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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 27, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 27, 1978
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Vicar called to two churches everend and Mrs. Alan Jordan will move to the North area next week when Father Jordan will become of Saint Hugh's and Saint Nicholas' Episcopal nn!itn Community Calendar  July 27 Monday, July 31 a.m. Twanoh Falls 10 a.m. Poe Wee Signups, Club, call Hannah Crosswhite home. 12. Tahuya Fire District Tuesday, August 1 ioners, meeting, Tahuya 7:30 p.m. Girls' Softball Club, Belfair Youth Center. l0 P.m. Special budget Wednesday, August 2 of North Mason School 7:30 p.m. Port of Allyn High School Library. commissioners' meeting, Allyn July 30 Firehall. Poe Wee football, Thursday, August 3 basketball signups, home. 7:30 p.m. Sam Theler Saint Hugh's church Recreational Advisory Council, Cove. Room 2, High School. 8 p.m. Trail's End Lake Water District No. 2 at Star END Route 1, Box 869, Belfair. MEET s and Patt Shrout of FOOD PROGRAM STARTS ew returned recently The Belfair Assembly of God Collins, Colorado has announced the sponsorship attended the national of a child care food program. of the Handweavers Free and reduced-price meals will be made available to children meeting the approved eligibility criteria and will be provided without regard to race, color or national origin. Meals will be provided at the Kommunity Kiddie Kollege, sponsored by the Assembly of God. participated in of Workshops held on campus at Fort the hundreds of rs Were weavers from the country and other nations who techniques and ideas. The Reverend Alan Jordan will arrive here August 1 to assume duties as vicar of Saint Hugh's Episcopal Church in Allyn and Saint Nicholas' Church in Tahuya. Rector of Saint John's Episcopal Church in Centralia since 1965, Father Jordan was appointed to his new post by the Right Reverend Robert H. Cochrane, Bishop of the Diocese of Olympia. The new vicar's wife, Maryann, has worked as program director for the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation in Lewis County. The couple has four children. Bruce, the eldest, is a student at The Evergreen State College. Leslie Ann, 20, will attend Central State University as a junior this fall. Susan, 16, will be a junior at North Mason High School. She has been a letter-winning member of the Contralto track team. Sarah, 8, will enter the third grade. Father Jordan is a graduate of Pomona College and the Church Divinity School of the Pacific. He worked as a chemist for Shell Oil Company in Los Angeles for 11 years before attending seminary and entering the priesthood. He has also served five years of active duty in the U.S. Navy, discharged with a rating of Aviation Chief Radioman in 1945. He has served as curate at Saint John's Church, Snohomish from 1963 to 1965 and as vicar of Our Savior's Church, Monroe during the same period before moving to Centralia. Active in community and diocesan affairs, Fr. Jordan has been a member of the Centralia Kiwanis and has served as president of the church's Southern Convocation and as a member of the Cathedral Tapes found A Tahuya resident advised the sheriff's office last week that he found a tape case with tapes in the middli of the Tahuya River Bridge"n the North Shore Road. OPEN SUNDAYS, 10 A.M. TO 3 P.M. Georgia Pacific PANELING A rich appearance Chapter. Other offices and activities include the chairmanship of the diocesan Stewardship Commission, membership in the Training and Consulting Services team, and chaplainship of the Daughters of the King, a women's devotional group. Fr. Jordan has also been active in the Cursillo movement as a spiritual director. "We're delighted with the area," Alan Jordan said, "and looking forward to getting better acquainted with the people. The potential for growth in the congregations here is exciting." The Jordans and members of both congregations met earlier in the year as part of the appointment process. Local churchmen are pleased, too, with the prospect of a full-time clergyman. Since the death last October of Fr. Dan Hevenor, vicar of the two mission churches, their ministry has been on Sundays only. The Reverend Arthur Lord of Centralia maintained the Sunday morning services. Saint Nicholas' Church was founded in 1968 by Fr. D. J. Maddux. The congregation worshiped in the old Tahuya School building until the completion of its log-and-native-wood church in 1974. Fr. Maddux also started services the following year in Allyn in what had been built as Ebenezer Congregational Church in 1909. A community trust which had acquired the building deeded it to the Episcopal diocese and, as The Church of Saint Hugh of Lincoln, it has been extensively restored by the congregation. Saint Nicholas' and Saint Hugh's were made missions in 1970 and for seven years were operated as part of The Episcopal Church in Mason County with Fr. Maddux of Saint David's, Shelton, as vicar. Associate clergy who have conducted worship in the churches during that time include Louis Born; Fr. Joseph Hunt, now an instructor at Nashotah House Seminary in Wisconsin; Fr. George Sheldon; the late Fr. Frederick H. Avery; Fr. Richard Rowland; Fr. Hugh Barnes; Fr. Robert Burton and Fr. Edward Stifling. In April, 1977, the two churches were given an identity of their own as diocesan missions with their own vicar. Fr. Hevenor, a retired priest from this diocese who had just returned from three