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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 27, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 27, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Harstlne: Glaser Family Plans Anniversary Dance Saturday By CARMEN YATE8 along with the McCulloch s herd Wednesday. Her husband re- Mr• and Mrs. Fred Russo of of deer which are always nearby ported she was coming along Seattle, received word that M_r. HARSTINE -- The Harstine to thrill their corapany made fine last Saturday and he was Rnsso had passed away this past Community Hall will come alive the Hogues visit a very memor- on his way up to see her at week. Mrs. Russo, before her with music for dancing Saturday able one. that time. marriage once taught school here evening. The occasion for the The doctor planned to release Two Island homes are receiv- on the Island. At that tirtm, in festivities is the 20th Anniver- Raymond last Monday and the 1921, she was Elizabeth Del Cuc- ing new roofs during our sum- sary celebration of three Glasers, Hogues were going in to get mer. The Dale Peughs are put- ca. Since then she and her hus- the Bud Glasers, the Steve Franichs, and the Loren Sim- mons. The Ramblers from Day- ton will be tuning up about 9:30 p.m. after they arrive on the 9 p.m. ferry. The midnight lunch will be potluck and a ferry has been scheduled for after the dance.. Social Clubers, don't forget your picnic originally scheduled for Saturday has been postponed for one week and will be Aug. 5 at the Marina. Florence Jerrels has arrived home after being away for a little over three weeks visiting her children and their families. She was met at the Portland airport last Saturday afternoon by the Joe Brignones• After they arrived on the Island, Pete, her husband, decided to stop at Is- land Shores wbere the Waites have a lot to pick up some fold- ing chairs that had been left there on a previous gathering. When they drove down the road Florence instantly discovered the reason for Pete's side trip; a big sign announced 'Welcome Home Florence' and cars were parked everywhere. About 30 Is- landers were on hand for the welcoming celebration. Florence left here on her trip which took her first to the Okla- homa, June 28. From Portland she flew to Oklahoma City. There she was met by daughter, Jean Paris and her husband, : Roger, and Florence's three and . a half year old grandson, Roger. . They drove to the Paris' home- • & town of Enid about 80 miles :, northwest of Oklahoma City. i(j'i She spent ten days With the ( three Pariahs. During that time she attended a 30th Anniversary celebration of Roger's folks. From there she flew to Los Angeles and was met by son, Nell and his wife, Julie and their two little girls. She ar- rived in California July 4. She spent 18 days in California visiting Nell and his family. They all drove to Apple Valley for an overnight visit, with Florence's aunt, Mrs. Minnie Work. The temperature there was a sizzling 120 degrees. One evening they were all the guests of Mrs. Consuele Gil, him bring him home and then be on their way home to Illinois later Monday afternoon. It was quite a week for ocean goers. Last Thursday the Paul Chaffees accompanied by their daughter, Pat M'ble and her husband and family from Sparks, Nev. made an overnight trip to Ocean City. They were accom- partied by Walter Marble, Pat's father-in-law, and his wife who is also Paul's sister. The Chat- fees Nevada company were on the Island just a week, arriving a week ago Monday and leaving for home this past Sunday. The previous weekend, the Chaffee's son, Ernie and his fam- ily from Vancouver drove up for the weekend. Their grandson, David, was bursting with the news he had just won an athletic scholarship to Grays Harbor Jr. College. Others making a trip to the ocean last week were the four members of the Glenn Yates family and Glenn's mother-in- law, Lila Peugh. They crossed Pickering Pass about 4:30 a.m. by boat and were met by Carol Bengelsdorf and her two chil- dren who had just driven down from Tacoma. They arrived just at low tide at Ocean City and all four dug their limit of clams. Even the two older children managed to get a half a dozen apiece. They comppleted their outing with a picnic lunch at a nearby State Park and Carol and the youngsters took a swim the weather was so