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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 28, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 28, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page, 8 AMONG YOUR MERCHANTS! ]"l :RN I'!'i'1{i'] i"EA'I'! 'E i':S 4ht'ltoIl".: I]ll't!l  lllFIlillll'P HIcll'OS .',r'('l'(. fill l'ct)IP,qC'l'l,ed 1[ l))P llllllll;l] N4 H I hV,'VF, I, l IIYllik Ill't lllti I']{et ill HtmIIh! l:*.t \\;vcek, \\;vh('ic Ills new flt]l JlIHliO filvni:llillH lll(,l'chlkndisa Wa.s displayed. J'ht ()l;on l('ln'ni[ IIl'e ('Ol',l l)'lny Was repr,:en|ed by Owner ()Is I)l%un ;irlti 1,3h" 3|tlih,n, who) spent lasl Wednesday :it the hiK .si]ow. 'l'hc l,llllthOl'l/Icn'N Mcl'calltile WaS '3'l!IHasentad by (lollel'al MaIlagel' ]ol) lleenalI Its well as fiwnilllre (]cplil'lnlenk nlHIIIIEt'I" ilalpll Stow- :tl'|., %vho ;tttallded Mondl(y, whil,,, ].q'opriehw Wait i';lliott of tile (.lylllpic l'll]'lMtnl'(! cOlllpany spell[ l}1(' 111(,.'41 finis at |he /iHtl't with llttenltall('e Monday,' Friday and Sa| urday. WiIholtL axception, lilt.' Shelton flll'llitlll'O dcll]al'S \\;VI!I'(! (llIhllHias- tic OVal" tile litwl' qHalil.y of the r,:w nlel'[ ll:tndise \\;vJll('[l wi!l be 1)I1 llleir l'l(,H \\;vlthill it f(!w tlilys H t}le l(:-;li[| ,i' |]lt,il' Ol'dt,l's placed lit tha l]l;tl'l(('i, ] M PR( )1' E M I'; N T Vt!tcl u I)h:4 lld t'l'll i l. offeved (!IIEt(HII('I':4 ()f the Nt't,,,Ih/tll 'oo(i f;enier wi!l I)e fl'eshei' and final' llel'CaI'l(,l' ;is t)le l'CNI1]t o1' a new (t x ,S fool ICI'I'icI'ILI inM I'o011| COlll- ])Ioicd ill that 511. View food dis- I)(,nsing st(we last week. The wol'I wa do13 l'ol' Ownal' Jim NeedhalI1 i)y refrigeration ex- SINGER SEWING MACHINES Sales & Service SINGER SEWING CENTER Ph. 7586 5:10 lit. ,tth Olynqfla, Wn. Sheln Air Service TICKET AGENTS For West (,east Air Lines For Reservation Phone 25-J part !!:mmelt ,mlth of the Smith & Wilson firm, also located on ML. View, I"A C E - l J i,'TI N (; Bl'tght new (,ollnt enances are being disl)layed to phblie gaze by at least two of Shelton's major buildings this week after recent face-lifting projects. Painters swinging sih,er-hued brushes bl'ightened the extez'it of both the Graham Theatre budd- ing and the P.[I.D. No. 3 building, which lie within an easy stone's throw of erie another at Third and Cota streets. Numerous other smaller paint projects have been, or are in the process of heing completed, and all add up to a brighter, cleaner looking city. VA IT A RENT, JOIE'; Joe M('alllon, Safeway nlanagel', is bacR on the job of maintaining law and order in his big food erll|lol'illlXl after two weeks of so- called vacation, much of the time of which was spent in looking for a new abode for the Scanlon lnenage. 'BAI{(IAIN, AT I'ENNEY'S Men, women and children with an eye for saving their pennlesl all san find wearing apparel and I other household articles useful] for their own purposes at the] semi-annual clearance sale now in[ PrOeTeSS at the J. C. Penney stol'e I Si;me of the bargain items are I listed by Manager Bill Hawkins in an advertisement on page 9 of this edition. Lumber Conditions Are 'Badly Nixed,' Survey Indicates Conditions in the lumber indus- try of the Pacific Coast are still badly mixed according to a survey just completed by Western Forest Industries Association among in- ................................................... dependent loggers, sawmill opera- ........ tors an(t renlanllfactul'ers. Shelton I.O.(LF. N o. 62 Meets Every Wednesday 8 I LI:U. i.().O.F, ilAI,I, Visiting Members will be Cordially Veleomed TfI()MAS .I. WATTS. Jr.. N.G. ThotllIl¢ {?. .13ol'g, Socl'etill'y l,ul)y l{,;rbckah lmllgl No. 75 lh,et: 2nd & b'Olll'th Fridays ];t;I',IAII III,H',SI,;I{, N.(k lll:l.k;N Ct,LI!], Se.rchtry I helton Lodge No. 1684 I LOYAL OI}DER OF ] MOOSE ] MEETINGS HELD EACH [ 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the Month i 8 p.m.--Eagles Hall Marvin Leman, Governor I W. D. Coburn, Secretar  v _ qrllB Ul NEED A PLUMBER Phone 48 J. L. CATTO IIARDWARE So EMBARRASSING to find that even you: best htend doesn't Imow... m tbesome to have to my, over and over"l'tn married ,,owl" Them me lot= of folks Iou'li want to know you're moxrled. Wedding nnoull4t menU= are easy to and ey to nd. You may 8co the lmgesl and £mest aelecl]on b= the stole at oar offer. Prices me zecmonable, doliwJfles are prompt THE JOURNAL PHONE 100 I{EI'OIITERN stated that .Tun( ol'(ters were more plentiful than in May but prices still sagged. Lo K Sul)ply was "mnple" to "heavy" in all areas, but stumpage prices were hoMing steady except that in Oregon 46 per cent of tim op- erators reported some decrease. The majority of those questioned lhought mill stocks were increas- ing, whi(:il does not seem entirely consistent witi] reports that June produ('.tion in Washington was "steady" or "decreasing." .AS l'egards ordm's and prices thare was no unanimity of opin- ion either. In Oregon 32 per cent of the reporters said orders were "increasing" or "plantiful," but at the same time 9 out of 10 found pricen still declining. In Washing'- ton reports were evenly divided" bel,ween "decreasing" and "plen- tiful" as most descriptive of of dare, with the same division On lhe question as to whether prices ware "steady" el' "decreasing." Re- porting firms in Northern CaIN [ornia said orders were plentiful, but prises decreasing. ,EI,LER found customers still choosey in June, most of them de- manding specified widths and lengths and reluctant to accept mixed grades even in boards and dimension, unless the percentage of lower grades was definitely limited. hnproved Fishing Proof Of Success of Game Department's Program Lowland lake fishing got off to ml axcellant start and has been hohlmg up w e l I. Fishermen througlmuL the state reported ex- cellent catches of trout, bass, and other species of game fish, Clar- ante l-'auLzkc, Chief of the game dapartment's fishery management divinion declares, "The returns of these fish have been made possible by the co- ordinated efforts of all the men of the department. The game pro- tectors have kept us steadily sup- l)lied with catch statistics; that is, while they are checking the fisherman's license, they have alao been examining his creel. They have tabulated this information thereby giving us an inventory oft the