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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 27, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 27, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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New0 boO0Oks availablet0000000 a00aat library00..00 00oot00ov0rs.a. 000.0000000tion Road surl " g &apos;acln ,., ted IANNETTE S • p" , g MarKet-Garden Operation), and " • predominate in this months new Germany; and Fighter: the True North t vfin ve and vit°% of the "indecent" end of | r,/'ll Im€' • books at the Shelton Public Story of the Battle of Britain, a Cong and a defeat for South American involvement in II t, Library. detailed account of the crucial Vietnam and the United States, a Vietnam; and John Stoekwell, in l Mason County Commissioner, World War II is the subject air battle of 1940 by the so_y perception he finds misguided his equally controversial In T h e M a s o n C o u n t y on the road, none of them  District 3 -- Democrat of three titles: Battle: the Story novelist Len Deighton, whose and fraught with implications; Search of Enemies, excoriates Commission has received a permanent. There are now he of the Bulge, in which John viewpoint, at odds in some and in Chance and Circumstance, the CIA for its alleged efforts to request from Charles Fields for said, 13 residences, most of them Toland reconstructs the Battle of respects with that of other Lawrence Baskir and William destabilize Angola. surfacing on Orchard Lane in the permanent. plat of Shorecrest. ' Commissioner Floyd Cole the Ardennes Forest from writers on the subject, receives Strauss examine the methods by evidence gained in interviews support from A. J. P. Taylor in which the rich and educated Fields told the commission said the county has been having with more than a thousand the road has problems with difficulty obtaining crushed rock his introduction. contrived to avoid military Adl tl marlluana chuck holes in the winter and for its road surfacing program Americans, Germans, and The preoccupation with service in Vietnam, leaving the Belgians who were involved; On Vietnam continues: in Big Story: poor and uneducated to carry a confiscated dust in the summer which have this year. I :: gotten worse as more permanent He stated some work had to Berlin: Battles of an Airborne How the American Press and disproportionate share of the The Mason County Sheriff's residences are built on the road. been done on the road and there ! Commander 1943-1946, in which Television Reported and burden. Office confiscated 18 marijuana He stated that four years would be an effort to improve it General James M. Gavin, Interpreted the Crisis of Tat And in the latest in the spate plants, some drug paraphanalia • commander of the 82rid 1968 in Vietnam and of CIA books William Colby, and a quantity of marijuana ago, there were four residences further. I Airborne Division, writes of its Washindgton , Peter Braestrup, former director of the CIA .... participation in campaigns in former Chief of the Washington defends his 30-year career with seeds and recovered a rifle which i Sicily, Salerno, Normandy, the Post's Saigon Bureau, examines the agency in a book entitled had been reported stolen. Pinelin informatio .... Nijmegen disaster (the "Bridge in voluminous detail the Honorable Men; Frank Snepp, in The items were found at the --'r- " e n :: too far," a part of the botched James McAllister residence in American reporters' treatment of Decent Interval, provides a Hoodsport, sheriff's officers said, meetings are planned I ................. and were found when four ................. deputies went. to the residence The Bureau of Land Formal hearings will be held • Qualified • A leader nLave the witha search warrant. , Management (BLM) has after the completion of the draft • Responsible sis :oncer made and that no one was at public meetings along the route Questions involving the • Representation for every citizen  V home when they went to the of the proposed Northern Tier environmental statement should j of Mason County ,--L-L [-I--U rl ['r )r("- home. Four deputies participated Pipeline System. be directed to the project ! in the search warrant service. The purpose of the meetings manager, Northern Tier A report will be turned over is to obtain the assistance of the Environmental Team, P. O. Box I Pledges to listen to YOU to the prosecuting attorney's public in identifying 2965, Portland, Oregon 97208, I and work with YOU. r-L-% r.-l i  office, sheriff's officers said. environmental concerns and or to his toll free number i • . sources of information and 800-547-5532. --I[ I .o ._ expertise to aid in preparing an Committee fro elect Annette $. kl/l'al" environmental statement on the J town -"'"'gi proposed crude oil transportation I system. Co-chairpersons n . re stration Alaskan and foreign crude oil ns planned delivered to Port Angeles, Fund grant ArnoldUvingston GeorgleMlller Washington, by ocean tanker Rudy Purse Cecelia would be delivered by the is received Dave Palumbo John Sells T h e M a s o n C o u n t y Elleen Sells Jim Sutheriand , proposed line to existing pipeline  Democratic Women's Club is systems at Clearbrook,  .... Mason l GoldonTownsend DovoWhitener tne lnurston- • Elaine Whitener d,;-,-e' sponsoring a