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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 26, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 26, 2012
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Camp Continued from page A-1 Journal photo by Natalie Johnson Day campers Raean Swanson, left, Dominic Smith, Faith Brimberry and volunteer Chris Messner discuss marine life at the Lilliwaup Community Club's annual day camp on July 19. and fourth-grade students have been welcome to partici- pate. This year, fifth grade students were added. Throughout the day, the students participate in four main activities -- survivor training, hiking, kayaking and a marine lab. 'Tfe're always a little bit amazed -- they live right on the water and the canal and they don't spend much time on the water," Fraser said. Faith Brimberry, 13, is in her fifth year participat- ing in the program. She at- tended the camp one year as a participant, and each sub- sequent year as a volunteer peer counselor. "I think it's a really good place," she said. "Not many kids get to spend this time out here." The camp is free to all chil- dren and their families. Each year the Lilliwaup Community Club and Hood Canal Kiwanis donate money to fund the program. Other local companies, such as the Hoodsport IGA, also donate to keep the event going each year. 'Tfe have lots of wonderful volunteers that donate their time,', Fraser said. Bob Brummett is a long- time day camp volunteer. He commented on how impor- tant it is for the students to spend time on the water, and to notice the sea life and the movement of the tide. "It's great to see," he said. 'Tfe take this for granted that we live on the water." 368-427-3189 ~ www.Shelt0nDaySpa.c0m Address will be 2505 Olympic Highway North, Suite 140 Behind Shelton McDonalds in Olympic Gateway Center. Kids are gone. So now is the time to take care dyourself. Whether you do it by walking your first 3-mile event, doing yoga, or spending time catching up on life with your girlfriends - now is the time to focus on you. "And we can help. 40+ can bring new challenges to your body. So let us help you when menopause arrives - or the other age-related conditions - such as incontinence and hot flashes. Backed by board- certified providers, you will find we really care about you. Mason Genera/Hospital Mo ntain View Women's .Hea lth (360} 426-0955 1 V/SA" 2300 Kati Court, Suite A, Sheltonl WA 98584 Journal photo by Natalie Johnson Curt Bennett, a candidate for Mason County Commissioner District 3, speaks at the candidate forum on July 18 at Oakland Bay Junior High School. The forum was hosted by the Mason County League of Women Voters and Shelton Mason County Chamber of Commerce. Forum Continued from page A-1 importance of individual property rights with regard to the Belfair sewer project and environmental health. Hamilton spoke about his goal of working with local or- ganizations to build a stron- ger county. "My candidacy is about partnerships," he said. Commissioner District 2 includes much of the west side of the county, from Hood Canal and Lake Cushman south to the Skokomish Val- ley, Dayton, Matlock and Ka- milche. Four of the five candidates for this position attended the forum - Randy Churchill (R), Mark Core (R), Roslyime Reed (D) and Tim Sheldon (D), the only incumbent in the race. Frank Benavente, who filed as an independent, did not attend the forum. Mark Core spoke about the need to attract living wage jobs to Mason County. Sheldon said despite the controversy over the Belfair sewer project, the north end of the county needs new and improved infrastructure. 'Tfe have lagged behind these other counties in devel- oping our infrastructure," he said. Reed said she believes the county needs to do more for the environment. 'Tee need to be looking at a variety of things that encour- age people to come here," she said, specifically mentioning attracting businesses that "don't only incarcerate or in-. cinerate." Commissioner District 3 includes Shelton, Agate, Oakland Bay and the Tim- berlakes areas. 2010. who died unexpectedly All four candidates for this in August 2011. Steve Bloom- position attended the forum, field was appointed to the pc- They include Terri Jeffreys sition in October 2011but did (I), Ross Gallagher (D). Curt not file for election. Bennett and Darte:Andrews, "I believe there's a bright both of whom stated no party future ahead for Mason preference. County," said Jeffreys, a Whoever is elected to this former executive director of position will begin immedi- the Shelton Mason County ately after the general elec- Chamber of Commerce. "I lion and serve for the remain- know the challenges our local ing two years of a term orig]- businesses have competing in nally won by Jerry Lingle in this three-county region." Q Corner of Olympic Hwy. North & F St. Next to Viking Floors & Interiors For more information call Olympia 1) Use a KEYWORD. 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