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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 27, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 27, 1978
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I I TO PAINT OR NOT TO PAINTT If that's the question at your house,, give us a call. Ten years experience, in- terior, exterior. Many job plans to choose from. Spe- cial rates for North Mason residents. Guaranteed work. Call 275-3837 III III III II I I TOWING 426-113.1 Shelton 275-2861 Allyn & Belfair II '.; " CALL ME! .;.'@, I ," I I • Glass replacement • Custom storm sash & screens Hood Canal Glass 275-2623 -- Call Any Time OPEN WEEKENDS BODY SHOP LIGHT & HEAVY TOWING 24 HOUR SERVICE I I I Event draws riders (Continued from page one.) Carla Nichols; third, Sheri Parsons; fourth, Jan Kvarnstrom; fifth, John Scarberry. Junior Boot Race First, Sherrie Mustain; second, Susan Scarberry; third, Cynthia Caulfield; fourth, Lori Shellgren; fifth, Christene Huguenin. Senior Boot Race First, Kelly Renner; second, John Searberry; third, Michelle Brown; fourth, Kandy Moore. Junior Tied Pairs First, Carmaine and Chris Huguenin; second, Lisa Mustain and Loft Shellgren; third, Sherrie Mustain and Denise Hallet. Senior Tied Pairs First, Kim Mayberry and Kelly Renner; second, Michelle Brown and Cada Nichols; third, Kandy Moore and Jan Kvarnstrom; fourth, John Scarberry and Joe Venglar. Junior Australian Pursuit First, Susan Scarberry; second, Cynthia Caulfield; third, Charmaine Huguenin; fourth, Lori Shellgren; fifth, Lisa Mustain. Senior Australian Pursuit First, Kim Mayberry; second, Michelle Brown; third, Sheri Parsons; fourth, Kandy Moore; fifth, Kelly Renner. Junior Ride-a-Buck First, Susan Scarberry; second, Sherrie Mustain; third, Lisa Mustain; fourth, Cynthia Caulfield; fifth, Lori Shellgren. Senior Ride-a-Buck First, Jan Kvarnstrom; second, Michelle Brown; third, Kelly Renner; fourth, Kim Mayberry; fifth, Sheri Parsons. Senior citizens, 5€ off each gallon of gas. DAVE'S BELFAIR ARC0 STATION Clip Coupon & Bring In. Good Thru August. • Belfair Auto Parts • North Mason Towing, 2 Trucks Reasonable Rates 275.3211 9IS FAIR HARBOR MARINA ON CASE INLET OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Chevron • Monthly & daily moorage • Gas & off • Fishing gear • Bait • Pop • Ice • Geoduck • Bank cards welcome RESIDENCE PHONE 426-4028 275-6417 4 miles Grapeview from Allyn I NOIITIHI IlllOIli GARAG| -- GENERAL AUTO REPAIR -- 278-2128 % mile w. of Belfair State Park iii Belfair Electric Co. 275-20211 We are franchised General Electric Dealers • Discount Prices • Factory Service • Terms • We take trade-ins. W Free delivery & normal Installation. Bonded & Llcemmd |lKtrlml Contractors Special Contractor Pricing. ½ block North of Thrlftwoy I [i _ _ I -- II -- _._._ n I II LLOWeSt Home Insurance Rates Fulmer & €o., Inc. 520 Pacific -- Bremerton, 377-8547 Represented In North Mason by Bob Sutton 275-6120 ii "DELIVERY BY CANAL BLUE TRUCKS" • For Chevron Heating Fuel • Modern Heating Equipment • Complete H.ousewarming Service Our accounts payable at Puget Sound National Bank in Belfalr Service.Fuel Co., Inc. 13IS PARK AVE. AlqrO.=77= mB, i mr mlm BREMERTON I I I I I I  Hu ckleber,00 ;y Herald Post Office Box 587, Belfair, Washington 98528 Telephone 275-6680 Belfair office open 9 a.m. to I p.m., Man. & Tues.; Wed. thru Fri. 9 a.m. to S p.m. News and advertising copy deadline 5 p.m. Fridays. For your convenience there is a mail slot in the door for copy. Office located across from Belfair Texaco in Belfair. MARK LEE ................................. Editor CAROL WENTLANDT ............. Advertising Manager Office Telephone 275-6680 A section of the Shelton-Mason County Journal serving as the voice of Belfair, Allyn, Grapeview, Tahuya, Mason Lake, South Shore and North Shore. n Page 2 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal C £i6e By HANNAH DEHLER 275-3512 Dismal and