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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 27, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 27, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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iIiiilmllflllflm Dtary Club luncheon, noon, Tree Cafe. 0astmasters Club, 6:45 Timbers. iwanis Club of Mason !ty Seniors, noon, Senior ristmastown Rounders, 8 IIWA Hall. plden Age Club, 6 p.m., rial Hall. belton Moose family pizza [6 p.m. -10 p.m. Dance to it. Sanderson Field. c_k and Mineral Society, 7 r&apos;UD [, July 28 pamber of Commerce board :'g, 7:30 a.m., Timbers. pby Rebekah Lodge, 8 IOOF Hall. i ae Agate Grange potluck Hal meeting. /P parent-youth dance, 8 _,d'l 1 p.m., fairgrounds. elton Moose Lodge game [6 p.m. - :11 p.m. [lay, July 29 [rts and Crafts fair by ,In Seven Sirens, 10 a m 'on  .... - 6 |u. Knudsen residence, 1 Lake. r r potluck and swimming, [,,.home of Bob Stone. elton Moose Gong Show, 8 11 p.m., lodge. [Y July 30 elton churches invite you end the church of your i. rts and Crafts Fair by '!1 Seven Sirens, 10 a.m. - 6 C. Knudsen residence, r Lake. J P potluck, Lake Cushman =J bark. Carpool leaving at 11 0m Thriftway. ,qton Moose Lodge Ritual [ practice, closed. 9 a.m, -'11 a.m. 3g, July 31 D1No. 3 commission , P.m., PUD conference ih-"ummuuu"mmmliIiliiiIIiiiiiiiiiiiIii ', Thursday, July 27 Jaycee dinner meeting, 6:30 /P potluck, 6:30 p.m., p.m., airport clubhouse. and Park. Nimrod Club, 8 p.m., Dearbom clubhouse. Mason Youth Services board of directors meeting, 7 p.m., city council chambers. Shelton Moose Lodge officers meeting night, 8 p.m. - 11 p.m. Wednesday, August 2 Progressive pinochle, 6:30 p.m., Senior Center. Elks, 8 p.m., lodge. Shelton Moose Lodge free adult ballroom dance class. Rhumba. 8 p.m.. 9 p.m. Aglow, 9:30 a.m., Fellowship Hall, Assembly of God. Thursday, August 3 Moose family pizza, night, 6 p.m. -:10 p.m., dance to follow. Yacht Club dinner, 6 p.m.; business meeting, 8 p.m., clubhouse. Democratic Central Committee, 7:30 p.m., courthouse. Mason County Recreation Association, 8 p.m., Colonial House. Hood Canal Lions Club, 8 p.m., Fearless Freddie's. Madrona Barracks No. 1462 VWWI and auxiliary potluck and meeting, noon, Memorial Hall. Kiwanis Club of Mason County Seniors, noon, Senior Center. Toastmasters Club, 6:45, Timbers. Rotary Club luncheon, noon, Ming Tree Cafe. PWP potluck, 6:30 p.m., Kneeland Park. COmmission meeting, I., Courthouse. Bridge Club, 7:15 County Little League eeting, 8:30 p.m., orientation, 7:30 p.m., of Harriet Nagel, Rae Moose Lodge Ritual 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. August 1 s Club luncheon, ,d Canal Improvement I.Usiness meeting, 7:30 firehall. meeting, 2 can Legion and 8 p.m., Memorial Hall. en of the Moose board of officers L, lodge. dinner and board P.m., Old Timers Inn. Almost impossible 'It is almost impossible to exaggerate the proneness of the human mind to take miracles as evidence, and to seek for miracles as evidence. Matthew Arnold SHELTON KIWANIS Club member Mike Munsen gets ready to tackle a large stack of pancakes as he prepares for the Shelton Kiwanis Club Pancake Breakfast Sunday at Kneeland Park. The club will be serving pancakes from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. in its annual fund raising event. Road crew assignments are questioned County Commissioner Tom Taylor questioned County Engineer Marley Young about the assignment of the person to operate the road oiling