warm• They arrived home on the 6 p.m. ferry in time for the Yates to attend the Grange meeting that evening. Guests for the pot- luck supper and meeting were State Deputy for this county, Martin Auseth and his wife, Gyneth, presently of Pickering, but soon to be Phillips Lake residents, having recently sold their home at Pickering. At the business meeting it was decided to try putting a display booth in this year's Mason Coun- ty Fair. In place of the August meeting it was decided to urge all Grangers to attend the Fair that night, which is the regular Grange night• After leaving Glenn and Car- Julte's mother, for a dinner con- men at the Hall, Carol and the sisting of all Mbxican foods. At youngsters took Lila on home. r¢ ,guests W.]¢: After dinner the PeugWs 'and a Ms.i'-lvde re@nn(e'l, Carol had guests drop in for a ofSeatle, and old friends of visit by air. Ross and Alice La- Florence's. They have lived in Ca/ifornia now for about 10 years. On her last night there a big barbecue was held in her honor, with all Juiie's family and sev- eral of Nell and Julie's close friends• All Florence's flights were on Boeing planes, which included one 707, two 727's, and the huge Astro Jet, the 720. She said it was a very nice vacation but she was sure glad to be back home on Harstine• While Florence was away the Brignones kept the home fires burning at her cabin nestled in the woods at Pt• Wilson. The Brignones did some clearing on their property they recently purchased from Florence in prep- aration to start building their own home. Raymond McCulloch suffered a mild heart attack last Thurs- day afternaon. Fortunately for Margaret, their granddaughter, Mrs. Eric White and her hus- band and the McCulloch's three great-grand children where visit- ing at the time and were on hand to help get Raymond into the hospital. The Whites had arrived from San Jose, Calif. the Monday before. They went on to Vancouver last Friday but plan to stop on their way back to California to see how Ray- mond is doing. Also Friday the McCulloch's nephew, Paul Hogue and his wife from Genesco, Ill. arrived for a short visit. Saturday they Masters, friends of Carol's from Tacoma, were flying over the Island on their way to Mason Lake after just having landed at Gig Harbor for dinner at the Shoreline, when they spotted Carol's car and decided to land for a short visit before going on to their destination. Even the four children got quite a thrill out of this visit because Ross took them out to look the little seaplane over real good. Mary Helen Gortz and her two girls were all wearing stars in their eyes as they awaited the arrival of the plane at Sea-Tac last Wednesday that was to take them for a five-day visit to Ha- waii with Mary Helen's husband, Second Lt. Bill Gortz. After the five day visit she and the girls will fly back home and he will return to Vietnam for the rest of his tour of duty. A twelve-year old girl, Mary Painter of Pioneer, received some cuts and bruises when she fell last Saturday afternoon, while attempting to c]imb over the side of the ferry while it was docked between runs on the Island. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Painter. Ed Waits, son of Mr and Mrs. George Waits, left last Wednes- day for Waterville in Eastern Washington, to drive a truck on his aunt and uncle's wheat farm during the surttmer harvest. His uncle, Dick Daling, together with his brother farms about 1,500 acres of wheat• ting their own on, while the John Hitchcocks are having theirs done for them• John also reported a case of hit and run boating last Satur- day evening. About 11 p.m. he had just stepped outside to turn off an outside light when he heard a crash coming from the water in front of his home• He ran over to the bank and called to the boys in the boat. But when they heard his voice they started their motor and sped off. An inspection of the damages showed the other boat had hit the side of John's 14 foot out- board, but the damage was all above the water line, so there was no danger of it sinking be- fore he could get it to the beach. Other news from the Hitch- cocks is their company last Sun- day. Two couples, the Ray Mitchells from Seattle and the George Hendersons from. Federal Way drove to Harstine last Sun- day for a visit• The three wo- men, Beulah Hitchcock, Helen Mitchell and Grace Henderson had all gone