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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 27, 1978     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 27, 1978
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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One last song, and then another, delayed the scouts respective homes after their return Friday. departures to their Scouts return from trip Can nine Girl Scouts, two scout leaders, eleven packs, food and gear for everyone survive for a month-long trip together in one ten-passenger van? When the leaders have never driven a van before? The obvious answer is no; but the members of Troop No. 704 not only lived to tell about it, they arrived home Friday hale, hearty, and enthusiastic about every minute and every mile of their odyssey. The eleven attended' three sessions of Wyoming Trek at the Girl Scout National Center West in Ten Sleep, Wyoming. They sang, back-packed, panned for gold, rode horses and participated in gymkhanas, learned Indian basketry and Navaho blanket-weaving, and swapped souvenirs. The girls, with new friends from throughout the western states, participated in archaeological digs at excavation sites yielding projectile points and stone chips. They practiced way.finding and survival skills, hunted rocks, and stream-dwelling aquatic life, and tended sunburned noses. Getting there, and getting back, was half the fun. The route to Wyoming went through the Cascades and across northern Idaho and Montana to the Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area. The girls camped out on their overnight stops. The trip home included two nights at Yellowstone National Park and a white-water raft trip at Jackson in the Grand Tetons. Other camp stops were at Glenn's Ferry on the Oregon Trail route and at a fish hatchery on the Columbia. And the end of it all wasn't the arrival at home. On Saturday, the travellers reconvened at the home of leader Linnie Griffin to clean the rented van and prepare other ' gear for storage. They are already planning a rummage sale for August to offset costs of NIEDERMAN PROMOTED Coast Guard Captain Charles S. Niederman, whose wife, M. Cathleen, is the daughter of Kenneth O. and Molly M. Bates of Belfair, has been promoted to his present rank while serving at Coast Guard Headquarters, Washington, D.C. He is 1957 graduate of the U.S. Coast Guard Academy, New London, Connecticut, with a bachelor of science in engineering. repairing tent frames damaged by gusting prairie winds. The girls of troop 704 worked for two years to raise funds to finance their memorable excursion, which also received some funding from the Theler estate. And was it worth it? A chorus of yesses is the answer, seconded by the leaders. "It was beautiful," sighed Mesdames Griffin and Cataldo, surveying a yardful of sleeping bags, packs, pots, pans, towels, pillows, shoes, sweatshirts and assorted memorabilia. "We'd do it all again." Picnic to honor =nter=m pastor The Reverend Arthur Lord, who has served as interim Sunday pastor for Saint Hugh's Church, Allyn and Saint Nicholas' Church, Tahuya, will be feted at a farewell potluck picnic on Stretch Island, Sunday, July 30. The picnic will be held at the Bell and Mathis residences in Vineyard Cove. Friends and members of St. Hugh's are invited to attend the gathering which will follow Fr. Lord's morning services at the two missions. I I I U COULD BE Digging Clams at Ocean Shores in ................ 45 mine Fishing at Westport in just ....................... 45 rain. Dining at Roche Harbor in just ..................... 1. hr, Rafting at Sun River, Oregon in just ................ 2 hrse Watching the Show at Tahoe in just ............. 41/ hrs. Winning in Reno in just ........................... 4 hrge YOU CAN GO A LONG WAY IN A SHORT TIME WHEN YOU FLY. Call KITSAP AVIATION, 674-2372 For Your Introductory Flight Lesson. Kltsap County Airport I i i Discover banking I I 674-2372 0 convenience- right on your home.. Kltsap County Bank Gorst Branch SINCLAIR I NLE'r Gor=t Branc:h Whether you're heided into town or coming home from work, Kitsap County Bank's Gorst \\; \\; Branch is the most convenient place for you to " do your banking. % You'll find the same great services here that you % find at other banks, plus some special ones, like BanClub. KITSAP COUNTY BANK Port Orchard (MMn Office), Banllor, Bremerton, at.ash ;o,c Gofer, SIIverdale, South Park YlUa|e Page 4 . Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - July 27, 1978 Eleven's a crowd. The nine members of Girl Scout Troop 704 and their leaders pose on the van which was filled to overflowing with them and their gear for a month-long trip to Wyoming. Huckleberry Harold One thunderous morning a gentleman of purplish complexion and uncertain attitude meandered into the office and proclaimed his oracular abilities in the departments of advice and information. Proceeding to expound on this and that until we were moved to the very brink of insanity, he took advantage of the situation to install himself as the resident advice columnist. Word, as it always will, filtered out and the mail is approaching record volume. Herewith is our columnist, Huckleberry Harold. Dear Huckleberry Harold, The huckleberries in my backyard are still red but my son, who has been eating them, says they don't taste green. When will they turn blue? Or are they poisonous? Wondering Highway closed I)y accident Traffic was routed through Grapeview for nearly two hours Friday while State Troopers and wreckers cleared Highway 3 south of Allyn of the wreckage of an overturned lumber truck. Both lanes of the highways were blocked when the rig turned over at 4:44 p.m. Travel on the route resumed normal operation at 6:25 p.m. No injuries were reported in the incident. regal Publimti0ns NOTICE OF POSITION OPENING Notice of p os!ti.on opening for Accounting_/sststant I as per district Job .L)escription. Begin work SeptemDer 1, 1978, 12 months contract. Beginning step salary $4.16 per hour. Call or write for application forms to Norman E. Sanders, Superintendent, North Mason School District No. 403, P.O. Box 167, Belfair, WA 98528, Phone (206) 275-2881. /s/Norman E. Sanders Superintendent 7/27-8/3-2t Dear Wondering, Your berries are no doubt red huckleberries, and they won't turn blue. They also won't poison your son or anyone else (shouldn't you ask before you let him eat strange berries?). Neither will salal berries nor Oregon grape. All three make good jelly. Dear Huckleberry Harold, What are those funny, foamy-looking slightly iridescent gray rings I found on the branches of my fruit trees and shrubs? Should I worry about them? At a Loss Dear Atta, Yes and no. You should worry, because those funny, foamy-looking slightly iridescent gray rings are the egg eases of vile nasty destructive tent caterpillars which next year will go through your shrubs like Sherman through Georgia. But if you just sit there and worry, you'll have nothing but a bunch of naked trees. Instead, get out and peel off the rings with your thumbnail, or cut off the affected limbs if not too many are involved, and completely destroy the egg cases in whatever way you find most satisfying: e.g., a large bonfire. And if you really want to, do something, check all the branches of the alders and wild roses along roadsides near you. Items lost Two wallets and a key ring were reported lost this week to the Mason County sheriff's Belfair office. Several keys on a metal ring with a leather tab were lost this weekend near Gladwin Beach Road. A man's light brown leather billfold with $150 and identification was lost on the Sand Hill Road near the garbage dump last Thursday. A black trifold man's wallet with identification and bank cards was lost Thursday near the Puget Sound National Bank in Belfair. By ELEANORA FEDENK CR 5-2774 The ten year reunion for the North Mason High School class of 1968 was held on Saturday, July 16. The dinner party that night held as much excitement as the original graduation exercises for the 52 members attending. Welcome signs, pictures from bygone school days and old dance programs were the decor arranged by Cheri Bishop Pruitt, Karen Rasmussen Veitch and Katy Blair Hughes. Of special interest was a copy of the school paper, "Nomahi News," that dated back to the days when Karen Squire Riggs and Karen Veitch were in the sixth grade. Mr. Art Guidi was their room teacher at that time and the news in the paper noted that he had purchased a hugh roll of tape as a possible means of curbing their constant visiting during classtime. Ken Bead was master of ceremonies for the messages and awards. Best wishes were sent by Emily Meyer, Vickie Cartwright Miller and Donna Dishon Rickards. Susie Kowalczyk traveled farther than anyone from her school teaching position at Kayenta, Arizona and was awarded a road map. The Baldy award (actually the one that didn't comb his hair forward) experienced by them in the following year. Improvement was noted when they were gone a few days from the new home, but always returned. They learned through friends that others were having this same kind of illness and it had been traced to materials used in