July 27, 1978 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Over the scurry goes senior rider Kandy Moore.
Rounding the barrel is junior rider James Venglar.
Grand Marshall Sheriff Dan McNair leads out the opening parade behind
flag bearer Jan Kvamstrom and 4-H leader June Wilkerson.
4-H event draws young riders
Twenty-four young riders
turned out to participate in the
Green Acres 4-H Horse Club's
Fun Day for amateur riders
Sunday at Theler Field. After
expenses, the group was able to
turn over $150 to the Belfair
Senior Center Lunch Fund.
Senior high point winner was
Michele Brown, who won after a
tie.breaking run-off with close
contestant Kandy Moore. Junior
high point winner was Lisa
Sportsmanship awards went
to Kandy Moore and Lori
jan Kvarnstrom was awarded
a trophy for selling the most
tickets for the event.
Timer for the events was
Clay Cornell of the Belfair
branch of Puget Sound National
Bank, assisted by scorekeepers
Caroline Marshall of Victor and
Virginia MeClalne of Burley.
Sheriff Dan McNair was
Grand Marshall of the opening
parade, with Assistant Marshall
Clay Cornell, 4-H leader June
Wilkerson and the Olympic
Peninsula Drum and Bugle'Corps
and Drill Team participating.
Announcer was Bill Poynor.
John Davis with his team of
Belgians and the Guardsmen Drill
Team performed at intermissions.
A trophy was awarded on
behalf of the 4-H'ers and their
parents to June Wilkerson in
appreciation of her work with
the Green Acres group.
Trophies and ribbons were
arranged by Lois Kvamstrom,
who made offieals' badges for
the event. Sound equipment was
loaned by the Guardsmen and
Tom David's flatbed truck served
as announcer' stand.
Senior riders in the fun day
included John Scarberry, Kim
Mayberry, Sheri Parsons, Kelly
Rennet and Joe Venglar and
Green Acres 4-I-I Club members
Michele Brown, Kandy Moore,
Jan Kvarnstrom and Carla
Junior participants were
Green Acres members Sherrie
and Lisa Mustain and Loft
SheUgren; and Susan Scarberry,
Charmaine and Christene
Huguenin, Denise Hallett, Tracy
Jensen, Kathy Eigner, Donna and
James Venglar, and Cynthia and
Connie Caulfield.
Winners in the individual
events were as follows:
Junior Figure 8
First, Lori Shellgren; second,
Lisa Mustain; third, Susan
Senior Figure 8
First, Kandy Moore; second,
Kelly Renner; third, Jan
Kvarnstrom; fourth. Kim
Mayberry; fifth, Sheri Parsons.
Junior Key Race
First, Lisa Mustain; second,
Sherrie Mustain; third, Cynthia
Caulfield; fourth, Lori Shellgren;
fifth, Connie Caulfield.
Senior Key Race
First, Kandy Moore; second,
John Scarberry; third, Jan
Kvarnstrom; fourth, Michelle
Brown; fifth, Carla Nichols.
Junior Pole Bending
First, Lisa Mustain; second,
Sherrie Mustain; third, Lori
Shellgren; fourth, Susan
Thursday, July 27, 1978
Who, me? Assistant Marshall and show timer Clay
Cornell hams it up before the opening parade.
Scarberry; fifth, Cynthia
Senior Pole Bending
First, Jan Kvarnstrom;
second, Michele Brown; third,
Sheri Parsons; fourth, Carla
Nichols; fifth, Kandy Moore.
Junior Scurry
First, Lisa Mustain; second,
Sherrie Mustain; third, Lori
Senior Scurry
First, Michelle Brown;
second, Kelly Renner; third,
Kandy Moore; fourth, Kim
Mayberry; fifth, Carla Nichols.
Junior Barrel Race
First, Kathy Eigner; second,
Sherrie Mustain; third, Lisa
Mustain; fourth, Cynthia
Caulfield; fifth, Susan Searberry.
Senior Barrel Race
First, Kandy Moore; second,
(Please turn to page two.)
Section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal
The long and short of it. Shelton rider Denise Hallett, left and Tracy
Jensen await their turns in the Sunday events.
Slagl fled to WPBL team
ilin,gham ' Washington e_ dra
lir- ,v estern Washington thasY:l" attended North Mason spring, Slagie wasrecently named
,:[lSity women's basketball "- to a eacning ano coaching
High School and spent two years position at Blaine High School.
i] t Joni Slagle was one of at Olympic Community College
i.t w° players from the before transferring to Western. She is the daughter of Mr.
$es,, . wly formed Completing her bachelor's and Mrs. Elmer Slagle of the
est elected em a draft degree in physical education last South Shore.
T rrotessional Basket
II(W P- ball
v'BL) !ast week" S U
i¢,,lPa "kings assistant eoach 73 Class plan re nion
:! sti season, Slagle t s
wba,as a free. Ya The North Mason High their spouses are urged to make
iSOta. She wall a:ttnntd School Class of 1973 will have a arrangements to attend. For
Camp which begins on
5-10 forward played two
at Western, leading the
to the AIAW Region IX
.... °tshp and subsequent
:, nament appearance
ii!ni°r. She scored a school
!11543 points (20,1 average)
five-year reunion on Saturday,
August 19 at the Grapeview
home of the Catrons, parents of
Cindy Catron Farley.
