July 26, 2012 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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July 26, 2012 |
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Harstine more members. The Garden
Club meets and talks about
Continued from page B-1 how to take care of your
garden -- there are no fees:
skill' level. And just to it is free. The community
watch the expression on the club meets and talks about
young ones' faceswhen they how to take care of the hall
receive a prize is priceless, and the community -- they
Harstine Island Garden just have a $15 annual do-
Club met on the July 12 to nation and all that money
discuss a change in the goes back to the hall and
rules for participating the community as all the
at Farmers Market. There board members and club of-
will be a $6 per vendor fee ricers volunteer their time,
charged to cover the cost of Finally, Judy would like
the health permit required to thank all who helped
to sell homemade foods with the golf tournament
at the market. The fee is for Turning Pointe. They
for the season and will be raised more than $10,000
charged to all vendors. Gar- for the shelter. Turning
den club needs participat- Pointe opened its doors
ing members and ideas for some four and a half years
programs, ago and they have served
The next meeting of the more than 2,000 victims of
Garden Club will be Aug. 9. domestic violence in that
The following night, there time period. They are al-
will be the monthly meeting ready planning next year's
of the HICC. Both of these tournament, so please mark
clubs are still looking for this event early.
NCCU 9th Annual
Sunday, August 19
Place: Alderbmok Wfldd-Up
On Manzanita
1 30 pro- Silent Auction Begins
1:30 pro-- Live Auction Begins
12:30--3 pm Picnic Provided
Donations accepted
All proceeds to benefit the
Church/Community Center
Building Fund
New Community Church of Union
Locker Packs Available,
Locally Owned,
Family-Run Me at Sfiop
Boneless Boneless Pork
Pork Loin
Loin Roast ....
Boneless Chuck Boneless Chuck
Steak Roast
Songs to uplift Americans during the Depression Performers will be singing a number of hymns
and som~ modern "Gaither'-style gospel will be per- and newer songs of praise such as "Give Me That
formed at 7 p.m. on Aug. 12 at Shelton Presbyterian Old Time Religion," "How Great Thou Art," "It is
Church. Well with My Soul," "Amazing Grace" and "When the
The event will feature old-time favorites, con- Saints Go Marching In."
temporary gospel songs and traditional hymns. The After the program a free will offering will be taken
informal style of singing will be performed by the at the doors to offset the night's expenses with the
Shelton Presbyterian Choir, the Four Baritones, a balance going to organizers' landscaping fund. Re-
women's quartet, as well as a couple of trios, duets freshments will be served.
and solos. Shelton Presbyterian Church is located at 1430
There will also be a guest performance by the Shel- Shelton-Springs Road. For more information call
ton Methodist Choir. 432-8696.
Thursday Area Fair at Sanderson Field Events Wednesday
6 pan.- 8 pan., The Mason Coun- Center & Fairgrounds. Noon, the Mason County Pioneers
ty League of Women Voters will host 10 aan. to 4 p.m., The Grapeview will meet for a luncheon at the Shelton
a candidate forum at Oakland Bay Water and Art Festival at the Fair Elks Lodge, located at 741 E. Craig
Junior High School for candidates Harbor Marina on Grapeview Loop Road. Members will share their favor-
running for 35th Legislative District Road. ite memories during the program. For
representative Positions i and 2. more information, call 426-5525.
7 pan., Music in the Park span- Sunday 9:30 a.m., the Lewis-Mason Area
sored by Skookum Rotary at Post Of- 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., The Mason Agency on Aging (LMTAAA) will
rice Park in Shelten. Area Fair at Sanderson Field Events hold a monthly meeting of its Advi-
Center & Fairgrounds. sory Council at 4419 Harrison Ave.,
Friday 10:30 a.m., Dr. Bob Harrison,Olympia.
10 a.m.- 10 p.m., The Mason guest speaker and founder of liar-
Area Fair at Sanderson Field Events rison International Ministries, Thursday
Center & Fairgrounds. will be holding a seminar/confer- 7 p.m., Music in the Park spon-
ence at Gateway Christian Fel- sored by Skookam Rotary at Post Of-
Saturday lowship, located at 405 S. Seventh rice Park in Shelton. This week's mu-
sical guest is the Chrome Betty Band.
10 a.m. to 10 ~.m., The Mason St.
Darrel Andrews
"Understand the needs
of Mason County"
Join the following supporters and help elect Darrel
ndrews Mason County Commissoner for District #3
Mike and L/'~a Allegri Josh and Jennifer Giraldes Kellen Manke Lloyd Prouty ....
