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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 27, 1967     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 27, 1967
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Fer FAST SERVICE Phone 426-4412 Classified Deadline: 3 p.m. Tuesday Too Late to Classify: 5 p.m. Tuesday For Sale FOR A ItEE HOUR of beauty call for a Merle Norman Cos- metic demonstration. Elaine's, phons 426-4582. E 6/4 tfn D For Sale FOR SALE --- Large selection of reconditioned ranges, re- frigerators, washers, dryers. Eells & Valley Appliance Center. 6/5 tfn FURNITURE, ANTIQUES. Ev- ergreen Second Hand Store, USED CONSOLE TV for sale, ex- • Matiock Road. Phons 426-2028. cellent condition, $100 or best W 1/20 tfn offer. Phone 426-8114. S 7/20-8/10 MOBILE HOME FURNITURE -- We specialize in quality 3 YEAR OLD 18" reel type compact furniture for your Craftsmen power mower $50. mobile home. At Olsen Furnl- 426-3520. W 7/20-27 ture you're always welcome, 4th and Cola. 426-4702. CONCRETE PATIO TABLES, 4/14 tfn OUR EVERYDAY PRICE! Six miniature color prints from slides, 99¢ Regular $1.98. Zieg- HAY FOR SALE. McDonald's let's Camera. 426,6183. farm -- Kamilche Valley. 426- 5/25 tfn 8740. M 1/12 tfn 1967 SWING-NEEDLE zig-zig, sews on buttons, buttonholes, fancy applique. Assume nine $5.00 payments or $40 cash. Call collect Olympia 943-1040. N 7/6-27 FOR SALE -- Good, effective and inexpensive advertising. Just call The Journal, 426- 4412. 8/19 tfn WALL;TO-WALL CARPETS ol room-size rugs. Custom-made draperies. We measure, expert installation. Your satisfaction is guaranteed. Free estimates. You're always welcome at O1. sen Furniture, 4th and Cota, 426-4702. O 11/18 tfn . FREE KODAK FILM, Kodacolor i or black/white with each roll : left at Ziegler's Camera. 426- 6163. 5/25 tfn 30 INCH COPPERTONE Frigid- aire range for sale. Like new. Call 426-4745. B 7/13-8/3 HYSTER SINGLE DRUM load- ing donkey, powered by Jeep motor, mounted on old Chev- rolet truck, $250. Phone 426- 4064. K 5/18 tfn SMALL ELECTRIC hot dog ma- oh4ne, $35. 426-2556. H 7/27-8/3 TAN RUG and runner 15' by 13', runner 14' by 3'. Nylon. 426-8025 after 5 p.m. J 7/20-27 WITH POLE AND ALDER wood for aae, $8 +cord, delivered. Phone l gilMORE AUTOMATIC dryer, $84.95. Call Sears, ask for Norm, 426-8201. S 7/27 VACUUM CLEANERS -- We sell the best and service the rest. Jack Manley. Phone 426- 3544. M 3/2 tfn LOCKER BEEF -- 2 year old steers. 200-225 lb. average side. 49 cents lb. cut and wrapped on halves. Stewart's Food Bas- ket, Mt. View. 6/22 tfn BLUE LUSTRE not only rids carpets of soil but leaes pile soft and lofty. Rent electric shampooer $1. Coast to Coast. C 7/27 Used Cars 1959 FORD station wagon with power brakes and power steer- ing, good condition. Phone 426- 3165. C 7/6-27 '52 G.M.C. PICKUP $175.00 or trade for ? 426-8808. S 7/13 tfn MUST SELL: 1965 Barracuda. Very clean, 38,000 miles. $1700. 426-2103. 7/20-27 1965 V.W. nine passenger bus, excellent condition. 426-2773. B 7/20-27 TRADE IN YOUR old furniture at Olsen Furniture, 4th and Cota. 4/14 tfn ELIOT BLUEBERRIES, 30¢ lb. in bulk. Nectar and boysenber- ries, 20¢ per box. Phone 426- 8337 evenings. E 7/20-27 bird bath, stepping stones, dog ........................................ proof garbage can holders. '49 STUDEBAKER Pick-up. Runs 426-6516. H 7/20-8/10 good, looks good. $175. 