Beginning at 2 p.m., the
casual party will include
swimming, games, and a catered
Members of the class and
information on cost and to make
reservations, phone Cindy Farley
at 535-3553 or Jack Johnson at
The reunion committee
requests that reservations and
funds be in by August 14 so that
arrangements can be completed.
Jim Cochran receives
Rochester scholarship
James Dennis Cochran of
Grapeview, recipient of the 1978
Rochester National Scholarship,
will leave next month for the
University of Rochester in New
Coehran, the son of Mrs.
Diane J. Cochran, is a 1978
graduate of Shelton High School,
where he graduated with honors
and a 3.8 grade point average.
The Rochester National
Scholarship, amounting to
$5,300 in university and federal
funds, also makes available loans
and a work-study program for its
Jim Coehran applied to the
University of Rochester for a
variety of reasons. The university
is best-known for its school of
medicine and the Eastman
School of Music located there.
Jim first became interested when
he paged through a University of
Rochester catalog his brother
"Besides the fact that it's a
good school, it's a matter of
broadening my world experience,
living in a different culture,"
commented Jim, who is looking
forward to seeing the eastern
half of the country.
Jim has no definite
predictions about his career
plans. He will embark on a
double.major course of study,
combining physics and
"It's a way of feeling out
two different directions," Jim
His actual departure date will
depend upon his mode of travel.
"That's not certain yet, either,"
Jim said.
Dogs: Lost and Found
Two lost-and-found calls to
the Mason County Sheriffs
office last week bore the same
dog description.
On July 17 Jeanne Deskins
of Marine Drive in Bremerton
reported losing a black German
Shepherd male, licensed and
collared and named Loki, on the
South Shore Road near Belfalr.
Judith Loveless, of Star
Route 1, Box 600, reported a
large black male dog, possibly
injured, had turned up at her
Mrs. Loveless also phoned
the Kitsap County Humane
Society and, by tracing the dog's
tag numbers obtained the nmaae
of his owner. It was Ms. Deskins.
The following morning Mrs.
Loveless reached Ms. Deskins by
phone, and Loki and his happY
owner were reunited.
Fred Schardt of Star Route
1, Allyn reported a female
Schnauzer/Cockapoo missha last
Wednesday. The dog is believed
to have jumped from a car
window somewhere between
Minter Creek and Allyn.
Judith Kitts of Route I,
Grapeview, reported a white
German Shepherd male lost since
July 19.
June Wilkerson reported
finding a male apricot.and-white
cockapoo with a blue jewelled
collar at her home near the
junction of Highway 3 and
Highway 302 in Allyn on July
A patron of the woodshed
tavern reported to the sheriff's
office that $18 belonging to him
was taken from the bar by
another patron.
Two Mission Creek Youth
Camp residents walked away
from the correctional facility
Sunday evening but were
apprehended shortly after their
A Skagit County youth
convicted of burglary and armed
robbery and a Seattle youth
committed for burglary charges
were taken into custody again
Jim Cochran
Friends of L/brary
booksale August 11
The Friends of the Library
will hold their annual booksale
in front of Thriftway in Belfalr
on Friday, August 11, from 9
a.m. to 9 p.m. to raise money
for their new Timberland Library
A wide variety of books,
hardbound and paperback, will
be available for sale. The new
Booker's Art Calendars will also
be on sale at the daylong event.
The Friends of the Library
are still happy to accept
donations of books for the sale,
Pee Wee signups set,
Signups for this year's Pee
Wee boys, football and girls'
basketball teams will take place
this Sunday and Monday, July
30 and 31 at the home of
coordinator Carol Crosswhite.
Parents wishing to enroll
their children in the sports
program can do so from 2 to 8
p.m. on Sunday and from 10
a.m. to 8 p.m. on Monday.
The Crosswhite home is .2
miles past the grade school
toward the South Shore. A pink
house, it is located on the uphill
side of Highway 3.
Pee Wee leagues are open to
children eight through 12 years
old. Birthdate verification is
required for all new participants.
Coaches for the football
teams include Mike Wenger for
.the A team and Don Shellgren
for the C team. Coaches for the
B and D teams and for the girls'
basketball have not been named
at present..
For further information
please contact Carol Crosswhite
at 275-6290.
according to chairman Laura
Allen, who suggested that books
be left at the library's temporary
quarters across from the
elementary school before August
For further infomaation on
the sale, phone Mrs. Allen at
The plans for a new library
building continue apace,
according to Alice Harris,
Timberland Library trustee and
chairman of the committee to
select an architect for the
Four architects chosen from
seventeen who made initial
presentations will meet with the
selection committee on
Thursday, August 3 to make
in-depth presentations of their
building proposals.
The committee hopes that
bids will be opened by January
and that work on the new
library will begin next spring.
A person who jumped from a
brown Chevrolet grabbed a rug
belonging to the Belfair
Thriftway from in back of the
store last Friday. The thief
departed in his car and was not
The theft of a roll of copper
wire by someone who cut a hole
in the fence at the Belfair PUD
substation was reported Friday.
A Seattle man complained
last Thursday that items had
been taken from his cabin on the
North Shore Road near Tahuya.
Illustrations by local artists adorn the 1979 Booker's Art
Calendar Margaret Livingston, calendar chairman for the
Friends of the Library, admires. Artists include K, evin
Vetters, Flossie Cady, Molly Bates, Dan Lane, Dorothy
Arntsen and Maxine Morse.