species and numbers of fish being t;tken from our waters. Through the fisheries biological unit they have surveyed the wa- ters, determined the relative pro- duetivcness and then proceeded with the rehabilitation work on a number of our lowland lakcs. "The artificial propagation has :;Leadily supplied us with an ever increasing nunfl)er of rapid grow- mg game fish, and by simply put- ling these tln'ee component ef- forts together nlore game fish are made available to the sportsmen of the State of Washington. As mentioned, part of flis program ix the rehabilitation of our lakes whereby Imdesirable fish have been removed and the lake care- fully replanted to insure maxi- llltlDl ])ro(hlction p l u s rapid growth. By spreading out this l)rogralll each year so LhaL it is evenly (fftributed througlmut the :;tote we arc able to spread out l'ishinK intensity. In past years the, opening day was generally mlcCcssful with very few fish taken thereafter. This yca.r fish- ing t:ontimms 1,o be good up to the present time, nicanizlg that we tra bringing more waters into production and makillg it lTIOl'e difficult for the fishermen to fish ont any (me body of water." The game department h a s nlapl)ed another heavy treating i)rogt'anL fdr 1949, which will Ineaa more virgin lakes for fishing with- ill the Ilext yeill' or two. l,Jaeh year the (lepartlllent is raiding IlpVa, l'ds (If 12-15 Lreated lakes to Ihc li:t of those which provhle good fisldng. The L'e- habilitation" program of the de- partment, which has attracted in- ternational attention, is the most exLcnive of any game or con- servation department in the United States, SHELTON-MASON COUNTY 3OURNAL I SPRY - CRISCO ] SHORTENING • ! 3 c, 77  Dennlson's PORK & BEANS 152-Oz. Cans 3 CANS 25 ¢ WHITE STAR BITE SIZE TUNA No. Vz T,N 33* Piedmont, good quality. MAYONNAISE, Saving price! QUART AR 55 ¢ C. & H. BROWN or POWDERED IIRCRTIONING Stock up at Vacation Needs Libby's, whole crisp Dill Pickles ........ qt. 39¢ Ebony Brand, Medium Ripe Olives ...... 9-oz. 24¢ Butler's, in tomato sauce Pork & Beans 30-oz. 15¢ Hormel's, Piclded Pigs Feet ........ 14-oz. 33¢ Empress Apricot or (l-lb. 5-oz.) Peach Preserves ...... 21¢ Real Roast (l-lb. jar 35¢) Peanut Butter 2-lb. 67¢ TOWN HOUSE NATURAL OR SWEETENED GRAPEFRUIT JUICE ......... KRAFT'S FAMOUS SALAD DRESSING SUPREME MIRACLE WHIP . DUCHESS, LIKE HAVING FAMOUS CHEF IN YOUR KITCHEN Lynden's, 16-oz. jar Kitchen Charm sChleken mNOOdl::-£79¢ WtaxedoPaper 125-ft. 21¢ S A L A D D R ES S IN Spaghetti & Sauce .. 10¢ Dixie Cups .... 2 pkgs. 25¢ PAN-READ Y 7 Waste-Free Beef! U.S. "GOOD" BEEF ROAST: 00.45= FRESH GROUND, PUI-' GR. BEEF, 45€ U.S. Graded "Good," Waste-Free Trimmed LEG OF LAMB ......... lb. 65* Fancy Quality, Swift's "Premium" or Hormel's "Dairy" SLICED BACON ........ lb. 59 ¢ / Rath's Blaek Hawk."  22 to 24-1bs. Tenderized SKINNED HAMS ...... lb. 53* BEEF STEAKS G ............................ Qt, ZEE, WHITE, EMBOSSED. 80 TO A PACKAGE. REAL VALUE PAPER NAPKINS .............................. TEMPEST BRAND. PACKED IN OIL MAINE SARDINES ........................ COUNTRY FRESH "AA" FRESH EGGS ..................................... oo,. ROSE-DALE - 101/z-OUNCE ASPARAGUS ............................... 