machine. Taylor, who was a member of the road crew more than 20 years before being elected county commissioner, said he had been told the person who operated the oiling machine in the past had not been assigned to that job this year but someone else who had less time with the department had. Young was also questioned as to why payment for shoes for those working on the oiling crew had not been made as it had in the past. He stated the payment had not been made since it is not a part of the union contract. Young stated he believed personnel complaints should be brought to him rather than to the commissioners. Commissioner Floyd Cole stated this had been his position in the past and was still his position. License asked The Washington State Liquor Control Board announced this week it has received an application for a Class E-F license to sell beer and wine for home consumption from Wilfred Leo Nault Jr. for Nault's Grocery, Olympic Highway South, Shelton. ELECT Fred Pharris Sheriff. Democrat r 24-hour patrols for Mason County Detective division for follow-up of criminal complaints "" Good management r Plus much more Paid for by citlzent to elect Fred PhorrlS, Sheriff. 724 Turner. Shelton; lion Dtmham, Cholrm0m, 275-6630 or 426.4025; Joyca Syrd, treasurer, 426-40e9. f./.UOffo DOG RATION shelton journal 7127/78 ELLIOTT DOG RATION 23% Protein 12% Fat With this mixture your dog will eat less[ Population estimate given The Mason County Commission has been notified by the state Office of Financial Management that the population estimate for Mason County is 26,000 for 1978 compared to 24,600 for 1977. Ph. 426-81 39 You Should Know... (::LINT WILLOUR Wives sometimes oppose life insurance. Widows never do. NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY H0Ul 0FFtC! • INNIAPOtIIr Mlmlqlso'r, 6TH AND RAILROAD Fresh Chinook Salmon Coming Soon! KAMILCHE TRADING POST < , A SC)UAXlN ISLAND TRIBAL ENTERPRISE 426-9960 SUMMER HOURS: Sunday, 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m.-7 p.m.; Friday, 8 a.m.-8 p.m.; Saturday, 9 a.m.-8 p.m. INSTANI REBATE BIG SAVINGS TO INTRODUCE YOU TO THREE 1979 XL-100 COLOR RcA'S xTENDEDLIFE t TED TIME! \\; RCA XL-IO0 Table Model Here's famous XL-100 color TV at a special pre-season price! You get RCA's 100% solid state XtendedLife chassis, Super AccuLine picture tube, attached VHF and UHF antennas, plus lighted channel indicators. oo.. d.., d L rm one coupOtl per purchlle VOM wherl I p¢ohlbild t) law CBith felemplion Vllul /" l..........J Reg. price '419"s FC443 RCA XL-1OO 19" Never before--XL-100 Color TV with so many deluxe features at such a low price! • SignaLock electronic varactor tuning. • Automatic color control and fleshtone correction. • Energy-efficient XtendedLife chassis-- uses only 89 watts average power, • Super AccuColor black matrix picture tube, • Decorator cabinet styling with concealed J It casters. z;j diagonal /" "" """ "" " "t ..) ! Buy an RCA XL-100 Conitole ModelOC744 or X  ," i GC748 ..... tOre P .... t thl .... port Ill I time o purchase lind we will deduct the I X I hbO:e emad0:t f ...... regu,,, price fo, • lBLmtl one coupo per putchaN. Void where /i o ohoOO, it.c.,,.o--o.oo-o. I ,699,, 1/100 of lit CCjoorlexptres Auguitt2. tO78+ iiimIIIIIJ Reg. price RCA XL-100 RCA XL-100 25" USE ONLY 89WATTS AVERAGE POWER 0C748 YOUR CHOICE OF COLONIAL OR MEDITERRANEAN STYLING COUPON ,6499s SEE THIS RCA PRE--SEASON VALUE TOO! 13" Idiagonal RCA Xt-lO0 Pre.Season Value Savings Thursday, July 27, 1978 - Shelton-Mason County Jouinai - Page- 11