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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 27, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 27, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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le GB U¢. " ..... rates delayed " owners Act ion on wafer Complete Tuxedo i T h e S h e ! t o n C i t y the downtown business district firemen s union for 9:30 a.m. PUD 3 property and would have Rental Service tlons Commission had to delay action or other areas where there would August 2. further discussions about it. , J U ,0 l/O&apos;d4Fla/ on its proposed reduction in be heavy foot traffic, a He stated he had received a Fuller said that as of now, L"  I -- er August 1, owners of water rates for use of more than seven-foot width for other letter with additional questions tile hearing on show cause in the sed dogs in the city of 1,000 cubic feet per month, commercial areas and a five-foot concerning liability from the city suit against Carlton will be given citations if i City Attorney Herb Fuller, width requirement for residential planning commission and had Swearingin concerning the dogs are picked up, who had presented tile ordinance areas, reviewed the letter from garbage system was set for e Officer Stan DeLong for first reading the previous Both Mayor James Lowery Attorney Gerald Whitcomb Thursday in Mason County Men's  Women's isweek. passRUe TlaNsVgtLL,st:teOnoekerOfexPa;nmiunthr;lly,;te week, told the commission that and Commissioner Brad Owen concerning a utility line across Superior Court. 409RA,LROAD in order for the new rates to go stated they would like the 'enses were due to be has been licensed as a salesperson for the past eight years and has into effect August 1, the action engineer to look into the  .,O..-,mm.- ,,,..quIm,,..,m,..,m-,,m,..O,,.,qO. d July l, DeLong said. He been engaged in real estate appraising the past year. would have to be an emergency possibility of requiring sidewalks hasbeen issuing warnings JAMES A. SEARS, a native of Shelton, has been elected ordinance, which requires the in residential developments. l )se with unlicensed dogs controller of INA Special Risk Facilities, Inc., of Philadelphia, vote of the entire commission publcWorksManagerOennis IHe rent ng I that time, but will begin Pennsylvania. Sears, a CPA is a raduate of the University of Commissioner Mike Byrne Calvin reported the city has . citations after August 1. Delaware. '  •  owner of any dog found was absent from the commission rented a storm drain cleaning ash or running loose in a meeting Tuesday night, equipment which is pulled :) Aid er braG I, I  The commission agreed to behind the sewer jet. i: i i: ) sWdll be given a citati°n' b askjnn hold the proposal over until next said the week. equipment and d°ing the w°rk I ;:; :-i"l IlL  I ordinance forbids dogs • - parks whether they are t, b The proposed water rate with city crews was much less ooo permit for ueCr00 would continue the present expensive than hiring the work i'i "'  minimum rate of 50 cents per done. He said plans are to clean i "  Application has been received The decision Whtahsr to issue 100 cubic feet for the first 1,000 all catch basins and storm drain t'-,,;, , .,' L _ ,, by the Seattle U.S Army Corns a hermit will be s d on an cubic feet of water used each lines during the next few -i=-:,,I k i, II " 1" 1" OUI °fEngineers°ffice fr°mEmnack evaluati°n °f the pr°bable m°nth" The rate f°r water used m°nths" I i. F ,J L I r o Enterprises, Inc., Seattle" on impact of the proposed activity more than 1,000 cubic feet a Calvin also stated that after ]rl r behalf of Alderbrook Inn for a on the public interest. That month would be charged at the further looking into a proposal rate of 25 cents per 100 cubic for logging trees in the area . Department of the Army permit decision will reflect tile national . et in accordance with Section 10 of concern for both protection and feet. behind the city shop up to ._  the River and Harbor Act of utilization of important The present minimum water Olympic Highway N. he would muagerc°ttBallentine March 3,1899 for wor " benefi billingis based on a use of SO0 recommend against doing the ! '  )'.'fl I eV veterinary. _ from l-lia k.anal, .... near Union, Washik m Hood resources. The be ex ectedt which cubic feet per month, logging, il °i! etennarv Servi win r, .... ngton, reasonably may p to The Journal article on the H e s t a t e d h e h ad fair .... -'  ce .... .. lne WOrK is to construct a • am the ro osal must ".,,"unus tram_ 10".. U deck for resort uests" use accrue fr aP a pin ' water rate proposal in the July misunderstood the comments of l .au p.m. and Irom 5 to ,__, ..... g . .. be balanced _ g st l!S 20 issue incorrectly listed the the consulting forester, in that e, .... remanary review Ov the , nabl foreseeable ugut t/ .... r_ a s o Y charges as based on a cubic foot what was said was that the trees '> ; ...... " eattle uistrict indicates that this detriments All factors which -vutitOCK ent.nes he s ave t° arrive at thde 7herkqVllt°; si°gfilaltlyaffect may be relevaene° hme°Pr°tPhSal rather than ]00cubic feet as the were °f n lerchantable size and I : / . i  )i """ " ........ '" I Inds duri ...... . man will be consld ; g ose rate ordinance says. could be logged, not that they Icy have , m_ose,nours enwronment. The preparation of are conservation, economics, The proposed water rate were mature and should be taken iiiiili'7. .... ,v u cnecKebaeiOnY a Federal Enwronmental Impact aesthetics, general environmental changes would be effective out because they create a danger. '< terlnanan before g Statement IS not anticipated at concerns, historic values, fish and during the entire year, not just There are, he said, two or ," ..... . this time. wildlife values, flood damage during the summer sprinkling three trees down next to city iiiii ' i  :"€'iiiii ae.n.nary.he said, will Preliminary determinations prevention, land use, navigation, season, shop which do create a hazard  -uurm tile • • . . - . The commission had asked and they wiil be taken out. I  I a,. ._ g. .fair m case mdcate that the prooosed recreation, water supply, water ..... tu attena an animal, activity will not ai'fect quality, "energy needs, safety, the public works department to He stated he had received a "'.:.  i--" I i_ . endangered species, or their food production and, in general, look into the water rates after number of objections to the  i. !   i 00aru to critical habitat, designated as the needs and welfare of the receiving a number of conunents proposal to log the area.  that the rate structure adopted A letter to Forest Investment • , i! i '!:i" '  l ,,,e.e . endangered or threatened people.  ;:ii ),=   j lli'TQred pursuant to the Endangered Comments on these factors earlier this year would result in Corp., signed by Lowery, was te Mason Count,: Species Act of 1973 (87 Stat will be accepted and made part people not watering their lawns read. The letter stated the city I I SSlon -'" " 84 . " • because of the cost of the water, would require an environmental I % ,  " has iven fnal 4). Formal consultatmn of the record and will be City Engineer Howard Godat impact statement on the firm's  L   .' Val to a ° . pursuant to Section 7 of theact considered in determinin • resolution . . g ing a $100 rewa,n €.. wth the Department of the whether it would be m the best told the commission he was proposal to build a low income .......... ' SUMMER CLEARANCE tion leadi ....... Interior IS not re tared for this n " est to rant a permit studying the possibility of elderly housing project south of 'o • -g tu me arrest . . . q ,_ubhc rater g " sidewalk standards for the city. Goldsborough Creek and west of • Flvlcti°n of anyone pr°p°sedactlvlty" C°mnlents sh°uld reach the He is considering an Seventh Street. I I e gcc°untypr°perty ..... Presently unknown corps office not later than eight-foot width requirement in . Dr. S. S. Lin, from the °remission hn archeologcal, scientific, August 21 to insure Starts Thursday, July27th f ted the n nr,,] ' prehistorical or historical data consiieration consulting firm of Kramer, Chin ti "-r-r ...... rut ng Attorne - may be lost or destroyed by and Mayo, appeared at the . y Iyron work tobeaccomplishedunder Money.$ked commission meeting to explain t ]2 PRICE . an for review, ved the the requested permit. The work Right name several change orders on the lanahan approd it was is not located on a property The beginning of wisdom is to astoforma The Mason County waste water treatment plan I I ilbythecommissio n registered in the National call things by their right names. Commission has received a facilities construction. " Register of Historic Places. Anonymous request from Sheriff Dan McNair He told the commission for a budget extension for Change orders are normal in a $17,000 for overtime for the rest project of this size and that a On Sportswear - Swimweat -- Jewelry i O0000ANI TRANSPLANlr of the year.and$157,000patrolHe division.0'o00Presented for overtime for overtimea requeStin the for jailthe for normal.C°St °f ab°ut three percent is Itreatment t h re e chan The Complant gemiSsi°nandOrderStwoappr°ved for for thethe 1[Canvas -- Totes - Handbags -- And Motelj_.] ][ I t ) I U idl[ I {C IU 1[ I i He told the commission there pump station. had been $28,000 spent for City Attorney Herb Fuller 4l_tl-ll,_)l J131[ JAIl1l) ! °vertime in 1977 but that his rep°rted a tentative agreement i A 1978 allocation was $11,000. had been reached with the Police The commission took no Guild and that a mediation tlD) DII_'%ilI)IIC ¢Y. . action on the request, session had been m set with the ,,,.,,,  .,,IU. -- -     Transplant beautiful music into your living room with a Lowrey Organ. When you purchase an organ you buy a symphony of sound that lives forever. Our cost includes delivery, set-up and introductory lessons. LOWREy ORGANS ON SALE: SALE Mgic Genie ........... Reg. $1495.00 $1095.00 Carnival .............. Reg. $1495.00 I111 ) Encore ............... Reg. $2095.00 $1695.00 S Festival .............. Reg. $2295.00 $1795.N LOWREY ORGANS ON SALE: enie Genie .......... Reg. $1195.00 $49S.00 F¢?:: ............ "'"" RLITZER ORGAN ON S i Reg. fo.oo 205 W. Cota Shelton 426-4302 iii REALTOR ® II 4 2 6" 3361 John L. Dupuis, General Sales Manager WE NOW OFFER Property Management Landlords, give us a call to discuss your freedom!! 426-3361 Don Benson Realty, Inc. 1910 Olympic Highway North Shelton Thursday, July 27, 1978 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Pacje 13