2 Nob Hill Coffee 2-1b. 89* Finest blend, fresh ground when you buy. 1-1b. package 45¢ Airway Coffee 2-lb. 85 ¢ Mild and mellow Brazilian blend. Fresh ground, l-lb. package 43¢ Fresh Rendered Pure Lard .......... 2 lbs 29¢ Blossom Time Cottage Cheese .......... lb. 23¢ Lueerne Chocolate Milk .................... qt. 17¢ Sunnybank Margarine, sweet, fresh 2 lb. 55¢ Nucoa Margarine, saving price .... 2-lb. 55¢ Aerowax Polish, liquid type ............ qt. 54¢ Borax Powder, 20 Mule Team ........ 2-lb. 29¢ iii!ii!!! .. s 0f il ;ili!' Woah o ! i!iiii!!ii! Xome APP I ::i::i::ii{i:.i e, otaits =t !; ;.;;ii;ii SafeWtY .,:.:..:.: you may in if THE NEW WHITE MA61 Works wonders " working suds 23-OZ. TRIMMED WASTE-FREE SIRLOIN RIB LB. ROUND L I...w.,o..,ll .oc.. i l o.,.o i HOLLY 69c SUGAR [ BREAD|[ MILK | [ SODA [ .... 10 i Enriched JJ I enized or Regular ! I ,lg, Add dep. I "'" I I'/'L'' OSell QUART 1"/el lOOTS Oa¢l SIX DELICIOUS FLAVORS JELLO ................. 3 For 19. TORPEDO LIGHT MEAT - GRATED TUNA .................... o., ti. 2] € .................... 1.o,. , ]g € CHERUB OR DARIGOLD EVAPORATED - TALL MILK ................................ • ,,, 11, FRESH CREAMERY BUTTER ........................... , FULL CREAM CHEESE .............................. Lb.]9 € MLAWR GAOR iON EE q Ei B L:bs. 49* DUZ, WHITE KING, RINSO, TIDE ................................. L,,o27€ BREEZE CHEESE FOOD  (2-LB. 79¢) VELVEETA ........ PREPARED BAKING MIX BJSoOUICK ........ GOLDEN CREAM STYLE PfiP lg . 7-o,. I0 U It 11 .................. L Ti.s FOR JAMS AND JELLIES CERTO ................. : IExpe who know quality, select these vegetables and fiita, rush them to you in all their natural goodness, LARGE SIZE "A," SELECTED U.S. NO. 1 POTATOES ..................... Lb. 211/ ; LARGE SIZE, SWEET. THOMPSON SEEDLESS GRAPES ...................................... Lb. 19. l CALIFORNIA, BLACK-SEEDED KLONDIKES WATERMELONS .......... 300/2= TENDER, YOUNG, FANCY EARS SWEET CORN .................................... Lb. 77/ = Ripe and Sweet IIONEY MELONS .... lb. 12¢ Santa RO, Sweet PI,UMS .................... lb. 12  ¢ Golden.Ripe BANANAS ................ lb., 19¢ Tender, Young GREEN BEANS ........ lb. 10¢ Tender, Snap-Top CARROTS ............ : .... lb. 6¢ Solid Heads CABBAGE ................ lb. 3¢ Fresh, AIl:Grecn CELEItY ...................... lb. 8¢ Smooth, Crisp CABBAGE ................... lb. 3¢ The Soap of the Starsl LUX SOAP ... reg. 8¢ Granulated, 22-oz. pkg. WHITE KING ... 27¢ creans grimy hands easily LAVA SOAP ig. 2/25¢ Washes white Without bleaching OXYDOL .. 24-oz, 27¢ The soap of beautiful women CAMAY . . . 2 bath 23¢ BEER Olympia or RainieP ( 11-oz. bottle 2/27¢) CASE 3 09 OF 24 • Add Bottle Deposit I * Lipton Tea ]/-Ib. pkg. 62 ¢ 48 * Cranberry Jelly, Ocean SpraY' * Sunshine Cookies Butterscotch * Chocolate Squares Suchard's Almond * Macaroni or Spaghetti  * Swift's Cleanser Top qua,ity' 1 * Cigarettes came,,Ra,o,ghctn 1.69 PRICES EFFECTIVE FRIDAY AND SATURDA  1949, SUBJECT TO MARKET CHANGES AND S" NO SALES TO DEALERS. SORRY, WE MU RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. , .,