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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 28, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 28, 1949
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1949. insects way I00duet of of California ( ;&lt; • SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL In Hood Canal Communities Cushman Families Entertain Guests , By Frances l{adtke Guests of Mr. anti Mrs. ]]dvtal'd ] Radtke Friday through Sumlay I 9€ere Mr. and Mrs. F. A. llar- I ,'ell of Seattle. On Monday mon- I ing the Harrells and the Radtkes I left for a three-day trip to Vie-[ torts, B.C., leaving Jim with Mrs. I Laramie. t Miss Josephin.e Laramie of San- ta Monies, Calif., came with Mrs. L. M. Townsend to call on Mi:;s Laramie's brother and family, the LOCKWOOD DOCK FIRE NEAR H00DSPORT SNUFFED QUICKLY By i,'ranees Radtke Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Collins of Fi','e broke out at one o'clock Tacoma spent the week end at Friday aiternoon un(ler Howard their summer home in Hoodsport. Lockwood's dock. Piles had been Mrs. Alice McClanahall is car- processed with fire treatment the ing for her mother, Mrs. Flora previous day to eliminate worms Hillard of Seattle, who is ill in and it was thought all sparks had her daughter's home in Hoods- been extingshed, port. ttcrb Boeck .;aw the flames Karen Kaare is spending a start and called in the alarm. It week with her grandparents, Mr. appeared to him to be at the and Mrs. Matt Kaare in Tillicum Old Mill tavern but was from the near Tacoma. Union Oil dock. I'rompt action on Mr. and Mrs. Joe McKiel are dug DDT is Harmless 0. hen used 0 SEE THEM FIBST ) AT OUR STORE! ) "=+\\;?+ J. L CATTO HARDWARE 87 315 RAILROAD PHONE 48 Del Laz'amies. They will remain the part of local vohmteer fire- enjoying a tout' of the nearby for a week or longer, men put out what could have ocean beaches. They left Satur- Callers at the Art Gilmore home been a disastrous fire. Timre was day and expected to be home on included Mrs. Charles Gilmore slight damage. Monday. from Seattle who is spending the .MR,'4. I{OSE MILI,O scored MUCH EXCITEMENT was pro- week. again Saturday when she served vided Saturday evening when her home-baked beans with pots- someone thought he spied thru- Denny Snadvig is enthu.iastic lo salad to hmching localities at spyglasses a beat" swimming in over a two-week trip to the Price the. ltood Canal Women's Club the Canal toward shore. About dairy farm where he arrived Jast food sale. Everything was sold out 50 persons hopefully collected on week end. Mr. and Mrs. Sandvig early in the day. Hungry visitors the beach. What a disappoint- are visiting in Bellingham. took what they couldn't eat home sent! It turned out to be a piece Mr. and Mrs. Larry Rogers and in paper cartons, of driftwood. two children are enjoying a week Helpers at the food sale held Remarks on underage fisher- end with the Don Brown family, in Lockwood's empty store build- men who will grow up someday: , ing included Mrs. Peggy Simmons Bobby Bearden is the nervous and Mrs. Marie Kaare who, type. He just can't stand the though not members of the We- strain while he sists waiting for men's Club, were glad to help the a fish to bite. He'd rather be mak- H 0 M E flourido effo,'t for which the mort- ing airplane ,models or figuring ey raised is to be used. out what he's going to paint when Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bates he gets big enough like his grand- are home again after teaching Hi- pa, Mel Bearden, whom he watches L 0 A N S ble school at Belfair last week. closely. Assisting' them were Mrs. George His brother, Gary Bearden, has Eateff and Mrs. Thelma Brinson. untold patience which is usually rewarded by a handful of trout A" Convenient Terms havin arrived Saturday, from Finch creek. Billy Parker Mr. and Mrs. Dave Collins are loves to fish for bass though he ltesonabe Rates spending te'n days fishing at Se- claims it's very seldom a fish bites kiu. on his line. He's just modest. He Friday evening dinner guests of has caught some fine ones. 