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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 27, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 27, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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hat" s Cookin'? : L!!j  ii!: i II your own shriml) as Virginia Pill thenl fresh from the various open air Canal o1" even from your neighborhood Will al)l)reciate this recipe for Seafood Our cook pit.ks ul) the oysters for the casserole Oll the beach in front of her ?Ster Dish Fea÷ured ,Lir .. OOhn, and ir id.t beginning )l'ho2o uc existence ,.Pills -_ . " .... ,0  ' P,-= ' ':alous ' ia: all-around ' o Vacifie i ' re !.tt ,1 although i- /q ,nelr l gettable ning the after quite Dis- on for rg'inia Year to lt that in- Cathy, of 19 Univer. ele- chil- large. Class, Lve it talents na.ritime the our live have USUal, t their SEAFOOD COCKTAIL SAUCE 213 c. catsup 3 Tbsp. horse radish (if desired) 1A c. lemon juice :: 2 tsp. Worchestershire sauce Dash tabasco sauce Dash salt .... Combine all ingredients and chill thoroughly. Serve over chilled crab or shrimp. Makes one cup of sauce. OYSTER CASSEROLE Mix together : 3 cups crackers (saltines) 2 cubes or . lb. margaine, melted Place layer of crackers on one layer of cut up, cleaned oysters. Add consecutive layers of oysters and crackers to desired del)th. Sell each layer of oysters as desired. Cook in casserole at 350 degrees for 20 minutes. Reids Celebra÷e 60+h Anniversary • Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Reid will celebrate their 60th wed- ding anniversary with an open house ()n August 6 at their home located at the Alpine Evergreen Co. on the New Belfair highway near Bremerton. The Reids were married Au- gust 7, 1907 in Ladysmith, Wis- consin and have been in busi- ness many years in the Seattle, Tacoma, Bellingham and Brem- erton areas. Mr. Reid is still actively engaged in the farming of Christmas trees on the Kitsap Peninsula. Open house in honor of the Reids is for all friends, and relatives from 2-5 p.m. Sunday. It is requested that no one bring gifts. The Reids have one daughter Alberta (Mrs. J. C. Dawson; and two sons, Roger L. and Paul E. Reid, all of Port Or- chard. There are five grand- .children and five great-grand- children. By JOAN GLASGOW • Women are a silly lot. We're sentimental and sensitive too. Our moods are myriad and urn- predictable. They can change like the turn of a kaleidoscope (,r maintain themselves for days on end. One little word, a glance, an expression are .just a few of the causes for these changes. Usual- ly the real cause of a mood change goes a lot deeper. How- ever, we can't rush out to a psychiatrist every time we feel blue. A woman can be in a good mood an(i get together with a friend and talk alxmt another woman. Later she may find her- self il1 H ba(l inoo(l l)e(rause she's got "gossiping guilt feelings." We can be in the (lel)ths of depression and receive a gift, or indulge a whim or buy our- selves something l)retty to wear and our whole outlook on life takes an amazing turn toward the positive. A woman can change her mood by washing her hair or applying make-ul). Unless a wo- man looks attractive to herself, chances of her feeling good are l)retty slim. It's common knowledge what therapeutic wonders a trip to the Bahamas or a sable coat can perform. Still, while these must rerrmin in the dreamboat stage, why not try some spur of the moment pick-me-ups, available for pennies. (We all want to avoid a manic-depressive hus- band going through the check- book.) If you're overwmght, treat yourself to a banana split. The good frame of mind this puts you in might be the impetus for losing those few extra pounds. Buy some of those whimsical bright colored paper flowers to look at! (Stay clear from fresh flowers, they're very depressing when wilting.) If you can't af- ford flowers, buy a big bunch of green parsley. It's l)erky and gay arranged in a centerpiece. A woman has to apologize for so many things. Why her hus- band's socks are still wet; why there's n,) change for the chil- dren's lunches, etc. So when an occasion arises when you can enjoy your righteous indignation, do so. It does wonders for a woFnans morale. Tell the world who you are by painting an old chair a gaudy bright color. Being creative is good for the sou] If You're still downhearted, tell someone you love them Love does make this old world of ours go'round, so get out of the dol- drums, get moving, think happy thoughts, and DON'T BE O MOODY. MARRIED IN THE FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH in Shel- ton July 8 were Miss Jan E. Tuberg and Raymond E. Manke. