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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 28, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 28, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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eage 12 SHELTON-MA0N COUNTY JOURNAL First Joker: Do you file yourl Do you have things :torcd ill Whatever your "Une," a fewIShelton Man To Get YOUNG AUSTIN COUPLE HONORED finger nails ? " i "&apos;ar "Away . Places" ? 'lqmy're lines in The .hmrnal (qassifiod [ , worlh money it" advertised l'-r sah" t)',,e,, ' will help you s,ql i,. PhonciDegree In Education T ALLYN Second .h)k{,r: No, , cut tiwm: in .h)ul'nal want ads. 1,,0. Vwt()r t' SW,,OSO,, .hel.,n AT RECEPTION HELD A . off and throw them tway.  (is one (if 12g studcnls wtm will LEADING LINES" ASSURE OUALIT¥ 1)elto Woodworking Tools Myers and Jacuzzi Water Pumps General Electric Appliances Perfection 0il Heaters Are All Distributed In Shelton By SHELTON HARDWARE 103 RAILROAD AVENUE PHONE 232 bo Kra(hlated August 7 from t,::uHe|'l \\;Vashillgton College of lqduealion al, Cheney. tte will re- (.eive a bachelor of arts degree in *'( h l(':tt ion. NIIIMI,:I£.'4 ()N V..*,('A'I'ION l)r. and Mrs. ,lo(, Shinwk [uld filmiLy left Tile.;(l:ty l'¢)l' a tWO \\;v(,eRs vacation visit with rN:t- l i('s in Sl,:agil county. ; COMMITTEE TO MEET The ways and means eommit- h,e )t' th., VV()men of the Moose will meet Au°'ust 4 at Mrs. Ida Clary's. They will work on tht quill. TEEN-AGE CLUB At DeJight Park EVERY EVENING 5-10 P.M. Monday thru Friday SEASON TICKETS $3.00 Plus Tax ' RUST RUINS CARBUI|TORS. Thou. sands of carburetors are ruined by rust. U to :3 dozen carburetor parts are sut leer to rust and coarosion, Tiny ca 'bun tor t bes and passages, some smaller titan a eommon pin, are plugged by rust particles, Car- buretor overhauls are ex- pensive-Stop Rust with Richfield Rust-Proot Casolinel I I I I Ill III IIIll I I I I II I I II i i ii J i i it RUSTED IN ORDINARY GASOLINE.. •This steel rod is heav- ily coated with rust after special 48-hour labora¢ory test in ordinary gasoline containing a small amount bf added water. Rust also a'ttaek ('he gas- o ii I IIIlllll I By Esther Shepherd Mr, and Mrs. George I-Iarthill hon()red their daughter, C'Dalo, and H'UT3 Austin :it a weddinff re- ception gtven in the Vi, ctor Hall last Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Millet' from Gordon Cornell " Visits At Hill home"iS ,,,endSaga00naiC p,eased t,, see hi,,, Home In Lilliwaup M'rs. Harry Salmonson from By i,'ranc(. It• Ilill Ponlsbo visited her sister, Mrs. EYu'olHe /'r()]]l San Frantqs'cO lo Corliss, }/h)nday. ]l'S. Sahnonsonl I,eav(,nwt)rlh, ](ansas, [() :lttcn(l a and l)onald and David Corliss are Contmand and General Staff: col- spencli]lg several days at ht.r beach toTe, (h)h)n(,1 (oFtlon CoHwll. a('- heine in Tahllya. cOral)anted by Mrs. Cornell ,top- ,/oC Cardinal from Milwaukee, lpe d /'of :t su)priso visit with the Wisc., is visiting his parents an(l C. E. lliIIs. Col. Cornell was with sister, Mrs. Fred Valley. He plans' C()I. ]lilt in tlle Persian Gulf con]'- to spend the rest of the SIInllller)]l).lntl durin/,; the ver'enl war and here. , , tile two (,njoyed reminiscing about ........ . .... I their expm:ie'nces on ('un'tl" fishing New buncllors •it tile lxu'V, Drush  , " [ "{ (1 . ..... .. , ' OX[)e(lll ions. 'file Co rn e n.'