a vehicular assault, we're here to talk about What you did," she said to Burke. "We're talking about people who are victims because of what you did. Because of your actions you killed a friend." If the timing had been different Burke could have faced 10 years in jail, Dorcy said in an interview after the sentencing hearing had ended. On June 7, the state Legislature changed the classification of vehicu- lar homicide from a level nine offense, along with crimes such as hit and run, or robbery in the first degree, to a level 11 offense, along with manslaughter in the first degree. This reclassification would have in- creased the maximum sentence from five years to 10 years and nine months• However, because the crime oc- curred on May 15, a month before the ruling, Burke's sentencing falls under the old regulations. Stabbing Continued from page A-1 to the scene, and then stole her vehicle, said Sgt. Mike Fiola of the Shelton Police Department. Fiola said the crime ap- peared to be a "random act of violence" and so far there is no indication that drugs played a role in the attack. "To our knowledge they do not know each other," he said. '~rhose are rare in this city." Keck was stabbed sev- eral times, sustaining life- threatening injuries. She was transported to Mason General Hospital, and then transferred to Providence St. Peter Hospital in Olym- pia. Keck was in surgery Fri- day afternoon, and yester- day was out of the hospital and aiding authorities with their investigation. Shortly after respond- ing to Burger King early Friday morning, officers located the victim's stolen vehicle, along with Curtis, near Skipworth's on Olym- pic Highway North. A short pursuit ensued, ending when the suspect crashed the vehicle into a pole near the intersection of Alder and Seventh streets. Curtis was booked into the Mason County Jail for attempted murder and rob- bery. In addition to the at- tempted murder charges, he was charged with as- sault in the first degree, robbery in the first degree, theft of a motor vehicle and attempting to elude a police officer. The court ordered Curtis held without bail. Curtis is scheduled to appear in court for an ar- raignment at 9 a.m. Mon- day in Mason County Su- perior Court. To report any suspicious activity related to this inci- dent, call the Shelton Police Department at 426-4441. Family members have set up a donation account in Keck's name at Key Bank in Shelton. Calls reported to Shelton Police, Mason County Sher- iffs Office and Tribal agen- cies included: Burglaries At 10 a.m. off July 20, a burglal5~ was reported in the 2400 block of West Railroad Avenue. At 9:27 a.m. on July 21, a burglary of a shed was re- ported in an undisclosed ad- dress of North Dow Moun- tain Road, Hoodsport. The burglary took place within the last month. At 10:15 a.m. on July 21, a break-in was reported to a church in the 300 block of East J Street. A computer monitor was reported sto- len. At 10:28 a.m. on July 21, a shop was reportedly broken into in the 1300 block of West Railroad Avenue. At 11:40 a.m. on July 21, a residence was reportedly bro- Maple Glen,'Elma. The bur- At 1:29 p.m. on July 20, an At 11:25 a.m. on July 17, a ken into in the 100 block of glary took place within the assault was reported in the theft of alow profile tilt trail- Ballantrae Drive. A blue Dell last month. Alcohol, a chain 600 block of Ellinor Avenue. er, a Craftsman riding lawn laptop, two flatscreen TVs, a saw, a weed eater and other mower, a military first aid DVD player and a silver 2004 items were among the miss- At 4:53 p.m~ on July 21,crate full of tools and propane Ford Taurus were reported ing items, an assault was reported in bottles were reported stolen stolen, the 100 block of North Valley in the 1700 block of North- At 6:06 a.m. on July 21, a Drive. east Mission Creek Road. At 1:28 p.m. on July 21, burglary was reported in the a burglary was reported in 27100 