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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 27, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 27, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Record Weather PProved by Commtission were to $2,600;' $4,009; to reM- cab- barn, remode] Fankich, Jones, add Francis James Ronald $500; $1,503; $2,500; abin, $6- service stor- Hills, gar- Parker, Harstine Is- end- the Ma- office re- docket in Court be- during a, 420 Sky- hav- forfeit; ()" Pierce 46 lot No. Court, at his 1920, in was 47 S. Air he had months, Security Prisons. e Baptist Wife, Bes- S. Navy; ; Tom 1220 died in had until Olym. her Smith. St. Ed- Catholic Home mass ft. n]. helhm let two John Floyd one Jn- and 18 High Low Precip. Kenneth Weaver, St[ Rt. 2, Box July 20 70 58 .27 390, Belfair, speeding, $32 fine. July 21 71 57 .04 Washington State Patrol July 22 78 54 -- William F. Wilson, 12527 14th July 23 84 57 --- SW, Seattle, obstructed tail and July 24 82 48 -- stop lights, $13 forfeit; Howard July 25 78 48 -- Ballard, 5515 NE 58th Vancouver, July 26 72 56 -- following too closely, $13 forfeit; FIVE-DAY FORECAST Jerry L. Brown, 6732 Frone Dr., Gorst, minor consuming liquor, Temperatures Thursday thru $50 fine;' Georg e Vanfossen, 2611 M, mday 1o average near normal. Coner, Olympia, speeding, $13 Normal high is 81; normal low forfeit: Bill Coker, Rt. 1, Box is 48. Chance of a few light 310, Shelton, improper stopl ex- sh.,wers Friday or Saturday. pired licens , $26 forfeit; N[ichael Chance of rain 0 thru Thursday. Rogers, 113 NE 89th, Vancouver, minor consuming liquor $50 for- feit; Arch+e Bindara, Rt. 1, Box 280, Olympia, speeding, $13 for- fpit; John Pape, 631 Elm Tree Land, Tacoma, speeding, $18 for- felt; Dewain Savage, Rt. 2, Box 998, Shelton, defective equipment, TODAY, THRUSDAY, JULY 2"1 $12 forfeit; Stephen Cassady, 446 Eureka, San Francisco, Calif., "Chuhs Cluh," 7:30 p.m., Ms- failure to signal right turn, $23 son County Multi-service Center. forfeit; Richard Zelinsky, Puget Golden-age Club potluck din- Sound Naval Shipyard, Brem- ner, 6 p.m., Memorial hall. erton, expired operator'sllicense, Rotary Club Luncheon. noon, $13 forfeit; Eunice McKeithan, Ming Tree Cafe. 1341 N. Cambrian, Bremerton, Toastnsler's Club, 6:45 a.m., negligent driving, $59 forfeit; El- Timber's Restaurant. mer Fish, 2335 Washington St., FRIDAY, JULY 28 Shelton, failure to stop at stop sign, $12 forfeit; Earl Mauge, Ruby Rebekah L(glge, 8 p.m., Hoodsport, no valid operator's IOOF hall. license, $12 forfeit. Coin Club, 7 p.m., PUD buiht- ing. SHELTON POLICE COURT SATURDAY, JULY 29 Appearing on the docket in Shelton Police Court before Judge Driver's license examiner, 10 Rolla Halbert Monday night were a.m. - 5 p.m., courl house base- Robert W. Marcy, 654 Dearborne, ment. Shelton, failure to operate motor -Nuel Curtis VFW No. 5372 and vehicle in careful and prudent A,xiliary petluck picnic, 1 p.m., nanner, defective equipment, home of Mrs. C. H. Macomber. $12.50 fine, $2.50 costs; Aden Cuzick, Rt. 2, Box 1011, Shelton, SUNDAY, JULY 30 improper passing, $15 forfeit; Shelton churches invite you h) John Strong, St. Rt. 1, Box 151, attend the church of your choice. Shelton, negligent driving, $40 Kiwanis Club breakfast, 7 a.m.