'A" NO DELAY Mr. and Mrs. O. K. Linscott were Butch, grandson of Gus Penal- Mr'. and Mrs. Carl RatHe of Shel- land, has a different slant. He Mason County Savings ton with daughters Judy and Lin- always takes a lunch with him. da from Mamarineck, New York. Just when he gets in the middle of potato chips, sandwiches, pop The latter phm to make their and what have you a fish starts] & Loan Association home hereabouts. ' ' ' i' ' Harry Devine, with Jimmy Bar- pulhng at hm hue, and t s a Title Insurance Bldg. ton of Olympia, are spending one toss-up whether to pull in the week at the Cushman Resort fish- fish or finislt his lunch. , ing and enjoying Hood Canal. One time the fish had to wait, but he landed him eventually, a beautiful bass. Jim 'Radtke is also _- ........................................................................... Preferred by more users the next two makes combined !* Rhododendron Club Holds July Meet By Della Goetsch The Rhododendron Garden Club of {ood Canal held its July meet- ing at the home of Virginia go- rack with Elizabeth Matson as- sisting the hostess. Lunch was served at a large table in the pleasant garden. Two new members, Gretchel Moore and Norms Lewis, were taken into the club. A C()MI'REltENSIVE report on the Washington State Convention of Garden Clubs at Pullman was. given by Florence Brain. Many beautiful place cards and other clever souvenh's were brought back by Mrs. Brain and displayed at this meeting for the benefit of her club, of which she is presi- dent. A pretty apron, made by Lela Evans, was offered for sale as the white elephant and was won by Della Goetsch. Members were assigned to the departments in which each pre- fers to work at the community fair which is to be held on Sep- tember 10 at the Belfai;c sclmol house in cooperation with the Ev- ergreen and Tahuya garden clubs• ELECTION OF officers for the next year resulted in Della Goet- sch being made president; Ther- essa err, vice president; Alice Squire, secretary, and Gunda Short, treasurer. The new officers will take their seats at the Sep- tember meeting. Lovely corsages, made by Lela Evans and Gunda Short, were pre- sented to Mrs. Brain, the retiring president, and to Mrs. Goetsch. The club will meet again on August 4 for its regular meeting and a picnic at the South Shore home of Mrs. Brain and Mrs. H. Moon. World War II veterans between 25 and 34 years of age had a median income of $2,401 in 1947, compared with $2,585 for non-vet- erans in the same age group, oc- cording to a Census Bureau study. Veterans Administration in June opened a new 399-bed general reed- Truck users are buying more + trucks than the next two makes What more convincing proof could there be Advance-Design trucks give more va/ue! Come let .us discuss your truck requirements. f/: !( L ¸ L : t 0ff¢lal truck registra- I. 1949 ADVANCE-DESIGN TRUCKS the impatient type, but he figures fishing is a good way to learn patience. And his efforts brought ical and surgical hospital in Prov- I forth a 17-inch catfish recently, idence, Rhode Island, bringing the. a. record for this part of the court- total number of VA hospitals tel t.'y. 129. I HOOD CANAL WOMEN'S FOOD ' '{ SALE NETS MORE THAN $150 By Frances R. Hill Generous community response resulted in proceeds of over $150 front the food sales sponsored last Svturday in three Hood Canal communities by the Hood Canal Woman's Club. The money will be used to further the club's efforts to back a county-wide dental- halth program ....... FIFTY DOLLARS will be cob: tributed to pay a girl student to assist the dental hygienists on the U. S. Public Health Service fluor- ide demonstration team, scheduled to give free treatment to some 500 school children in Shelton this August. Another $50 for the same purpose is being contributed by the Zonta Club of Shelton. I)onations of home-baked foods, sales help and buying by non- Again • • . NEW LOWER PRICES ! members who were interested in the club's community health pro- jeer, were eerdited by Mrs. kose Mille, general chairrnan, as a big factor in tle success of Satur- day's sales. Sales were held in Hoodsport, Union antl in two places in