sad are many of the stories we read about the rest homes. Enough, so that we are apt to overlook the good moments. "Graduation exercises" of an awareness program conducted by thoughtful instructors at a nearby rest home changed one afternoon last week into a very special event. Caring people and a wise administration are helping to keep the days a little brighter for their residents. With invited guests looking on, light current events were reviewed. Questions were then asked: What day is this? What city are you in? Do you know this address? Relate a story or experience that took place when you were quite young... Answers were quick and hazy memories wide awake. Olive Tegtmeier, 99 years young, spoke of her busy active years working with the noted Dr. Townsend, and their subsequent visit with the president in the White House. She happily talks of her lifetime friendship with Laura Haines - centenarian also at the home. They were brides together and now enjoy each day in each other's company. When she was congratulated upon her new title of checkerboard champion of the recent toumament she whispered, "I didn't tell them that I've played checkers all my life." Lynda Moody is the only 'southern belle' residing there, obviously captivating everyone with her soft southern drawl. She recalled the large family home of many rooms and several servents who were ex-slaves and children of ex-slaves, who chose to remain with Dr. and Mrs. Luman Sumter Handley, her parents. With delicious humor she talked of the day there was to be a hanging in the nearby jail courtyard. Inviting her many close friends, she led them to the highest room, and standing on boxes they were able to watch this fascinating event. However, watchful servants brought about a fast end to this episode. When she was asked, "what is the one thing in your life you have missed the most since your stay here?" Her engaging answer ii ii __ was, "For the first time I do not have a boyfriend." This beguiling lady with the saucy wit from the land of many Magnolia trees shading the antebellum mansions was not disappointed. Gallant Salvatore, another resident said softly, "I'd love to be your boyfriend." South Shore resident Ramsey Moody (Lynda's son), was there in the audience with his wife Margaret. He said, "For the first time in eleven years, the past year has been the happiest time for mother. We understand that staff in the home are carefully selected. No one is hired that does not really love the older people, including the office personnel. They often visit the people here and will stop to read a letter or tell a story, or just to pass the time of day for a few minutes. Their comfort is very important and meals are satisfying." Having just returned from a combined business trip to Los Angeles, Leona and Grant Morse are enthusiastically telling their friends about their great furniture 'find." .Owned and operated by the family of Raymond E. Enkeboll of Chile, distinguished accessories are the handcarved and crafted furnishings viewed in an unusual setting. The building that houses these stunning works of art is a magnificent hexagon of brick, heavy beams and timber and is an extension of Enkeboll in his never ending quest for the refinement of his designs. Presenting his collection, Enkeboll begins by saying, "it's more than filling an empty space, they must radiate warmth, permanence and dignity." "Everything from clocks and plaques to the most massive piece of furniture certainly fills this description," says Grant. "Lines are adapted from modes and periods of many countries, you can see a Venetian table, la Scala arm chair, heidelberg bar or an exquisite c'est moi mirror. Leona and I were very excited. Now we will have the special type of 'claw' legs we need for our new coffee table. These handcarved beauties by sculptor Matteo Baiamonte will do justice to the great piece of Italian 'marble we have acquired." you money on Mobile