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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 27, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 27, 1978
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Harstine: Son of local couple wins awards in recent contest The lightweight, high performance saw designed for the man who makes his living thinning, pulping, or falling and bucking small timber. Has electronic ignition, chain broke, anti-vibration control. By CARMEN YATES A week ago today Leroy and Elanore Wagner hopped in the family river and drove up to Renton. Their youngest son, Brad, is currently taking a two year culinary course at the Renton Vocational School, having just started tile course in March of this year. Under the watchful eye of four judges, the class was participating in a competition. As it turned out, it's sure a darn good thing that Leroy and Elanore wore shirts without buttons otherwise they sure would have had to borrow a big bunch of safety pins from IlI PIA1rlglllH. Left, right hand guards, safety trigger, U.S.F.S. approved muffler, outomotlc oiling with edlu=toble feed, With 2tl Inch bar Saeger Motor Shop on Hillcrest "we service what we sell" I I YOUR HOUSING SUPERMARKET * Double wides from .... $13,950 s10,450 * Single 14' wides from.. ServJce & set up by our own people. Price includes delivery 8 set up. Sundays & Evenings by appointment. Bremetton Hiway 3 at Gorst /aLc.,,d 377- 4461 P GarBs Homes :vergreeM somewhe re. Brad was the winner of two first place awards plus he received the trophy for being the overall best culinary artist of the show. One of the first place awards was for the Ibex (a mountain goat) which he had carved from a 300 pound block of ice. The second award for his lard carving, which according to the rules had to be constructed of all edible material. He created a woodsy mountain scene complete with a lake, trees, paths, etc. As Leroy would say, "you should have seen that hummer!" And although the Wagners were just a wee bit prejudiced of Brad's work, it was still interesting to see all the other original creative projects done by the other students. The Grange picnic held at the Jarrell's Cove Marina last Thursday evening was very well attended and rather eventful to say the least. There was a very good turnout of Grangers, plus a large number of guests. All told there were between 50 and 60 hungry picnickers and three tables loaded to overflowing with assorted delectable goodies. Just after the call "soup's on" and the long lines were forming to appease the appetites created by all the marvelous aromas that were filling the air, four fire radios went off simultaneously. The volunteer firefighters were directed to go to the south end of the island, near the Island Shores road where a car had hit a light pole and both car and pole were reported to be on fire. However, when the three men returned a little over an hour later, they announced that they hadn't found any fire at all and that the driver wasn't injured and the car only had a small crease in one fender, although the pole had been sheared off. Tom Snyder, the state park ranger, who was a guest at the picnic received a call from his wife across the cove that there was a very pregnant cow wandering around through the park. It was the consensus of opinion that the visiting animal must belong to the Bob Ireland family who had just acquired her the weekend before. And speaking of Irelands this reporter learned that they located their missing dog, Shop and the the whole family, people and critters, are all reunited as of this writing. Friday afternoon Harstine for the second day in a row was the location of yet another fire call. District Five radios summoned both island firetrucks plus one of two from the mainland. And for the second time the call involved a power pole. But this call had the potential of becoming a very real disaster. The incident happened when the county crews were blacktopping the length of road from the Pt. Wilson intersection down to the Burgandy Road. A Evergreen Square • 42dL3456 • Shelton IF YOU'I00 II:X:00HG A IN BANKING, CL00O3RI00LL. When you walk into Clay Cornelrs bank, right away you'll notice how warm and helpful the people are. And when you walk into Clay's office, you'll understand why. It's because he believes in a folksy, hometown way of banking. So if that kind of partner sounds good to you, call Clay -- or the manager of one of our 44 branches near you. Name: Clay Cornell Position: Branch Manager Branch: Belfair Hobbles: Golf, stamp collecting Banking Philosophy: "All our tellers know all our customers. I think it's important to have a staff you can be proud of." OPuget Sou+nd National Bank propane truck had been detained at the intersection awaiting the completion of a portion of the oiling so it could go on through. However, when one of the two oil trucks was turning around, it backed into the power pole, which in turn started a fire, in the very close proximity of the propane truck. Luckily the incident ended without anything more than a few frazzled nerves of the