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hold open
The Shelton Co-op Pre-
school will hold an open
house from 5:30-7:30 p.m.
on Aug. 2.
The preschool is a non-
profit school that offers par-
ents an opportunity to be in-
volved in the classroom ex-
perience with the children.
Parents assist in the class-
room on a rotating basis,
which allows them to work
Irene S. Reed High School's
Class of 1952 recently awarded two
$1,000 scholarships to Michael P.
Bowman and Rachel Manning. In
planning for its 60th Class reunion,
the class decided to vote to include
donations for scholarships on their
registration form as it did during
its 50th and 55th class reunions.
Michael P. Bowman
Michael P. Bowman will be at-
tending Northwest University in
the fall and plans to major in com-
munications. He is interested in pos-
Class of'
awards scholarships
~ sible career fields tive in the community, as well as his .~.~g .....
in either law or church and youth groups. ~~',~ ......
law enforcement.
Bowman will also Rachel Manning
be playing on the Rachel Manning will be attend-
Northwest men's ing South Puget Sound Community
soccer team. He College with plans to transfer to
played a number Shoreline after two quarters where
of sports in high she plans to obtain two associate's
school, includ- degrees -- one in oceanography and
Michael ing soccer, tennis another in astronomy. ManningRachel
Bowman and basketball,plans to further both of these de- Manning
He was also a grees and earn a doctorate in both
member of Honor Society. Bowman fields of study. She was actively
worked in landscaping and was ac- involved in choir, Honor Society,
toring other high
Christian club
and track and
field while in high
school. Apart
from school, she
also volunteered
with the Wash-
ington State
Department of
Fish & Wildlife.
Washington state
parks, church
projects and tu-
school and jumor
high school students.
with the teacher and have
an active role in the child's
early learning and interac-
tion with children their own
Parents also participate
in preschool fundraisers, re-
tain a preschool family job
and attend monthly educa-
tion seminars provided by
Olympic College.
The school is located at
the college, 937 Alpine Way,
Shelton. For more" informa-
tion, call 432-5410 and leave
a message.
Cancer fundraiser scheduled at Pine Tree Restaurant
The friends of a local cancerImsdahl's daughter out from Imsdahl and her family, mage and bake sale from 8 a.m.
patient are trying to bring her Minnesota. For more information, con- to 2 p.m. on Aug. 4.
daughter out to see her. Imsdahl is toward the end of tact Cindy Bennett at The The event will be held at the
At 2 p.m. on Saturday, the her journey with breast cancer. Pine Tree Restaurant at 426- Historic Grant School on Com-
friends of Bridget Imsdahl are The charge for the dinner is 2604. munity Club Road near Picker-
hosting a spaghetti feed at $5 per plate for children and $10 ing Road.
The Pine Tree Restaurant and per plate for adults. The Picketing Community For more information call
Lounge to raise money to bring All proceeds will go directly to Club will hold its annual rum- 432-8524.
H. Elliot Hayes
H. Elliot Hayes, 90, died
on July 12, 2012.
He was born on Aug. 27,
1921, in South Dakota to
Jesse T. and Florence Jordan
The family moved to Sa-
lem, Ore., when he was a
Hayes was in the Navy for
six years. His family moved
to Seattle in the early 1950s
when he took a job at Boe-
ing. In 1970, he built a cabin
at Lake Limerick and came
down on weekends for a few
years until they moved there
Hayes is survived by his
son Rick and his wife Joan
Hayes of Shelton: grandchil-
dren Keith Hayes, Casey
Hayes and Megan Gould;
great-grandchildren Keven
Hayes, Kailey, Trent and
Gavin Gould and Peyton and
Avery Hayes; brother Melon
James Hayes; sister Charyel
McDermeit; daughter-in-
law Barb Hayes: two step-
granddaughters and four
and numerous nieces and
He was preceded in death
by his wife of more than
60 years, Lurene Hastings
Hayes, son Mike'Hayes
and two brothers Royal and
Merle Hayes.
Memorial donations can
be made to the Mason Gen-
eral Hospital Foundation.
There will be no service.
Chester Leeberg
Chester (Chet/Allen Lee-
berg, 68, of Buckeye, Ariz.,
died on July 23, 2012, after a
battle with lung cancer.
He was born on Dec. 19,
1943, to Frank G. and Ar-
zilla F. Leeberg in Leadville,
Colo. He lived most of his life
in Shelton and was an iron-
worker for 35 years. He also
served in the Navy for four
and work-
ing with
Chester his hands.
