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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 27, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 27, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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oros,,--- 6th Ave, 614 . i" ne. 97209 portl-nu, v. andidate filings to open 2000000Jour00al il Thursday, July 27, 1978 Ninety-Second Year - Number 30 4 Sections. 38 Pages 15 Cents Per Copy li00hild-abusers coaxed of the €l t' here  STEVE PATCH  Don't expect it to rend the Jwith bloodcurdling screams or r the sidewalks with fistfuls .,J rhr and blackened fingernails. IdlJ Child abuse needn't produce lh dramatics to be a very real any longer," she says. "And they represent every occupational and social class. You don't have to be a down-and-outer.', Thelma Hauge, Mason County sheriffs deputy and chief investigator of abuse cases here, sees this community as being particularly susceptible to the type of problems that often Thelma Hauge / very real and damaging type of abuse, say authorities. The extent to which these different types of abuse manifest themselves here in Mason County is hard to pin down. Law enforcement figures are telling only to the extent that they are representative of the actual number of incidents - and no one pretends they are. "There definitely are more than reported," confirms Deputy Hauge, who's been a child-abuse and the like, and four cases of sexual abuse. The juvenile court, meanwhile, recorded 85 cases involving dependency or neglect. According to DSHS caseworkers Jan Boegl and Cheryl Everett, the state service agents most closely involved in child-abuse investigation and counseling in this community, one of the biggest problems even now is that people often fiat-out refuse to report even the most flagrant cases of abuse. "Often people feel they have no business interfering," notes Boegl, who works under the auspices of the Child Welfare Services. "And another thing is that the victims often are so young that nobody takes them seriously. "Small children are in an especially vulnerable position," she adds. "They are always readily available for people to take their frustrations out on." "You can't tell me there's a parent alive," puts in Everett, a Children's Protective Services caseworker, "who hasn't at least Filings for county offices up for election this year open in her office Monday morning and will dose at 4:30 p.m., August 4, County Auditor Peggy Cleveland says. Offices which will be on the ballot this fall are those of the assessor, auditor, clerk, district court judge, prosecuting attorney, sheriff, treasurer and county commission district one, the position presently held by Commissioner John Bariekman. One position will be open in each of the two public utility district commissions. In PUD 3, position two, currently held by Lloyd Shur will be up for election. In PUD 1, the district two position presently held by Harold Hunter will be on the ballot. All precinct committeeman positions in the county will also be up for election this fall, Mrs. Cleveland said. Also on the ballot this fall will be the two 24th Legislative District House of Representatives positions and" the Third Congressional District seat. Those filing for these positions, file with the Secretary of State's Office in Olympia during the same period, July 31 through August 4. Incumbent Democrats Sheriff Dan McNair, Clerk Elaine Province; Prosecuting Attorney Byron McClanahan and Treasurer Dorene Rae, and incumbent Republican Auditor Peggy Cleveland, have announced they will seek reelection. County Commission Chairman John Bariekman and District Court Judge Carol Fuller both declined to say whether or not they would file for reelection. Incumbent Assessor Beulah - blem here in Muse / once abused his kid- whether it, Hanlon, a Democrat, was on II "l d to hear most authoritiesn County ;/ ....... be physically or verbally." vacation this week and -, it certainly is one. are Jan Boegl Also remiss in their unavailable for comment In fact, its proportions . attention to duty frequently are although the indication from :''=  doctors and educators. Although Others is that she will not seek h that a movement now ,s 1ilot to establish what s known trigger child abuse, f' obligated by law to report to reelection. "You have a lot of really : k'   :i authorities any suspicious-looking State Representative Brad f ,![a Parents Anonymous tough individuals here," she says, Cheryl Everett braise or welt, the plain truth, Owen, Shelton, a Democrat, has zation here to help the "-a lot of individuals brought . say caseworkers, is they often do . almounced he will seek ed elot abuser come up thinking the father is not. reelection to the House of i..lor ttt[_ °f.hidingnecessaryand gettothesavekindbothOf supposed to discipline his kids Investigator four of her five years And how, you ask, does one Representatives. "GIMME HALF'N HOUR and I can undo any el' bath..." Fresh from the tub, 1V2-year-old Amy Jensen of Shelton wastes precious little time getting back in the swing of things last weekend in the bleachers at = aelfand his" " - by beating them every now and in the department. "Many of ShOt_ _nhvsical_ evidence of abuse_? Several persons have Shelton's Callanan Field, where pappa Mark and his fellow Puget Sound But who's children., then with a stick." your runaway cases, for instance, "I would say that sor- nrt Fastpitch League Lumbermen's softballers were opening play in their indicated they intend to file for = * anulaare-, ........... round robin invitational, won by the hosts. For details, see page 18. Aecordin ..... '_ Of course, not all abuse *s of actually revolve abuse of some of abuse likely was tnvolva i¢, one of the offices which are up I nare P avret, d o f •  - the simple disciplinary variety kind, but they re never recorded child has severe in;uries in ,,I .... for election this fall. ' t IIe " . J 1 -'Q,vo ,., .. ancil's ne..a, lnteragency There are the beatings that vent that way. And it's the same with not usualb, sub;ect to conta"* in a rce on '.Y. Iorrned Task a parent's frustrated rage over his a lot of your assault afall fornst o,''o .... .,-'*** They include James Whaley, no At... . , ..... , j ......... a high school electronics and • lers can I- ..... r=uuse here, job, for Instance. There is the complaints' ,,c ...... , ........... t._,..._., ,,.ru, be • . ........... t,....a.,,,u physics teacher, and Fred Guilty plea is given to J 'Ody-kau .... ty. typecast as mental abuse attending a All the same, m 1977, for the lees on the h,, ,,d .... th I ceo b " • e .................... Pharris, a former deputy sheriff, ' SOcial - rulsers with mother's constant denial of her instance, Mason County Sheriff's the arm area on the -,,,,k ers. graces of swilling daughter's healthy Interest in Department records listed 24 stoma,h inqld,,'th fhi,,h,":a' who have both said they willfile 'lJ"Thev, r ..... sexuality. There is sexual ahuse cases involving physical abuse of soo--n".'-"" ............. " ...... for the Democrat nomination for charge O!o we!!,aore I freud ' \\; of o,^Sl. mpty everyaay -incest. a family member; 17 cases of In communities now findi, sheriff. o can t cope Common ne ect, too, rs a ne lect desertion, nonsupport "\\;L gl g , (Please turn to page five.) Others are Betty Barber, a Shelton investment business 00l00r00son" reform marchers o_ who has announced she Skip A. Cleveng, 27, ntinuance" e llw Jack Hanamann, Olympia will file for the Democrat Shelton, pleaded guilty to a time to locate a material witness, attorney representing Augustine, I nomination for treasurer and Bey charge of grand larceny by Jarrett agreed to the continuance told the court Augustine had ]o demon00;trate l$,aturday Thomason, an accountant and welfare fraud when'he appeared as long as it did not run past the been added as a defendant in the ' bookkeeper and office manager, in Mason County Superior Court 60 days which would put the case recently and he did not t who has announced she will file before Judge Robert Doran trial sometime before the third have time to prepare the defense for the Democrat nomination for Thursday. week in August. for the jury term this week. auditor. Clevenger told the court he .1 The time has come for County Tis of Thee," and capitol grounds by no later than Committee on Corrections Run Annette McGee, a former was pleading guilty to not  nleC ' schoolteacher, has announced she reporting his earnings to the Commission says l ,ounty to "Storm the presentation of the benediction noon and there disperse. Hanna, Senator Hubert Donohue, will file for the Democrat Department of Social and Health , in defiance of the by The Reverend Teague, the Barber expects to award Representative Paul Conner and nomination for District Three Services in the period from :e s allegedly deteriorating fl 0n SYStem. " n t parade willbeledbymotorcade about 13 white hats, their chairman oftheBoardofPrison county commissioner. January ltoApri130,1976, funds are short The Mason Cou Y to the headquarters of the recipients including Senator Bill Terms and Paroles, Diane Andy Ntsbet, Sequlm, has A presentence report was corrections office, in the Capitol Day, Representative Brad Owen, Oberquell. announced he will file for the ordered on Clevenger before he tStieblowers parade Center Building downtown. Representative John Bagnariol, All interested supporters are Republican nomination for the is sentenced. Clevenger is The Mason County They said exceptions may be d =monyt°nstrati°nwill andget underway"White hat"at The parade will return to the c hai r m an o f t he H o u s e urged to take part in the parade. 