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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 28, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 28, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page .4 .... ,,,,, . ...... sI:rELTON-MASON COUNTY JOIIRNAL i American Legion MEETS AT 8 P. M. IN MEMORIAL ItALL " 1st and 3rd TUESDAYS Morgan &amp; Eacrett \\; "ij,": LT';,;U ;-[';C?fT(il M:irty Arnold of eattlc were vis- iting'at Ill(' l,;. E. 'l'avh)r home. ,\\; sh(lwcr h(moring'.h)vee Story v,':)s hchl qfler the r'(.gflar Pr()- gr(,ss (bang(, me(,ting last Friday ,.v(.ninh". nwnlhs $2.00; outside Ma.qon The many l,vely oifts w,,re . SHELTON.MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Published every Thursday morning Member of Washington Newslaper Publishers' Association stud National Editorial Association Entered as eeond-elas matter at the postoftice at Sheiton, Washington WILFORD L. JESSUP AND ASSOCIATES, Publishers Subscription Rates: $8,50 per year in advance; 6 C.) nty $3.75 I I Lumber Co. 1324 OLYMPIC HIGI[WAY oo Phone 656 : tor PITTSBURGH PAINTS I) 1) HAULING BUILDING SUPPLIES c)p(u(.(l and :l i)othmk supper was .e)'v('d la t(.r. i ,, b.,,..,,, l,,l,,,,, .,,,,l be h,.,d ,,. HARSTINE ROADS GET GRADED Au,Au,,t I:Hb at the Pr(igress ,,,,,,l. h,,,,, ,,,(. ,,,(.l,.y ,,, ,>(, g,.'-ITHIS WEEK, RESIDENTS HAPPY en t,) !hp l-tt ehfl). 1 By Mrs. Earl Ilarriman Mrs. i-bib Scott was in Puyalh|pl Our Harstine Island roads are ,%unday flu' a faintly reunion, getting tile once over by the grad- A t()l'k showt,r f()r Mrs. Pearl I er this week after these nice rains. Brown was an event of this last lw e are all thankful. week. [ AIs,) a bridal shower was held) George Fessler of Portland is I',r Mv, rj,)ric I-;Io(mfield this last sl)ending a few weeks at the home week, all sh-wers being hehl at] of his son and family, Mr. and the I'r()gr,,s s Gra.n.,:9 , hail. Mrs. LeRoy Fessler. • Mr. and Mrs. Earl Callahan an( I'AIIENTs OF GIRl, I family of BPainbridge visited on( Mr. and Mrs. Thonms Peck-iday last week at the Lee Carlsor ]mln, Ill. 3, H()N I!)I). are the ixtr-} home. ,'nt< (if a .i)'l horn July 27 at )he ] Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wilson enter- (:linic Hospil:tl. tained their daughter and family, ................................................................................... Mr. and Mfrs. Bernard Housen of :,t the home of her son and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Harrinmn. Mr'. and Mrs. Bud Glaser spent last week end in Aber(leen at the home of Mrs. Glaser's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Rawlings of Tacoma were last week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Fess- let. Mrs. Mabel Harriman spent a week ill Seattle on business. 'E UNDERSTAND Mr. and, Mrs. Martin Geotsch held open house recently for' their neigh- hers to see interesting moving pic- tures of tile trip of their uncle • rod aunt to Sweden. The pictures A REYOU SICK? IT MAKES ANYONE SICK TO DRIVE A CAR THAT IS SICK WE HAVE ALL THE MEDICINE FOR YOUR CAR'S ILLS -'Regardless of Its Ailments -- Large or Small WE HAVE AN ENGINE HOSPffAL With All the Latest, Up-to:Date Equipment For Any Operation On Your Engine AND A FIRST CLASS ENGINE DOffOR Van Norman CRANKSHAFT GRINDER • Come In and See It Work • BRAKE DRUMS TURNED - CYLINDER HEADS GROUND MOTOR REBORING - SMALL LATHE WORK VALVE SEATS GROUND - CRACKED BLOCKS AND HEADS WELDED ' " -- , tars Complete Motor Rebuild Parts For All " WESTERN PARTS & MACHINE CO. 218 NORTH FIR,T STREET, SHELTON PHONE 126 Scabeek last Sunday. IIARSTINE WOMENS club met last Thursday at the home of Mrs, I,eota Stringer with not too many lllelnbers absent. There were sev- eral visitors. Next meeting will be August 4 with Mrs. Willa Ann 'Smith. Mrs. Edith Pearson is enter- taining her daughter and two children from Chicago for a few weeks. Mrs. Lillie Owens of Seattle has spent several weeks at her island summer home and she returned to Seattle Sunday accompanied by her daughter Phyllis, who spent the week end'with her mother on the island. Mrs. Mantle Nieholson, of Agate, was a last Friday dinner guest were greatly enjoyed by some of the older' people, as it took them back to where they were born. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Andrews and two children of Chambers Prairie were recent Snnday visi- tors on the island. Mr. Andrews nsed to live on what is now known as the Gordon Simmons place when he was a young man. Mrs. Altha Page is spending her vacation in Eugene, Ore., with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Crockett. Mrs. Carl Mattus and daughters of Tahuya are spending a few days with her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Anderson. l Walter Scott of Tahuya was a Tuesday caller at the Alvin An- derson home. Air Drift SHELTO AIRPORT NEWS Rain clouds blanketed much of the flying activity at Shelton All:- port during the past week. Most activity was inside the dispatch office where J. L. Tif- fany, manager, and some of the airport personnel have been r'e- painting the walls and ceilings in soft green shades. Ta&ing a breakfast flight to Astoria, Ore., Sunday were seven cloud dodgers. They included Lloyd Meyers, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Braun, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Allen. Vernon E. Bell has been enroll- cd in the flying program as a candidate for a commercial li- cense. After his Sunday afternoon snack of watermelon, Jack How- ard gave a short aerial show over his Pickering passage home in his Ryan low-winger, BOY BORN JULY 26 A boy was born July 26 at Shel- ton General hospital to Mr. and" Mrs. Robert Waters of Beverly Heights. Marriage Licenses Marriage license applications were filed during the past week in the office of Mrs. Susie Pauley, I Mason county auditor, by the fol-i lowing couples: Howard A. Wynn, 26, Gig Har- bor, and Barbara Jeanene Valley, 22, Allyn. John Dale Robinson, 22, Seat- tle, and Betty Marie Newman, 17, Shelton. William R. Bird, 24, and Dona W. Polomehak, 22, both of Olym- pia. We have yet to see the load that Ford Trucks oan't pull! Whatever you haul, wherever you haul it, we've got the right kind of truck for your work. The 1949 Fords truck everything! As a matter of fact, we have yet to see the loading dock that has strained to a load that Ford Trucks can't pull. Here's why Ford Trucks haul everything: first because e/ach Ford is Bonus Built with extra strength to give it a wider work range. Second, we give you a choice of over 139 different Ford Truck models for 1949; These, multiplied by scores of chassis opti0ns, glve a job xcoverage practically without limit• Come in and get the facts from us on wide Ford job cover- age. Check on the scores of exclusive Ford Truck features available in no other truck build " ....... Your Ford Dealer Invites you to listen to the Fred Allen Show, Sunday EvenlnlP--NBC Network; - Listen to the Ford Theater, Friday/venmlP--CBS NetworL See your newspaper for time and star*on. earn,am $(IILT $fOXOt'It 7'0 1,,1151" 40.qOi ' USING LATEST REGISTRATION DATA ON S,444,000 TRUCKS,' ! LIFE INSURANCE EXPERTS PROVE FORD TRUCKS LAST LONGERI, Fitch, Ford Sales (Successor to A1 Huerby Motors) Fifth and Railroad--Shelton, Wash.---Phone 16 149 Per Cent Of Quota Raid In. Local Bond l)rive Intlit'atiny, t lint resi(h')II: in M,q- son ('ollnty I.:llow lhe Vallle ill sav- ing fol' Ill(' flttllre, Nvl'it's i;] sav- ings bonds l)llr('hase (I (hlrillg" Ill(, Ol)portunity l)rlve tol)P"(l the AI:- son eounty quota fly l.l!l pay (.onl. i'el)ol'ted L::lurie C:!I l:<m, b,)tl, l- (h'ive clmirnmn. M:ts()ll eoHniy \\;v;ii; lhe )iillltl ]lig'll('st ('(ulnty ill tile :41ato lll:lt }lad borl(t- l 11 .t.ililSe por('(,ill;l,.:3..i over the eslabli.qi]ed oui)t:l. AN though the total (h)ll:u'-v:!m, of honda fllll'l'hasod h c.l'e \\;vH :-; ]h)[ so high as it. was m other r, mro heavily populat(',t (')lllll ies [ fro willingness of tim ('itiz,,n>; l() in- vest. in sqvings (luring the drive is seen in the high l)er(',.'nt:Le- ovcr-qllota that was met. Lalll'iC (?;ll'lson said tht/l "We are pleased with the ('(,)l)(,)':tli()i tile people hay(, ;4avert i() nmk,, the Opportlnity Drive a su,.<.