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Armon Tuberg, Shelton. Her husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ehner Manke, also of Shelton. A 1961 graduate of Shel- ton High School, Jan attended St. Peter's School of Nurs- ing and graduated there in 1962. She worked for a time in California and Tacoma, and most recently in the offices of Dr. B. N. Collier in Shelton. Ray graduated from SHS in 1960 and from the Unive,'sity of Washington three years later. He was a member of Phi Delta Theta fraternity. He entered the U of W school of dentistry and graduated with his DDS last June. The newlyweds are presently residing in Parkland where Ray has begun his practice of dentistry. VFW To Sell Goods a+ PUD • VFW Auxiliary No. 2778 of Wrl, Belfair, will hohl a rum- sage sale at the PUD auditorium next Thursday and Friday in Shelton from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. The regular meeting of the Barracks and Auxiliary will be held at the 1Vfasonic Lodge at Belfair August 6 at 12:30 p.m. with a potluck luncheon. Golden Age Club Amaran÷h • Laurel Court No. 26 Order of Amaranth will have a rum- mage sale today and tomorrow at the PUD building from 10 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. • Tonight the Golden-age Club will hold a potluck supper at 6 p.m. at the Memorial hall. Cards will be played and music to dance by will be pro- vided by the "Tunetoppers," i 'i i Home Meat Slaughtering Unit GLEN PROBST Cooling ")r Cutting "k Double Wrap AL HANSON, Meat Cutter WE HAVE 30 LB. BEEF BUNDLES (Includes Hamburgers, Steaks and Roasts) Call--HOWELL'S GROCERY Phone 426-6779 Dayton Crossroads Inquire About Our Locker Beef. COSMETICS for -" YOU ,'& :h, (This question and answer series on cosmetics is brought to you as a courtesy by Nell's Pharmacy to help you in your choice In the proper cosmetics for you.) ¥'0 APPLY EYE LINER Q. How should I apply my eye liner? A. Start by pulling your eye- lid taut at its outer comer. Apply the eye liner above the roots of your lashes from the inner corner of YOUr eye, near your nose, to the outer cor- ner. Use short strokes, and keep as close to the base of your lashes as possible. If you use a liquid or cake eye liner, apply it with a fine small brush. If YOu use a hen-' cil, make sure the poin is fairly sharp. CAKING EYE HADOW Q. i[y eye Shadow always cakes after it hem been on for a while. How can I keep this fr. happening? Before You ' . apply your hadow  wRether you use stick or powder shadow wipe your eyelids lightly with a skin freshener and then blot them with tissue. Traces of oily cleansing cream or make- h p on your ltdsyar affect both e lOOKS I.ll(:l the -'-- ,.'-- power of the Shadow. Y $ If you usea Stick shadow make sure m You b,-a *-: color evenly with "'o ''"? "= -'i" .... '-- J, ur nnger unt  me nua of shadow is smooth. If you tree  .... a. a - kN w'aa sh dow, brush vo ........ r lla aga4n and again until +._ . . smooth and ev, ,te color Is \\; ,.i,. i i. FOUR GENERATIONS OF FONZOS posed last week for a rare family portrait. Above are pictured 7,(l-year old Tony Fonzo, his daughter Mrs. ,John (Cleo) tlulet, grand- daughter Mrs. Don (Sandra) Carrell, and great-grandson Jeffery Lee Carrell, nine months old. Mr. and Mrs. Car- rell, Metropolis, Illinois, were visiting here for two weeks. A B IOl? |v TtnNIr¢OL I**.VT[X €OM¢*OnATmON PR*NT[D *N U • A / She is the former Sandra Martin. a 1961 gr;l(luale of Shelton lligh St'heel. Mrs. Carrell me( her husband while lie was stationed at leort I,ewis. [,'(mzo's ehihh'en range in ages from 9-51 years old Ilis ,lalghter ,Mrs. l,e,)J Beyer ,]r.. the former l)renna M(.('oy. recently made him a grandfather for the eighth lime. BRUSH & COMB SET when you buy any PLAYTEX BRA Playtex makes this offer because they are certain that once you enjoy the fit and comfort of a Playtex bra you'll never settle for less. Just think--you get a beautiful $1.98 Brush and Comb Set when you buy any Playtex bra. And so many beautiful styles to choose from, including... A. Playtex "Cross-Your-Heart"" Bra with "Cross. Your-Heart" stretch between the cups to lift and separate. White. 32A-42C. Only $2.50. "D" sizes $1.00 more. With stretch straps, 50¢ more. B. Playtex "Soft-line" Padded Bra with amazing new fiber-fill padding that stays soft, can't shift, can't bunch up. White. 32A-36B. Only $3.50. With stretch straps, 50¢ more. C. Playtex Living  Sheer Bra with Stretch- ever  sheer elastic back and sides. White. 32A-42C. Only $3.95. "D" sizes $1.00 more. With stretch straps $1.00 more. Offer limited, so get your free Brush and Comb Set today and enjoy the heavenly fit and comfort of a Playtex Bra ... Padded, Bandeau or Longline. All you do is mail the bra label and the coupon you'll find in every package to Playtex and they'll send you your Brush and Comb Set. "'(Include 25 cents for postage and handling.) 3rd & Railroad Thdcsday, July 27, 1967 - Shelton-Mason County J m,';m - Page 7