July 27, 1967 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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July 27, 1967 |
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,i .... Court ' " " "
* ' " Handles Juven,le Vandal,sm Cases In Sess,on
t ,% ge@@ . Seven youths who had been he would be on his way to the in which a truck at a construc- ing with the truck, to make full restitution for the Two boys, who are living In
' involved in incidents oz vanaa- msutution, tion site had been started and One of the youths admitted he damage to the truck, a foster home, were in court for
lism and two who had been The other three boys were backed into a tree, were put on was the one who started the The father of one of the boys, shoplifting a jack knife each
. caught shoplifting appeared in placed on probation under the probation for three months each truck, and, then when it began appearing along with his son, from an out-of-town store.
Jim Wilkins, manager of THE
MONEYSAVER, always has bar-
gains galore and this week is
no exception with his vacation
specials. So before you go on
yours stop by and save . . .
} 'began Friday,
l"t You don't have
t comes to saving
Mason County
Manager Jim
ha V items just
! Selection, so
i'.., ts of loot...
tURE has a
.i right now with
!, ti:o you'll have
^ v raake sure
'= savings this
juvenile court recently.
Court Commissioner Mary Bile-
sen, sitting in for Judge Charles
Wright, put all of the youths on
probation, with stern warnings
to abide by the restrictions laid
down for them.
supervision of the juvenile pro-
bation office here, and, were
ordered to make restitution from
money they earncd themselves.
She also ordered that each of
the youths spend one weekend,
from 5 p.m. Friday to 5 p.m.
and ordered not to have any
association with each other.
Mrs. Bacon said she did not
believe that the damage to tile
truck was intentional, but, the
boys should not have been play-
to move, he jumped out. The
other youth, who said he was
standing at the edge of the road
at the time, ran and jumt)ed
into the truck and turned it off.
The boys were also ordered
stated he believed that the own- They were placed on probation
er of the truck had some re- for six months and ordered to
sponsibility not to leave it sitting write a 500 word theme each
at an unattended site in a con- on why shoplifting is a crime
dition in which it could be and their ideas on what would
started, happen if all boys shoplitted.
Wow! A model change over Four youths were in court for Sunday in the Juvenile Detention
sale on color TV and stereos at . ...u ^ - .^ L.e.. .. Home in Thurston County which
EELI . VALLEY APPLIANCE entered totaling about $350. " --"' ................. "
CENTER! George Valley, owner, Parents of three of the boys son uoumy.
has many to choose from right told the court they had always One youth, 15, who .had been
now, but he won't have at these been good boys and this was involve.d in se.veral incmences ot
prices. Don't miss out . . . the first time they had been in vandahsm with a youth from
That's --30-- for this week but trouble another county, was also put on
remember to shop Shelton and " l)robation under the supervision
, . The fourth boy had been in •
save. Youll be glad you did ...... of the Juvende Court. The van-
&ey -DL cour.t a Iew weegs earner on a dalism involved two cars, a pick-
mRi manager of smular offense, up, windows in a cabin, a mail
ru white goods run- Mrs. Baesen told him she was box and a boat trailer
lff:t s.dears' And top .I .! , '- preparing papers committing M.o . ........ ,,,1t, h*
lh'ase: ,too. With Y¢iJ+h l him to Dept. of Institution, but, the';out**Tas no;"to'rfd in'a
el. "es holding ........ they. would be held in the ju- car driven hy anyone under 21
!I e'ti' !:!yod!lg2{e venile court. One more incident .,ears old and then only with
she cautioned the youth and .... ., _€ .;o ..rents u,
• Charaed For .....
• , the appJ.va, . ,. v- . • *.
,i was also oroercd to make restl-
,i: er.l LTnOf CLIF- Pt I tution from money he earned
l:luralarv himse,
/ , m= Y., •
t':'tefial"'w stated Two boa 13 and 14, who
.ac eek of
,i e so rush on • N[ichael Patrick Daugherty, aw00m rrogram had been revolved m an incident
make the mis- 18, was charged in Mason Coun- u= n = en
. 'ng the savings ty Superior Court Friday with =.as ermcv ,.l..
!tiT second degree burglary in con- ," VVlTnesses
:!!i:: nection with a break in at Hood • The swimming program un-
: Canal School July 14. der the City Summer Recreation A.. (.rn'-;t'rt
The charges against him were Program ends Friday. - --- v.,.,,v.,,.,v,,
OglY " " " " " ' "" " • era)era of the Shclton ('on-
fried by ProsecUting Attorney Parents are mvlted to ViSit the M l
::: hl .,, t otcJ.: John €. lagan..., pool that day to see their young- gregation of Jehovah's Witnesses
lJaughterty also appeareu m ster's progress. First aid cards are leav n,. this "'(ek for " e ......
