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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 27, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 27, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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00rom Brazil Visiting Relatives Here 'i '! :i l Ivtr, and Mrs. !. . alI¢l daughter, 00onth with 't S.o Paulo, ',IS visiting her th visit, daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Tressa GoDs, 6, was honor Mrs. Kenneth Naas and three guest at a birthday party last hildren, went to Westport Fri- Saturday afternoon at the home day returning Sunday evening. of her mother, Mrs. Ron GoDs. The Naas are planning a home Nine friends enjoyed birthday in Tacoma as soon as one suit- cake and ice cream with Tressa. able can be found. A much needed street light has Mr. and Mrs. Tim O'Neil have been added at Potlatch in front moved to Port Angeles where Ln Education of the Standard Oil tanks. Tim is log-scaling. They spent Memorial Mr. and Mrs. Oran Lee and last weekend here with Tim's e Parrott's the first of grandparents, Mr. and 1Vs. Wil- liam Gilbert and were surprised by a visit from Mjr. and Mrs. Cloyd Brister, Kelso. Cloyd and Tim were service buddies and had not seen each other for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Jim O'Neil have Rodgeberg property on Highway 101 near the Junction and are taking immediate possession. then re. Matlock: they will  " tae Mission Recep÷ion Honors Couple Married Recen+[Ycamper ' Steven -, donna .thetr 26th Wed- By DOlCA HEAR Hester and son of Bremerton left with their f r a six- kii ............. :and lVLr. and Mrs. WeB Good- week trip to Anchorage, Alaska, a • .JerLut:  A wedmng re- burn and fan'fily of Shelton. to visit Mrs Helin's brother, Mr cepdon was neia at the 1Yfatloc Mr ,d M- rn Lindow and and iY£r , r,tln The He" r Ha" aturda i ..................  .......... . ange u u , y even ng Mrs. Garth Calkins and daugh- lins will drive to Kelsey Bay m nonor or ar. ann ¢Lrs. uavm ter Colleen of San Diego, Calif., and ferry to Prince Rupert then m.k-' le, Tahola were .married d of lI • Valley, who in are house guests of Mr. and to Skagway and then on the l'al,, '. Anna New Jersey July 8. A large Mrs. Earl Walker. Mrs. Lindow train eight hours to White Horse 1' l birthday crowd attended to wish the is Mrs. Walker's sister, and then drive on to Anchorage.  e? t Thursday couple a happy future and they Mrs. Edward Valley and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Patti Rassmaier a 0f and coffee received many nice and useful and Mrs. David Valley spent and sons of Olympia were callers :,  ,,ung. Mrs. was July 5. gifts. The hostess were Mrs. Monday in Tacoma with the Sunday at the Lud Rossmaier Ralph Killough, Mrs. Lud Ross- Lloyd House family, and Edward Valley homes. .rC. pier No. 177 racier, Mrs. Kenneth Gribble and ]YEr. and Mrs. Gene Brehmeyer Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier 0lC,,0 e Chapter Mrs. Elvin Hearing. of Aberdeen spent the weekend attended a birthday party Sun- 'l, h,_ Illt E.$. held a Word was received of the birth with their folks, the Herbert day evening at the Carl Good- ?,ialvi,a.Yeve - of a son to Mr. and Mrs. John Brehmeyer Sr. family, burn home in Shelton in honor I;,r,,o[,,:ik-,, ,, uoyce Mr. and 1Vrs. Herbert Helin of Staaley's eithth birthday. lW°rthy Grand McGarvie at Rock Creek Can- !'ir of Wash- add, July 18. Grandparents are 10 '°r Chapter Mr. and Mrs. Andrew McGarvie Southside: i'd Welcome here and Mr. and Mrs. Taylor ,.' :l [It0;es-- a tory ot ,v :u,,.,theW°rk'tw° of Scotland.  --''-a st ' givea b lYE,. and Mrs. Jackson Morris ailed On Well At '%," Cha,,'== and family of Long Beach, Calif. .i eic°e Chap- were dinner guests at the Elvin Hearing home Tuesday. Little Skookum Fire Hall Angeles has been a house guest By MRS. RAY KRATCHA out and found a car on fire on at the William Avery home the Millers Road, which was a total :'"*, of California past week. ] SOU THSIDE -- Bill Russell loss. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Provo and Drilling Company has completed I-¢' r rs. Nichol- children of Seattle spent the past the installation of the pump at 8 Theat LittleneXt fireskookummeetingFireiS Hall.AUg' itve, ean Dor- week with their folks, Mr. and Little Skookum Fire Station and iI,a Ill. Mrs. Mrs. A D. Hunter of Lake Na- the well is furnishing plenty of Mr. and Mrs. Don Clark spent * a week in Oregon, vacationing for a longer watzel. They also spent Wednes- water, which makes the firemen and rock hunting. day afternoon at th Elvin Hear- very happy. ing home. Now they have lots of light Southside Grange met last Fri- Matlock Grange held its regu- and water for filling the fire day with a small group and had lar meeting Friday evening, trucks at any