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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 27, 2023     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 27, 2023
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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UNITED I.ANO$0APINO.I.I.0 Rock Walls Tree Trimming Decks and Fences - General Clean—Up Lawn Maintenance * Snow Removal Hauling: Bark and Gravel lIGEIISEIJ. 30NOE0. INSURED LIC. #UNI'l‘El.l.827DG unitedlandscapinngll Mvgmailxom FREE ESTIMATES 380.490.7089 EVERGREEN ST l fiDDF‘IN LIC#EVERGSR818BG 560—462—0800 www.csrwacom Serving Shelton and all of Mason County MM. «WM. 1.1 as». . v. And don ’t forget... We Service What We Sell! > x .. .31 l. _; it i:3‘-;éis;§<us<:rz Preparing homes for wildfire Information courtesy of Central Mason Fire EMS and the National Fire Protection Association What are the primary threats to homes during a wildfire? Research around home destruction vs. home survival in wildfires point to embers and small flames as the main way that the majority of homes ignite in wildfires. Embers are burning pieces of airborne wood or vegeta- tion that can be carried more than a mile through the wind and can cause spot fires and ignite homes, debris and other objects. Homeowners can prepare their homes to withstand ember attacks and minimize the likelihood of flames or surface fire touching the home or any attachments. Experiments, models and post—fire studies have shown homes ignite due to the condition of the home and everything around it, up to 200 feet from the foundation. This is called the home ignition zone. What is the home ignition zone? The concept of the home ignition zone was developed by retired USDA Forest Service fire scientist Jack Cohen in the late 1990s, following some breakthrough experimental research into how homes ignite due to the ef— fects of radiant heat. The HIZ is divided into three zones. Immediate zone The home and the area up to 5 feet from the farthest attached exterior point of the home is; defined as a non combustible area. Science tells us this is the most important zone to take immediate action on as it is the most vulnerable to embers. Start with the house intself then move into the landscaping section. of the immediate zone. I Clean roofs and gutters of dead leaves, debris and pine needles that could catch embers. I Replace or repair any loose or missing shingles or roof tiles to pre— vent ember penetration. I Reduce embers that could pass through vents in the eaves by install- ing 1/8 inch metal mesh screening. I Clean debris from exterior attic vents and install 1/8 inch metal mesh screening to reduce embers. I Repair or replace damaged or loose WlndOW screens and any broken {mam mm , HVAC gowns. ; experience windows Screen or box—in areas below patios and decks with wire mesh to 24/7 AIRPORT SHUTTLE lemons 350.970.0510 iteth @el DRIVER: MPAGI, Local 0 Seattle/Portland Airports - Medical/recreational trips Residfientlall ‘. Commeer :Eme‘ ggncy Service 24/7 Heating 0 t! lath dead Set-vitamin. (360) 425-1284 ‘ g g i Ammmww We offer: 0 Medical package discounts - Family package discounts - Ride Share discounts 0 Mason County Senior Activities Center member discounts 4 2023 REAL ESTATE HOME IMPROVEMENT GUIDE 73mg”? 1 INTERIOR & EXTERIOR Locally owned 0 Licensed 0 20 years experience i -360-277-924l Cell 1 -360-40l -0048 HOODCCP92NK amt-«e». “may... we. own.“ “mm, a Wm», M» .‘a .u was w u..w»«w“wm._mr MM; \ V \ WWW. «WW mm s7: Newws Namwwmm :m’hmwvvfivazx MM. mm a (360)421'861 I ll3l W. Kumilche lane lust oll Highway llll ROOFDl’lGBNS r .uxfiwjzm«vmwrrir ,: » i a.» @W’ it» v: a. . in it a 360-482-3225 ' .,,. 4.40 ill-.331? F€FW.B.d.-. Shelton