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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 27, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 27, 1967
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uth Gets Army :tion Letter OOgTA came Rita Gray with her daugh- BOOK8 ter, Erin. Monday night, the Brook's Walker, son youngsters, Jill, Bonnie, Rick Walker, has and Ann, along with two of their of recomenda- friends from. Seattle, Colleen and for graduat- Erin Penich, spent the night ten of his as guests of that man of erect ii°mpleted his carriage, military bearing and ted States dignified appearance, Charles Signal MCG0nagles. His sister, Irene Georgia. n, who is visiting from holdover, Bob Brerern, acted as hostess for specialist school the gala affair. • Herbert Jackson, son of Verna alker spent and Art Jackson, is now home t Westport. Ray from his tour of duty in Viet- and two silvers nam. He is presently stationed two sil- at the Whidby Island Naval Base. of their He and his family have just a good day spent a week visiting with his Betty and mother and father at Lake Spen- golf' pro, cer. The Jacksonsstili have their and star b o a r d e r, granddaughter Firth., from Tacom with tho§e fish, them.: Nell spent Traveling Mary Cook::is in the le with their " news again. Mary arrlVed home sister Saturday after spending a week : ROsemary with her brother and family, :the three Willard Robinsons, at Aldor Manor. A family reunion Was and held at Swauk Recreation .Cen. Euphrata, ter near Cle Elum July:15th the and 16th. It was a campUt. There are 10 brothers and Si;ters ;cott spent in Mary's family and eight Were at able to attend the reunion among cabin and 150-175 other relatives. $.n2a, Saturday Mary went .with her son,. John to the Cook, and family to the Ocean for an overnight camping ,trip. place on They dug clams. a youth David Sushak returned last Rita Saturday from Norvegian Lan- their four gtmge camp at IAake Riley near Katie and Arlington. from Mer- Wayne Sushak is on the staff Were closely at Camp Thunderbird Boy Scout and Bud Gil- Camp at Summit Lake for the Bill, duration of the camp. At the Jerry Thurman spent Saturday and Chariie and Sunday at Westport and youngsters, reports that fishing is great as Piper, he brought in his four dandy dinner silver salmon. Will Hold Meeting On Friday Nigh÷ Skokomish its regular evening at one., meet: a mis- .Will speak C0nrmmity at the 11 and Marsha, home at a three " Porter's Arthur and spent a Mr. and and with and Mrs. for daugh- Sunny. of Mr. Dur- trip of Shel- and dinner Don home Way up days in on the to va. have IrtOnth's In Clark, qerge Wolf of Quilicine and Mr. and Mrs. Wil- bur Peterson of Oregon called at the Don Ragan home Satur- day. The community extends their condolence to: Herbert ahd Nor- man J ac0b0n in the death of their sister; 1Vfrs." Myrtle Brown. The Jacobsons have been long timle residents of the Valley. Rev. William. Dugger and son, Paul, of Graham were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Dugger. A number of young people from the Skokomlsh Community Church will leave this Saturday morning for Bible camp at Mos- syrock. Those planning to go are Sandy Bollinger, Betty Crossan, Linda Smith, Sharon Clark, Chuck Bearden and Stanley Wil- son. Carl Dugger has accepted a job as guard at Fir Creek Fed- eral Forestry during the sum- mer. Cheryl and Peggy IYIahiendorf of Sheboygan, Wis. are spending the summer with their., parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Mahlendorf. Mrs. Virginia Bourgault: left by train for Nebraska to attend a family reunion. She expects to be gone for three weeks and will return by car