firefighters, country crew and P.U.D. repairmen. Needless to say, the oiling crew had a sudden change of plans, scratching the job on the island and sending the crew to the mainland instead to finish the day. And while on the subject of "volunteer firemen/firewomen" an invitation is extended to anyone interested in joining the fire department to come to station nine (at Harstene Pointe) Tuesday night at 7 p.m. Both of the stations on the island really do need additional personnel. During the day several of the present volunteers work off the island, leaving a "barebones" skeleton crew to protect the island's residents and property. Lloyd and Ruth Goodwin had a surprise visit last Friday. Their niece and a nephew accompanied by their four daughters from Wisconsin dropped in to say "hi" while they were vacationing in the Pacific northwest. The ironical part is that the evening before they had been just across Jarrell's Cove from each other and didn't know it. The Goodwins had attended the Grange picnic on Thursday evening at the marina and their "company-to-be" spent the night in the state park. The Goodwins daughter, Barbara Gorman and her three kids had come out from Shelton by boat to join the picnic. After the two Gorman boys, John and Lloyd, got through eating they took the boat and went over to the park. They passed the R.V. with the Wisconsin license and the thought of their own relatives from the state crossed their minds. However, it sure didn't occur to the boys that this Wisconsin family might be some of their relatives. And it wasn't until the following day that they indeed were. Saturday afternoon the four members of the Glenn Yates family headed for Tacoma to attend a very special wedding. Also attending the same wedding was Lila Peugh who was accompanied by Barbara Gorman. The two gals met at the State Highway 3 intersection and went onto Tacoma together. The wedding was held at the St. Mark's Lutheran Church By The Narrows. United in marriage were Denise Marie Doering and David Burmark who have been sweethearts since the eighth grade. Denise is the daughter of Jewel (nee Pinard) and Glen Doering. (Jewel and Barbara and yours truly were all school chums here on the island.) The bridge chose the cool colors of green and white with just a touch of pastel blue for her wedding. Her four attendants wore white peasant blouses and green and white checked gingham long skirts with wide white ruffle at the bottom. The flowers were daisies, some white and some tinted green and a few tinted pastel blue. The bride's mother wore a long pastel green dress and the groom's mother wore a long pastel blue dress. The groom's attendants wore white tuxedos with shirts trimmed in green ruffles. The wedding cake featured blue and pink daisies and green trim and served with cool green punch. On a day that broke all records for being especially hot, the bride's choice of colors certainly had a psychological cooling effect. After the main reception at the church, relatives of the wedding party and close friends were invited to a private reception at the home of Jewell and Glen Doering. David and Denise seated themselves comfortably on the front lawn, surrounded by the guests and opened the piles and piles of marvelous gifts, including a microwave oven that a number of their college friends (plus a few of the parents) had gone together to get them. That particular gift will be especially appreciated since both David and Denise are attending Pacific Lutheran College and they both work part-time. The Yates family, after a late quiet barbecue supper with the Doerings, decided to accept an invitation to spend "the rest of the night." We returned Sunday forenoon after a truly enjoyable trip to Tacoma. Bill Bingham and son, Casey, joined the Lumbermen's crew for an ocean fishing trip this past Sunday. Casey was on cloud nine (or maybe a couple above that) when he landed a salmon weighing about five or six pounds. Bill brought home a sea bass making for a little variety on the Bingham dining table. This coming week Fire Station Seven of District Five will be holding an Arts and Crafts Fair. Anyone interested in entering (either professional or amateur) may contact Virginia Synder at Spencer Lake (or volunteer firefighters from Tomorrow is available .... for a. limited time only:, You've been thinking about buying a mobile home. For maybe a year or two. "As soon as he retires." "As soon as interest rates come down." "As soon as you find the fight bargain." Well you can buy now at a reasonable price. Or you can wait and pay more later. Whichever you choose there is one thing for sure, the time you lose waiting will be time gone forever. Consider how much your time is worth when shopping for your new lifestyle home. Ask yourself does the home look good? Is it priced fight? If the answer is yes, then the home will sell And, it's only logical to think the better selling homes are only going up in price. Now is the time to make the most of your tomorrows. You'll never make a better bargain. Isn't it time you moved up with Bendix Homes? timeto move up with 