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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 27, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 27, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Democratic Central Committee will hold a good old-fashioned political picnic August 3 at Walker Park, beginning at 6:30 p.m. The public and all candidates  for office are invited to attend. i Candidates will be introduced and make short campaign ! speeches if they wish. The main speaker will be Joe Davis, president of the Washington State Labor Council, who will speak on the California Initiative 13, tax limitation. The picnic will be potluck. Everyone should take their own place settings. For more information call Bob Whitmarsh, 426-3032 or Pat Swartos, 426-2872. Wedding anniversary recel:00tion0, Mr. and Mrs. Kennit C. Sheiton home between the hours their daughter, Marcia Laing of The Livermor Livermore will be honored at a of 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. on August Bremerton, and their son, Kermit on August 12, 1938 40th wedding anniversary 13. Livermore of Olympia. The where they haw I reception to be held in their Hosting the event will be couple hastwograndchildren, home. Mrs LiWi former Evelyn FI¢II Democrats set Club and of the political picnic :!! Lutheran Church. sewing, crafts, t for Wednesday weaving. Her husband, l The Mason County Simpson TimberC0 T.HREE-YEAR-OLDS in the children&apos;s organization of the Mormon Church made paper-sack costumes and created musical instruments. They performed as a band at the Pioneer Fair held Saturday in Kneeland Park. Mr. and Mrs. Kermit C. Livermore avid fisherman and t in duck hunting an Friends and nl invited to attend tl [H-uSqva SAEGIII ,0° oo.  (:hildrenstott mwe gaudyadall enjoy Pioneer Fair moSOmeheWererelOps!dednand, curly-cues and an overload of The pastry sale was but one colored sugars, but cakes baked of many events commemorating tended to sag under the by youngsters brought fancy the 100th birthday of the combined weights of frosting prices at Saturday's auction, primary department of the ..... .... _-_-_-_-_-_-_- ---_ ..... -----_..__ ..... -_-_ Church of Jesus Christ of Latter 17 eft Pretty Grooming Bath and fluff dry, hair ,;ut, ears cleaned, nails ell glands expressed. *10 Go west on Railroad Avenue 1/2 mile past the tracks, turn left at our sign. Follow the paw prints. Open Mon.-Sat., 9 to 5 426-1202 Day Saints at a Pioneer Fair held during Saturday afternoon hours in Kneeland Park. A program presented by primary department students included a play, a vocal group, a squaredance demonstration, a puppet show and a band featuring musical instruments and paper-bag costumes fashioned by the entertainers. July 24, the day on which Mormon pioneers first saw the Salt Lake Valley destined to become their home, is traditionally observed by the church as Pioneer Day. Because in August of 1878 the primary department was organized, Pioneer Day was this year devoted to the commemoration of the primary's 100th birthday. Marie Waggoner, primary president, coordinated the program with church members assisting with many booths and projec!s. The dunking booth was one of the most popular and drew crowds of participants when Bishop Theron Burgess perched above the waiting tank of water. iiii--- Minor's on Mt. View SHELTON 1729 Olympic Hwy. N. IInimimiiiiiuimIiiiiiniiiiiiiim __J ...... = .............. KIDS OF all ages stood in line for a chance to dunk the Announcing bishop! Here Bishop Theron Burgess takes a dip when a well thrown baseball found the target. , TWO Ilelll Dynamic Investment Program00 From tile Inflation Fighters ! at Heritage Federal i OUR HEW 26 WEEK "MONEY ) ........... 0/0GHT YEAR MARKET CERTIFICATt[ crilcr .,.im,,m o..0.000 ,i!iii Offered daily at ¼% above :l: ,, EARNS the current treasury bill rate, t ,,:i'= " , and provides these advantage!l " ::" .... th,, treasury bills can't: , [] Interest compounded dailj] [] Insured to $40,000 by FS 1 [] Can be redeemed any tinl!i: When compounded daily and with no loss of principal "= accumulated annually in $1,000 minimums. ["] No safekeeping needed " .... :: Effective June let/Penalty for remature withdrawal •  ..... "  i  "'' ' PlUS Our Current Famiil/ i 1 I ,, -, ,,iv,,,- Ol Intllal lind SHIllS Plgall I turn on the program. Other the moment you list your property with us wo try to see to it that nothing MARS you, r_hpPl.ness or your conrloe,--w ,m;g We will soil your property quickly and correctly. We know You'll thank us for a tab well done when the final sole day ARRIVES! IIIII COPYRI'HTED i For Euery Family... Euer Income... Here at FEDErEL savings Hedtqle r--ede lel €1 Lee6 e Corner of Slh and Columbia 43-1500 Olympia • 4Jcey • Tumweter • Shelton • Spsnawiy P,ge 24 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 27, 1978 SUNDAYS OPEN 00]est00m 00]uto 4"/6-,$15 "J" St. at Oly. Hwy. N. 1817 Oly. Hwv. No. For Complete Auto Repair call T, .=n Special 1 Beef, bacon and cheese. Together at last, in a burger you'll call Teenrific! I FOR ONLY ; l Offer good through ...__, , t  t  PUPPETEERS AWAIT their "" August& 1978   i turn on the g ogram. )ther l i E I youngsters appeared in plays :: =enupytrdeygny1unerprtypervtTnnrngdwthnytherd=unrupn : il i i and presented s°ngs and lijl ii i i il--ilUl U ifji / rllj --oIrOIoEARN$OAI-0)L OlO/o EARNS nrl I I IF III squaredancing. Fun and ' ' ' I |/,  games filled the festive , ;_;ii;61000/0,, <. ,,, O-;O i',;;;""'i : I'I i aftern°°n ' " .... ..... '" € ill i i i i i i ii iN mii n i i i I i n i i i n i u imiml U i n nii men ill im i i i I • [] i-i o, , _ " NeBassettW furs i t ur00^_e li n e s ! o,DoE..LEGATE,., sting but important0 0;0uio]i]i 6181010" :: ZOio '--*EIN'I"- '-'-!: .... Y!' detai elating to the sie of your= p.roperty to Hlmlle Realty and ,00mpo , ,--=.0. ...... ..... i FROM ":=" ' ' ' '"'":'=':"" ':"=";"': ..... : '?';,:;7:71:"'"' Now at We're Prouiding a Safe Sauings Future