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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 27, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 27, 1967
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Defense Opens Case As Robbery Trial Goes Into Third Day (Continued from page 1) Station to try to get some help • for the man, and, that was the last he saw of him. Next to testify was Mrs Stuart, who stated she was working as a clerk at the Shelton Hotel and that she saw Richardson on the street after he was ejected from t tavern. he knew him from the time he lived in the hotel, she said, and knew he had a bad heart. She asked Blakely to assist Rich- ardson which he did. Mrs. Stuart testified that Blakely and another man brought Richardson to the hotel and that Blakely then returned to the tavern. She stated she attempted to call Richardson's roommate to have him come and get him, but, was unable to reach him. Richardson called the police, she stated, and an officer came and talked to him. After the officer left, she said, Balkely and Branson came to the Hotel from the tavern and Richardson returned with them. Branson, who pleaded guilty to a charge of grand larceny in connection with the same inci- dent as his case was about to go to the jury last March fol- lowed Mrs. Stuart on the stand. by his father, at the time of the incident. He related the same story he had told at the Branson trial. That he and Branson had been together earlier in the evening, and, that he had been asked by Edith Stuart, an emph)yee of the Shelton Hotel, to assist Richard- son after she saw him lying in the street after being ejected from the tavern• He stated be went over and helped Richardson up and with the assistance of another man, got him to the hotel although at first Richardson struggled against him, attempting to get back into the tavern. Blakely testified that he left Richardson with Mrs. Stuart and Mrs, Lorene Karvanek at the hotel and returned to the Lamp Post. He stated that after he re- turned and commented about the money Richardson had on him, Howard suggested that he anti Branson go back to the hotel and get: Richardson to return with them so they could get into a dice game and take the money. He testified that Richardson would not roll dice, and, after turned, he and Howard and Per- co met at Porco's trailer house on Lost Lake Road one evening to talk over what to do and decided to ;ill stick to their stories about knowing nothing about the money. He said as his trial neared its conclusion, after adrrdlting the truth to his Imrents anti his at- torney and talking il over with them, he had decided to plead guilty to the lesser charge. He stated that Howard hail told him if he was convicted, to appeal the conviction, he wouhl help financially. Branson said that he had been contacted by Nixon Sunday and they had a brief telephone con- versation concerning the divorce action betwecn Mr. and Mrs. Karvanek and about the robbery case. Under (:ross examination by Nixon, Branson said that larger part of the conversation between the two of them was alx)ut the Karwmek divorce case, but, there was a mention of the robbery trial. The conversation concluded, they agreed, when Branson told Nixon, "I'll come down and punch you in the mouth," and ardson and Mrs. Barbara Shera- tine. Testifying Wednesday morning was Mrs. Mary Lou Howard, wife of one of the defendants, who stated she was working in the tavern the night in question and had seen Richardson with Branson and Blakely during the evening. She slated she nevcr saw Iloward, Porto and Richardson together during the evening. She stated that Richardson and Blakely left together and Bran- son had left a short time before. A 1 s o testifying Wednesday morning was Jack Stuart, an employee in one of the Simpson mills and a member of the Sher- iff's Reserve. He stated he had briefly glimpsed Richardson, Blakely and his ex-wife, Edith, between the Shelton Hotel and the Lamp Post during that eve- ning. He also testified that he went with Deputy Sheriff Marvin Sny- der, Blakely and Mrs. Lorene Karvanek to the area on Little Egypt Road where Blakely said he buried the money but they did not find it. Snyder also testified that the four went to the h)cation to look for the money but did not find Branson testified that he anti slammc, d the telephone receiver it. he and Branson took Richardson to the back end of the Porto removed the money from his pocket and Howard divided it up. He and Branson left, he said, and t)uried their share of the money in the vicinity of Little Egypt Road. When he returned, the money was gonc, he Under crt):m examination Nixon, Blake]y