Lilliwaup. tIALF OF THE proceeds came "front the Hoodsport sale, where t nfich of the home-cooked foods were served in lunches. Beans, baked by Mrs. Florence Hanson of Shelton were in popular de- mand on lunch orders, and at all sales customers were enthusiastic about pies of all varieties. htrie Karre and Peggy Simmons, non- club members of Hoodsport, as- sisted in serving. Mrs. Ernest Worl, Mrs. Kenneth Bitney, club president, and Mrs. Dess Haines were on the committee with Mrs. Mille. Mrs. Howard Lockwood do- nated her store building for the event and the local Teen-Ager Club made the window posters. A prize cake, baked and frost- ed by Mrs. Sidney Jarvis of Hoodsport, to look like a lamb, brought in $11.50, since the fir,t winner Kenneth Bitney, awarded it again to the cause. Mrs. Fran- kie Radtke was in charge of Cushman contributions. IIELEN ANDERSEN, chah'man of Union's bake sale, hekl at Stark's Waterwheel grocery In the afternoon, expressed appreciation of the response of community res- idents. Mrs. 'Goldie Watson was in charge of the selling at Union. Mrs. Starr rhite was chairnmn at Lilliwaup and was assisted by Mrs. L. C. Felch, who sold at he,' store in Rest-While Park. Mrs. White at the Lilliwaup Shopping Center was aided In sales by a group of attractive young girls, including Sharon and Sandra Ev- ans, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Lew Evans, proprietors, and Bon- nie Shields and her house guest, Mary Dempsey. Miss Merrily Hill made posters for Lilliwaup. HOOD CANAL COMMUNITY CHURCH Reverend Paul Sweeney A group from Hoodaport church traveled to Shelton last week to hear Reverend Mercado, Mexican missionary and evangelist, speak at the First Baptist church. On August 10 a famous quar- tette will be heard at the %'ed- nesday evening service in Hoods- port church. Everyone is wel- come. Bible camp starts for children at Five Mile on August 1. About 15 children from the Hood Canal Community Church plan to attend under the supervision and teach- ing of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bates. August 2 'is the meeting date of board of deacons of the Hoods- port church in the home of J. H. Nance. CAI,IFOItNIA VISIT()ltS Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Buchanan from Oakland, Calif., arc visiting' aL the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Enzo Loop. They are accompan- ied by their dtughter, Mrs. Eu- gene Loop, and her young son, Chris Loop. MELt CHEVROLET COMPANY Grove Streets + " Phone 777 or 778 i / CANAL FISHERMEN UN00'N-'r-ED BY SHOWERS AND GRAY SKIES ' By Mrs. +. E. Grlggs i Pe:inced there. The temperature Despite showers and gray skies the fishermen continue to fill the park with cars "md canzping equipment. A school of large black fish made an appearance Tues- day but disappeared shortly af- ter. Thirty King salmon were hmd- ed during the week. They ranged in weight from five to 22 pounds. A number of trout and sea bass were also taken. Mr. Carney, manager of the boat'house, tries to keel) a fairly accurate record of catches for information of visiting fisher- nen. Among the lucky anglers were George Wilson and Ray Nucneck- £r, Ed Carney, Herb Durand, A1 Winterhousg and Mr. Smith, L. W. Ferguson, Carl Werner, Oren Pel- let, Ray Woods, Herb Conine, J. M. Musgrove of Toledo, J. D. Brady and son James, and Robert West of Olympia. Many large catches were not recorded. THE BALI, GAME scheduled here Sunday was forfeited by Nis- qually to Lower Skokomish. To date we are only one game behind the leading team in the lgague. When the playoff is made, Man- ager Fred Miller will try to make arrangements for a larger field with a good seating capacity. There should be a good tm'nout for that game. Carl Howard, formerly of Min- erva Park, now with the. U. S. Army and stationed at Camp Stolman, near Oakland, Calif., vis- ited here Sunday. Carl is spen d - i ing his furlough visiting his par-I . ents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Howard of Shelton, and looking up old acquaintances. He will sail for Japan shortly after his return to Camp Stolman. MRS. HATTIE JOIINS and brother Lee Cush spent last week in Yakima. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Haley and family of Shelton visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Corey Fields Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Tommy James and family of Bremerton spent Sunday at the Frank Tibbetts home. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Chapl)ell and grandson Jerry, of Naches, were here again last week for more good fishing. It was little Jerry's first trip here, an(1 tile first evening o0t hc got a thrill. by landing' a rock cod. They were accompanied here by Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Staten, of Montesano. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ben,e and two grand daughters, Mar- garet Sharon and Vicky of Shel- ton and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Serge of Lower Skokomish, enjoyed a picnic lunch here Sunday. They also spent some time fishing. LITTLE DICKEY Sheldon Reed returned to his home in Kene- wick after spending his vacation here at the Iome of his atmt and uncle, Mr. ad Mrs. Ed Carney. Mr. George McCunn and Ray Hicks of Fort: l,ewis spent Satm'- 1 day at the Ben .Johns home. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Serge were callers at tle Ed Carney home Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Foster and Mr. aztd Mrs. Pete Duekwitz, of Tenino, spent the week at the Fos- ter summer cabin here. Mrs. Ecl Carney and €laug'lter Susan, accompanied Mrs. Charles i Bloomfield and daughters Mar- garet, Juanita and lmmaline of Shelton, on a shopping trip to I Olympia Wednesday. *! I Mrs. Corey Fields anti little daughter Ming Toy returned Wed- nesday from Grass Valley, Calif., where they spent, two weeks visit- ing Mrs. Field's sister. They were glad to get back to cool Hood Canal after the intense heat ex- was 119 dei,.rees. * Mr. and Mt':. Albert Ever:;on anti little daughter Kathleen of Brclnerton spent Sis(lay at the Alan Ward home. Miss [,]tta Mac Ward, si>;ter of Mrs. Everson, will return to Bremerton with them to stay with her si,'-',tct' while Mr. lily - erson sails for Pearl l{arbor v¢ith the naval reserve. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tibbetts, r., and two chihh'eu Jackie and Minnie Belle term'ned Friday ires a tvvo-w+''+'k trit) if', Oregon visit- ing relatzves, lIr. Tibhets visited two brothers, one in Crants Pass and one in Eagle Point. They also visited Mrs. Tibbett's sister in Roeburg. They were accontpanied on thei:' trip hy their son and family. Mr. and Mrs. Frank T4b- betts, Jr., of Shelton, Nora, Betty and Anne Tibbets. They have been visiting at Camp Grisdale while their parents were in Ore- gon. Mr. and Mrs. Alan %Yard have as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith of Longview who are wt- rationing here. Week end guests were Mr. anti Mrs. Harold Wood- rich. Are you "so tired" of an empty purse? Make it jingle by selling your unused accumulated items through a Journal cla:sified ad. Phone 100. im SPECIAL Your Choice of Surplus POTTED ROSES No. 1 ........ 85¢ No. 2 ........ 65¢ Belfair Gardens l/a miles south of Belfair stores. - I II Means Quality FOR MEN • FOR WOMEh Sock Hosiery Neckwear Lingerio Shirts Dresses Underwear, Coats Pajamas Rainwear Sportswear Sportswear Accessorles Accessories Real Sitk Hosiery Mills, Inc. YOUR REPRESENTATIVE K. L. MANN Hoodsport, Wash. ............... I ........... I HOUSE PAINT . s4,3S GAL. EEL LAUBER PHONE 7 GERT LAUBER HOODSPORT LUMBER COt. Lumher, Building Materials, Hardware and Paint Complete Builders' Service FRIGIDAIRE - APPLIANCES • Atlas Power Tools When On The Canal Visit The ELDON HOTEL COffEE SHOP FOUNTAIN SERVICE SHORT ORDERS - LUNCHES Also Board and Room by Day or Week I.% WEETEi?. 'I'ILL, I WIEkl WITH OURC)IL| YOUR TANK YOU FiLL J /<, / STORAGE TANKS 50 TO 1000 GALLONS For New Oil Burner Installations O Courteous ervico For Efficient, Prompt Depend Upon There's a |ull measure d pleasure in evetg glass o[ light and livel00 Blilz Weinhd. Light, cool, clear ...livehjo re00reshiu00, satisfying. l BLITZ W'EINHARD CC:MPANY/IORTtAND, OREGON