Home luuramce.. Farmers Insurance Group combines all your special insurance needs into one Super Package Policy just for mobile homeowners. It protects your mobile home and adjacent structures, covers your personal property, and provides complete family liability protection. And because you don't need to buy separate, overlapping policies, it saves you money, too. Ask a Farmers agent about Mobile Homeowners Insurance. Farmers Insurance Company of Wash. Mercer Island, Wash. Diane Gold Next To Bolfalr Post Office 275-3973 - July 27, 1978 A solemn spectator, Sheriff McNair's parade mount watches the Fun Day proceedings with apparent envy. I ?ee Wee 00ews It is not yet time to claim the first place trophy, but North Mason's D team is headed in that direction. Coach Dan Orchard's talented troopers have yet to come up with a loss in the '78 soccer trials for the southern Kitsap division. Last week's contests showed North Mason ahead of Warren 7-0 and South Kitsap West 12-0. "A teamers played and won their most exciting game of the season as they defeated Naval 2-0 in a close battle Thursday night" says coach Tom Higgins. The points were gained by free kicks from team leader Steve Nielsen. Tuesday's game showed the A team ahead of S.K. East 5-2 with Mike Clark, Jeff Sharp, Steve Shellgren and Steve Nielson all kicking the scoring points. "This team has vastly improved since their first two games and stands solidly in third place with six wins and two losses," comments coach Higgins. The heat won on Wednesday evening for the "E" team black as they lost to Chico Red 3-0. Coach Clifton Moss says, "I really feel our boys are learning a lot and playing well. We have 11 veteran players that are coming on strong in all areas. I want to recognize Steve Valley for his excellent job as goalie last week." Chloe Red also claimed a victory of 3-0 over North Mason's gold E team, but the local team downed Naval 2-0. Mike Wenger, Cindy Clar k, Jeff Hinds and Chris Harmon shared the striking positions, while Sasha Orchard and Amy Anderson held down the mid field. Strong defenders were Frank Hopf, Aaron Corliss and Len Crichton as fullbacks and Steve Cates and Brian Copps, goalies. Other versatile players are: Robert Atkinson, Cathy Foley, John Hertzberg, Terry McFarlane, Sandra Nielsen, Richard Schilling, Ron StromberR and Martha Gibeau. SCHEDULE OF REMAINING Thursday, July 27 IAAI N. Mason Il vs. S.K. Central N. Mason vs. Chico (A) N. Mason (E-Gold) vs. Chico (Red) Tuesday, August 1 ll N. Mason (D)vs. Warren N. Mason (A) vs. Warren N. Mason (E-Gold) vs. S.K. Central Wednesday, August 2 IH! N. Mason (E-Black)vs. Naval (Gold) N. Mason (E-Gold)vs. S.K. East N. Mason (D) vs. S.K. East Thursday, August 3 Il N. Mason (E-Black)vs. S.K. Central N. Mason (A) vs. S.K. West Guardsmen drill team members await the opening parade. i PEE WEE SOCCER GAMES 6:30 Salmonberry No. 1 6:30 Chico 5:30 Chico 6:30 Warren 7:30 Mission Creek 5:30 Salmonberry No. 1 5:30 Mission Creek 6:30 Mission Creek 7:30 Mission Creek 5:30 Salmonberry No. 2 6:30 Salmonberry No. 1 Lori Shellgren rounds the poles in the  cam petition. An appreciation trophy for her 4-H leadership to June Wilkerson, right, by Lois Kvarnstrom Sunday playday halftime. MILITARY C-130 MAXIMUM EFFORT Take ofls & landings (See an airplane back upl) F-106 FLYBY (See an airplane fly straight upl) A-6 INTRUDERS (See a precision bombing run) F-14 TOM CAT (See latest Navy swing wing fighter) AIR FAI R '78 JUL00( 003Oth t’Yl8 Kitsap County Airport SEATTLE COSSACKS Motorcycle Drill Team BOB HOOVER SHRIKE COMMANDER 4’ A POUND AIR RIDES OTHER DISPLAYS CESSNA GENERAL AV IAT ION PIPERS ANTIQUE CARS ANTIQUE AIRPLANES ADMISSIONS: ww, AIRPLANES ADULTS $3.00 CHILDREN St.50 PRESALE $2.00 and $1.00 (at participating merchants ) BEN HALL F86A SABRE JET CANADIAN REDS TW IN PITTS SPECIALS FRANK RANUIO JACK HAYES THUN THUMP BUNCH Air Show Starts at 3:00 p.M. All Day Events Begin at 9:00 A.H.