stated that father owned a lumber business in the Phi]adclphia thai his family was well-to-do. lie slated thal he served in the Marine Corps a little more than a year, and that ceived a hardship which was arranged by his fath- er. He wont to w.rk for his fath- er for a few days after getting out of the service anti they had a disagreement and he left and went lo work as a streel col- lector for a finance company. Asked if this couhtn't bP termed a "strong arm man," replied "a glorified strong arm man." He stated that he worked for the finance company about two years and then returned to work in his father's lumber business where he is employed at the present time. t le said thal each of the four and gotten him to his feet and ,,v, , 0000Aee÷:n- . vgnrTOn"--L" I Questioned by Nixon as to got $500 from the money taken )()ok him lo ithe old afeway : tynere the oromtse ot trrniW ,.from Riehrdn, hieh,. he said Parking lot where he had told ,.. The Mason-Thurst6ff CSun, Came from in return f0rbls7 wa. 2,30().,. The other $300, he ,them his (hr. was parked. "';'Kidney Fund will have ils regu- • |estimony ' Btakely, after sorhe ° dald, he thought Howard put in ' Leading off the witnesses for verhal sparing with the attorney, lar meeting tonight at the Frcd stated that if had came to him through Sgt. Richard Nelson ell the Shelton Police Department, and, tha! he understood it came from then Prosecuting Attorney Byron McClanahan. Ite said he had i)een told Mc- Clanahan had wrilten to that effecl l.o his father's at- torney in Philadelphia, but, had never seen the letter. Following Blakely on the stand were two witnesses only on for a brief time, W. L. Brown, manager of the Washing- ton Teacher's Credit Union Seattle, who testified that Rich- ardson had borrowcd $2,500 from the credit union and had cashed the check that had been given him. Joe Walkup, who was an em- ployee of the city garbage de- partment • 'at the lime of the inci- dent:, testified that he had seen Richardson in the ohl Safeway Parking lot about 6:30 a.m. the morning after the incident and had asked him if he needed help. W'alkup stated that son appeared groggy his breath had a ixculiar odor. Ite stated he went to the Police New HOMELITE XL-103 0HAIN SAW Test its big power and its Easy-Pull starter. Try its automatic chain oiler with manual override. Handle it yourself. Come in and see its new narrow bar that cuts faster withoot pinching -- only l 11/2 Ibs, less bar and chain. SAEGER MOTOR SHOP ' "We Service What We 8eli" 1306 Olympic Hwy. 8. 420-4602 i BBB 2nd&CotaStreets APPLIANCES • BE)BIll TV • STEREO • FURNITURE Page 2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, JuDy 27, 196"I Prices Start INCOMPARABLE SOUND AND BEAUTIFUL CABINETS TO SUIT EVERY TASTE Blakely were in the Lamp Post down. ,  .. "rum ided bar, a short ii alkd:! time iuhnn dr[otwiafrh ! earlier in the eve- ['S!dO "You ,' i:a Yi e( didn I come lrellre° 'n"I'vo down, did Up an House t" t. ia ; e . ;aid, the tavern later. He stated he "Besides," Nixon commented, l m Am • • the saw Richardson when he came "you're more accustomed to lu ==m I, ,ittle into the tavern the first time punching worrmn." - -= -- - - ned, anti was ejected hy Porto after In(ler further cross examma- =. . = said. the altercalion lion, Branson denied telling Bat'- r_ iPl |ildl41q j, by He stated that after Blakelv bara Sheratine about getting the --11alllllll...1111d.- T]!]S)IE ::;;(:):I if:! ':!i :ii:l))iiil(:)')i(!ii)!|:'l!i::!(:lk[: i i! il):'!i('|li'l:i!)']i]=:ii:il)i!i:i:'l!!![i::i!i :!i! li:I.i(j: le his returned to the tavern after tat- money and asking her to go to = '-- l ( iness ing Richardson to the ,helton California with him and also • The lodge at Panhandle Lake area, anti, Hotel Howard suggested that denied slapping her. 4-H Club Caml) will (ledicated i e d well. o-do. they go try to get Richardson Branson said he served aboul at ceren'ronies Sunday at the I --  MODEL CHAI0000I I serv J in back. two years in the Air Fort:(, and camp. little here lie and Blakcly, he said, went. was given a general discharge. There will he an open house, ml he re- to the hotel and Richardson re- He admitted thal he had been starting al ?,:?,0 p.m. discharge, turned with them. The three of convicted of assault twice, of The 4-H camp is owned hy ,y his lath- of them sat at a tabh, during negligent driving and of driving the 4-H Leaders ass(>ciations of the rest of the evening until while intoxicated. Mas(m anti Grays Harbor Coun- r his fath" cl°sing time alth°ugh he danced He st'fled that the m°nev had tY and the ledge' which will i  C LOS E O01  ter getting t few times "i-d ........... L._ . ": '.' . .; . .  