Leeberg He is
by his wife
Lynda Leeberg; father Frank
Leeberg; daughter Tayler
Emerson of Fort Drum, N.Y.;
sons Troy Leeberg of Spo-
kane and Ross Leeberg of
Slidell, La.; brothers Larry
Leeberg and Marty Leeberg
of Tacoma, Gary Leeberg
of Shelton; sisters Marlene
Wooten of Belfair, Sandy
Deyette, Linda Huggins and
Diana Puderbaugh of Shel-
ton; four grandchildren; two
great-grandchildren and nu-
merous aunts, uncles, nieces,
nephews and friends.
Leeberg was cremated
and his ashes will be distrib-
~a~~¢i~i ~h~i ~e~fi~ ~ ew':~lL:,:i: ii:,. :~:.
uted with his mother. A me-
morial service will be held in
Shelton at a future date.
In leiu of flowers, dona-
tions can be sent to Hospice
of the Valley, 14066 W.
Waddell Road, Surprise, AZ
Alfred Munoz
Alfred I. Munoz, 82, died
of natural causes on July 20,
2012, at Shelton Health &
He was born on Oct. 16,
1929, in Morenci, ~kriz., to
Alfred and Maria (Ibarra)
Munoz served in the U.S.
Army dmSng the Korean
He married Charlotte Kel-
ley on June 1, 1968, in Cle
Elum. The marriage ended
in divorce.
Munoz worked for Wesco
Wool from 1966-1976. He
owned and operated Pine
Tree Res-
from 1976-
He was
a mem-
ber of the
Alfred and St.
Munoz Edward's
He enjoyed working out,
walking, ballroom dancing
and gardening, his family
Munoz is survived by
hid daughter Anita Munoz
of Shelton and her partner
Brad Paul; granddaughters
Kailee (Kenah) Munoz-Hag-
mann and Rebecca Munoz of
Shelton; grandsons Jeromy
Munoz of Shelton and Josh-
ua Munoz of Hugo, Okla.;
son Rick Munoz of Hugo,
Okla.; great-granddaughter
Brooke Hayek of Shelton;
sister Delores Munoz of Los
Angeles and numerous niec-
es, nephews and cousins.
A service will take place
at 11 a.m. on Aug. 3 at St.
Donations can be made to
the American Stroke Foun-
Sarah Noll
Sarah Co~ngton Noll,
33, died at home on July 20,
2012, after a battle with cer-
vical cancer
She was born March 29.
1979, in Bremerton.
Noll enjoyed working in
the restaurant industry,
sharing her smile and love of
food with her co-workers and
the public, her family said.
After graduating from North
Mason High School in Bel-
fair, she lived and worked in
Seattle, Union, Chicago and
Savannah, Ga.
Noll is survived by her
parents Don and Candy
Noll; sister Stephanie and
brother-in-law Greg Davis;
brothers Angelo Mandina
and Jesse and sister-in-law
Tanessa Noll, along with
nephews Guy and Ben Noll
and her cat Herman.
In lieu of flowers, do-
nations may be made to
Planned Parenthood, 44-B
Lee Blvd., Savannah, GA
Noll will be buried at the
White Eagle Memorial Pre-
serve in Goldendale, Wash.
A celebration of her life will
be held at 2 p.m. on Sat-
urday at 213 E. Sherwood
Road. Allyn.
John Pill
John Joseph Pill. 90, a
resident of Shelton, died on
July 14, 2012, of natural
He was born July 4, 1922,
to John and Anna (Svenska)
Pill in Hoquiam.
Pill served four years and
supervised the work of 6,000
i!ilifi~:i ii!!~i i~ii~i~:~"~ < :i :! i' :;i!i[ policemen
i;::;i::,':~i in Ma-
~ nila. He
served on
the World
g~i~ i~i~i: Court
g1~L % Wars
and was
the only
Pill missioned
officer to serve on trial to
the General Yamashita
Atrocities Trials in Manila
as a witness escort. He was
a technical sergeant on dis-
He married Virginia Ber-
dine Louise Parsons on May
23, 1942, in Hoquiam. She
died in July 2003.
