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July 26, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 26, 2012
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• • • Washington State Senior softball games stay at Mason County Recreation Area By EMILY HANSON emily@ma,~oncounty.con~ For two weekends in a row, senior citizens throughout Washington proved they still have their softball stuff during the Washing- ton State Senior Games. The softball games were organized by Puget Sound Senior Games Softball Commis- sioner Lew Keller. The 65 age group was also split into two "We've been given the state softball games divisions. Ruth's 65s won Division A with a for a number of years," Keller said. 3-0 recod and 1st American Title won Divi- The softball games are held in Shelton at sion B with a 3-0 record. Mason County Recreation Area (MCRA) at The 70, 75 and 80 age groups were corn- Keller's choice, bined to form three divisions. PDR/Fastsigns "Our relationship with MCRA has been won Division A with a 4-0 record while Mol- good every year for at least six years," he son Bulldogs and Dick Hannah Auto tied for said. first in Division B with 2-1 records and Black The games began on July 14 and 15, when Bear Yogurt won Division C with a 3-0 re- teams playing in the 60s age group took over cord. the fields of MCRA. "The tournament went very well," Keller The teams were split into four divisions, said. "It was a real success. I think every- Ruth Reality won Division A with a 3-0 re- body had a good time and they enjoy going cord, Fire One won Division B with a 3-0 re- to MCRA." cord, Enviro Vac won Division C with a 2-1 The park is so popular with the seniors record and ARO Glass Clubbers won Division because of the shade in the center and the D with a 3-0 record, quality of the fields, Keller explained. The seniors came back to MCRA last Sat- The Washington State Senior Games have urday and Sunday. During the second week- been increasing in popularity, with Keller end of play, teams were split into age groups having to turn away five teams this year be- for 50s, 65s, 70s, 75s and 80s. cause there was no room for them to play. In the 50s age group, there were two divi- This year's tournament was a national sions. Doerflingers Software won Division A qualifyer for the 2013 National Senior Games in Cleveland, Ohio. tie for first in Division B between Seattle Sea Keller said he didn'~ know if any of the Dogs, Glassics and Premier, each with 2-1 re- Washington teams planned to go to the na- tional games next year. Shelton's Dann Gagnon scoops up a ball while playing for the SIMS Vibration Lab team in the 65s age group during the Washington State Senior Games on Saturday at Mason County Recreation Area. "Rodeo - ............... Continued from page C-1 so cowboys doing all three get to pick where they'll perform," Gray said. Along with the Mason County rodeo, cowboys may also be competing at the Jef- ferson County Fair and Rodeo in Madras, Ore., tomorrow and Saturday or at the Long Beach Rodeo in Long Beach, Wash.,. on Saturday and Sunday. Gray said she thinks the crowds enjoy the rodeo because it's "hometown fun." "It's a chance to see things the work- ing cowboys do on a regular basis," she said .... ~, :~, ...... • .... ~ . Tieke£s into the rodeo~ are $10 each. Rugby Continued from page C-1 "They were pretty ex- cited and that was great to see," Duchene said. Though Shelton does Yakima. not have the numbers to "They seem to be enjoy- support a U19 boys' team, ing themselves and get- DeShon Bell continued ring to know new people," to play for Tacoma last Duchene said. "They're weekend and Bobby Praterboth starting for their played his first game for teams." From routine maintenance service to complete overhauls, D&L has the know-how to treat you right. Pictured: Jason Banks, Dan Moldenhauer and Noel Longan, owner. AUTOMOTIVE 2033 Olympic Highway North ° Shelton 426-1467 &'PZ,, ............ .... VER+IGOTREATMENT: ..... l m To. main- not affect balance, m taln its bal Man e - y p ople think physical thera- . I I~~1 ance, the py is meant mostly for sports inju- | I IImN l body nor- ries. But in fact, we treat a variety | I really rel.les, of conditions Such as vertigo, her- | on sens~twe mated d m . " iscs and fibromyalgia. We m harts in the provide an extensive range of ser- inner ear to detect the movement vices to meet your needs such as of tiny crystals called "otoconia" post-rehab exercise, preventative that shift as the body changes po- care, and wellness programs. For sition. One component of otoco- more information, call SHELTON nia is calcium carbonate, which PHYSICAL THERAPY AND is also a component of limestone. SPORTS MEDICINE. We have Hence,'otoconia are literally small been providing physical therapy stones. Occasionally, these stones care for over 32 years. You'll find break down and collect inside the us conveniently located at 2300 semicircular canals causing dizzi- Kati Ct., Ste. B and can be reached ness, nausea, and loss of balance by calling (360) 426-5903. New associated with benign paroxys- patients are welcome. Same day mal positional vertigo (BPPV). appointments are available. Since movement of the stones is RS. Benign paroxysmal posi- the key to improvement, the phys- tional vertigo (BPPV) is the most ical therapist can treat this prob- common type of vertigo, with lem by guiding the head through more than half of all people in a sequence of movements (called their seventies experiencing at the Epley maneuver) to move the least one episode. stones to an area where they will 17899 These businesses would like to hear from you... Ch | 0n ire Canna) Roger Fredrickso , Pastor tJr j at P.O. Box 1722 Lilliwaup Commun Club Hoodspo WA 98548 28621 N Hwy. 101 (360) 229-3053 UUiwaup, WA 98555 Email: biblechapet@/ Sundays at 10:3Oa.m. Please join us in worshipping the Lord in redax ed reverence! There is always a ptace for you! The Journal will deliver your business card* to over 25,000 readers 12 times a year for only Shelton-Mason County Let your current customers and your community know you're here to serve them -- especially when times are 9h iiiit * as a business card sized black a white ad published once per month :~:~ ::~ :;' ~;e: :~{, ,:,:g~ .~, :~: ~ ~:~'..i ~ * ~: ~* :i::¢~ :~ i~{:{ {i:: ~;:,: .i 360-275-6680 • vl DISPLAY CLASSIFIED and OPEN DISPLAY (ROP): JOURNAL 360-426-4412 Dave Pierik, Advertising Manager - • Harvey Morris, Account Manager - * des se Mullen, General Manager - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 26, 2012 - Page C-3