to school together at Agate many years ago when John's brother, Paul, taught there• They said it had been more than 3 years since they had seen each other• Grace and Helen had made one unsuccessful attempt to locate Beulah a few years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Toma of Seattle, who now own both the former Roscoe Page and Olive Shultes properties, were on the Island this past weekend• They were accompanied by Mrs. Chen- owith of Los Angeles who has been visiting them for the past two weeks. She and Bob's par- ents were friends and neighbors in Olympia in 1918. Eleven teenagers, a group from the Upward Bound Program in Portland were the guests of Lisa Goldschmid at her parents, the Otto Goldschmid's Island cabin• The group, part of one of the many Poverty Programs, came Thursday evening and stayed overnight. Being from the city, it was quite an experience for them. The A1 Wymans of Portland are spending their two week va- cation at their property, known to many as the Beam Place. ::Last we'etd the ttayden  Is- ]ind.:.Yach't:;:Cb fro "l%rtland spent the weekend at Jarrells Cove. The members came both by boat, car and camper for this annual trip to Harstine. Two couples are close friends of the Gordon Simmons• Each year the six friends have dinner together at the State Park and break- fast the following morning at the Simmon's home. The two couples were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Belair and Mr. and Mrs. Roger Carr all of Portland. Friday Gret Simmons accom- panied by her two sisters, Em Babcock and Toni Fessler of Pickering, attended the Women's Relief Corps held at the home of Mrs. Jessie Rutherford in Montesano. News from Island traveler, Dr. Raymond Waid, is that at the present time he is touring the Scandanavain countries. The George Wangellns have en- joyed a visit from their ten-year old grandson, Ken Hughes, from Camino, Calif. He is the eldest son of their daughter, Joan Hughes and her husband, Hal. It was his first plane trip and he made it all alone. He also spent some time with his aunt and uncle, the Walter Rautios, in Tacoma. All attended the wedding of the Wangelin's niece, Janice LeMJeux in Tacoma. Ken will be going back home by car with the Rautios at the end of his visit. The Hugo Glasers, friends of band have been annual visitors to the Island. Lots of building going on at the Hole-in-the-Wall. The Bob II iiiii Taylors, a nephew of Harry Craft, have purchased a lot north of the Lagoon and are await- ing plans for their cabin. Harry has the lot cleared at this time. The couple have a three-year old son, Robbie, who thinks the Island is just great. They make their permanent home at Burien. Also from that area the Larry Walsches have completed an ad- dition to their cabin on the west beach of the development. This past weekend ended a three week stay at their Island retreat for Larry and Ida. Shirley Craft reported the Petersons, Harriet and Pete, probably scored a first this past weekend• She thinks its the first time just the two of them have come for a weekend without any of the rest of their family. The two days of relaxation was more than welcome for Pete• He is Director of Fire Fighters in Western Washington and, need- less to say, he has been a very busy man around this state dur- ing the past month. The John Niemis left last Fri- day for an extended stay at their property at Anaheim Lake in British Columbia. Their friend, Jim Young, and his son, Jamie, accompanied the Neimis for his first look at the property he pur- chased from iii I r Foursquare Church 910 East Dearborn LEWIS B. WYBONG, Pasto SUnday School .......... 9:45 a.'m Morning Worship .... 11:00 a.m. C. Y,'s & Cadets ...... 6:00 p.m. Evening Service ........ 7:00 p.m. Bible Study (Wed.).. 7:00 p.m. Alliance (; Bunday School :'•"" i! Morning worP ..... A.Y.F ....... .............. [:l Evening servi :'' [j prayer Hour (W' AEX C, MOT' ! BaoP!lSt BaptiSt worsh,, SU ndaY .$.0n:;y, ji$/ Evening, Su .AtiJ G & King Street .... .d" I i .,v ,o,.,..oo,,.. 