426- 8489. S 7/27 tfn '64 RAMBLER CLASSIC 770 Hardtop, low mileage, excellent condition. Call 426-8661 eve- nings. .K 7/27 tfn 1981 DART SI) N, $375.00. 2119 Laurel or phone 426-4653. L 7/27 tfn PRIVATE PARTY must sell Model 54 Baldwin organ, cash or assume monthly payments. Sacrifice equity. Write F. W. McGuire, 2902 Cherry, Hoqul- am. P 7/20-8/10 ANTIQUES, METALS, tokens, coins, odds and ends, electric range. Marmo's Antique Shop north of Lilliwaup or 877-5488. P 7/27 tfn BLUEBERRIES for sale  15 cents a pound, you pick; 30 cents if we pick. A 42" elec- tric stove; 6 by 4 double windows. 426-4222. S 7/27 - 8/17 SCHWINN STINGRAY boy's bike $35.00. Inquire 2119 Laurel st. or phone 426-4653. L 7/27 tfn FOR SALE -- A G.E. electric range, good working order, $25. 426-3676. M 7/27 FOR SALE: Large wooden desk with swivel chair. Call 426- 2089. M 7/27-8/3 G.E. REFRIGERATOR freezer combination, $80, nice condi- t.ion. Also complete bed - box spring and mattress, like new, $30. 426-4256. R 7/20-27 L 1POWZt,. ' IWI¢OW: ar:e cheap. 428-8144. B 7/27 t i i SPINET PIANO May be had by assum- ing small monthly pay- ments. Beautifiul fin- ish. See it Locally. Write Harvey Mullenax, 4319 Stoneway, North, Seattle, Wash, 7120-27 Sporting Goods Wanted DEPENDABLE experienced 18 year old girl desires baby sit- ting, entire summer or part- time. 426-4201. F 7/6-27 WANTED -- Trailer for 14 foot boat. Call 426-4745. B 7/13-8/3 RETIRED MAN will do pipe work. Phone 426-6078. C 7113-8/3 HANDYMAN wants joos. Clean- izg, painting, repairing. For in- formation call 426-4278. B 3/30 tfn IRONING DONE In my home six days a week. Phone 426- 6420. 90¢ per hour. L 2/10 tfn GIRL WANTS baby-sitting, is experienced. Phone 426-6101. D 7/6-27 BOY, 18, WAI;TS summer work. Phone 426-4647. M 7/6-27 ANTIQUE CARNIVAL  All types of glass, collectors items, Jim Bean bottles, and other bottles, metals, tokens and coins. Send list to P. O. Box 27 or bring to shop 5 miles above Post Office at Lilllwaup. 877-5488 P 7/27 tfn WANTED Standing Alder Timber of Sawmill Quality CASCADE FIBRE Chehalis, Wash. 748-3800 days 736-5830 eves 4/13 tfn i i, i BACKHOE SERVICE Septic Tanks • Drain Fields Grading • Free Estimates BILL NeLL 426-4160 3/16 tfn i i i Services CHAIN SAW SHARPENING, speedy, accurate, precision grinding. Now at Saeger Mo- tor Shop, Hillcrest. Phone 426- 4602. 1/15 tfn SAND AND GRAVEL, top soil, peat soil, custom tractor work. Johns Creek Sand & Gravc! Co., phone 426-3552. 9/12 tfn MEL-RU BOARDING Kennels. Private in and out run-way for your dog. Also pasture for your horse and beef. 426-2387. N 7/27-8/3 HAND SAWS & TABLE SAWS SHARPENED 1714 Jefferson (Mt. View) Phone 426-6687 H 2/17 tfn i ii LANE HOUSE MOVING Houses Raised, Foundations and Leveling Phone 426-8147 1/27 tfn m i BACKHOE SERVICE SEPTIC TANKS INSTALLED Top Soil, Fill Dirt, Gravel, Ditch Digging, Bulldozing --//- First Bank Cards Honored --//- GLEN PARR 426-6539 8HELTON 5/25 tfn Help Wanted WANTED  Woman to model for hairdresser's examination. Needed one day only. Age and beauty unimportant. Phone 426- 3497. P 7/20 tfn HELP WANTED -- Hooker- Climber Choker Setter and Truck Driver. 