24th Legislative District position represented by Shelton Attorney Commission has sent a letter to made where new and difterent a.m. Saturday at the north now held by Don Olson of Port Ben Settle. Deputy Prosecutor all elected officials and duties and additional costs have Townsend. John Buckwalter represents the department heads in the county been mandated by state s of the legislative building in I rapia, prosecutor's office in the case. informing them that the county's legislation. • LPearheaded by retired fair Judge D or an allowed financial situation is still tight They stated no new Corrections Center More Tumwater Attorney John Jarrett and that 1979 budgets should, as employees or major capital gton or sociologist Bob Barber, to withdraw from representation near as possible, duplicate the outlay expenditures will be [i  calls the cu,e, nt state of ies of Harry o. Daniels. Jarrett 1978 budgets, approved. irs here a bur " entr asked to be allowed to withdraw Ulfff" .t eaucratlc m , me ceremony by design because he was unable to contact peered Daniels since being appointed to B Lake boot "[l.el II official attention to the e x represent him; e n s o n problems of understafflng The court also issued a bench "n"n- the areas °f therapy and 4"H entries in the Mas°n warrant f°r Daniels arrest" eedli it asked ir'",cment. LTrd h County Fair should be larger in Judge Doran agreed to sp m ' .e acronymn of the.parade, number this year, County Agent continue the case of Ralph ir umg to Barber, is MAT: James Freed said this week. Grewell and Ronald Augustine, up the bureaucratic ripoff by Livestock entries should be charged with second degree A delegation from Benson speed limits on some lakes, but .,op and force it to MAT - Lake appeared at the Mason not on lakes the size of Benson ' PL' All TOWers." up, he said, with fitting and burglary. showing activities planned for Grewell had been charged in County Commission meeting Lake.  hea,minute.longceremony soundingWill beginof dairy, beef, sheep and goats, the case earlier. He is represented MondaYof five to ask that a speed limit T h e o r d i n a n c e, t he ]1o an hour be imposed commission stated is being ! t ocsi , There will also be a fitting by Jarrett. miles I 'it cation n,' or alarm, and showing class and an Deputy Prosecutor Richard on the lake. revised to bring it up to date. er will be by The The group presented The commission set 10:30 Fitnd_Kurt Hardenbrook of obedience class for dogs and a Adamson asked the court for a petitions with 76 signatures from. ann. August 7 for a hearing on ..t_'r/un,NationaiFOllowingAnthemthe singingand Of a Freedfitting said.and showing class for cats, Arrest re=de residents of the lake asking for the Benson ,Lake speed limit MPJ[yer by The Reverend Dennis Fair Manager Scott Ballentine the speed limit, request. mllgue of Shelton, .white hats, said a lean-to is being added on by officers They stated that the lake is rb • 80 acres in size, but, because of ohc of "good.guy sup the livestock barn to house sheep Norman J. Harding, Rt. 3, the configuration of the lake, it ....., be Presented to tsowP=or and another is being Box 687, Shelton, was arrested is unsafe for fast boats and water Alderbrook-- - - aly, Lee Ray and other state added to house poultry. Rabbits by Shelton Police in a tavern in lily-Us, he said, will OCcupy the building downtown Shelton Monday night skiing. 'presentation will be previously used by rabbits and on a Mason County Superior They stated that at the time deck exempt parade matron Helen poultry. Court bench warrant, they purchased their property, they had thought there was an The Mason County The 4-H horse barns are The bench warrant was Savage of Shelton MISS MASON COUNTY WHiSTLEBLOWER, 15-year-old Sheltonian Kerri anticipated to be full, Freed said. issued after a parole officer filed ordinance setting a speed limit Commission has you'd to exempt aughter Kerri Osterman, has her white hat adjusted this week by her grandmother, Plans are being made to hold a violation report on Harding. on the lake, but, now find there a proposal for a dc,'l:, at the new Miss Mason County Parade Matron Helen Savage. The two will help lead this Saturday's a parade of champions for the He was booked into the is none. Alderbrook Inn facility from the The commission stated the shoreline management permit prison-reform demonstration in Olyrfipia. Mrs. Savage was a secretary at winners in the livestock Mason County Jail on the county boating ordinance sets requirement. OWing singin of "My the Washington Corrections Center here for several years, competition, warrant.