Dick and Ann Andrews Terry and Dorothy Gregg Matt Manke Abe and Lyta Reichbach
Jeff and Jennifer Andrews Rita Gyswyt Scott and Terri Manke Dick and Mary Relier
Aaron Andrews Jim Halbert Joe Matteri. Joe and Peggy Robertson
Meghan Andrews Mike Hall Bill and Annette McGee Mauri Rose
Norma Armstrong John and Rachel Hansen Mac Mclnelly Adam Schultz
Scott Baker Ted Hartshorn Deryl and Sharon McKay Jason Seibert
Charlotte Bales Bill and Gwen Hewitt Liz Mell Cary Settle
Gary and Ginnie Bander Billy Hewitt Alan and Megan Muenchow Dan Settle
Doug Blair Bill and Carol Hunter Taylor Muenchow Tad Smith
Dave Clark Grant and Mary Johnson Dave and Patty Nutt Don and Michelle Sparks
Lyle and Donna Coleman Mark and Karl Lanphear Rocky and Brenda Nutt Mick Sprouffske
Sherri Davis Noel Longan Dale and Rose Nye Mark and Robin Trail
Ron and Cheryl Dickinson Brian and Kim LundEric Onisko Bill and Lorena Valley
Rick Fitchett Bruce and Dani Lund Dane Ott Ed Walker
Blaine and Linda Fladager Mike and Angle Lund Kim Pallet Wayne and Sharon Wiles
Jacob Fladager Niels and Rosie Lund Frank and Janice Pascher Joe and Pat Willey
Lonnie Fladager, Butch and Teri Makoviney Richard and Nancy Pratt Doug and Jeanee Wright
Corky and Linda Frady Joe Manke John and Katherine Price
Mail-in ballots are due by Tuesday, August 7, 2012. Your vote will help put
Darrel on the ballot in the November general election.
1729 0LYMPIC HWY.N. SHELTON * (360) 426-165
www.michaelsmeats.net Man-Sat 9-7, Sun 9-f
Paid by by Citizens for Darrel Andrews e P.O Box 1640 • Shelton, WA 98584
Worship Service ......
10:00 a.m. i:i
Children and Adult r School 9 AM • Childcare both services
/i) Wednesday Night Service
9:OO AM I Celebration Service 1~ 7:00 i'M i Mi~ Week Service
Nursery to 2 Years,
1o:3o aM I Celebration Service Chtldren's Classes
Attended Nursery Soot FiRE YOL~TH, 6111-lff' I II Grade
ChildrenZ~ Classes
4:oo ,,M I Gateway to Rnc0very i The p~q~o~ or ~ ~Enaean'Z:~ i~ to help
ChHd~otc" Provided ./ people become C~,~n¢~ ~ ~,~ t~/~ thlou{~l~ Wol ~hil:*,
1405 s '7th St. Shelton PHONE 1360-426 2758 WEBSITE I ~.gat ewayc[:com
=:~,~, Faith Lutheran Church
iii'iii A Christ-centered Church
i li;)i; (~=°,, Mornln, Wor.hl;~
ii~iii | Traditional - 8:45 a.m. |
Pastor Steve Olsen
Paster Brian Weinberer
1212 Connection St.
Shelton, WA
(360) 426-8611
Bible Study
• Youth Activities
[~ " A place:*where all are welcome
324 W. Cedar St. • Shelton Office phone: 426-8472. www.sdow.org
7:30 & 10:30 a.m. Christianity Class
9:15 Conversational Bible Study Saturday 10:30 a.m.
Mt. Olive
Lutheran Church
Missouri Synod
206 East Wyandotte Avenue
Contemporary Service .......... 8:30 a.m.
Christian Education ................. 9:45 a.m
Traditional Worship ............... U:00 a.m.
Office 426%353
Daycare 427-3165
11i3 E. Shelton Springs Road
Shelton, WA 98584
(360) 427-6998
Sunday School 10:00 a.m.
Morning Worship 11:00 a.m.
www.sheltonfbc.org 3~0 426-8461
• Sunday Morning Worship 9 + 10:30 am
Sunday Scho~ Ior ai~ a~es
• Domingo La Iglesis esutista 6 pm
Servic~o en EspaSo;
• Wednesdays 6 pm
Youth Church, AWANA K& Adu~ C~sses
dueves 6 pm EIglu~
Refreshed -- Restored -- Renewed
in Rivers of Grace
Alliance Church
2320 Washington St.
Sunday Night Worship 6:00 p.m.
New Community
Church of Union
~ ~"~ Sunday Gatherings
(All are welcome/)
8:30 and 10:30
at the
Union Fire Hall
5,0 E. Seattle St., Union 98592
web site: www.thenccu.org
Page B-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 26, 2012