Pill worked at ITT Ray-
ioner before his service m
World War II. He then went
to Western Washington
Teacher College on the Gl
bill. He taught in the Shelton
School District and was•a
counselor and football coach
at Shelton Junior High
He was recruited to estab-
lish Hood Canal School Dis-
trict No. 404 by combining
several local schools in the
area. He served as superin-
tendent and principal from
Pill was a member of
Faith Lutheran Church, Ki-
wanis noon club, Polish club,
Community Concert Associa-
tion and Elks. His hobbies
included traveling, fishing,
watersports and coaching
and watching football. He
also enjoyed watching base-
ball, track and boxing.
He is survived by son
Jeffrey John Pill, daughter
Kathleen Segai of Shelton.
grandson Johnathan Segai of
Shelton and granddaughter
Julia Segai of Honolulu.
A memorial serwce will
take place at 1 p.m. on
July 24 at Faith Lutheran
Church. Pastor Steve Olson
will officiate. A burial will
take place at Shelton Memo-
rial Park under the direction
of McComb Funeral Home.
Memorial donations can
be made to Faith Lutheran
Veryl Miller
Veryl Franklin Miller, 82,
a Union resident, died July
15, 2012. of natural causes a¢
Miller was born April 26.
1930, in Opine, Mont., to
Frank Miller and Ella (Hun-
vold) Miller.
He served in the U.S.
Army from 1947-48. He
married Carol Ann Shaw on
June 14, 1953, in Hoquim.
Miller spent his working
career as a traffic manager and grandchildren Muriel
in the agriculture industry. Miller and Scan Miller of
He loved old cars and en- Shelton. Una Miller of Se-
joyed reading and working at attle and Ashley Bryant of
home. Duvall.
He was a member of Faith He is preceded in death
Lutheran Church in Shelton. by brother Orville Miller and
He is survived by his his parents Frank and Ella
wife, Carol Ann Miller of Miller.
Union; daughter Nancy Bry- A private family memorial
ant (Jerry) of Duvall; sons was scheduled. Arrange-
Mike Miller and John Miller ments were provided by For-
(Grace) of Shelton and Da- est Funeral Home under the
vid Miller (UnJu) of Seattle; direction of Dave Lucas.
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a team in Ihe summer and ice-skaled in the winter
A loving husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather, brother and friend• passed away May 27. 2012
at St. Peter Hospital in Olympta. WA
He was born November 8. 1922 to parents, Stank3, and Vida Robertshaw in Glanstone. Manitoba
Canada and grew up in the North Lakeland District on a farm near the shores of Lake Manitoba. He
was tile eldest of six children/Ivan. Doris. Jim. Anne. and Joan). a family Ihat had greal stories to lell
of their growing-up years. Gordon's hometown was Langruth. Manitoba where he played baseball on
He served in the Royal Canadian Air Force during World War Ii and participated ill the Invasion ol
Normandy, Gordon and Lorraine Anderson of Gladstone were married September 4, 1948, and spenl Ihree
years in Vancouver B.C. before moving to Southern Caiilbrnia in 1951 where they raised their son. Dauyk and
daughter Lesley. The years in California were spent wdh good friends and family.
Gordon and Lorraine eventually retired and later moved to Sbellon, WA, wbe~e they enjoyed living the last 10 yems al Lake l.hne6ck.
Gordon worked for the Canadian Pacific Rat!way in Vancouver, B.C., Canada and the Santa Fe Railroad, Los Angeles, CA as a switchman, lie hirer worked as a loan
consultant for Home Savings and Loan, worked as a realtor for various real estate companies, and eventually had his own business. His legacy is his strengdl of character,
work ethic and self-reliance.
Gordon was known to many as a kind and generous man who cared about his family, had a great sense of humor and a wonderful laugh. He was an avid goll~r who. whih'
playing one of many games with his long-time buddies, made a double eagle at Brookside Golf Coarse in Pasadena, California, Feb. 20, 1991. He also enjoyed playing
cribbage, bridge, and poker and took a big interest in cooking and gardening.
He was preceded in death by his parents, brother, Jim, and sister, Doris. He is survived by his wife of 64 years, Lorraine, brothel, Ivan and sisters, Anne and Joan, son
Darryl (Trisha), daughter, Lesley Robertshaw-Mosley (Jess), his special granddaughters, Danielle (Mike) and Hope, great-grandsons, Brady and Chase Kline, and many
blessed nieces and nephews.
~.]He was h'uly loved and will be missed always. There will be a family celebration of Gordon's life at a later date. "
&dd Ohnuorr Notke
Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday,. July 26, 2012 - Page B-7