block of North U.S. Sex crimes At 3:24 p.m. on July 17, a the 5100 block of Southeast Highway 101, Hoodsport. At 9:27 a.m. on July 18, a ring was reported stolen from Lynch Road. sex offense was reported in the 600 block of West Sun- At 2:06 p.m. on July 21,the 300 block of Southeast T rise Court. Estimated value At 11:33 a.m. on July 21, a burglary was reported to Peeksin Lane. is $2,000. The ring was found a residential burglary was a vacation home in the 500 at a pawnshop in Shelton. reported in the 1000 block block of East Clay Road.Domestic violence of West Satsop Maple Glen, At 4:46 p.m. on July 17,At 7:17 p.m. on July 18, a Elma. At 4:49 p.m. on July 23, a a domestic disturbance was bicycle was reported stolen shed was reportedly broken reported in the 600 block of from the 700 block of Wyo- into in the 200 block of East Southeast Arcadia Road. ming Avenue. Estimated val- Valley Rose Drive. ue is $300. At 11:05 p.m. on July 18, a domestic disturbance was At 7:30 p.m.. on July 17, At 1:05 p.m. on July 21, a burglary was reported in the 100 block of Parkway Boule- vard. At 6:02 p.m. on July 21, a burglary was reported in the 100 block of East Barnsby Place. At 6:09 p.m. on July 21, a burglary was reported in the 800 block of West Satsop Assaults At 2:32 p.m. on July 18, an individual reported that she was held against her will and threatened with firearms last week at a mobile home on Dalkeith Road or Dartmoor Drive by her boyfriend and another male• reported in the 300 block of a vehicle and several tools Southeast T Peeksin Lane. were reported stolen from the 200 block of North North Hill At 2:56 p.m. on July 18, a Road, Hoosport. domestic assault was report- ed in the 100 block of East Delanty Road. .Panasonic .Energizer .Duracell .Kodak ,Digital .APS BatteriesPlus- Marvin V. Sings0n SKOOKUM CREEK TOBACCO TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY F/ CTORY OUTLET * 360=426 525Z iiiiiii!ii PeFnis AUT:)T ,ETE TRAD TI0 .... t Jameson Whiskey Try Our i i: iii i!i ,so $,, 569 NEW DAILY LUNCH SPECIALS ( usap .c b es whi s.pp]i s t) Sandwich, Chips, & 22 oz. Soda J igermeister I ARIZONA Assorted Drinks 23 oz. cans & 750ml ,21s ~~ 20 OZ. bottles ~}~ ~ ~ -- (phs applicable taxes - while supplies last) ~~g 2] 1 i i STORE LOCATIONS • OPEN LATE FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE! KTP - Intersection of HWY 101 & 108 • Open 6am daily KTP Express" 3850 Old Olympic HWY [ SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Smoking By ] Steamboat" 6233 Steamboat Island Rd. [ Pregnant Women May Result in Fetal injury, ] Premature Birthr An6 Low Birth Weight, Prices subject to change without notice IIIII Page A-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 26, 2012 At 9 a.m. on July 20, a mail theft was reported in the 500 block of Southeast Mill Creek Road. At 4:20 p.m• on July 18, a tan umbrella was reported stolen in the 200 block of East Aycliffe Drive. At 2:46 p.m. on July 20, a vehicle was reported stolen in the 2000 block of Southeast Spring Road. At 4:43 p.m. on July 20, a bicycle was reported stolen from the 1200 block of West Birch Street. At 10:24 a•m. on July 21, a vehicle prowl was reported in the 500 block of Dearborn Avenue. At 11:07 a.m. on July 21, cigarettes and muscle relax- ers were reported stolen in an undisclosed address of Northeast State Route 3, Belfair. At 2:26 p.m. onJuly 21, a travel trailer was reportedly broken into in the 700 block of West Satsop Maple Glen, Thefts Elma. Alcohol, a wheel bar- At 7:51 a.m. on July 17, rel, an axe and a 10-by-12 three vehicle prowls were At 2:31 a.m. on July 20,foot rug were among items reported in the 100 block of a dark green 2010 Ford Fu- reported stolen. East Wilson Road• sion was reported stolen in the 100 block of East Wallace At 3:09 p.m. on July 21, At 10:04 a.m. on July 17, Kneeland Boulevard. a male was reportedly in a maroon 2003 Dodge Ram custody