July 27, 1978 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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July 27, 1978 |
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ric Jarstad reported a
taken from a tractor.
Ann Bennett reported
mailbox was reported
from Island Lake Drive
mailboxes smashed.
)n Norris reported a boat
abandoned vehicle at
Lake was reported
rug was reported taken
2arr reported a boat lost.
Deno reported a
rifted up on the beach.
was reported cut in a
and a roll of copper wire
r.from the PUD 3 shop at
truck accident was
south of Allyn on
!dith Kitts reported a
Shepherd dog missing.
Freeman reported a
at Lake Nahwatzel.
vehicle was reported
on llighway 101 near
McRae reported two
missing. They were found
Christensen reported
r and building supplies
Hagquist reported a
on the shore on
Lding permits approved by
of Shelton during the
were to:
:dicine Shoppe, sign,
Pauley Dodge, reroofing,
Carl Nilsen, reroofing,
Lloyd Clark, fence,
Mell Chevrolet-Oldsmo.
$750; Thelma
porches, $387; Cecil
garage, $5,070; W
fence, $452; Rea
ng, fence, $800; Marcia
m, move residence into
,728; Lumbermen's of
residence, $32,433.
Iding permits approved by
ason County Planner's
during the past week were
l_e,t00,corcl scouts
from page fourteen.) Raymond Adams, carport, and Dale Haagen against Mr. and Boy Scout Troop !12 of
Mrs. Al Celestine and Mr. and Shelton has just completed its
Mrs. Vernon Shields, damages, annual week stay at Camp
Mr. ind Mrs. Gerald Pierce Thunderbird on Summit Lake.
against Allen Pierce, damages. This year they were joined by
Donald Rogers against Frank approximately 150 other scouts,
May and Belfair Electric, throughout the council with the
damages;Stanley Johnson against same goal in mind, for an
Lucille Bailey, forfeiture of real advancement through scouting.
estate contract. One kind of advancement is
the merit badge: a reward or
$1,458; James Allphin, addition,
$3,250; Calvin Becker, deck,
$2,510; Belfair Cafe Inc.,
alteration, $3,000; Bill Blessing,
summer cabin, $26,300; Dan
Boedecker, recreation cabin,
$21,516; Ernest Boys, recreation
cabin, $16,800;
Ernest Boys, recreation
cabin, $15,120; Bobby Brashears,
mobile home, no value listed;
Richard Byers, mobile home,
$17,386.30; Gordon Christmans,
addition and alteration, $45,0130;
B. H. Clark, deck, $1,875; Terry
Clark, mobile home, $5,000;
James Corrock, bulkhead,
$2,200; Jack Corrock, boat shed,
Clifton Craycraft, mobile
home, $23,000; Rodney
Diemert, residence, $55,213;
Charles Epps, mobile home,
$12,000; Charles Epps, carport,
$2,250; Charles Epps, carport
and storage, $2,532; James
Fears, vacation home, $25,507;
D. E. Fisher, addition, $25,000;
W. M. Gafney, residence,
$48,976; Marciel Gravatt,
storage shed and porch, $1,180;
Harold Hardesty, addition,
$5,632; Ronald Hell, vacation
cabin, $14,688; Scott Hillbum,
addition and alteration, $34,000;
Carl Kallstrom, garage and
workshop, $3,950; James
Keough, garage and workshop,
$3,036; Frank Kuhn, shop and
storage, $6,380; C. O. Liljeberg,
mobile home, $29,670; Arnold
Michelson, mobile home, $5,995;
Leonard Nelson, move in house,
Dennis Ossenkon, vacation
home, $30,000; Pioneer School,
reroofing, $3,375; Kenneth
Keimar, mobile home, no value
listed; Sether Construction,
residence, $30,284; Sether
'Construction, residence, $30,760;
Shelton Construction Inc.,
residence, $27,000; Lawrence
Starr, residence, $33,824; M.
Glenn Stewart, garage, $1500;
Daniel Trammell, garage,
$6,120; Adolph Vraspir, vacation
home, $26,352; William Stewart,
addition, $16,000; Carl Wick,
residence, $46,789.50; ltoward
Wilder, deck, $1,500.
New Cases
Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Haagen
rs time for LEMON DAYS our popular
uol event...where our loss is your gain!
dredged every nook and cranny to
up with some REAL LEMONS old
"--" discontinued items overbought
terns SAVINGS UP TO 75% so hurry
down to Lumbermen's parking lot
all the good lemons are gone!
RI., SAT. & SUN.
GUST 4, $ & 6
town • First and Pine
Open 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Mon.-Fri.
Sat. • Sun.
honor given for praise worthy
illllllllllll|lllllllllllllllllll|lll|llllll|llll|lllllllll qualities, awarded for excellence
in a chosen fieJd. If a scout earns
athcf one such merit badge a month,
he's working hard. At camp this
year 11 boys earned 25 merit
High Low Precip. badges all told. Scouts
Fahrenheit participating were: Dan Kimbel,
July 19 83 51 .00
July 20 91 54 .00 Ruben Gonzales, Mark Lester,
July 21 97 55 .00 Todd Hanson, Jim Morken, Tom
July 22 99 55 .00
' July 23 96 57 .00 Robeson, Mike Hart, Philip
July 24 80 54 .00 VanClere, Tim Blucher, Chuck
July 25 92 54 .00 McAulay and Darre] Dugger,
July 19 28 11 .00 scoutmastered by Bill Blucher.