5140 Yolm * Across from Capitol City Golf course * 491.1222 station seven). The sponsors are asking for a ten percent commission of anything sold. There is no entrance fee. A warm welcome is extended to some (almost) new permanent island residents, the Dave Goodman family. CREATIVE INN€ 426-N1 By Realtor R E ID MASON COUNTY The Impact of External Appeal The external appearance- or storm door is in of your home has an and your important impact on potential inviting with a buyers. You will never get a paint or varnish. prospect interested unless he uncommon to see stops to look. Don't rely on dollars worth of im the inside of your home and some elbow "selling" it. Your prospect increase the value may be "turned off" before over a thousand he reaches the front door. So Put yourself in look at the exterior with a shoes. He is critical eye. charm, comfort, Give the house a fresh a bargain. Give him: coat of paint if needed, show for the money. Replace any broken or If there isanyth cracked windows. Replace do to help you in loose shingles. Fix the fence, real estate please Keep the lawn mowed and the drop in at MASON shrubs trimmed to give your REALTY, 724 house that "well-cared-for" Avenue, Shelton, look. Make sure your screen 426-4486. We're here THE TWO BIBLICAL RESUF Part 2 -- The Second Resurrection No. 129 Ethel] "'Marvel not at this for the hour is coming when who are in their graves shall hear HIS VOICE and They that have done good to the RESURRECTION and they that have done evil to THE RESI DAMNATION" [Jn. 5:28,9; Acts 14:15). "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift o[! ETERNAL LIFE" [Ram. 6:23). "Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the RESURRECTION; on such THE SECOND DEATH POWER. And shall reign with HIM a thousand on thrones aiding in the judgment of those who {Rev. 20:4,12; Luke 14:14; 20:3,5,6; Acts 17:31; Ror 1 Car 6:2,3; 2 Car. 5:9,10; Ram. 8:15-23). These are the first fruits from the dead (Ps. 17: 12:2; 1 Cot. 15:20,42-44; 1 Thess. occupying, the mansions prepared for them by HOLY CITY (Jn. 14:1-3; Heb. 12:22-24; Rev. 14:1-5 (AboUt the'size of the state of Washington.) "THE REST OF THE DEAD LIVED NOT THE THOUSAND YEARS WERE FINISHED (Rev. 4:1,2; 17-18,32; 23:6, 24:15,21; Rom. 1:4; 6:5; Phil. The Bible is very plain that Satan and his that are alive on the earth AFTER CHRIST HAS REDEEMED TO HEAVEN (Rev. 20:1-3; 1 Thess, Matt. 24:30,31; Rev. 7:9-16, 14:1-5); WHERE AND REIGN WITH CHRIST A THOUSAND 20:4). An angel comes from heaven to care for 20:1-3). At this time the earth is moved like a OUTER DARKNESS, as of before creation (Gen. 11 5:30; 26:1-6; 2 Pet. 2:4,5,9). Here Satan is confined years (Rev. 20:2; Isa. 28:21-23). This is the Bible picture of the 7,000th year of portrayed in their Feast of Tabernacles - the last yearly services that portrays the end of the Great Harvest of the world (Lev. 23:39-44; Deut. 31:10-13). So the righteous are in heaven and the wicked asleep on our earth moved into outer darkness at confined habitation awaiting the end of the seventh at which time he will tie loosed to again show his real t of world ambition to overthrow CHRIST. THEN HEAVEN STIRS - THE HOLY CITY TO COME TO EARTH (Rev. 19:1-9). THE MOVED, THIS TIME TO THE CENTER OF THE TO BE HONORED AS ITS CAPITOL, WITH GARDEN OF EDEN RESTORED (Rev. 22:1-7; THE HOLY CITY DESCENDS TO THE NEWLY ,EARTH, TO CHRIST'S BELOVED SPOT- THE OLIVES - JUST OUTSIDE JERUSALEM - EAST AND WEST TO BECOME A MIGHTY 14:4,5,9). FROM THIS SPOT CHRIST CALLS THE THE DEAD TO AWAKEN. They have had no character so come up with all their selfish once become tools of Satan whose ambition is to CITY and defeat CHRIST FOR WORLD THE SECOND RESURRECTION- THAT OF [Rev. 20:5; Jn. 5:29; Rev. 20:7). CHRIST WATCHES THE BATTLE ARRAY ONSLAUGHT AND AT THE PROPER TIME CALLS FIRE FROM THE SKY BUT STOREHOUSE IN THE INTERIOR OF THE EARTH been waiting since the flood, 2Pet. 3:5,6) {ld. vs. 7,11 DESTROYS THEM ALL - EACH AS HIS LIFE ACCORDING TO THE BOOK OF JUDGMENT- ARE IN THE HANDS OF A JUST GOD (2 Car. 5:, 20:9-15; vs. 12). The Bible is plain that there is ANNIHILATION, WITH SATAN THE ROOT FOLLOWERS THE BRANCHES,(MaL 4:1; Luke 3:9; Nah. 1:15; Heb. 6:8; 2 Pet. 3:10; Jn. 15:6; Dan. 2 3:12; Rev. 18:8). "Be as though they had not been Ashes all that is left [Mal. 4:3). Thus the prophesies concerning Satan will be 14:12-20; Ezek. 28:13-18). "The last enemy to be destroyed is death.'" which, Eden and will be culminated in Eden restored (Gen. 1 Cor. 15:21-26; Rev. 21:26,7; 22:1-3,11,14). The lesson will be so well learned that there assurance of no repetition in the universe (Neh. 1:9). CHRIST'S WORK IS COMPLETED - The earth and renovated as the capital of the universe, righteous nation, WHO, IN CHRIST HAVE BUILT HIS KINGDOM OF GRACE OR CHARACTER THAT HAS PREPARED THEM TO B TO THE KINGDOM OF GLORY OF THE 15:27,28; Isa. 58:11-14; 62:3; 14:1-4; 66:22,3). "Seeing then that all these things shall be manner of persons" aught ye to be - who look heaven and earth where dwelleth 3:10-14). Page 26 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, July 27, 1978