830andll'00am Worships ,^,t  .... ' • h - ' [ 9:45 a.m. Sunday School for all ages -- 6 p. STATE TROOPER MIOHAEL HEIGHT, left, was present- C,L'f ed with a certificate achievement by Howard Blair. MT. OLIVE LUTHERAN ,, MISSOURI SYNOD _H0¢Hf, P'I  commander --of the American Legion Post at Goldendale 206 E. Wyandotte EDWIN C. ZSG ' , J recently. The award was presented for outstanding serv- ice to the community through carrying out his duties as a 'SundaySUNDAY'schoolJULYand30'Adult1967 Bible Classes .......... :";"1 !:1: ;I police officer in a manner which reflects credit upon all 8: ,Z last fall. Florence Jerrells police officers for dedication to his profession above and Morning Worship ............................................ Guest Pastor: tario, Ga"'J The Floyd Hanbys from Seat- beyond the call of duty. Height is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Rev. Lyle Ristine, Londol fie, part owners of some water- (2. A. (Porky)Height, Shelton, and a 1959 graduate of _ STIA-' N G00'-U front property north of Gordon Shelton High School. Simmon's spent last weekend on FIRST CHRI the Island• They own the property     Arcadia and Lake with a son and son-in-law. They . Interim Minister from Puget Soe/"0l brought two granddaughters, Unmn $ Bible School .......... 9:45 a.m. Family ',, 1 Karen and Christa Taylor to Worship .............. 11:00 a.m. . ..... r.7:Sg' keep them company. C a l S L fs Of Vi if Wednescly--BibleStudyPtrtYl"OOSe"A Child Care Service Available at --w'-':L/I The Carroll Enos with their an ees o s ors " b rcc grandson have been busy work- ur !| ing on their place this past week. DuSng T h P sf We k d "' Ep" C!: They have the former Meek's | e a e en St. David s iscopal place• Fourth & Cedar, Shel. rt?ys:,t${.i" The Rev. Clarence A. LodY--r,',-and P" B The Lawrence Lockharts and y C VR HNOS are Mrs. Ina Wivell, Mrs. Frank The Church is always open formeditatl0P' t0 two girls from Kent were week- _ ..... Guyer and her son and daughter, end guests of the Charles Shear-  UNioN--Alter me welcomes David and Fahhia 7:30 A.M.--Holy Communion .... , I.IOte, "'- 'I ers who are vacationing at their rain of last week the highway --. 7"'- ":.'' _ 9:00 A•M.--Divine Worship (St. Andrew  - i .....  Armwng at ea-lac Saturday llw'me Worahu# cabin at the Lagoon at Ballow and byways were tiueu wire ni-ht were 'r  " ............. •  avJ. . k.x2Ul'(2 I-IIU l.nE[ for about two weeks• They are travelers headed for the various son Jac ........ • . , K, from Jonnsmwn, I.)l'llO. also former neighbors of the Sid places for reereatmn or 3ust out They are spendin- ten da"s with Madges when they lived in Ket. for a drwe, . Mr a ....... They visited the Madges ver Mr and [rs Otto 'ro;''- "^ no vrs. tnaries ioggs, xs. • , vv JVlUl $L¢:- " .  .- . /,__ .......... Hill and ,IVlrs. Boggs are sisters. the weekend too. It had een mrnea from a two week race- H - ..... ...... gush gues*s a* me home o: TeL 426-8461 " I three years since they had been tion trip that took mere mrougn Mr ...... to the Island. . . . ann vrs. uranK Dean were Pastor I P'0 'l the western staes and beautiful .... an ..... • . ,v'. cz vtrs. Laurence owman Arthur L. Baals I .,"l}l majestic scenery. They started of : ......... The Harold Shew family ar- out b ....... ,,,. +h Ao+,o • mue, ure. rney Became Y30,1967 { ',l rived last Saturday to spend this  ....... ' ......... frie "" • ° nds when both famflms rived 9chool ....=,, ,,K week visiting his brother, Rol- Bridge into Oregon then on in Kansas. land, at the south end of the through Caiiforrda, Nevada, Colo- Mlrs. Dorothy Jessup had a 11:00 a.m.--Toplc: "KNEES AND TONQUI Island. The Rolland Shews are rado, Rocky Mountain National 6:30 p.m.--Youth Groups spending about a month here on the Island. The Hi Burches from Aber- deen were busy this past week- end clearing land to build a shop on. While husband, Hi, was clearing with the bulldozer, wife, Jean, was busy working in the garden the Burches and Niemis do as a joint venture• The Burches daughter, Janel, will be starting beauty school this next week in Aberdeen. Callers at the Jim Lohrer home two weeks ago were the Dale Everetts and their three children from Woodenville. She is Naomi's niece• This past weekend Na- omi's sister and her husband, the Vern Engwalls accompanied by Mrs. Tom Samrnon and her three children, spent Sunday visiting the Lohrers. During her stay last weekend, Carol Bengelsdorf, told of a little blind girl in Tacoma• This little girl was promised a seeing eye dog if she could get fifty pounds of the pull tabs off pop cans. A container will be placed on the ferry for any Islanders wish- ing to help 'in this very worth- while