serve as a rrulli-purpose I)uild- • • • II Wt:llt LU Utllt'l" oeen taken ny l-towaru Iron) a . ", • € , 1 i iris of the ti e lng Das i)een (onstlucteu ndlg( ] they had P; • v rn, but, relurned hhick or dark brown wallet . ' ..i :.. ([ , :." ' .... e left and .... cn was removeo zrom ltJcn- "Count A ,ent Harold Van De i to the table whi-' ............ 1' With oonateo lao( r. street col- About closing time he said ardson's i)cket He stated he . . Y .g. . • ' • " ' , , " ¢ei/ said me (>pen house anu :ompany. Richardson was geltmg uuite saw $2,300 and that each of the . . , ,." , . dedmatlon were open to anyone be termed drunk aml Howard suggested four gel $500 when Howard di ............ " Blakely the take "i t ...... v ded the --on mterestea, an(l parT]cumrliy to y : . n m o me (,no ot the nzt cy. . ..... • , , • -. - .......... . muse who ntlve put in I.n( many  ,. (rung arm nar wn,cn ne ano tmKe,y ind. The state's final witness was h)ng hours they did in getting COLC}00R T He stated that while they were Mrs Melcn "''' " ' ". " " e Lewis, who testi- i' , .... • .... ", " ' " vorked for al e " ................ "' ". th. bar, Richardson I)assed fled that she and her husband r/ 1 about two out and that Howard took the had seen Richardson lying on d to work money from a wallet in Richard- the sidewalk in the vicinity of I1,/ r" / r business son's p)ckel and then told Porto what was then the Flying A Set- loeV I-uncI :d at the to gel him out, which Porco did. vice station and had stopped * . He said thal each of the four and gotten him to his feet and k    ,l, -* -- -- "r__.'_Ll ,,n as to got $500 from the money taken look him 1o ithe olci Meway .lt|l'l 9 |on|griT . , '. V ' ,' '' "'''' .... ''' ,,:,p: " ,,,, ,()::,,, ,; ,,,, " ..... : .....  tratmil,' from Richrdn, zhich,. he said Parking lot. ere he had told  The Mason Thuvstd - r,. _,. -  lq t > : '' n f0rbl wa $2.30t)The ()thor $300, ht them his chr w s pinked  , - ,, ,umy ,l filere attorney,S°r( ald he thought Howard put in Ieading off the anmth[iPiriiwitne-, . K]dney Fund will have HSe regu- i B" Y lll'l II e to him r :nP;)c :a nffoO: ttr:lt i fd2 : d e d the t dlefstni]:d th: t j €:s tem :"lomg :::1 qhotr th:: i :h Frt  Nelson el He said he gave one $100 bill in question, Richardson had came " - R-A'- -T--- " eparlment, t()Hugh (Blackie, l Graham, Who inlo the tavern and afler 'm IYIH. I LY 'a''l, -: ' ROAVI " 'OT° >(1 it came was cleaning Ul) in the lavern allercalion with another patron :  : Attorney along with Mrs. Howard. He gave was ejected I)y himself and hller  the money to Graham, he said, by Itoward. '  *. a told Me- after rtoward suggesled, "how Richardson later came back .i'.': :::: ]] I a letter about cutting Blackie in' to the tavern with Blakely and t ',';] . i i athers at- He said that he and Blakely David B ranson and sal at a table ( ',t. !i;!i :! :i : , ,, but, he left in his car, after first going drinking until (:losing tim(,. Bran- ,.,/ citer, to Blakely's but, using his afler son left first, he said, and .* @ " L, II i the stand Blakely could not find the keys Blakely and Richardson left a  who were to his. short time later. e, W. [, They took the money out to Porto denied participaling in IIDIDIL/hlI! Washing- the Little Egyl)t Road where the any way in faking any money /J=lll Vl vvm Union in $900 was buried. He returned from Richardson. . . __ ,, mt Rich- the next day and (lug the money Testifying i)riefly before Porto IS pmanneo 1or .500 from up and took il all took the stand was Glenn CoITea nor new home d cashed He slated,, he was arrested in Justice of the Peace for the Ma- 3 en given I)eer Lodg(, Mont., on the war- son County Justice Court. Cwrea ^ ,,  L rent from 'fason County, anti, testified that he had held a pre- tall ; an era- return(d here voluntarily after liminary hearing on Howard's H|ML| hL=r bage de- being released when his gran(i- case in Justice Court and dis- = ............... !1 i i iIi the inci- mother I.)st.ed bail for him missed the robbery charge at- 496 3,,9  I:   ,I S '" :[ had seen He stated that after he re- ter hearing two witnesses, Rich- -"---,, Sateway a.m. the Why it pays -liimil0000 '[I *';i17 dent and ded help. Richard- to call ahead for | t and that PRICES " -- - j reservat,onS.v $" t'109s 11 There's nothing more dismal than a string of "No Vacancy" signs 4   W H W/T ; . after a long day s drl rag. So do yourself two bg favors when you travel by car: (1) call ahead for reservations and (2) plan i 1 to stop early enough to get a really good rest. Your trip will be 00lOeCn-$- • . much more pleasant. And safer.  Pa¢ifi¢orthostBeH Out o RC Vnctor Ste \\;  ,..t,.. io,,w. , s.,. m