- forfeit; Jack N. Griggs, Rt. 1, 1 p m., Kneeland Park. Box 86A, speeding, $24 fine and Mason County Pioneer Picnic, $2.50 cosk; Pete Petcrson, Box following Kiwanis breakfast, 121, Hoodsport, alk)wing unit- Kneeland Park. censed operator to operate motor District Slow-Pitch Benefit Ball vel'icle, $22.50 fine, $2.50 costs; Game, Washington State Corec- Gracie Peterson Box 121 Hoo(ts- lions Center vs. Stolz Chevron, port, diving while intoxicated, no 7 l).m. Stevens Field (Olyml)ia) operator's license, disorderly con : duct, $164 Tine, $2.50 costs; Ter- M(EDA¥, JULY 31 fence Buckley, Rt. 3, Box 365A, Shelton, no registration in re- PUD No. 3 commission meet- hicle, minor consuming liquor, ing, 1 l).m., PUD commission $29.50 fine, $2.50 costs; John A( room. Rambo, Carlon Apartments, mi- County commission meeting, 10 nor in possession iof liquor, $22.50 a.m., court house. fine, $2.50 costs Pamela Sells, Shelton Bridge Club, 7:30 p.m., Rt. 3, Box 440A, Shelton, speed- PUD auditorium. ing, $17 forfeit; John A. Ramb.) TUESDAY, AUGUST I Carlon Apartments, disorderly conduct, $25 fine, suspended; Kiwanis Club luncheon, noon, Wellington Byrd, St. Rt. 1, Box Timbers Restaurant. 174, drunkenness, disorderly con- City Commission meeting, 2 duct, $60 fine, $2.50 costs, l).m., city hall. Fred B. Wivell Post No. 31 SUPERIOR COURT American Legion, 8 p.m., Me- Default Divorces mortal hall. Lion's Club dinner rneeting, 7 Default div()rce decrees were awarded to: i).m., Taylor Towne. Salvation Army Truck in town, Everett Wieldon Hope Jr. from phone 426-2406 for pick-ups or Pamela Hope. leave at boxes. Linda J. Hart frrom Dennis Shelton Jaycees dinner meet- K. Hart. ing, 6:30 p.m., airport club house. Evelyn Clark Bowman from Voice of Opportunity Club, 1 Randolph Bowman. p.m., PUD auditorium. Nuel Curtis VI;'W" Post No. 5372 SHERIFF'S OFFICE and Auxiliary, 7:30 p.m., Belfair Masonic Temple. R. C. Snyder reported a plate glass window broken. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2 Charles White reported wmda- lism to h)gging equipment. "TOPS" Club, 7 p.m., court Mrs. Tom Anderson reporled house annex. a mail box torn off. Driver's license examiner, 10 Garry Mason reported fishing a.m. - 5 p.m., court house base- gear taken, ment. C. R. Hnulbjerg, reported sev- eral items missing from his THURSDAY, AUGUST 3 property. Shelton Valley Clovers 4-H SHELTON POLICE Club, 7:30-9 p.m. I?ader's home. Rotary Club luncheon, noon, Bernie Lang reported an at- Ming Tree Cafe. teml)ted gas theft. Toastmaster's Club, 6:45 a.m., A logging truck driven by Timbers Restaurant. Harry R. Wiles broke its tongue Yacht Club business meeting, and his the Lumberman's build- 8 p.m., clubhouse. ing. Navy Mother's Club, 7:30 p.m., Pat Turner reported a wallet PUD commission room. lost. VFW No. 2778 of WWI, rum- Merle Cleveland rel)orted a mage sale, 10 a.m., 5 p.m., gas theft. PUD auditorium. j I I I I I I I _1 ENJOY NEVER-ENDING HOT WATER SUPPLY IJ I I I I[ I I I I I I suN RAY WATER HEATER • Fully Automatic • Glass.lined • 10-yr. Warranty • Terms Available Switch to oil heated hot water and get super fast recovery rate combined with lowest cost for never-ending supply of domestic hot water. No more cold showers or delays between wash loads. Oil heats water faster than :!:: / :: you can use it. : , : iiiiiiiiii :i}il} : iiiiii+i ; ::ii::i!i Shelton Furnace Co. ales & Service 321 8. Third 426-4792 Make Spring Happen At Your Home This Winter I Marriage Licenses Applying for marriage licenses in the Mason County auditor's office this past week were: Donald D. Long, 22, Tumwater, and Lin(i-t Venoble, 18, Olympia. Harvey Fitzwater, 23, I3ain- [)ridge Island, and Barbara Nel- son, 19, Bremerton. Robert Miller, 19, Shelton and Susan W,oods, 19, Olympia. Gary Torjuson, 24, Shelton, and Nancy Miljour, 24, Shelton. W. J. Allbritton, 25, Shelton, and Judith Spadoni, 22, Burlin- game, Calif. NEARLY 3(I PEItCENT of the h)nd in 12 western states is in old-growth sawtimber. Drowning Vic+ims Insurance Complaints Buried July 14 I1 Funeral services were held at Batst:one's Funeral Home July 14 for Yvette Mttrie and Susette Denise Scrogham, Star Route 2, Box 93, who died as a result of drowning in Armstrong Lake July 11. Yvette was born in Powell, Wyoming, Jan. 12, 1955. Susette was born in Astoria, Ore- gon, Sept. 27, 1960. Both girls had made their home with their family in Mason County for the ])ast four years. Survivors include their parents, ,,r. and Mi'S. Clyde Scrogham; one sister, Carol Ann; one broth- er, Kelly O. all of Shelton; grandparents, 1Vh-. and Mrs. Leon Treml)ley, Stow,Ohio, and Mr. and M's. Bill Dinsmoor, Bill- ings, Montana. Can Now Be Processed By ROBERT CUMMINGS Ib" The machinery is now set up I)ctween the Attorney General and Insurance Commissioner for processing complaints under the Consumer Protection Act, as pro- vided by the 1967 Legislature. Previously the insurance indus- try was exempt h'om this law. Close liaison has been worked out between the staffs of the two state officials. As the Insurance Commissioner has only limited jurisdiction in the health care field, unresoh'ed health care claims will be forwarded to the Attorney General's uffice, while general insurance matters will be forwarded to the Insurance Commissioner, who in turn will keep the Attorney General ad- vised on developments. Duplicate files on all com- plaints will be kept in both of- fices and Insurance Commission- er Lee Kueckelhan commented that violators now will have two slate offices with which to con- tend. In addition, Attorney Gen- eral John J. O'Connell has close liaison with county prosecutors throughout the state, who will be brought into insurance cases when necessary. Finishes Course I PFC Frank M. Schiller II, 20, whose parents live in Taimya, completed a 25-week communica- tions equipment repair course July 14 at the Army Security Agency Training Center and School, Ft. Devens, Mass. BE MY GUEST, BUT PLEASE... Only you can prevent forest fires! 3rd & Railroad Open Unfil 8:30 p.m. Fridays One Group Ladies prints and plain colors; sleeveless, short and long sleeves -- Many suitable for back-to-school -- Values to $7 Final Clearance Ladies -- Was u Price -- NOW PRICE CUT AGAIN BRAND NAME BLOUSES now $2.69 JEWELRY . . . I/4 Original Price Two Groups Ladies Spring & Summer Name Brand Skirts, Suits, Pants, Pant Suits and Knit Tops -- Values to $18 SPORTSWEAR Group l-I/2 Price Group 2-I/3 Off Ladies Spring and Summer coATS, SUITS, DREssES aria RAIN coATS Many suitable for all-year wear Values to $70.00 Buy odb at Regular price. 