426-2397. B 7/20-27 nil ml __________ ..... ..,.e.,mn.n,,I m mvvva mm Im n mm' CARD OF APPRECIATION We wish to thank all those who assisted during and following the loss of our home by fire. Also many thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gibble, Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Sparks, the Sou taside Grange and the many people who sent gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Benne and family CARD OF APPRECIATION The kindness and sympathy of neighbors and friends in our re- cent sorrow will always remain Pets, Livestock K-9 KIPS, professional poodle clipping and pet grooming. Call Mrs. Kimball for appoint- ment 426-8988. 7/27-8/17 Real Estate BEAUTIFUL BROOKSIDE and upland property, Dayton area, for sale. Bar-Din Enterprise, 311 Cookson. Phone 426-8113. B 6/8 tfn MEL,RU Private in and out run-way for your dog. Also pasture for your horse and beef. 426-2387. N 7/27-8/3 FOR SALE -- Gentle mare. 426- 6892. I 7/27 tfn AT STUD --Ibn Natif, register- ed Arabian stallion, clestnut, 15 hands, best disposition, grade mares accepted. Call Sky- lark Ranch, evenings, 426-2851. ; H 4/27 tfn Puppies! BOARDING Kennels ..................................................... FOR SALE -- 2 bedroom older house, partly furnished, one car garage, downtown Shelton. 426- 6789. C 7/27-8/17 EQUITY in HiIlcrest older home, four bedrooms, full basement, garage. Phone 426-2494 after 4 p.m. G 7/20-8/10 COUNTRY LIVING in town. three-quarters city block with barn and fruit trees. 4 bed- room house, panel rec. room, 2 baths, 2 fireplaces. $17,900. Call 877-5334 or 426-2651. S 7/20-8/3 A good selection of Australian Terriers available. The newest Terrier in the U.S. Small, lively, lovable, intelligent. New Litter of West Highland White Terriers Stud Service: Australian Terrier, West Highland White Terrier, Toy Psodle (White, Texas Breeding) TEANN KENNELS Route 2, Box 908 Phone 426-6152 Shelton, Wash. For Rent FOR RENT -- 2 and 3 room fur- nished apartments for single quiet person. Apply 526 Frank- lin or phone 426-8113. B 6/15 tfn LAWTON APARTMENTS -- 7th and Pine. Quiet, comfort- able, furnished, unfurnished. One bedroom or bachelor units. 426-2121. 2/9 tfn GATEWAY APARTMENTS -- Furnished, modern downtown. Adults only. Inquir 119 E. Ce- dar. Phone 426-4895 or 426- 4481. G 6/1 tfn FOR RENT - Trailer space close to downtown. Call 426- 4426, M 10/8 tfn FOR RENT -- Two bedroom, furnished apartment. Edge- wood Aps., Shelton Airport. Phone 426-8584. S 4/6 tfn 3 BEDROOM COTTAGE for rent, 426-8423. W 7/6-27 FOR RENT: Nice light one bed- room apartment, furnished, downtown. Inquire 718 No. 6th. D 2/23 tfn FOR RENT: 8'x35' one bedroom house trailer, vacant now. Ph. 426-3169. B 6/22 tfn BAYSHORE HOME Three bedrooms, 2 baths, family room, fossil rock fire- place, carpets, drapes, range, dishwasher, beam ceilings, double garage. Low mainte- nance wooded lot. Golf course, excellent beach. 4264539 D 7/27 A. Roy Dunn BEST OF WATERFRONT . . . 300' of excellent Hammersly In- let waterfront--ractically no bank, with lawn to water's edge, and fine pea-gravel beach. Ideal for 3 or 4 to buy together and divide. Only $32,500 and at this price the fine 2 bedroom, full basement home, garage, out- buildings, etc, are free! Better check this ! NEAR ANGLE SCHOOL ... Modest but comfy 3 bedroom home with nice garden plot, fruit trees and dandy 2-car gar- a e 1 ge0% with workshop. $7500 and down will buy it. Hurry YOU'LL LIKE THIS ONE . . . Attractive 2 bedroom California s;le 'home with full basement and many fine features. Spacious r o o m s, plastered, hardwood floors, fireplace, finest heating system, dining room, lovely kitchen, etc. It's downtown and walking distance to all stores. $18,500. FINE ACREAGE AND HOME Growing timber and Xmas trees plus fenced pasture land make this a fine piece of land near town. Good barn, well, outbuUd- ings, and fruit trees too. Handy- man can mprove the livable home. $11,000. 