for shoplifting at truck was reported stolen At 6:15 a.m. on July 20, a Safeway, located in the from the 1100 block of May theft was reported in the 100 600 block of West Franklin Avenue. block of East TenbyWay. Street. At 10:41 a.m. on July 17, At 8:47 a.m. on July 20, At 6:49 p.m. on July 21, three vehicle prowls were approximately $300 worth an adult male was reportedly reported in the 100 block of of Avon makeup wasreport- in custody at Safeway, locat- East Angel Way. ed stolen in the 700 block of ed in the 600 block of West East Oak Park Way. Franklin Street. ROOM FOR RENT: Private bedroom. Utilities free, includ- ESTATE/STORAGE SALE. mum $12/hr. Apply at www. Due to the mountains of mer- Ref # 19861. chandise we are readying R7/26 for sale, our estate/storage 2011 F250 FORD Super Duty. sale will begin promptly at 6.2, 6-speed, flex fuel, tow 9:00, Thursday August 2nd. package, canopy, under 10K. Avery partial list includesvin- Asking $22,950 OBO. Call tage linens, blankets, garden 360-427-8631.$7/26-8/16 • tools, cement mixer, new jack stands, newer push mower,HALF HITCHED BAND sin- lawn swing, patio table, color- cerely regrets to announce ful glassware, kitchen items, that we will not be performing smaller pieces vintage fur- our country music show at the niture, Ken Griffey Baseball, Mason County Fair & Rodeo Large kerosene heater, new this upcoming weekend. The walker, Princess House lamp, band is looking forward to Hallmark cards, invitations, seeing everyone soon for the wrapping paper and so much rest of Half Hitched Band's more. Watch for pictures this Summer and Fall schedules. Thursday night on OlympicWe send many thanks to all Peninsula Craigs List of what the people that are doing their we're up against and also next part to help save our Mason Wednesday's Craig List for County Fair and Rodeo. H7/26 pictures of actual sale. This YARD SALE. SKOKOMISH will be a 2 or 3 part sale due Valley, 251 W. Deyette Rd, to the amount of merchandise. Saturday & Sunday, 28 & 29, Sale will proceed Thursday, 9am-4pm. All under cover. 2 Aug. 2nd - Sunday, Aug. 5th. generators, assorted tools, 9-5. One mile past the prison, tool storage unit, fishing gear, Follow signs. Worth the drive trundle day bed frame, twin for all. W7/26 poster bed, 2 bicycles, Singer INSURANCE INSPECTOR. treadle sewing machine, Ash- PT in Shelton. Work inde-ford spinning wheel, natural pendently in the field to verify dye materials and lots more. measurements and condi- M7/26 tion of homes for insurance companies. No sales. Com- puter experience, digital cam- era, car, cell phone required. Knowledge of home construc- tion and customer service ex- perience a plus. Paid Training. Paid per assignment or mini- ing: washer/dryer, cable TV, Internet, W/S/G, electricity. Fenced backyard, near Red Apple bus stop. No smoking in house. Only $375 monthly, $150 deposit. 360-490-4212. A7/26-8/16 HOUSE FOR RENT, $850 monthly, deposit negotiable. 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths. In town, fenced backyard. Clean, lots of built-ins. 360-888-2931. $7/26-8/2 3 BEDROOM ARARTMENT on 2 levels, very clean, in- cludes garage. 1 bedroom on ground floor. 2nd floor bath- room. Kitchen, living room, 1 bathroom on first floor. Recent upgrades on floors and carpet. Rural setting near lakes and Sound, easy access to fresh and saltwater. Application, 1st, last and deposit. $2400 to move in. $800 monthly. 253- 265-3184. Mc7/26-8/2 GARAGE SALE Friday 9am- 6pm; Saturday 9am-6pm; Sunday 10am-3pm, 1825 Ward Road. Dad, grampa stuff. Furniture, photography, too much to list. V7/26 MOVING SALE, Saturday- Sunday, 9am-4pm, 1882 E GARAGE SALE July 28 & 29. Johns Prairie Road. Washer/ Lots of clothing, household, dryer, freezer, dining room baby stuff. 10am,4:30pm both table, dressers, lots of really days, 510 E• Mason Lake Rd. good stuff.T7/26 B7/26 YARD SALE, 418 Dearborn, Saturday,Sunday, 9am-3pm. T7/26