collection• Park, Teton National Park, Yel- lowstone National Park and Gla- cier National Park. They also stopped in Bozeman, Mont. to visit with Mr. Wojohn's sister. Several of our local families spent the weekend at Ocean Shores and did some clam dig- ging. They were M1r. and Mrs. Max Dean and famiily, Billy Timm, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Allen and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Pierce, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sages from, Belfair. Mike Moore was home this weekend for the first leave from Ft. Lewis since he was inducted. He brought home with him a buddy as a house guest. He is Paul Valentine of White River, Wis. Mrs. Kenneth Pearce and Mrs. Jarrms Bittle are organizing an Orthopedic AuXiliary for young women of Union, Skokomish Val- ley and Potlatch• All who axe interested contact either Mrs. Pearce or Mrs. Bittle. The next meeting will be Aug. 2 at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Harry Coles IV. Mrs. Nina Miller left Monday for a camping trip to Deer Park in the Olympics. Her companions birthday celebration in her home for Jean Morrow Wednesday. Jean Morrow for many years operated the Gift Shop next to Alderbrook. She is now living in Tacoma• Scott hetzler is visiting with his sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Don Stacy of Lacey. They took Scott camping last week- end. Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Bishop were here for the weekend• Their son, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Bishop from Palm Springs arrived for a few days visit with his parents. Mrs. Barbara Sjoblom and her daughters, Kriss and Sally, came from Seattle to make the family complete. :Mrs. Tillie Sherman received word that her son Jack Kallerson has just gone on duty on his new job policing all Coast Guard bases in the East Bay of San Francisco including the Coast Guard Training Station. Mrs. Max Dean, Mrs. TiLlie Sherman, Mrs. Dorothy Aldrich and Mrs. J. E. Bishop all en- joyed a day of shopping in Ta- coma last week. To top the day of fun they went to see the Twilight Races at Longacres. i iiii i i i i i i ii i i I u2JgAX UUUL -- 'or All Ageu .......... . ........... -'0 MORNING WORSHIP ....................................... . ............ . .:  CHRIST'S AMBASSADORS (Youth) ............ . .......... . : EVANGELISTIC SERVICE .................... : ....... .'.'.'J" '" i Faith Lutheran C 7th and Franklin Family Worship Service: 8:3Oa;O'., . Classes: Sunday School & Adult : 2nd Worship Service 11:00 a,r. "A FRIENDLY cHURCI4" Flon e Carl J. Carlsen, Pastor Firs+ Church of Chris 302 Alder St., 8helton, Sunday School 11:00 a.m. - Wednesday evening testimony Reading room located in church. 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Mon.& Fri. Fishermen's Club and Margaret took a drive to the ocean. It was their first view of the Pacific and they were quite impressed. Then Sunday they had a chance to see a gecuek dug for the first time, when the Hartly's from Tacoma were out for a weekend on their property near the McCulloehs. They also showed the Mid-West visitors how to shuck oysters. SUnday the three took a drive up to Lake Clushrrmn. All of thi MR. EALY STATE ssys: "PARKWOOD" is planned for your new home Call HIMLIE REALTY 426-3369 II 11 Another Islander, Mxs. Charlie Stevens, was also still confined to the hospital, as of this writing. She entered Doctor's Hospital in Tacoma last Tuesday for surgery KITSAP LAKE Hiway 3 North Ends Tuesday Michael Cain & Jane Fonda "HURRY SUNDOWN" Kirk Douglas k%"18 PARIS BURNING?"_ RODEO DRIVE.IN . Belfalr Hlway r Ends Monday One 007's Not Enm,h 1 "CASINO aoY-A'k- k,°;'1 Jerry "3 On A Couch"  Tues Only $z25 Car j Paycho" ,"The aird| I Boxoffieesopen at 8:0  24 hr. Phone ES 7-6464 FOR BEST RESUtTS IN: USE THE WANT ADS WANT ADS SELL, SERVICE AND MERCHANDISEI Want ads get fast resultsl They've got cover- age{ That's why buyers and sellers of goods and services go to the Want Ads for action. Save valuable time by getting your message before the right readers. Set your price, welll set your ad. You watch the money come in. Phone 426-4412 P.U.D. AUDITORIUM - 3rd & cota SUNDAY, JULY 30, 1967 Speaker: REV. ALEX MOTES Theme: "WE KNOW NOT" Program to be announced BE MY GUEST. BUT PLEASE... Page 16. Sheiton.Mason County Journal - Thurpday, July 27, 1967