community voter Minnesota. Community Action Council was  . Helen Palmer ,f}¢  registration drive. Deadline for As the draft environmental recently awarded a $6,706 grant • Julie Bourne Bill Brown registering to vote is August 19. statement is being prepared, for some of its programs. The [ , E.M. Georhort, Jr. Mary Gearhart ', ,,. Special places to register Friday other meetings will be scheduled fund grant came from the federal  Rea Brown Ed Leaf • sandwiches and Saturday include Thriftway as needed and upon request. Co m m unity S er vices • Bov Leaf Fred McGee Ii and Safeway from noon to 6 Administration. t Lynn Wilson Helen Jackson " • Salads p.m. Among the programs for I Plans are also being made to • Cheese register voters on August 4 and 5 Road prelects which the funds will be used are ........ n" - |, ...... . .. .  _ • .ommlnee To elect Annette . N,ee .ou Ty .omm  V " NNI trl°se In hamilcne' ll°°° Isanal I[ R'S" Purse' Trea'urer' Rt" 3' Arn°ld Llvlnglt°n' C°'Ch' ,/ and during the Mason County are approved and Belfair. 1 00.xx • Sausage , ' "r , Further information may be   J_ ,P ,0P  A , • Meats obtained by calling Annette T h e M as o n C o u n t y mmmmm ----- .---.----  Commission has approved county Consolidated Report of Condition of J McGee, Democratic Women s road projects on a number of ! II • W J n e Club president, roads. [ • etc. All of theworkwillbedone 00Z J TTI g by the county road crew on a OVOtK Li day labor basis. c ense d The roadsonwhichworkis Shelton, Mason County, Washington98S84, and Domestic Subsidiaries being planned are the Maggie at the close of business on June 30, 1978 up=., reaueste Lake Plat Roads, Bear .... -1- Creek-Dewatto Road, Elfendahl G'/', I,,_ /J' v", daily The Washington State Liquor Pass Road, Roessel Road, West ASSETS ./JG. I C,/ v a t 6 a.m, to Control Board announced this DeeganRoad, Binns-SweigerRoad BALANCE SHEET midnight week it has received an and the Belfair Park-Tahuya Cash and due from banks .................................................. application for a Class A-C Road, along with miscellaneous Obligations of other U.S. Government agencies and corporations ................... i license to sell beer and wine by roads in Districts One and Three. Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell ............... the drink from Palitos Mexican All of the work is for • ) a. Loans, Total (excluding unearned income) ............... 4,406,000 First ind Alder Call 426-7662 for quick take-out. Restaurant Inc. for Mias bituminous surface treatment to b. Less: Reserve for possibleloanlosses ....................... 25,000 , Pizzerea, 131 Cota St., Shelton. be put on the roads, c. Loans, Net ....................................................... 4 Bank premises, furniture and fixtures, and other assets representing bank premises .......................................... : Other assets .......................................................... (IINT D(IFID'<; TOTAL ASSETS ....................................................... 6,752,( LIABILITIES EIGHTH Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations .................... 2,351, Time and savings deposits of individuals, partnerships and corporations ............. 2,08 ANNUAL Deposits of United States Government ....................................... Deposits of States and political subdivisions ................................. .. 1.271, Certified and officers' checks TOTAL DEPOSITS ...................................................... 5 /0000TI00UE a.  Total deman0 deposits ............................... 2,486,000 b. Total time and savings deposits ........................ 3,351,000 Other liabilities ..................  ........................................ TOTAL LIABILITIES (excluding subordinated notes and debentures) .............. 5 EQUITY CAPITAL (IUGUffT 3 & 4 Common stock a: No. shares authorized 40,700 b. No. shares outstanding 37,000 (Par value) Surplus .............................................................. .. Undivided profits .................................. .. .................... TOTAL EQUITY CAPITAL ................................................ TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY CAPITAL ............................... 6 MEMORANDA Average for 30 calendar day s ending with call date: a. Cash' and due from banks .............................................. 525, b. Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell .......... 158, c. Total loans .............. ............................................. . . 5,4P d. Time deposits of $100,000 or more (as of call date) ................ ...... 1,301 e. Total deposits ................................................ . .... Time deposits of $100,000 or more (as of call date) a. Time certificates of deposit in denominations of $100,000 or more ........... q/Ill'IT ,,-,iv,13dl/ln'C i, Anne M. Kibler, of the above.named bank, do solemnly swear/affirm that this re condition is true and correct, to the best of my knowledge and belief. EPISCOPAL CHURCH Correct-Attest: Anne M. Kibler H. P. Sandstrom CEDI R Sydney O. Andersol THIRD & Member: FDIC, Your account insured to $40,000. Wm. M. Davison Dkectors WE'RE ALL THE BANK YOU'LL EVER P.O. Hoods Phone Mt. VieW "K" end Phone Page 10 - Shelton-'MasonC:oJnt; Journal - Thursday, July 27, 1978