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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 26, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 26, 2012
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Babyp periment, he said. "I don't let abstract poetry stand to mimic the sound of an African For example, in a civil-war ~':ta ants One day, Ballew said he was in songs, I feel like I have to tell a banjo, and many of his songs are song, once probably not child-apl.,~- Continued from page B-1 looking at his wife's artwork, and story," he said. "The challer~ge is modeled from folk and gospel music priate, the lyrics are now: '~es 1,~y was inspired by it to write bright, much greater." from the 1820s through the 1850s. friend I'm a tough little bunny toddlers and children dancing and happy-sounding songs. Parents need to feel engaged too, "I like to listen to old music that every little soul must shine." singing along. "I said, 'I want to make music like since they listen to the music along is made out of necessity to survive Ballew, who lives in Seattle, said "I like bears, I like rabbits," he that artwork looks," he said. "All of with their children, Ballew said. or to tell a story," he said. "I bridge he enjoyed his afternoon in Shel~m told a room full of children at the a sudden it felt like that's it, that's "I'm really writing this music the gap by going back in time." and spent some time perusing l~,~'~l library, my voice. It sort of sets you free." for parents and kids too," he said. These songs in their original antique shops for inspiration. Ballew" said his transition into Writing and performing songs for "That's one of the fun challenges - form, he said, are works of art "des- "It was a nice quiet show. It wa~ Caspar Babypants feels like a natu- children is a completely different writing songs that bridge the gap." perately reaching out to soothe the interesting because I've been h~v- ral evolution of his art. experience from writing rock songs This creative path is exactly soul," and many of the tunes are ing some crazy shows," he sai& "The entire time that I've been for adults for Ballew. what that little voice in his head so familiar "they're in everybody's Ballew often performs at libr~r- doingThe Presidents, I had a little However, he said children can was pointinghimtoward, he said. DNA." ies, community cer~ers and ~b,I- voice in my head that said, this is be just as critical, or more so, than "It's scratching everyitch I have," Because these songs are all now vals, and often pertbrms at Senti! not your final destination," he said. adult audiences, he said. in the public domain, he can use the Children's Hospital. "Although The Presidents were very With children as an audience, One of the ways Ballew brings melody and replace the lyrics with "Libraries are kind of my f[w,,~ successful ... It was not ultimately songs have to have a compelling sto- together the musical tastes of chil- stories, some made up about ani- ite," he said. my creative endpoint." ry as well as a fun tune and beat to dren and their parents is by going mals or other child-friendly topics, For more information on Ca.~b * Working with children's music keep them interested and engaged, back to the roots of rock music. His some classic stories like the "Tor- Babypants, visit babypantslmud~. gives him many opportunities to ex- he said. guitar is strung with three strings toise and the Hare." com. Journal anolo oy Jane Metzger From left, organizers of the second annual Bike Poker Run include Lucky Dog Casino marketing supervisor Janelle Rutter, Tina DeLong Griswold Foundation President Tom DeLong and his wife Beth (center). Poker run was a fully stocked Pepsi party fridge, second prize Continued frorfi page B-1 was a Garmin GPS monitor and third prize was $500 in motorcycle rally at the jewelry from Kay Jewelers. Lucky Dog Casino. Rid- TDGF also promotes ers have a route to follow community awareness of through five checkpoints, the personal risk police of- rolling the die for a poker ricers take protecting corn- card that is recorded on munities. their game ticket at each "Every day they go out one. The best poker hands and put their lives on the are determined when all line to protect us," DeLong participants complete the said. "We need to honor rally and turn in their tick- them and help their fami- ets. lies, in return." "It's such a fun way for TDGF would like to give us to contribute to help- special thanks to Rutter ing the community," said and the staff at Lucky Dog Janelle Rutter, marketing Casino and to the band, Ac- supervisor at the Lucky cidental Heroes, for provid- Dog Casino, and one of ing great music; and to the the event organizers. "We countless other donators are very fortunate to have and supporters who made great sponsors, and a band the event a success and of this caliber doing a ben- helped promote community efit performance." awareness. A number of prizes were "Every day they go out raffled off thanks to dona- and put their lives on the tions from more than 20 line to