years as a vicar in the Church of Ireland, ministered to the congregations until his death. Father Jordan will be the i i iviason Lake lVieanderings By JANET WILLIAMS 426-8320 Ul By JANET WILLIAMS At the July 13 meeting of the Mason Benson club the 12 members who attended discussed the upcoming purchase of five acres of land adjoining the present club property. The realtor has accepted the club's offer and the final papers will be signed by the end of the summer. Money making projects will be planned throughout the year in order to make the property payments and also to be able to begin some development of the property for recreational use for members. " After the business meeting a social hour was enjoyed with refreshments served. Marjorie and Earl Wood of Bernardston, Massachusetts, are spending a month at Mason Lake with their son, Dick and his family. Besides enjoying visiting, they have taken trips around the Hood Canal areas and toured the Olympic peninsula. They particularly enjoyed a trip to Westport Where they watched with their catches. Cad and Joan Nilsen recently enjoyed a weekend visiting with Ear's parents at Lake Chelan where the folks are vacationing in their trailer. Helen and Carl Elliott recently returned from Klamath Falls where they have been yisiting relatives and trailering around the area for about six weeks. John and Frances Smith picked a perfect week weatherwise to spend some vacation time at their home on the lake. Enjoying several days With them" 'were fflends 'from Mercer Island, Bob and Evelyn Brousseau. The home of Bud and Jane Sykes was the gathering place for about 100 friends and fellow employes of Jane and daughter, Kathy Kramp where their annual company picnic was held. That weekend was rather gray, but everyone had fun anyway swimming, boating, water skiing, and of course, enjoying the fabulous feast that the Sykes churches' first full-time vicar, however, affording more time for ministry to individuals and for developing programs. The Jordan family will make their home at View Ridge Estates on the North Shore near Belfair. Father Jordan's first Sunday services in his new congregations will be at 9:00 a.m. at Saint Hugh's, Allyn, and at 11:15 a.m. at Saint Nicholas', Tahuya on Sunday, August 7. SSSSS SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT Ray's Barber Shop kllkMr Masonry * Fireplaces * Block foundations * Anything with masonry JOHN KIMMEL Licensed, bonded and insured. Rt. 2, Box 947 426-1512 Shelton MAC'S STUMP REMOVAL Stumps removed by chipping, no holes to fill. No stump to get rid of. In fenced yard, next to building or walks. Contact Mac's Stump Service. Phone 426-8662 or 275-5256. Call morning ,or evening. Haul Rock Bulldoze Fill Dirt B&D Contractors, Inc. CR5-2195 CR5-2113 Allyn Day Care Center We have openingg. Children ages 2 to 12 • Qualified staff • Supervised play • Rest periods • Hot lunches • Reasonable rates. We invite your inspection or inquiries. Call 275-2263 Allyn, WA. ! A Week, I 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. t Sunset Beach l Cro00ery / South Shore Reid Realty I  TOPPED, TRIMMED OR REMOVED I .  We's Grifley CR 5-2117 Lou Dobbs TR 6-4783 BONDED LICENSED INSURED JESFIELD CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTING • BUILDING CONCRETE WORK P.O. Box 377 Belfair, WA 275-6684 Jim Jesfield 77-3836 53O3 Kitsap Way Bm,.rton Lewts Funeral Chapel rving families in tins community since 1909. ('all us collect ...lll\\; anywher Saint Nicholas' Episcopal Church CATHOLIC MASS Saturday, 5:30 p.m. at Belfair Community Baptist Church TAHUYA COME AS YOU ARE Family Service 11:15 a.m. CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH AND RETRIEAT CENTER OF BELFAIR 10 a.m... Worship Service Sunday Services HOURS: worshi p Service ........ 8:30 a.m. Worship Service ....... 10:00 o.m. Sunday School ....... .10:00 a.m. BELFAIR COMMUNITY BAPTIST P.O. BOX 407 John Senn, Pastor Church Phone  275-6031 SALE!! :'½" :NO $4.75 W ONLY • $399 Only EN DOOR ALUMINUM t Comes with Screen 8, all hardware • Easy to install • 2' and 30 by6 a 9S l t J( ZYS.loq)0 lelfair Come o! you are -- Nursery provided ¼ mile W, of Belfalr State Park 275-3354 Office 27t950 Home Donald G. Fm4ium, IIlstor ca low cost. the salmon fishermen coming in always have at their parties. i i • Prairie Pecan • Snow Elm I / ' ' W'NT TO RENT J YARD SALE r ....................... - ............ I Valley Walnut I 3 miles from Belfoir on  | I jl C°llege Pr°fess°r and faro" J N°rth Sh°re R°ad" ih°useily wontthatto rentsleepsbeochfrontat least [ " Furniture 00e00Jl'Cak I I six. Prefer South Shore, I • Crafts J Hood Canal. Dates wonted J .Antiques I  and qlo goom I 00uot.r. i evenings, Lemon, 275-6226 I g Saturday , J (503) 752-3"1 I Thursday, Friday $39s / JaM. INSULATION Open 10 a.m. to $ p.m. Sundays Save on heat loss. Foil Face Enjoy , Your Vacation Drive Carefully Belfair Branch 275-2816 4x15. Reg. $9.57. NOW ........... ,7 Q8 6x23. Reg. ,14.29. NOW ...... *1 1  I WEEKEND SPECIAL SALMON STEAK COMPLETE DINNER Salad, vegetable, potato, dessert, coffee. Entertainment Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday Dance To WHITE GINGER ALL DA Y MONDA Y Rum Highballs 60 = Monday, Tuesday and Thursday Mike Mend,)za olk and Country Blues PLENTY OF FREE PARKING Bar (h)en 10 a.m. to 2 a.m. Weekdays 11 a.m. to 2 a.m. Sundays ..... • ldBl00l Sound National Bank Open I to 5:10 Dally, The hometown bank Saturday, I to 4:10 July 27, 1978 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3