(,s:\< in this county." I Mason c(,un)y's quota for the campaign was $70,0110 in S(,vi(,s E bonds, lesidents lmrc'ha(,(l :t tolal of $10.1,625 ill the bonds. The drive ca(led July 16. SLIPPERY GOEI)UCKN SOMETIME ELUDE LUCKLESS DIGGERS i S o m e t i rues goedt clc-digging brings Ill) nlore sllrprisos than deft hunters bargain for when they scoop up the beaches at h,w tides in quest of the elloice cliun:;. Archie I)ittman of Shelion wax searching for a goe(luek bu)'ie, I deep in the reeky san(I at a J()w point of the Arcadia heaeh r'e- cently. He had one fist w)'apped around the clam's neck and with the other was wedging his fin- gers down toward the shell tha( contained the steaks. His fingers touched someLlling smooth, and without releasinK his ho/d on tile goed ck, he drew Forth a good pail" of gold-rimned spe,,- taeles, tic also got his clam, )ne evidently that had eluded some, luek|ess digger who ha(I h)st his glasses in the fight. AUXILIARY TO MI':ET The American Legion auxiliary will meet August '2 at the Mem- orial Hall. They will heM initia- tion. The girls who attended Gir)W State will give reports. The presi- (lent wouht like all officers and men, bets to attend thi: meeting. wvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Divorces v vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Roy Wasmundt, 31, and Bern- Two final decrees of divorce ice Morehouse, 28, both of Clay- were signed in the past week in ton. the Superior Court of ,hzdgo W. L. Collier, 32, and Betty L. Charles T. Wright. They wore Bevan, 27, both of Seattle. the cases of Emma Fonree vs. ............................. Everett Fouree, and Annabelle TI" [ J. 1 • .o /Chapman vs. Car/ T. Chnlmmn. -rl UUUlOOr LlIe ............................................ (C'ollthluort from flag( ' I) [ Use JOllrnal Cla':;sified Ads. tending classes on forestry, game t ..................................... conservation, handicraft and tr'af-I fic and water safety, all have i been playing games, swlmnung, " _nwa'rCH R"- hiking and fishing. In fishing Jerry Richert holds the lead with l.<ll-  14 trout. AN EXAMPLE of the spontan- eous enthusiasm displayed, the youngsters worked up a birthday ="'VRI party Tuesday evening for Mrs. Carol Mercer, one of the leaders. Camp leaders include Mrs. Leo ,,inn, Mrs Andrew .ru,swyk, R 's J 1 Miss h'ene Piedalue, Mrs. Mercer, ay ewe ry Mrs. Mary Frutiger, Mrs. Thee- 117 Cota Phone 633 dore Richert, Mrs. Dorothy Bol- duc, Mrs. Theodore Hovind, Miss Nancy Cox, Mrs. Lavina Williams, Mrs. Emma Evans, Mrs. Beatrice Brain, Lee Huston and Andrew Kruiswyk. This year's camping period for the 4-H's will end at two o'clock Friday afternoon. Hospital Projects (Continued from Page 1) orate a four-bed men's ward on the first floor. Mrs. Van Arsdale said that the cost for the restyling of individ- ual rooms would come to approx- imately $100, and for the larger ones, $150. Planned are new wall coverings of soft colors, and some of the rooms require new units of furniture. BECAUSE TtlE unexpected circumstances of accidents, ill= nesses and physical hurts occur throughout the year, the need for a hospital is always pressing. Shelton has good doctors and nurses and a comfortable, clean hospital. The friendly club projects are part of a community spirit to expand 'as the city expands, to refurnish as time fades the cur= tains and patients and visitor wear out the furnishings. .... I l Obituaries MRS. ANNIE C. FIELDS Mrs. Annie C. Fields passed away at a Centralia hospital July 23 at the age of 82. Mrs. Fields had made her home with her children in Shelton and Centralia since the death of Mr. Fields in 1946. The family home had been in Selah, Wash., for 30 years. The surviving children who live in Shelton are a son, L. A. Fields; a daughter, Mrs. Verne Miller; grandson, Rodney Miller; grand- daughter, Mrs. Merritt Eells, and great grandson, Stephen Eells. Services were held Monday, Ju/y 25 at Centralia. Cement was introduced into the U. S. from England about 1870. stay white ,;:,: Keeps bright, and b . 1)u t'ont scribesil ...... • 'k Starts whirs. • "" Gives years of rust, rot, • " Exeoptional el) vl Also ovailable In cieanlng" tints DU PONT ,40 OUTSIDE WHITII SHELTON 10.', Rh,LROA.D AVENUE Save the surface and you save,! ,L..,-.-- ' . " '. " .... How  v NEW OUTFIT Sew it easily, on at1 NEW guide yoar ski the bulkiest See AUrltORIZED  Colonial Table Style ............ $i79.50 ,: ..... .... "2--, 20-Year Guarantee WE FINANCE ALL OUR Olsen Furniture "'VINE FITRNITURI FOR 'FItN 328 Cota Free Parking GL.OTHES CLEANER.. QUI .... :!i, <:! DEXTER TWIN TUB... THE TRIUMPH OF WASHER DEPENDABILITY!..THE TIME- TRIED WAY TO SHORTEN WASHDAY Dexter's moder its speed result of more century "of. tea's finest Dexter Twin's! of. all waslzerS inating wome .washday to one. washe 'rinses, wri gs same time. "lg together to kling bright, .sweet See the new WE FINANCE ALL OUR Olsen Furniture Corn PHONE 102 "Fine Furniture for the Home"