3 BR. HOME  $43501 . . . GREEN DAVENO in excellent condition. $35. 426-2121. NORSEMAN 16 ft. boat with D 7/27 tfn Teene trailer, outboard motor 55 h.p. See at 115 Rossevelt. WOOD FOR SALE -- Alder, fir, Phone 426-3529. G 7/6-27 maple, Jack pine, any length. - ................................................. Immediate delivery. $18.00 per BOAT -- FISHERMAN'S  un- cord. Call Belfalr CR 5-2302. D 7/27 tfn J Garage Sale Assorted tables, kitchen chairs, overstuffed chair with nylon frieze cover, swivel chair to up- holster, single Hollywood bed, guttar, 2 wooden boats, 35mm slide projector. Evenings 426-6811 B 7/27 m| u H Immediate Delivery HOTPOINT . : 10 Year Free Replaoement Warranty painted. Phone 426-8113. B 6/15 tfn TWO McCULLOCH outboard matching motors, long shaft (25 h.p. handpull, 28 h.p. elec- tric start), controls and extra props. Phone 426-2411 or 426- 3375. K 6/15 tfn 16 FOOT BOAT, 2 motors and a trailer for sale or trade for trailer house. 426-3169. B 7/13 tfn 1964 HONDA 90. $200. 426-3520. W 7/20-27 FACTORY BUILT 500 lb. boat trailer, complete, $90.00. 14 ft. fishing boat, $40.00. Sell sep- arately or all for $115. 428- 8521. K 7/20-8/10 1985 HONDA Super 90. Good condition. Robert Barnes. 426- 8005. B 7/27-8/17 8' HYDROPLANE 5 horse out- board $50. 426-2072. B 7/20-27 FOR SALE: sg0 Honda $190. Trailer mounted 300 amp G.E. welder. Buckineer automatic wood heater, $45. 428-6870. W 7/20.8/10 GLASSPAR FIBREFORM GLASTRON • EVINRUDE BOSTON WHALER EVINRUDE -- HOMELITE BOATS 4. MOTOR8 Holesolaw • E-Z- Loader Little Dude OSBORNE'S GENERAL CONTRACTING we go anywhere In county do anything reasonable. 426-6241 5/11 tfn BULLDOZER ROAD GRADER Backhoe and Dump Truck Work Septic Systems Installed Call GENE'S GRADER SERVICE 426-4827 3/30 tfn WANTED GOOD USED FURNITURE or APPLIANCES Cash or Consign KELLY FURNITURE 1st & Mill 426-2411 1/27 tfn Services ----- CABINET MAKING and saw fil- ing. General remodeling. Fin- ished carpentry. Phone 426- 2207. H 7/20-8/10 Open 8undays Bank Financing PSYCHIC READING: Advice H C and help on many matters. ood anal 7182 Martin Way. Phone 357- 8771, Olympia. A 1/5-26 tfn Marina BACK HOE SERVICE -- Light WATER HEATER The Hotpoint Custom Glassllae grading, back filling, sewage water heater providu the ulU- Union 898-2252 systems. Reasonable rates. mate in outematie, size, effi- .t t_A. ,,,n , elent operation. And best of oIL it is blMked by 10 year tank  ' Dietz Kadoun, phone 426-6893. Eeils & Valley Heyl uess What? Applian Center Lloyd Has a New Steam Cleaner. 2nd & Cota St. :Ce & L, Phone 426-4663 Complete Home Furnishing ..-...,. mi, TIME SERVICE Center   • • f' JLI 401 SO. First Ph. 426-25 C 6/22-7/18 Page 18. Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 27, 1967 wit us as a precious memory. Our sincere thanks and gratitude for all those comforting acts. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Waiters, Sharon, Clark and Debbie THREE BEDROOM home for sale. Also 15 ft. camp trailer. Call 426-4167 evenings. R 7/27-8/17 NOTE OF THANKS The family of Myrtle Jacobsen Brown wish to extend their thanks to all for their many ex- pressions of sympathy and kind- ness during her recent illness and death. The Jacobsen Family 7/27 CARD OF APPRECIATION The kindness and sympathy of neighbors and friends in our re- cent sorrow will always remain with us a precious memory. Our sincere thanks for all your com- forting acts. Mrs. Ruth Etherton Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Smith Mr. and Mrs. Larry Etherton 7/27 CARD OF THANKS Our sincere thanks to all those who assisted at the fire at our cabin on Harstine Island, with a special "thank you" to Mr. Stan Yates, Mr. Jim McAuliffe, and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Peugh. Members of the Walter Scott Fam/ly 7/27 Lost & Found LOST  SIAMESE cat, 4 years, male, dark coat. 426-8572. S 7/27 LOSTSouth Shore Canal, small black/white male cat with red collar and female gray Persian with gold collar. Phone Union 898-2171. S..W. Vander Wegen. V 7/20-27 Don't monkey ar. with fire! " " m FOR RENT: Furnished one-bed- room apartment. Water and garbage included. $55. 426-3242. B 6/15 tfn FOR RENT --One room bacl: elor apartment. Water furnish- ed. Bayshore. $25 a month. 426- 4846. O 7/20-8/3 FOR RENT -- Waterfront 2 bed- room home, partly furnished, 1/ baths. Adults only. Triton Cove. Hoodsport 877-5880. S 7/27 FOR RENT  2 bedroom duplex, with private garage. Available August 1. Phone 426-3397 or 426-4420. G 7/27 tfn FOR RENT  3 bedroom home. Electric range included. Gar- age. Rent $70. Devereux-Hul. der Real Estate, 426-8544. 7/27 VACANCY Edgewood Apartments Shelton Airport 2 BEDROOM FURNISHED Call 426.8584 4/6 tfn R. E. Exchanges EXCHANGE -- What you have for what you want. Hurt Mann, Realtor - Exchanger, 426-6592. 8/18 tfn WILL TRADE--Trailer lot com- plete with well, septic tank and wash-house for boat and motor, pick.up or what? Call Mann Real Estate 426-6592. 7/27 tfn Real Estate HOOD CANAL, Pebble Cove, 2 bedroom cottage for sale. Near Alderbrook Inn. Phone 426- 6190. S 6/15 tfn HILIREST 2 bedroom home at 941 E. Cascade. Large garden area- Phone owner 426-6190. S 6/15 tfn FOUR BEDROOM house, close to school. Substantial down payment. Call 426-8113. B 5/18 tfn COMFORTABLE 5 bedroom home located on Angleside. 426-8047. F 7/13-8/3 FOR SALE  Equity four bed- room house. Inquire 906 South 7th, evenings. B 7/20-8/10 If you need 3 bedrooms and want to hold the cost down, this one could fit the bill. Cosy home on corner Hillcrest lot not far from Bordeaux school. A CUSTOM-BUILT HOME . . . This lovely 1-bedroom home was butt to owner's exacting specifi- cations. Beautiful birch and cherry pannelling, ample cera- mic tile, 2 attractive baths, 2 fireplaces, all built-in appliances, pretty maple flooring, etc. On 10 wooded acres with winding stream. $20,000. NEAR BORDEAUX SCHOOL • • We have 2 houses for the price of one--$7950. Live in one and the income from the other will help pay for both. ANGLESlDE 4 BR. HOME . . . This very lovely view home is just like new, and has so many nice features--2 baths, fireplace, large fenced yard, fruit trees, 2-car garage, etc. It's oin for $15,500, and you can gt i for only $500 down! Hurry! WANT GOOD INVESTMENT? Put your money in this 120 acres of farmland near town--watch it grow in value. A good deal cleared and in pasture. 