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July 26, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 26, 2012
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Shelton-Mason County Journal WHAT%COOKIN' By JANE METZGER Special to the Journal It was a 'great day for riding' at the 2nd Annual Bike Poker Run presented by the Tina DeLong Griswold Foundation (TDGF) on Saturday at the Lucky Dog Ca- sino. More than 30 motorcycle en- thusiasts came out to participate in the bike rally, which raised funds to police help the families of officers who lost their lives in the line of duty. The foundation was created by Tammy Gipe, sister of Tina De- Long Griswold, a Lakewood po- lice officer who was killed along with two fellow officers while on duty in November 2009. The im- pact of the crime sent shockwaves through the Northwest, and for the families of these officers, the grief was magnified by the per- sonal financial loss associated with having to attend the legal proceedings that followed. "The financial burden on fam- ily members following a tragedy like this is a fact that often goes unrecognized," said Tom DeLong, president of TDGF, and brother of DeLong Griswold. The foundation provides support to families of law enforcement who become victims of crime, and offers financial as- sistance for their out-of-pocket expenses in attending court and appearing as witnesses. The annual Poker Run is a day of fun, prizes, live music and a barbecue. The event begins with a Dick Bell (left) is all smiles after winning See Poker run on page B-3 fully stocked Pepsi party fridge. Journal photo by Jane Metzger first nrize - a JournaF pnolos By Natalie Jonnsor Above, Chris Ballew, of the band The Presidents of the United States of Amerma, performs as his alter ego Caspar Babypants on July 18 at the Shelton Timberland Library, leading dozens of children in sing-alongs. Right, local children and their parents turned out for the event. Seattle rocker Ballew visits Shelton as children's performer By NATALIE JOHNSON Chris Ballew has had a long career in the music in- dustry, most notably in the alternative rock band Thesongs at the Shelton Timber- Presidents of the United land Library. States of America. Many of these songs in- Last Wednesday Ballew volved animals and all of visited Shelton as his alter them had the sizable crowds of ego, Caspar Babypants, per- forming a set of children's See Babypants on page B-3 New director passionate about literacy By NATALIE JOHNSON natalie@masoncounty.corn T',vo out of five people in the United States struggle with basic literacy skills such as reading, writing and math. Damian Gates, the new- ly appointed executive di- rector at Sound Learning, believes every one of them has a story. "There are all kinds of reasons people don't do well in school~ that have nothing to do with intelli- gence," She said. In fact, Gates has her own Damian story. She Gates said she grew up in the "backwoods of Ken- tucky" and was the first member of her family to graduate from high school. She is also the only mem- ber of the family to gradu- ate from college. Gates now holds a mas- ter of education degree. "What I've done in my life is push myself and push myself," she said. Through her 27 years of expermnce in education. Gates spent 18 years teach- ing English in California, and spent time as the prin- cipal of the Quileute Tribal School. Gates, who lives in Olympia, said she felt com- pelled to apply to Sound Learning as soon as she saw the nonprofit was hir- ing an executive director. "I saw the ad -- it cap- tivated my imagination right away," she said. "It's always been about literacy for me." While at Quileute, Gates also worked as an adult education director for the school district. "You're never too old to learn. I admire people who may have had a bad experience in school who make the decision to go out there and do something to See Literacy on page B-3 ill "~"~ "then Judy and I moved up here from Arizona some • • 15 years ago, I told her that she wouldn't be seeing many sunsets. Before moving here we visited only during the summer, so Judy didn't quite get the rea- son I was saying that. Well, on Thursday, like many a summer night, she reminded me of that statement as the sun was setting pinkish into the Olympics. The clouds changed to that dark pur- ple with the bright yellow reflect- ing and glowed orange under the slow wisp of condensed condensa- tion. It was beautiful. On July 14 we went to the outside garage sale at Spencer Lake Bar and Grill. Even though the weather was a little chilly, there was a crowd of By MIKE people shop- CALLAGHAN ping. I mention that because on Aug. 4 there is going to be another large sale -- it will be the Annual Harstine Island Rummage Sale. This event is sponsored by the Community Club and all the proceeds go right back into the maintenance of the supplies, toys, jewelry, CDs, fur- mittee was asking for help and for hall. This year, as usual, Barbara niture, linens and dishes. There volunteers. I hope you had time LaJune has vohmteered her time are a couple of things they don't to think about that and have de- to organize this event along with need including computers, mat- cided to donate some of your time. Mary Nichols. You just have to tresses, old shoes and exercise The carnival will be from 11 a.m. admire all the effort they put in equipment. For more information, to 2 p.m. on Aug. 11. This will be to keeping money flowing into the contact Barbara at 426-0494. One Jennifer's first time in charge, club's coffers. As I've mentioned more note. as you look around so if you have ideas or help she before, the hall will be 100 years and gather your treasures, put would like you to call her at 426- old in 2014 and at that age the them in a corner and wait to take 1861. I've taken my grandkids to building always needs a little them to the hall until Aug. 2. this event many times over the extra care. The rummage sale That way the volunteers will be years and they just have a won- relies on your generosity. So look able to have time to sort through derful time. One of the main ideas through the closets, garages and and organize the donations, of the carnival is that the games storage areas for items you can I can't believe that August is are set up so that every child wins get rid of that will make your just a few days away. The Chil- something no matter their life simpler. They are looking dren's Carnival is fast approach- for books, clothing, tools, farm ing. In last week's article the com- See Harstine on page 8-2 Thursday, July 26, 2012 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page B-1