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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 28, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 28, 1949
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i Έ ' 1.0. EARLY For ENING IN ABOUT THREE WEEKS Of The UNDERETTE SERVICE LAUNDRY DIX WASHING MACHINES Also CLOTHES DRYING SERVICE 222 North First Street SHELTON New conveniences[ ling easel Less fatigue| DEBAKER ,TRUCKS , , Big range of sizes and wheelbasesl The new Studebaker trucks come in N-ton, -ton, l-ton, l-ton (illustrated) and 2-ton capcities they're all outstanding trucks in ruggedness and low-cost operation. nd first in performance--that's why s are selling sengationally,! new big power, too, in Studebaker'g medi- |6A and |TA series. Studebaker's Plus" engine delivers 200 Ibs. ft. torque; most progressive truck designing--get lid dollar value--get a Studebaker truck l and Cots Pre-Nuptial Party IS Given July 22 Preceding the wedding rehearsal of the Lois Mary An(lerson, George Thomas Booth last Friday night, Mrs. L. C. MeKever entertained at a dinner for lt]e bridal party. The guests were seated at small tables centered witll houquets of pansies, flower of Delta Delta Delta sorority of which Miss An- derson is a member. \\;Vhite flow- ers wel*e tlsed about the rooln. Timse in the bridal party bc- sides tile bride and bridegroon are Mrs. James Saltier, Margaret Jahnke, Barbara Nellor, Marilyn Lamb, Mrs. Walter Haney, Bea Whitcomh, Mary Shelley, Frances tIerrington, Mrs. Edward Shelley, William Booth, Guy BeckwiLh, Jack Saeger, John Howe and Ro- I)in Binns. In addition to members of tile party, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, Lieut. James Sattler, Mr. Walter Haney, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Haney anti Mr. and Mrs. McKeever wer present. FILM ON GYPSUM SHOWN KIWANIANS AT TUESDAY LUNCH A color motion picture in sound, showing the wide use of gypsmn in American mamffacturing,* with its diversified utilization in buihl- ing and other forms was shown to members of the Shelton Ki- wanis club at their regular meet- ing on Tuesday. The film was se- ...:.:..:..?.....:..:..:...,..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..'..:..:..:..:..:...........-........:........-. ,...:.,:..:..-..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:, • • * • • • : Q • • * * ’ • • • • • o :. A • ml .: X K" • I L I -'. .$. .'. 3-. .:. ::: Doclai 00vents • . Frances Alger, $ciety Editor . . Phone 100 *i "ee e e e . e e • e . • e'.e*.' • • • * oI. ere * e e e t . e e . e e e e e . . e   • ee • e" ';" " " '" '" " " " "%' '."i"; .' ." • .".".".°'.'% .'%" ;' ".'" "" ";" "%'’," • ";';";'" ";" ";'%";";'%" "t.. 'i SHIGLEY, Me(, )WAN WED JULY 15 IN SOLEMN I)(/IBLE RING RITES Gold Star Mothers will serve the Kiwanis luncheon August 2, and all members are urged to turn out to help, announced Mrs. W. F. Compton, president. SIIELTON GROUP ATTENDS RODEO Two members of the Evergreen Riding club, June Kratcha and Hank Borpen, were pleasantly surprised last week with a birth- day party given in their honor by the members of the club. Saturday, July 23, this club took their horses and attended the Rodeo and Parade at Centralia. They paraded with other mounted groups through Centralia and Chehalia Saturday. That night they slept in sleeping bags near their horses and Sunday they rode in the "Grand Entry" and enjoyed a fine rodeo. They returnedshome a tired but happy' bunch df rid- ers. • The club has received many in- vitations from other clubs and horse organizations to attend their events. Drill captain Dick Smith prom- ises a lot of hard practice in the near future. I.O.O.F.-REBEKAH PICNIC The I.O.O.F.