July 20 33 12 .00 The troop has no time to
July 21 36 13 .00
July 22 37 13 .00 waste as they leave camp they
July 23 36 14 .00 must sew up loose ends for their
July 24 27 12 .00 50 mile hike to begin August 6
July 25 33 12 .00 near Lake Ozette.
Mostly dry weather is forecast
for the weekend. Highs ranging
from 75 to 85 degrees on Friday
and Saturday and will range Grange hi
from 80 to 95 degrees, on
Sunday. Lows will be in the 50s meetlnn
and the 60s.
When Mason County Pomona
Grange met last Sunday at the
Blaich joins Matlock Hall a good attendance
was noted.
air force Members who attended the
state convention at BeUingham
Jimmy D. Blaich, son of gave reports. Nellie Rossmaier
Erma Lawrence, Grapeview, won second place on bread she
enlisted in the U.S. Air Force, entered in the state bake off and
according to SSgt Donald Gyneth Auseth won third with
Torrenti, Air Force recruiter in her cake.
Bremerton. Rona Scbroeder took second
Upon successfully completing place with a child's dress in the
the Air Force's six weeks basic
military training at Lackland Air state-national contest and Pauline
Emsley and Emma Dahl received
Force Base, Texas, he will blue ribbons with their needle
receive technical training in the
administrative field. He attended work.
Mason County Granges were
Shelton High School. 100 percent represented at the
He will be earning credits state session this year.
toward an associate degree in
applied sciences through the
Community College of the Air Habit
Force while attending basic and Power is sweet; it is a drug, the
other Air Force technical desire for which increases with a
training schools, habit. Bertrand Russell
Crime Prevention Tips:
Volunteers assist
By DIMITRI TODD, Crime Prevention Officer
Mason County Sheriff's Office
Home security surveys; Operation Identification; lock, window,
and door specialist -- what do they have in common? They are a
group of men and women who have received training as Crime
Prevention Volunteers and are presently performing duties with the
Mason County Sheriff's Department, Crime Prevention Unit.
Training for these volunteers has been given by the state Attorney
General's Office, Crime Watch Division and the Mason County Crime
Prevention Unit. Their function is to provide the citizens with
information and assistance in recognizing and taking steps to prevent
crime within the county and their respective neighborhoods. These
dedicated men and women provide the services mentioned without
remuneration and on their own time in a positive effort to reduce
burglaries, robberies and other crimes which may occur within the
Several instances have already occurred wherein the information
and guidance provided by the Crime Prevention Volunteers has
prevented a crime from being committed and in another instance, due
to the watchfulness of a trained volunteer, a car theft ring was
Nationalwide Crime Prevention Volunteers have proven themselves
to be qualified and efficient in supporting law enforcement programs
by providing services that a department is unable to perform due to
lack of manpower and money.
Those persons who are interested in obtaining the services of a
volunteer to conduct a home security survey or to receive additional
information on home and personal protection contact the Mason
County sheriff's department, Crime Prevention Unit by calling
426-9766 or in Belfair call 275-2845.
Betty Barber
Treasurer of Mason County
• Raised in Mason County as Betty MeKiel
• Experienced in aecotmting and office management
s For eos|-eonsciOllR management
Pd. for by Con.ninee to Elect Betty Barber,
Anmhl I,ivingston, ('ltrm., POB 89"/, Shehon
One Week Only SPECIALS
1976 F150 4x4 1977 PINTO STATION WAGON
Was $S095.00 KXX 260. Was $3895.00
.0)449 .ow'339
SAVE $600.00
JCT 270. Was $2295.00
SAVE $300.00-- this week only
SAVE $500.00
sled osc.,.u.gSP
= Waters rectangular areas up to 3,072 sq. R.
• Corrosion resistant runners and spray tube
reg. Sl 1.79 with jets.
HOSE (,,0,0sl
UC592 %" x 25 ft. reg. 6.15
(610-089) 4.59
UC592 %" x 75 ft. reg. 14.89
uc555 12.39
io. ?600.D
(612.291) 8.99
Ames reg. 5.69
• back & forth motion
cuts both ways
. lightweight,
easy to use
4.49 I.,,01
Wc Gilm°ur
(612-283) 362D
reg. 8A9 6.99
aste • Money saving
es as it sprays
hes to any garden hose
: BIG 4 import
seamless tray
steel frame
reg. 34.95
(,,,,01 26.95
% inch with case 'reg. 4.95
• NO12500:4 bits and
3/8" square drive
• sturdy metol case
(,,,.,,, 3.49
AME E ........ .
a McO( ouqh .omo,lny
General Puroose
8 inch handle
reg. B.29 (6o4-38,1 5.99
36 inch handle 3-1f2 Ib,. heod t6os-4sl
double bit reg. 14.99
6V2 gal.
RUBBER reg. 6.95
FEED TUB (616.441) 5.95
.90 5.95
1 pint reg. 2.65
HOOFLEX ,,,, oo 2.19
complete ration ar as a supplement to pasture at the rate at S Ibs./
hd./day. Faster gain-better conversion and quality beef.
Western Trail
Horse Feed s, OFF/SO Ibs. The Pacific Northwelt's
favorite "Sweet Feed"-rolled grains and pellets for the nutritional
needs of your horses.
Lilly Miller
20% OPF
All lawn and garden
fertilizers, all insecticides,
all weed killers and much
• Open Monday / ch,,It0n's
l thru Saturday fir lFllll6,m " ) II 7_..
I 9-6 II I II western
-- -- - II • Parkstgr:in our Formers
Kneeland Center , I tb hi d
I e n 426-4373
Phone 426-5585 j "4107_S.:t / .. ./. ,-" liiljl
.... UNDAY- ' , s o o