protect us," DeLong area businesses. Winners said. "We need to honor of the poker run received them and help their fami- other prizes. First prize lies, in return." litera - teers in Service to America (VIS- to the organization to have r,,,,- TA) Program in March. crete plans for the future, sh(~ ~¢,id Continued from page B-1 "We are looking forward to in- increasing fundraising efforb' ~ troducing our new director to all one of her many goals in the ¢:,~ ~- improve their skills," she said. "It of our community supporters in ing months and years. takes courage. It takes bravery." the coming weeks," Sound Learn- "Money is tight and g e~!,:~-; Sound Learning, formerly Ma- lug's Outreach Coordinator Tracy tighter. It's going to be in,~.,~ ~ son County Literacy, spent much Moore said. "The board of direc- bent upon myself and the boa~'l~ of the spring searching for a new tors and staff are all very excited find resources beyond governr .... , executive director after the non- to begin working with our newfunding," she said. "We're t.,. ,,,~ profit's previous director, Kris director and see what wonderful to have to rind ou~ what we c-,, ~:, Smock, left the organization ~o things the future will bring." do ~o continue serving a~ the I~ ..... I coordinate the AmeriCorps Volun- While Gates said she is too new we're serwng now." Ultimate Hummus Ingredients 1/2 :cup ~ed: chickpeas b~I, Combine lemonjuice and bean cooking water in a 6Thsp tahini~: sti2red Well for garnish ..... 2 Tbsp extra~vl/rgin olive oil, plus extra for drizzling : Pr0cess chickpeas, garlic~ salt, cumir~ and cay- Ismal!gadie¢love,~ncedorpressed gar~ : enae:: pepper:~:fo0dipr~ssor until almost fully tic:press , or about i5 seconds. 2/2 tsp fablesalt ~ : : : : S~ape d0~ bowl with a rubber spatula. With U4 ~p~ : : :: : macl~ne g, addl juice water ~xture in Apthcho~¢ pepper .... :: ~: a:steady stream through the feedtube. i~ minced fresh dlantro or parsieY leaves :::: : : ; Scrape: down the bowl and Continue to process , :: : :£0~i:one: . With machine r g, add oil ~¢k~vgha~d ~se:chickpeas P!acebeanS~ a:: ure in a Steady Stream through the [urge ~ co~e~ one qu~wator and soak:0ver; :: feed ~ube and to process until hummus ~h~: : ::::;:; ::: :: ; ; is:: smooth and creamy, or about 15 secondS, scrap- ::i~ ::~ai~ b~S:~dbriagthe beans;soda and ::~ d6~ aS needeG : b~e: 0f: ~ a boil in a !urge sa!~cepan 0vet ::; ~fe~ us ~a serving bowl, sprinkle re- !~:heat, .......... s~ed ~hickpeas and cilantro over the surface, cover Reduce ~heat Purdy Creek Tue - Sat 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. • Sun 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. I ] 6-6 Mon-Fri • 7-7 Sat-Sun [~ Raven's Brew Coffee in and.Torani Syrup FRIDAY NIGHT [I Vendor Space Available " Open O saf 6eO0 p.m. I I I 24-HOUR MOVIE INFO 426-1000 1 831 West Golden Pheasant Rd. • (360) 791-0448 • (360) 915-4637 [ " SATURDAY Smoke Stack BBQ u , A,gus 4 9,00-3.00 [~[ " Ribs' Pulled Pork. Brisket Registration 7:00,m [ DOG-LOVING BUSINESSES FOR THEIR CONTRIBUTIONS AS[ Est. 2007 Oai,y 3:~0, 5:~0, 7:~0i,~ 10-6 Mon-Th, 10-7 Fri-Sun Sponsored by I ~ Additional ~hows [ [ HOLE SPONSORS AND PRIZE DONATIONS. ~[ ~, [~ Fri-Sat 9:10pro I i Arcadia Excavating LLC ,JC3 NE/j,,.. Hood Canal Communications ~ 15230 N. Hwy. 101, just N of Shelton L ~ " . ....... / I SteamboatlslandFuel ~:~ ~ PenmsulaCredRUn.on ,~~ I 426-0157 ! /~ ~heVar~ t I a Carpentry U /% Wi en rg, CPA J PatRabeyTruckinglnc" ~-~'~ ~,~' Auntie Em's ~J. , ~,,TransmissiOnSsouthSoundBankPlUs / ~ Knight Rises i I West Bay Auto PaRs ~ ~."~ ~ ~ Hoodsport Winery ~ J AUTO PARTS - ~JFri-Sat ~10pm .... ! I Local Manufacturing Inc. ~.~]"- c3q Pro Golf i~~ I ;i I TumwaterValleyG°lfC°urse q2JIl Olive Garden Restaurant I t I Northwest Truck & Industrial Inc. IGAGrocery ~~ I First 250 Pre-Registered receive T-Shirt, Dash Plaque, ~l Servingallorgani¢,lairtradeespressodrM, s I Oak Ridge Golf Course Pro Build ~ I ~ ~, Racing Ticket for GH Raceway, Raffle Ticket & More ~l I AcmeFuel ~] .... L i~i~i F '3055 _J ~l5~ItOn'Gates°penatS'OOpm'SHOwAT~USK I THANK YOU TO ALL WHO HELPED AND FOR THEIR CONTRIBUTIONS. I /~~'~ :ii~:~::::~!~i ¢:~:~!:~::~'e:~ ~inf04!~-~l Where's The un: I Sunday. , ,--,hursday 2 :l [ NOW ENROLLING FOR 2012-2013 I as o~ being used bY~'l Kindergarten_ & Grade I :: ~::~//ii0~ ~g ~ l the $quax'm Island Tribe- I Full Day .... _ ~:~:. ~:~:~ ~:.~"~ ~: ,: :.ii:~;" Open 1o any .... . ho has ~'*%,': :. ~ .~*:~: ~.::~ IJ Hosts of t'he 2012 Canoe Journe~congratulat~ns't ,I Mr. OLIVE LUTHERAN SCHOOL .Advertiser.all Entry time: Saturday, 7-9:30 a,~ ~~~ i - S, ONL, I 206 E. WYANDOTTE 426"1412 FREE ADMISSION: ~ ~A2~ngi. ~:;~ I * ~ashington State Approved School August 4th, Saturday o 1pm to 5pm Spiderman [" 427-3165 It~!! August 5th, Sunday o 12pm to 4pro Kitsap County Fairgrounds - President's Hall Visit our Web Site: The Drive-In will be closed' Sunday, 7/29 -- Thursday 8/2 ~i, as our facility is being used by the Squaxin Island Tribe - Hosts of the 2012 Canoe Joufne~ Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 26, 2012 - Pae,