-Rebckah picnic will be held Sunday, August 7, at Sharer State Park. Dinner at noon. This will be a joint picnic be- tween Elma and Shelter lodges. Each' family is to bring their own dinner and silver service. Lodges will furnish coffee, cream, sugar, ice cream and pop. FRI EN DSH/P-cL'u B MEETS Friendship club held its picnic meeting July 20 at Kneeland park. I The next meeting will be August 3 at the home of Mrs. Eathcl Mitchell. Use Journal Classified Ads. cured through the efforts of Joe :' Simpson of the Lawton Lumber company, wire served as program! chairman. I ,. I The hlm showed the develop- ment of gypsum products Jrom Yellow roses, mixed swcct peas, the mining of the rock, thrpughidell)hinmm and glads decorated its processes of manufacture and t the Metho(tist (.hurch Friday. July use in various forms, so necessary t :15 ' for tile we(hlinK of Ilene Lqli4- in the development of modern Icy to LaVern L. McCowan. The American life. parenls are Me. and Mrs. (:a]' M.C.P. Motor Co. Jm,JellypEcTiN Shigley and Mr. and Mrs. I,]oyd C. M('Cowan. Rev. %Vayne Wright read the p,m. dolll)le ring cf, remony })e- fore a large gathering of friends and relatives. EscorLed to the althr by iwr faLher, the bride was lovely in her white satin gown which was fashione(1 with a sweethe'trt necl,[- line D'imme(I in sepal pearls. The gathered Mdvt fell into a hmg train. Her fingerlip veil was held Ito her l)rown tresses t)y a seed I pearl crown. Sile carric(I a I)oll- quet of white carnations centt'l'- ed wilh an orchid an(l her jew- elry was a single sLrand of pe:Lrl:; with lnatching ear]'ings. Mrs. Lou Lumpstin wa; ma- tron of honor wearing a t/al( green gown and Carol McAloon ,and Mildred Fisher were brides- !maids attired in pink an(t laven- der gowm; resI)ectivcly. Each at- tendant wore sweet peas to lnal.(t I her gown in her hair al]d carried a t)ouquet of assorte(I sweetpeas I with strealners to natc,]l her cos- I turne. t Tile candles were lightc(I by 1Beverly King in blue and Connie Lundburg in yellow. Sharon I-lale laid a paLh of peta.kl I?r !Am bride and Bobble, , Fisher was ringl)ear- AUGUST-PIANs Mr. and Mrs. llarry Newman annonnee the engagement and coming marriage of their (laugh- ter, Betty Marie. to John i). Rohlnson of Seattle. lh" is llw son of Judg(, and Mrs. ClaH'les T. Wright. Miss Newman attended Irene ,. Reed and was Forest Festi- v:tl Princess this year. She v:ts active in girls athletics. Mr. J{obinson graduated with the c'lass of '44 from Irene S. Reed and attended EWCE. lie was in the navy during the wdr. The wedding will he Anhqnst 12 at the First Baptist cin,reh. - Shelton, Washington Laugens Return From Vacation In Minnesota Following a pleasant two-week SHKION'S 00RIITII:II =,.. Mr. and :Mrs.-Olaf Laugen and son, Glenn, 23o South Eighth GARDEN "APARTMENT street, returned home to Shelton last Saturday. While in Rushford they visited friends and relatives. Both Mr. Laugen and his son , work at Simpson Logging Corn- Re Completed Sometime In Early August I Making Available 5 Two-bedroom Apartments 5 Single Bedroom Apartments pany mills in Shclton and had planned their trip during the Summer vacation p(,riods given employes. Tom Connolly Achieves Gonzaga Honor Rating One of 117 Washington students listed on Gonzaga university's Spring semester honor rall just released by Registrar Maxwell ChaDman is Tllomas E. Connolly of Shclton. A total of 172 students are iisted as having attained a better than "B" average during the past sere- ester. Men and women from 16 stateg and three foreign nations are represented on the scholastic honor roll according to Registrar Chapman. Connolly is a sophomore student studying pre-law at the univer- sity. During the, past year he served as vice president of the sophomore class. BASKET SOCIAL AT. BELFAIR There will be a basket social at the Belfair Barn next Sunday at 8 p.m. It is sponsored by the V.F.W. and the proceeds Will go to improvements on tie athlctic field. Everyone is welcome to bring baskets and entertainment. EACH APARTMENT EQUIPPED WITH Frigidaire Range and Refrigerator Victron Kitchen Exhaust Fan Automatic Latmdry Available In Basement • * Hotwater Heat • 'anti fully Landscaped - Secluded Residential Site Located'On Angleside at 10th & Olympic G.I.s Will Be Given Preference • RENTAL BY LEASE ONLY • For Further Information Call Kieburtz ' ,.o.o t q-TON-MAgON COUNTY JOURNAIJ BRIDAL SHOWER ....... (F'holo i)y Bm'goyne) or. tI'u'oht Big'g's was best man ,nd Milton Fisher aml Stewart Nutt were llshers. Ved(ling nulsic sang by Mrs. (;eorge Ch'isdale inchlded "I Love You Truly," "Becmme" an(l "The [ ,m'd'.: Prayer." For her daughter's wedding Mrs. Shigley chose a grey dress with matching accessories and the bridegroom's mottmr wore a grey smt with the same color acces- .:ories. Both mothers had corsages t)f roses and swee.t