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Shelton-Mason County Journal
NPRA rodeo on
Friday and Saturday
For the first time in Mason County, a Mexi-
can Rodeo will be held during the Mason Area
At 2 p.m. on Sunday, Tacos el Rey and Ran-
cho San Juan will present the Mexican Rodeo,
which will be overseen by events coordinator
Jesse Torres.
"The Mexican Rodeo is something for the
Spanish community here," Torres said. "We
want not only the Mexican community there
but the American community, too. We want
everybody to have fun with these shows."
The Mexican Rodeo will feature a sheep
riding competition, bull soccer and a competi-
tion between the Mexican and the American
• Girls' rugby
to play for
jockeys, free. state title
'The Mexican Rodeo literally has bull soc- Prior to the Mexican Rodeo, the annual
cer where people from the crowd, four per NPRA rodeo will take place at the fairgrounds
team, play soccer with a small bull," Torres at 7 p.m. tomorrowand at 6 p.m. on Saturday. Pl vi
said. "You have to get the bull to chase you in This rodeo will feature the traditional U] 6 boys ng
tothe opponent's goal." events of barrel racing, saddle bronc riding, for third place
He said the Mexican and American jockeys team roping, calf roping, bareback riding,
will be competing to see who is best at the ro- steer wrestling, bull riding, break away rop-
deo events. Points will be determined by the ing and wild cow milking. By EMILY HANSON
time they finish, what the judges think and "The crowd favorite is the businessmen's emily@nlasoncoun~y,corn
the crowd's applause, wild cow milking," rodeo director Julie Gray
Rachel Hansen, the co-owner of Northwest said. "It is hilarious. A three-person team gets
Event Organizers which plans the Mason Area a business sponsor and then they get a cow The rugby 7s season is
Fair, said the Mexican Rodeo is definitely dif- out of the shoot, milk it and get their bottle to drawing to a close, with the
ferent from Northwest Professional Rodeo As- the judges. They're all in the area at the same final tournament this week-
sociation (NPRA) rodeos, time." end.
"The Mexican Rodeo is very popular with The rodeo has been part of the Mason Area From 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., on
the people in the Pacific Northwest," Hansen Fair since 2001. Due to the popularlity of the Saturday, the Shelton girls'
said. "It's never been done at the fair before." rodeo, slack will be done at 8 a.m. on Satur- team and the U16 boys'
Froilan Rodriguez, a former Shelton resi- day to give cowboys a chance to compete who team will compete at the
.dent, will be providing all of the cattle for the didn't make it into the evening shows. Portman Avenue Field in
Mexican Rodeo. "There are three other rodeos this weekend, Tacoma.
Tickets are $15 per person, but children Head coach Josh Duch-
10-years-old and younger will be admitted one said the girls will be
See Rodeo on page C-3 competing for the state
championship while the
boys are going for third
Journal DnOlO D) Emil) Hanson
Manuel Nicaio, ll, chases after the ball with Willie Ruiz, 13, hot on his heels. Playing for the Deer Creek Landscape
Supply and Wembley Soccer Shop teams, respectively, Nicaio and Ruiz were pulled into a U16 game on July 19
when neither team had enough players show up for the evening's game. The last soccer games for the South Mason
Youth Soccer Club's summer season begin at 6 p.m. tonight at South Mason Soccer Park.
"I think the girls will do
as well as they have been,"
Duchene said. "I think the
boys' win last weekend
will help them elevate this
Two weekends ago, the
girls' team travled to Oregon
where it won its first game
45-0. The team lost its next
three games with scores of
30-5, 30-0 and 30-0.
Duchene said the team
struggled with the high
temperatures, which were
90 degrees, and the sched-
ule of the tournament.
"We were smaller than a
lot of teams down there but
it started getting better as
the weekend went on," he
While the girls were in
Oregon, the U16 boys com-
peted in Ferndale where
they lost to the Seattle Vi-
kings and the Eastside Li-
, "The boys still have a
lack of numbers and experi-
ence," Duchene said.
Last weekend, both
teams traveled to Central
Washington University in
Ellensburg for another tour-
"The girls won both
their games," Duchene
said. "They defeated Prairie
Crush 40-5 and the Seattle
Vikings 35-0."
Duchene said both these
teams are new to the girls'
division and have a lack of
"Multiple Shelton girls
scored which is what we
want to see out there," he
The boys team lost to Se-
attle 25-5 but came back to
defeat the Eastside Lions
45-5. This was the first vic-
tory for the U16 boys this
See Rugby on page C-3
By EMILY HANSON Auseth for the bonus nine-hole skins
emily@masoncounty.com contest, but they did not win any skins.
Emma Hanley from Forest Grove.
Ore., won the Open Womens division,
A full field of disc-golfers competed throwing a 204.
against each other during the sec- Kenny Benjamin from Port Or-
ond annual Showdown at the Shelton chard won the Amateur Mens division,
Springs Disc Golf Course last weekend, throwing a 179 while Katie Schnieder
"It went great," Mason County Disc from Yelm won the Amateur Womens
Golf Association President Morgan Ro- division, throwing a 232.
throck said. "We've gotten really great Todd Bates from Tacoma won the
feedback and I'm happy with it." Amateur Masters division, throwing a
The 72 disc-golfers competed dur- 179.
ing two days at the course in six divi- On the nine-hole skins bonus con-
sions: Open Mens, Open Masters and test, Kyle Crabtree combined with Tim
Open Womens for the professionals and Baugher for six skins worth $600. Scan
Amateur Mens, Amateur Masters and Phillips combined with Ray Rothrock
Amateur Womens. for two skins worth $200 and Brandon
Daniel Lilley from Spanaway wonParsons combined with Bart Yanoch
the Open Masters division, throwing a for one skin worth $100.
174. Lilley also hit two hole-in-ones on Bailey Bilyeu hit a hole-in-one on
Rod No. 13. Black No. 1.
John Anderson from Puyallup wonThe professional distance champion
the Open Mens division, throwing a was Chandler Fry from Olympia at 522-
166. Anderson combined with Melody feet while the amateur distance chum-
pion was Morgan Rothrock at 470-feet.
"The tournament wen~ smoother
than last year," Rothrock said. "It's still
a learning curve for us. We're trying to
make it as smooth and professional as
possible. We want to make everybody's
experience high quality."
Rothrock said the disc-golfers in
Shelton are a young group, experience-
wise, with most playing for a short
"That's one of the reasons we hold
the tournament," he said. "We want to
help people realize there's a bigger disc
golfing community out there."
Winners of the professsional divi-
stuns received cash payouts while win-
ners of the amateur divisions received
gift certificates. Title sponsor Olympic
Discs handled all of the prizes, Rothrock
"Everybody had a really great time
and we put on a great tournament," he
said. "That is almost exclusively due to
the local business support we received."
Journal photo by Ermly Hanson
Shelton's Jeremy "Bear" Barringer throws a
birdie on hole No. 7 on Saturday at the Shelton
Springs Disc Golf Course during the second
annual Showdown.
County Journal - Thursday, July 26, 2012 - Page C-1