time of the dab, all the business taken care of They voted to just hold one or night, and discussed the booth situation meeting, Aug 4 and cancel their Pat Dugger is putting on the for the YMson County Fair. /. %Z[ Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Verne second meeting in August be- hose connections on the pump Schuffenhauer and family laB{ cause of Mason County Fair. for truck filling purposes and °  I' The Grange will have its picnic also he is getting help to in- week spending Thursday and ,rt(rltx'h:/] . [ at Schafers Park the night of stall the fire station doors. FridaYReddingWereof CentraliaMr" and MrS.who ChUCkwere [ August 25 at 6 p.m. The commissioners of the Fire recently married. d" [ Saturday visiters at the home District No. 4 are looking for a Mr. and Mrs. Verne Schuffen- /,... [ of Mrs. Augusta Portman and centrally suitable spot for the hauer and family Sunday toured • Carl were N. P. Hansen and Southside Fire Station on Arcadia Lake Cushman and Staircase. ]VERB. Olive Gorrell of Olympia. Road. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Welander M_son County Fire Commis- Sunday 1Yr. and Mrs. Kenneth and Mrs. Brown of Shelton siGners are going to have a meet- Archer of Arcadia and Mrs. spent the afternoon at the Port- ing with the Mason County Corn- Katherine Johnson were dinner ' [' man home. missioners, Assessor, Auditor guests of Mr. and M's. Charles "$iin[ay  linndr guests at the and Treasurer in a couple of E. Moore of Port Orchard. [ l',-,shlg,.-. -, o. R. E: iadberry home were Mr. weeks or so, which concerns all M. and Mrs Jobjmy Spencer. and 1Vrs. Cliff Olson and Steve fire districts in 1V[ason County. and boys Sunday vening visited ,I:s," " Fergerson of Belfalr, Mrs. Don Southside fire truck was called Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Archer. Squeezing into a tiny import Slip intoa'67 Falcon a bny 00mport price, for about • Ford's famous Twice-a-Year Maintenance-- 6 months or 6,000 miles between oil changes. • Ford Motor Company's broad list of safety features--no extra charge for dual brake system, 2-speed electric windshield wipers with washer, seat belts, many more. See your Ford Dealer today...and savel , price includes freight c h.arg. Price is the aver- those uuterlllU uy an i"d 1 . age of of a --,enerh ing survey (30% It Ford shopp , Dealers in w==hinat0n Northern Oregon and ....... = , . .... Northern 'cesweren°g"'- mu,v, so wet. See our' Pord- Daler for h s price and terms, (staYte taxes license and tt,e exua.,, • wide choice of. optlonsin- cluding 200-cu.. m. Six or 289- cu. in. V-8, SemctShlft Cruise- o-Matic that works manually and automatically. PAULEY, INC., 501 Railroad Ave., Shel'ton, Washington The MONEY SAVERS Store This Ad Effective July 27÷h through August 2nd 120 Cota Street Shelton, Washington Don't throw your MONEY SAVERS lc , PRICE @ 1 EA. S# E! RIGHT GUARD SPRAY DEODORANT 7 oz. Size Mfg. Sug. Price $1,49 MONEY SAVERS il m#c P.,C00 O i MONEY SAVERS J jltc • PRICE 0LEA. -BIG SAVING! MISS BRE ..... CK . :i:i ., HAIR SPRAY "'I'' ' 13-OZ. Size --'Reg., Super-Hold K. Mfg. Sug. Price 99¢ '',,:,, MONEY SAVERS JJc pmc¢ ,3;;]1 The MONEY SAVERS Everyday $pedaJs SUNBEAM COFFEE MAKER  6 Cup $I99 Reg. $19.95  Everyday Low Price ...... DOMINION 2 SLICE TOASTER $!99 Reg. $15.95  Everyday Low Price ........ O • DIPPITY DO -- Reg. & Hard-to-Hold n(¢ Red, $1.25  Everyday Low Price ........ • THERMOS BOTTLE  Quart Size $477 Reg. $3.69  Everyday Low Price ........ • DOMINION 4 SLICE TOASTER $11A99 • WAGNER CAST IRON SKILLET--8" $=1193 Reg. $24.95  Everyday Low Price ...... lit Reg. $2.5,9  Everyday Low Price ........ I • OSTER BLENDER-- Reg. $39.95 $I I99 Everyday L, ow Price ................................ I • RUBBERMAID STOVE & TABLE TOP $11 13 MATReg. $1.49---Everyday Low Price I • KODAK 8ram ROLL FILM $11 87 • Reg. $2.45  Everyday Low Price ........ I ALKA SELTZER  25's Reg. 69¢- Everyday Low Price .......... II=.oj¢ • PLAYTEX RUBBER GLOVES O€ • FESCO PLASTIC DISHPAN --11 qt. mlhl Reg. 98¢  Everday Low Price ............ H1 Reg. 98€  Everyday bow Price ............ I1' • EVEREADY BATTERIES- Standard 111€ • GILLETTE TECHMATIC $a Reg. 25¢  Everyday Low Price ............ I '7' Reg. $2.95  Everyday Low Price ........ • MAYLA TEFLON IRONING BOARD 'I" , WESTCLOX BABY BEN, Luminous $679 COVER, Reg. $1.98, Everyday Low Price Reg. $8.98  Everyday Low Price ........ • ULTRA BRITE TOOTHPASTE, King Size, ="BI' • Reg. 85¢ -- Everyday Low Price .......... J¢ • J &. J BABY SHAMPOO, Med. IE'' • Reg. 69¢- Everyday Low Price ............ O re ALUMINUM BAKE 'N TAKE PAN Reg. $1.89  Everyday Low Price .......... RUBBERMAID SCRAPER .. Reg. 29¢  Everyday Low Price ........ SAVE at MONEY SAVERS SAVE at MONEY SAVERS Thursday, July 27, 1967 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 17