2 small houses thereon rent for $I00/ month. $36,000. FINE BUILDING LOTS... If you are planning to build, suggest you check with us for the right lots--we have them on Hilicrest, Angleside, Downtown, Northcliff, and Mountain View. Very reasonable too! Better look now ! WANT VACATION SPOT7 . . . We have some fine properfles both waterfront and view lots-- on Shorecrest, Lost Lake, Star Lake, Hammersley Inlet, Lake Nahwatzel, etc. Come in and we'll tell you about them . . . prices start at $1250! Call 426-4447 A. Roy Dunn REALTOR EVENINGS CALL Don Brown  426-6388 A. Roy Dunn  426-4601 126 Railroad Avenue  8helton P 15 FOUR (4) Insertions for th Mobile Homes BY OWNER -- Three bedroom furnished, plastered, hardwood floors, fireplace. 70'x120'. Close to school, stores. 426-2206 after 6 p.m. H 7/27 front. east terms. NEAT TWO BEDROOM home for sale. New fireplace, side- LARGE walk, driveway. Have to see on to appreciate. 426-6304 eve- acres. nings. K 7/27 tfn owner, COMMERCIAL 4 PROPERTY Corner Lot  100' x 120' Sixth & Railroad some cash. Phone 426.8190 A 11/10 tfn PURDY REALTY That's GIG HARBOR  857-2121 down tracts LAST CHANCEl 60 ft. and 90 ft. waterfront tracts tracts in Grapeview, nicely or wooded, low bank, in cove, water and and electricity. These prices can't ed last. We have only four left. homestes. $4950, $100 down. There's * $ $ TREASURE ISLAND Back to school special -- Two for bedroom home, five years old, large living room with fireplace, central 2 large lots, walking distance to der private dock and beach, only 16 and miles from Shelton. Total price $16,950. Call Julie Stock, 426-6705 or 426-6911. HOODSPORT $7500. Perfect for young cou- rooms, large living room, roomy kitchen, close to stores. POTLATCH $$7500. Perfect for young cou- ple, low down payment, 1 bed- rooms. INDIAN BEACH $19,500, completely furnished. Biggest little home we've seen. Perfect beach, view, secluded. $28.500. Lovely beach home with day-light basement, all pan- elled, double plumbing, fireplace, lots of cupboards, fine beach, good moorage. . ......... East Provide Rt. 2, anytime. FOR Beauti: sq. sized ing Lge. R. neW ly HOOD CANAL cou REAL ESTATE pa, to HOODSPORT ple Phone 877-5211 or 877-5277 hem Union 898-2155 426"; 631. Mr. RealY UNDER $6,000.00 "- Just listed -- compact 2 bedroom  Arcadia Cozy --3 bedroom -- quiet location --- terrS, too, S io and s eli om -P attic p pans d2bedro ' ' _,e, ttached gw I Convenient Hillcrest location  a HrrY Phillip's Lake  62 feet choice lakefront " $6,00000- $10,000.00 " Spacious 3 bedroom -- A ngleside  woodedenl"ypldl'*'pp. 4 bedrooms-- close to school -- low paym nt Suburban setting -- 3 bedrooms  low dew 1 acre -- small home -- large garage. $10,500.00 -- $13,500.00 -, 5 years old -- perfect 3 bedroom  close to sh°u' Big famll home 4 bedroor$' y -- basement  It n0' 5 bedroom potential -- edge of town -" see . t0P, 3 acres  newer 3 bedroom home  south o 1 acre  2 bedrooms  FHA termS. Dandy 3 bedroom i basement  large lot $15,500.00 -- $19,500.00 Corner lot -- Mt. View -- 3 bedroom Angleside doll house -- full Family home on Angleside -- 3 bedroom " Choice lakefront property close to town " 3 acre suburban -- view of water  excelle OVER $21,500.00 _,'s o,o-,o ,o+ +.o -1 .o.. = +ooo vj#' Mt. View -- excellent neighborhoo'd "" "vroor Angleside  perfect 3 bedroom  famll.;n € I pllld' ... Hr='" 700 feet investment waterfront HIMLIE REAL00,, 1717 Olympic Highway N. EVENINGS CAI DICK KNAUF 426-8110 DAV VlNCE HIMLIE 426-6501