5eleCt another of lesser value and pay only Brink a friend and save. o One Group Ladies Dusters, Waltz Gowns, Lounge Wear COTTON LINGERIE . . I/2 Price One Group Park Avenue Irregulars -- If Perfect $5.95 NYLON HOSE .... 2 pair $2.99 One Group, Brand Name, Discontinued Shades (not all sizes), Regular $1.35 to $1.75 pair NYLON HOSE ..... 89' pair 23 inch Ladies-- Regular $1.25 to $1.49 COTTON HEAD SQUARES now 79' ea. One Group Ladies -- Values to $9 SUMMER HANDBAGS your choice $2.99 Portable -- Ideal for patio, picnic or camping -- Regularly $1.49 BARBECUES .... now 48 + each One Group, Large Variety,+with Napkins TABLE CLOTH"& MAT SETS I/2 Price Corduroy with Zippered Covers and Kapok Filled -- Regularly $3.98 DECORATOR PILLOWS . now s1.49 One Group -- Many Patterns to Choose from -- Regularly from $1.39 to $2 Coffon & Col÷on Blends now I/2 Price Men's Brand Name Short Sleeve regular stock in assorted colors and sizes -- Regularly to $8 SPORT SHIRTS . . . now I/3 Off Entire Stock Men's Poplins, Nylons, Cotton, etc. -- Values to $17 Spring & Summer Coa÷s now I/2 Price Entire Stock Boys Spring & Summer Coals . I/2 Price Entire Stock Men's -- Most perma-press -- Colors in Solids or Plaids Regular to $7 BERMUDAS .... now I/3 Off Entire Stock Men's and Boys-- Regular to $7 SWIM SUITS .... now I/3 Off Entire Stock Men's Short Sleeve in assorted colors and sizes Regularly to $9 KNIT SHIRTS .... now I/3 Off All Name Brand Ladies one and two piece styles, cottons and stretch fabrics in plain colors and prints -- Regularly to $26 SWIM SUITS .... now I/3 Off ,E.hre . "'.e+: oo rOck FUr-,. C L . r Dividers,  I IFIIp ,,, ,,o- - Sale ,. quois , frets, MOst it 14/ - e, raog e or ,-- " C°t)tour Re alnut or .- White Olarly $19 88 ; nqaple" • o $ now all $ eocb Includes: Bras, Girdles, regular and panty in white and beige -- Regularly to $13 FOUNDATIONS . . now I/2 Price Children's, sizes 3-6x & 7-14 -- Includes pant & top sets, tent dresses SUMMER PLAY SETS . . I/2 Price Entire Stock Children's -- Includes coat & hat sets and suits SPRING & SUMMER COATS I/2 Price Entire Stock Children's -- Includes cotton gowns & shorty PJ's, etc. SUMMER SLEEPwEAR • • I./3 Off Children's Spring & Summer, sizes 3-6x & 7-14 -- One large group Knit Tops, Pants, Shorts, etc. SPORTSWEAR ..... I/3 Off Big Assortment of Widths and Colors LACE TRIM ...... 5' Yard One Group -- in Attractive Patterns -- Regularly $1.50 STAMPED PILLOW CASES now 99' One Group Terry -- Many Different Sizes, Designs & Colors TABLE CLOTHS . . . . I/2 Price Two Color, green or clear crystal -- 4 plates, 4 cups in attractive gift box -- Regularly $3.95 SNACK SET ..... now =1.99 Two Color, Delft Blue and Silver in assorted styles -- Reg. $3.95 VASES & CANDY DISHES now $1.99 Includes Lap Desks & Portfolios -- Boxed in Attractive Paisley Prints in Blue or Red DESK SETS . . . . . . ,I/2 Price Slightly Irregular -- Dozen in cellophane package -- Reg. $2,99 Two Only -- In COmpact Wooden Box -- Regularly $5.50 GAUZE DIAPERS . . . now $2.19 CHESS SETS now $2.99 RECEIVfiG°UBZAaN[CTS - geg" $1nOw 59'ea. Three Only, Black LeatherpiCTURE ALBUMSRegularlyLO e Laf,$8.95... vaoation pi,tSnow I4.99 or 2/'1 HIll II II I I I +1 I I . , " Thursday, July 27, 1967 - ShaRon-Mason County Journal. PaP 3