N[ason County Justice Court be- will be issued to those who have day District Convention :t"',(:
fore Judge Glenn torrea on a qualified Centr ...... - • -
W . ' ill wasmngton pan'grounQs
lira° ' in eat charge of vagrancy an(l .was The tennis program being in Yakima July 27-30
l[-i,_.aY Vir. sentenced to 10 days in jail andl '" ' ' '
:' ?lVtal mAprilSeattlc me is nemg neio m Mason . "l ' • , ' " " " "
!, lrn . .......... • h' ed under the recreatmn pro- John G. Gill Dresidinu minist-
• -.. _,. ,_:, ^_ :_ ..^ na" gram, wz 1 conclude Friday als0. cr of the Shell.on congregatmn,
.1% .." nissouri, she ,,,u.ty .a., , v,, t,, v- y A tournament is planned next pointed to the need of such Bi-
' helton lrea sentence, month, with the date to be an- ble conventions when he said,
, pi.. as a men- nounced later. "God made provision for his an-
. ethodlst mm -i e • m cient I)eoph, to celebrale festivals
00e,,sen r,n[snes and assemblies which hell)ed
.,%1 "ervices at th =P • • n" • e.= • Likewise the foul" days of in-
)£1:' }vii be toady lit
,:_:'," ,n She,ton Army nrannnng Pair Hrem00um ten.sive Bible instructions at this
• 't)isciple-M:aking District Assem-
rt i S Army Pvt, Ray P. NRelsen. | , __ bly will provide the delegates
2t, son el my. ano vtrs. l oe t [#=#,l, [ ]n n, with beneficml Ini'ormatmn ald'-
j'alor o' al "arvived hy O Nielsen Shelton completed =%J% =g/ • • , .... ; ............
nine weeks of advanced infantry indivi, a ............
;'-; i) a Starkey, training July 14 at Ft. Polk, La. • Premium lists for the Mason tes " uu,, nr, suan responslmn-
.!qls.," "Yton Star- His last week of training was County Fair have been sent out ""
';i"W;lJ°hn RYel Star- spent in guerrilla warfare ex- to local residents. I
ercises Anyone interested in obtaining MR RFALY STATE sa s"
- Starkey, During his guerrilla training, a premmm hst who did not get J
,, irygrand chihlr en ; ' . . . • Y •
i'r artin, Gins- he lived under simulated Viet- one can obtain a copy from the [
nam conditions for five days, fair office at the Fairgrounds. . |
,l?'Is. Bessie fighting off night attacks and The open division is ()pen to [
tt, le 1 Mrs. Betty conducting raids on "enemy" anyone interested in entering an '.4"1 ' |
villages. He was taught methods exhibit at the fair regardless %... |
of removing booby traps, setting of age, she said. <)/ I
ambushes, and avoiding enemy Besides the regular fair pre- ".--- ..) I
;inl)ushb's ' ...... mihfi] Yibb6ns and 15rizes fo each ' .... \\;' ') ' i ,. [
r t "(ther' specialized training 'in- eiit:ry:* 1W;r'S: MeGee*"said/'tHei .... ..... :'' > . L[
eluded small unit tactics, marl are two special prizes in the WIA3%AIIU0 [
reading, land mine warfare, com- home econorffics division. They raaavvw I
,$ munications, and firing the M- include a prize of 105 poinds of . . -- ,, I
14 rifle, M-60 machine gun and sugar sponsored by the U and IS plannea 1or I
3.5 inch rocket launcher. I sugar company and nine dozen -- I
wide-mouth quart jars, sponsored your new home ]
by the Kerr Glass Corp. Call |
the nUmber • SAFETY GLASS fountain pen Anyone wanting additional in- I
l,_ as well as cases, textiles and sugar are but formation about fair entries can ulUnlE REALTY
iJer-occupied a few of the thousands of prod- contact Mrs, McGee at 426-2120 uu u uvuh [
' is being ucts that can be manufactured in 426 3369 [
Ureau SUr
k . whole or in l)art from wood. " .... n
"-' Director
8cattle said, i i::!::
i :::::::::::::::::::::: :: >::::::{::<:. x'"
ll help pop- iiii}!! ......... '*::::::::::::::::::::':::::::::::*::::::::':::::: .......... '
termining :: :iIi:"i!}! ;t i ! .... : ! .... !::'
...... :!;iiiiiilii: :::':::::::° ::"%;ii: :il iiii}iiiii
ends and
t eCOnomic ....
"c¢lSeh°lds" 11 ii'i!::: i (
,o a sam-
t2 ' plOyraent thr°ugh°ut ! OmV 3L., m r STEREO I
"Uly, _
let ques-
. and un-
o ?e. asked
St:t . .t?abor' s
;i sUcs to
aehOlds par-
"UStieal PUr-::eY obtainediS Ctm- II" FINAL WEEK o[ our Jill Y CL EA RA NCE 'l
It I
:a elude 18 ¢U. . P .... CO 3- cle
• *e, Shelton. "P'--m ;Z-speed WASHER I
' ] M'odeJ No with "Blades of Water" $202 I
[i 00W00g2: .................................. .... *169 Selector. Model No. W2G2 Delivered I
ADMIRAL 1|.7 eu. ft. ----'e [
#-. yn
It No-Fro==. RZlqll Iql (Wsh " .,, I
- 'n Wear & Dura
'bl, [ Model No, t4a Press) Model No. DE 62 | [
,:W4O N I', N"P-'I:-- __ Hqp Delivered I
............. " ............. I
"¢NBus [ IP'mm"mmmmm"m"mmmmmm' I
l; , No Down i Coupon ; I
I,lb'k0N [ Approve, Credit I ., Given Away Sept. 1, 1967 J I
'b, -'rr ........... • NO purchase is necessary. Just fill out this coupon and mail or • I
! i :lA'gitt°Clift°n'sofSh'elt°n" i l
NAME ....................................................................... : ...................................... .
i ...................................... '1
• ......... ii.i ........... i:ii.i.i ............. i ..... " ......... n_
IA v n
i ,,. "¥o. gara,ahTheHouae-Ye'llgara00h)'o=rltorae'" I
l I [ 1 II I I I I II ....
Thursday, July 27, 1967 - Sholton-Muon County Journal - Page 5