peas. A reception was held immed- iately after tile cermnony in tile chm'ch parlors which were (lcc- ,)ratecl with assorted flowers. Tile linen covered table held a wed- (linK cake that had a traditional bri(le and bridegroom miniature n it. Assisting at the reception were the mesdames Milton Fisher, Bill Seitz, Ellis Johnson, Clarence Fordmeyer, Bert Hyat and tile misses Bobbsie Shigley, Charlene Shigldy, Noretta Kirk and Paula .lohnstn. Mrs. McCowan changed to a hh,e-grey suit with pink and blue a(x:ess(:)r'ies for her wedding trip to Seaside, Ore. She accented her outfit with an orchid corsage. The bride graduated this year from Irene S. I’eed ]-ligt School and the hridcgroom attended Shelton ,;cllools and is en14)[oyad aL Olympic Plywood. About 150 out-of-town gucsts were present at tile wedding be- sides as many local friends. JULY 18 HONOILq JOYCE FRISK Mrs. John Graffe, Mrs. Darrell Swearengen and Mrs. FLay Proth- el" were hostesses at a t)ridal stmwer given in honor of Joyce Frisk July 18 at the Graffe home. Miss Frisk will wed Omer I)ion this nmnth. Sweet peas decorated the living room where the refreshments were served buffet style. Prizes went to Mrs. Jack Den- nis and Mrs. Lawrence Gidclings. Guests included the mesdames Sam McGill, Archie Roff, Ray Graffe, Alvin Tidyman, Don Run- acres, George Frisk, Jack Dennis, John Young, Don Scoffietd, Char- les Dennis. Omer Dion, Lawrence Giddings and the hostesses. Also the misses Mihired John- son, Arlene and Doris Tidyman, :May, Pat and Jewel Anderson, Carolyn McGill and the honored guest. 19 GOLFERS OUT FOR 'LADIES DAY' There was a fine turnout fo] "Ladies Day" at the Shelton Bay- shore Golf Course last Thursday. In the morning play for the ball, the following were present. Mary Lovell, Neva I)urke, Gene Hooper, Evelyn Burgoyne, Kath- ie Gilmont, Verda McConkey, Eva Ahlskog, Kay Scott, Doreen Par- felt, Kay Cropper, Vera McKen- zie, Rose Brewer, Vivian Halbert and Lyla Marshall who won the ball. : In the arfternoon Dot Itilderman, May Munro, .hme Bell, Betty Hawks and Mildred Rupert were seen on the course. LEWIS' ARE GRANDPARENTS Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Lewis are again proud grandparents. Tcri Nell was born July 21 to Mr.L and Mrs. Jack Lewis of Seattle. I Mrs. Charles Lewis was in Se-I attle Monday and Tuesday to see her namesake and also to attend a conference at the University of Washington on piano literature conducted by Dr. Stanley Chapplc, head of the music department. HAVE TELEVISION PARTY Several members of the V.F.% r. post and auxiliary met at the home of Mrs. Ruth Dederman Mon- day night for a "television party." I , I FOR SALE- $6375 2" BEDROOM HOUSE at 1419 Fairmont Avenue IN SHELTON Payments $50 Per Month Will Redecorate Phone C. C. Cavanaugh (Collect) Broadway 4134, Tacoma HOMES, INCORPORATED • 806 Washington Building - Tacoma I I I Picnickers know... "It's a Case of Enjoyment" *"It's the OtYMPI, uREWlNG CO., 'IOLYMPIA, WASH. • I I Cameron t{otol 2]](I mid C,r(:,'' St ShelteR. Wash. j t[IIAIIIII ,[ Phone 660 MERLE NORMAN COSMETIC O O Courtesy DemonstrMion by Appointment A Salon of Distinction lot Dis'crimining women 220 NORTII FIRST STREET, SHELTON TELEPHONE 660 I I ......  II I II II II ,:TX V FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIALS w.00oo.00 s00A..o A00.Aco.E I ! °°LEc'usN00° TUNA FLAKES PAClF'C PINEAPPLE TISSUE  ' 6-OZ. TIN VINEGAR , NO. 2 TIN 4 for 29 ’ I " 27 ’ gal. 55' 31' LARGE SIZE  " RINS0 27' HUNTS C.H.B. Catsup. 2/31' Standby Whole Kernel CORN No. 303 Tin 2for 31' Fels Naptha SOAP 3 Bars SPRY 3-lb. tins 79* Garden PORK & BEANS No. ,/ Ttns 2/29* • t M Hu FLORIDA GIRDLED CORNEDBEEF ........................ lb. SS’ GROUND BEEF ......................... lb. 45 ’ PURE PORK SAUSAGE .......... Fb. 39' SKINLESS WIENERS ..: ......... lb. 49' Tender- Grown COLORED FRYERS ................ lb. 55 ’ AGED GOOD GRADE BEEF FOR DELICIOUS ROASTS AND STEAKS * RABBITS  COLORED FRYERS Bulk Kraut - Bulk Pickles M,..d ORDER MEAT BY PHONE -- CALL FOR UNTIL 7 P.M. SEEDLESS GRAPES 2 lbs. 29' JUICY ORANGES lb. 12  WAoHINGTON NO.'1 ALL GREEN CRISP CELERY lb. 5" SPUDS 10 lbs. 27* LETTUCE ............ 2 for 9* Needham Food BIGGEST FREE PARKING LOT IN MASON COUNTY MT. VIEW James K. Needham, Prop. PHONE 199 ter