with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Pierce. Mrs. Carol Hunter and a num- ber of the 4-H group are at Panhandle this week. WATCH ouT FOR THE OTHER GUY NOTES FROM NElL In A Word... Dope Today's newspaper reader know, when they see the word "dope" in newspaper headlines. that the story deals with narcotic peddlers or addicts. This wasn't al- ways the meaning of the word however. In earlier days, the term re- fer/'ed to a thick liquid or grease. Thai i=hov it came to be applied I to the viscid gum opiuml i'rom there, it was only a matter of time before the Word became a sort of "generic" designation for all nar- cotic drugs. Nell's Pharmacy I]nergency Ph. '426-2165 klftll & Franklin St.--426-3827 Open Daily 9:30 to 7:30 T: , Saturdays -- 9:30 - 6:00 i I Lilliwaup: Local Man Returns Home After Long Hospital Stay B, 'RANCES CATTO • LIIA2WAur--,-r quite a long session as a patient at a 'racoma hospital and a week re- cuperating at the Frank Morris home in Olympia, Lon Webb is at horrm in..Eldon and gaining in strenh .ti'f,te r a surgical oper- ation. Incidentally,  his: mother, 99- year-old Mrs: &Uie Ahl,: is : get- ting along briskly, z' thankyou, in her walker and walting"6n her- self in every way possible,i a tribute to her courageous and cheerful spirit. Mrs. Ahl, who reaches her century mark Sept. 5, had a fall earlier this year, but suffered no fractures. Her many friends are looking for- ward with pleasure to her annual birthday party, to be the great- est yet ! Friday night the Lilliwaup Community Club hosts its sec- ond pinochle party of the month to be held at 8 p.m. in the Lilliwaup Cornmunity Hall. The public is invited to these parties and there are prizes and refresh- ments at the close of the eve- ning of cards. 'Elmer and Lucille Edwards 'are expecting a summertime two- week visit from his son and daughter-in-law with their two children from Fridley, Minn. Mrs. Edwards will meet their train next Sunday morning in Edmonds and introduce them to Lilliwaup via the Hood Canal bridge and a ride 'south along the Canal. • Acc .on[)anYing her to Edmonds cSaturday will be Mrs. Winifred Fredell of Seattle who was to be her house guest from. Tuesday ,mtil the weekend. Pierpont Robinson of Tacoma stayed from Tuesday until •Fri- day at the home of his mother, Mh-s. Frank Robinson and his sister, Mg's. Jack Catto. He came especially to be with his mother, who was released July 13 after a 2-week period at the Shelton General Hospital. He also played some rounds of golf during his stay. Mrs. Robinson's condition is reported to be improving. Announcement is being rrmde of the engagement of 1iss Nora- lee Hockman of Port Angeles to Rick Lanning of Hoodsport, now in the Air Force. Miss Hock- man, who has been making her home with her uncle and aunt, M'. and Mrs. Ray Morris at the Beacon Point resort, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Hockman:of Port Angeles. She was a 1967 graduate of Irene S. Reed high school. • A September marriage is plan- ned. by the voun couple. A vacation trip with her nmth- er,. Mrs. Cha.rles. , Baldwin . ot La Verne, Calif., was enjoyed by Mrs. Harry Hays ("Jerry") of the Lilliwaup Motel. She re- turned to IAlliwaup with her mother, after a trip to Chewelah, where they visited at the home of an aunt, Mrs. Floyd Barnhart. To stay with his parents, the Pat MjcGradys, while her colum- nist-husband is reporting from Vietnam, Mrs. Mike l.cGrady and three children from North- part, N. Y. arrived in Lilliwaup Friday. The children are Sean, Siobhan and Liam; and the names, by the way, are the Gaelic form for John, Joan and William. Mike, a syndicated columnist for News Day, is writing a series entitled, "A Dove in Vietnam," appearing locally in the