the construction of mobile homes.' A call to Keith Benham of the Public Health Department in Olympia confirmed formaldehyde used in mobile home construction had caused serious illness for many people. Mrs. Kiehn is concerned that the problem still exists for those who have been living in the constructed prior to Mrs. Kiehn you think you may from any of a of illnesses, such respiratory symptoms, severe similar symptoms, hesitate to call write to Mr. Public Health De Stop-LB-I 1, Washington 98504. people who call sooner action will be was a comb for Dale Leatherman. W S Dan and Lucy Wing will be • celebrating their tenth wedding q. anniversary in August and were winners of a package of Geritol for the couple married the longest. So many had the same number of youngsters but Rick Reynolds received the set of earplugs in the final countdown for the most kids. (He has two and is expecting another, a total of two and a half.) A potluck picnic was held the next afternoon at the Simpson Recreation area at Mason Lake. Rain did not dampen the spirits of the thirty class members attending and a show of the "real thing" of families instead of pictures. Volleyball and baseball were played until the park dosed for the night. Happy grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Wilbur and Mr. and Mrs. George Paschke, are welcoming baby Lisa Marie. The newcomer arrived at Harrison Memorial Hospital in Bremerton in the wee morning hours of July 19. Her statistics are 8 lbs. 3 oz., 21 inches long and a brother Scott, age three at the family home. Proud parents are Ran and Mary Paschke. A letter.writing campaign has been started by Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Kielm in an effort to get state action for correcting a serious manufacturing problem in the use of formaldehyde in the construction material of mobile homes. The idea began when a relative's home burned down, and the replacement was a mobile home. A continuous series of respiratory illness was CLEA RA NCE SA LE Six Money Market A new short term certificate with based on the weekly average United States Government 6 sury Bills plus ¼ of 1%. The rates sury Bills are established each week tion. To give you an idea of the exce yield you can receive on the new Market Certificate at Olympia ings, a recent six month return on amounted to 6.986%. During the month period, the rate on your Market Certificate would have ' 7.236%. The minimum deposit $10,000. The rate being paid will be at all Olympia Federal Savings be quoted on the telephone. Thou change weekly, the rate posted at you invest in your Money Market will be the rate of your return for month period. The New 8% Savings Ce FURNITURE APPLIANCES TV'S & STEREOS Sleeper sofas from ....... $199.88 Eureka vacuums from ..... $46.88 12" AC/DC TV ............ $99.88 Sofa and chair sets. . $179.88 Washer (heavy duty) ..... $329.88 19" Color TV from ........ $339.00 • 5-piece dinettes As low as $74.88 Dryer (heavy duty) ....... $169.88 12" black-and-white TV .... $89.88 Complete bunkbed sets... $169.88 30" freestanding range... $199.88 Color console TV's from. • $539.00 Twin-size mattresses from. $32.00 Dishwashers from ........ $199.88 Bookcase speakers each.. • $15.00 Full.size mattresses from.. $49.00 Several Slightly Dented Appliances Trade-in conmle TV ....... $89.00 Divans (Herculon cover).. $139.00 AT BIG  BIG DISCOUNTS 19" remote-control YV... Save $60 .,1t1[1 Cricket rockers ........... $49.88 Refrigerators as low as... $199.88 Grandfather clocks .... SAVE $150 ,.,tf foT00 WAREHOUSE FREIGHT SALES 0¢ s00000000r'loOk oSelO • g] 1S S € 00itiettte 2601 6th 6th & Montgomery In West nremorto. 3774766 ,, . a.1 ert 'J'-....,,.e, r ..... ............ 00ou,o. ............ ...... I Help Us Help Youl ] """ I I J BELFAIR FIRE AND AMBULANCE DRIVE I I I | Any donation you can afford will be appreciated. J I I MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: U For our ready information to facilitate handling in case of a call from You. please ,,11 in the OLYMPIA FEDEBM, following and return with Your donation, u= 01de eslaldlldled savlll Illllllkll III / I'  ,, DOWNTOWN OLYMPIA • 3fl7"11 I WEST OLYdPIA • 31W-3 Doctor's Name Hospital ! BELFAIR OFFICE • 27541001 I I I | Name and Address .................................. | I I THANK YOU. Sponsored by your BELFAIR VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPT. I I | |.,---,,,-,,--,-,,-, CLIP ............. 'COUPON ............. CLIP .... ..,-A The new 8 year 8% certificate offers l annual yield of 8.45% when your allowed to accumulate. The posit required is just $1,000.