Sunday edition of the Seattle Times. He is expected to return in August and have a vacation before re. turning to their home in North- port, Long Island. Pat and Colleen lVGrady, an. other son and daughter-in-law of the summer here while he is completing a book on rejuvena- I U CARS '64 Dodge 4-Door- Radio  Heater Automatic- Low Mileage s1395 tion The couple drove to Seattle Monday to stay with friends there and be their guests at a performance of the Royal Ballet. Mrs. MeGrady, who has danced in opera and ballet with various European groups, has a teach- ing certificate from the Royal Ballet. Salmon fishing is picking up grandparents in Edmonds, Mat- her daughter, Virginia, had a again, says Nancy Morris of thew, infant son of lye'. and Mrs. pleasant Sunday in Portland with Beacon Point resort. Among the John Hays, was to come back old family friends. Her son, Wal- fish boated over the weekend Wdnesday with his mother for ter, of Seattle came to drive was a 25-pound king Saturday another stay with his other grand- them down. by Harry Jensen of Bellevue. parents, lVr. and 1Was. 'Harry Mr. and Mrs. Fred Martin had Jensen caught two others the fol- Hays of the Lilliwaup Motel. He a weekend visit from their son- lowing day. was five weeks old'Monday, in-law and daughter, Mr. and After visiting his maternal Mrs. Warren H. Stewart and Mrs. Farrell Glenn of Seattle, '59 Olds 2-Door Hardtop Nice Clean Car $49S 'S8 Cadillac 2;Door Hardtop s49S Pauley Motors Dodge Front & Railroad Phone 426-8183 who left for home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Nell Vance re- turned Monday from Tacona where they had been since Thurs- day at the home of her sot John Burg. John and son Pau, had visited at the Vance's last week for a couple of days. SKINLEss Pancake Flour OENTENNIAL 4-lb. 51' NALLEY'S 21 uz. tuber ack rup L.BEL S00ze 32 sl 17 Highland Coffee . Salad Dressing =oz. MIRACLE WHIP Size 49 MORE LOW, LOW EVERYDAY PRICES Cucurnber Chips NALLEY'$ Size48°z''8 ICE CREAM Nalley's Relishes SWEET, HAMBURGER Size 25 ¢ I n s÷a n÷ B re a kfa " TAN° DRINKsT 15¢ OFF SizelS°z" 73' FR ES H I E IICI  € Canned Bacon DAN,S. SL,CED 1/2 GAL HAFNIA OR DAK BRAND lb. 68 € I .;:::;:;:::::::7:: ;:: ::: : ; ::; ; ::; ; ::::: : ::::: : : : ; : ;:; : : ::: ::::::: : ::; : : : ::;:: : ::::: : ::::: ::::::::::: : : ::::: ::::: : : ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::; ::::;:::;,: ;.::::::;:;:':;:;:. ... .....:.:.:.:........ .............. ................... ........ ......o..... .... . ....... ............. .... ...... .... . .............................o. • .... ....... .... ....°...,:....... .:.:..,......:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.: .... :. • .:...:.:.:.:.:.:.: .... :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. • .:.:..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.'.:. -:.:.:.:.'.:.'.:.:.:.:.:.'.:.'.:.:.:.'.'.:.:.', .: : :.:.:.:.:-it.'.'.'.'. ", :.:::.:..::.::`..:...:..:?:.:.:::::..:::..::......`..:::`. :.:.1.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:, ;.;.;.'.:.: .:.:..:.. .:, o, % .o.....%*o, GIANT HEADS R :::::::::::: :::::::::: !iiiiiii!i!! :!:i:i:i:!:! ,.,,,.,,..,. i::i:i:i:!: :.:.:.:.:.: i:i:i:i:$ :!:i:i:!:!:i :::::::::::: ....o,.,..,, iii!iiiiiiil :.:.:.:.:.:, :::::::::::: Kiwanis Breakfast ::::::;::::: , iiiiiiiiiii SUNDAY, JULY 30 iiii.!iiiii:: Kneeland Park Tickets on Sale At Your Economy Food Mart IWAREHOUSE DIRECT * WHY PAY MOREl • LIMIT RIGHTS RESERVED • STORE HOURS Mon. thru Thurs.: .... 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. Friday: ...................... 9 am.- 7 p.m. Saturday: .................... 9 a.m.. 5 p.m. Thursday, July 27, 1967 - Shelton-Mason County Journal. Page 15