-I stayeo plant are 00!rs ,,,t,1 mo,,;ing MIs gilt RIC( all lall Ilt ""  ; '" ' '" : ' " C()I. C(wncll ai,itieved bi's anabition l.ichmond• i to (m.t(.i] a salmon, netting a Mrs. Louise Jones, \\;vim works] at the Oyster house, bought a I trailer house recently. She will I redecorate it before moving in. Mr. and Mrs Harry Austin moved into Mrs. Scherfenberg's beach home last Saturday. CAPITOL HILL CLUB SETS BASKET SOCIAL Capitol Hill %Vonlen's chlb is planning' a basket social to be held at the club house on Friday, August 5. Purpose of tile affair is to raise funds to complete the club house. Mrs. Ida' Armstrong, Mrs. El1- Mtdtn()llah, Oregon, were week end guests :It the honlc of Mr. and Mrs. R. Shepherd. Mr. qnd Mrs. Pros Jnrich of Ta- coma visited Mr. and Mrs. "Wil- liam Austin for a fcw days last I \\;voek. Mrs. Seherfenberg anti children returned to I-h'emerton after spend- ing a week at the home of her brother in Allyn. I Mr. and Mrs..Iohn Schofield and' family spent the week end in Se- attle visiting their parents. Hill Austin returned to work Monday after a two weeks' vaca- tion at home. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Lindsey and Lois went to Cushman Lake Sunday. They brought back ,Ierry and Richard who had been camp- I ing there for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Anderson are the proud parents of a baby boy born July. 2t at the Shelton Gen- eral Hospital. i Andy Danielson returned from tile Shelton Hospital Saturday. RUST RUINS GASOLINE TANKS. Rust attacks the filler pipe, tank bottom and gasoline gauge. Rust causes leaks and expensive repairs. Rust formed in the gasoline tanl is carried to fuel pump and carburetor. Stop Rust with Rich- field Rust-Proof Gasoline! oline tank and fuel system of your car. PROTECTED !N RICHFIELD GASOLINE... Rod shows no sign of rust after an identical 48-hour labora- tory test in Richfield gasoline contain- ing amazing RD-119. Before test, the same amount of water was added to prove conclusively the superior pro- tection you get with Richfield Rust- Proof gasoline. ...................... +.. :_ !,.a,,=,!.!:T !;!:4ii!ii::ii !i:ii!i!!iii!iiii ii;;i!!i:iUi :!:I: :5 ;' ......................... , .................. :,::::,:<:i#:ili!i!i!:ii!{i!gi! ::::: ::<: : ............................... {ii;i i!g{.:.iii! {j! <::: i:!:!: ::: .......................... ; .................... Sit THIS sENSATIONAL'PROOF AT yOUR RICHFI00tO STATION Examine the actual results • • " t tests" of scientific rus of ordinary gasoline and Richfield Rust-Proof gaso- line. These tests were made under the exacting control of an independent, impar- tial Testing Laboratory, : :. !iii:! RUST PLUGS FUlL LINIS. Rust parti- cles and rust-sludge dog fuel lines, causing poor performance and stalling. Stop Rust with Richfield ltust.Proo] Gasoltnef RUST DAMAGES FUlL PUMPS. Sharp rust particles wear out fast-moving fuel pmnp parts. Rust clogs strainer screens. When rust particles cause check.valves to leak, your fuel ptmtp fails on hills and at high speeds, Stop Rust with Richfield Rust.Proof Gazvline! WORLD'S FIRST RUST-pR00F t00lOtllllilr Contains Amaang UROULIRr. sinclair RD.11g New Richfield Rust-Proof gasoline STOPS RUST-before Rust can stop you! WHAT CAUSES FUEL SYSTEM RUST? Rust and corrosion result from moisture in your gasoline, caused largely by con- densation. WHAT DAMAGE DOES RUST DO? 1. Rust ruins gasoline :iiii tanks and other fuel system parts, causing costly repairs and : replacements... 2. Rust clogs fuel lines, screens and carburetor s ......... jets, causing rough idling, poor mileage and loss of power and performance... 3.. Rust particles cause wear on precision parts in fuel pump and 'carburetor, causing frequent costly over- hauls and replacements. HOW DOES RD-1 1 9 PREVENT RUST? It coats the inside of your car's fuel system with an invisible, polymolecular pro- tective layer that prevents rust. Protect your carl Fill up with Richfield Rust-Proof.gasoline - todayl Costs no more than ordinary gasoline ith Caldwell and Mrs. Jessie Schmidtkc are in charge of the basket social. Baskets will be auctioned, starting at eight &clock in the evening. All persons in the county who are interested are invited to at- tend, Mrs. Schmidtke announced. CLOQUALLUM By Marguerite LeGauit The dance given Dy the grange for the benefit of Cloquallum 4-H club was a success, and we hope to give another one soon. Mrs. Fred Baker of Medford, i Ore.. was in the neighborh )od last: week and visited with her old friends and neighbors. She re- ports that it is ITll]Ch warmer down there. Mrs. Marie LeGault is in a Shel- ton hospital where she has mder- gone a major operation. Her cou- sin, Mrs. Sophia Golitts, came down from British Columbia to be near her during the first few days. She has returned to her home now. This was her first visit to the States. Mr. and Mrs. Alhouse were re- cent visitors at the Harry Matt- hews home. They went to the Satsop for fishing during the visit. Tonie Annensen also went them. Mrs. A1 LeGault, Sr., was in Se- attle last week. She accompanied Mrs. Golitts to the depot to take the train to Canada. The 4-H'ers of Cloquallum left Monday morning for Panhandle lake where they will enjoy a week's outing. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Healy of Shelton were week end guests at the Dan O'Leary home. Mrs. Hazel Bethworth was ex- pected to visit her daaghter at Brady soon. Mrs. Roy Balduc's two daugh- ters are now east visiting their uncle, Eud Ellison. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Moon and Alvin Nagel and families were callers at the LeGault home Sun- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Whiting were greatly surprised recently when they returned to their rented furnished home to find the house empty of all furnishings but their personal things. They had brought Mrs. lary Mulinix home wilh them to spend a week and found that they had no place to hang their own hats, so to speak. George and Betty Whiting are planning to return to her old home in Texas. Joseph McAlfry had his nmther and father from California visiting for the past week, His aunt and uncle and family were there re- 'cently; they are also from Cali- fornia. PICKERING By Emily Babcock The third marriage of the year in Mrs. Jessie Jones' family oc- curred when her son, Keith, was married to Phyllis Green of Seat- tle on July 13. Thc marriage took place in Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hottelling and daughter of Seattle are spend- ing his two weeks' vacation with Mrs. Hottelling's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Strong. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. White of Seattle spent week before last vacationing at the kome of her mother, Mrs. Altce Gray. En route from San Francisco to Seattle Mrs. S. S. Loft and daughter spent a few days last week "at the Erik Christensen home. Mrs. Loft, whose home is at Viborg, S. D., is the mother-in- law of the 'Christensens' daugh- ter, Mrs. Sorin Loft. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Kingsley and two children, of Alderwood Manor also spent several days last week with the Christensens. John W. Walck, father of Mrs. George Carlson, passed away at T.aeoma on July 16. Funeral set- vines were held the following TUesday at Piper Chapel in Ta- coma. Besides Mrs. Carlson, a son, Fred J. Walck of Kent, sur- vives. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Butler of Aberdeen recently moved into their new home on Pickering Passage. This is one of three fine new homes completed this summer on a tract of land between the Geddes property (next to the Frank Wlie place) and the Krabbenhoff home. The other two are te homes of the Hal Grants from Shelton and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mix, for- merly of Olympia. These semi-rustic houses, with a background of huge trees, are an modern and attractive andl command a fine view of the Sound, and Harstine Island. They make I our shoreline k)ok rather "Hood, Canalish.,, Another fine new home I in this community, on the east side I of Lake Phillips, is being com-I pl;ted by John Probert, :formerly I :::: housing units were tuYrned out in 1948. I Blackmouttl for (linnet. Con. Cornell, who wa in Japan for almost two years following Lilt Veal', sel'vinff as (lopll|y pol't conlnlandol' of the Se(,ond :Major Port at Yol(ahama, tohi of catch- ing" (le.qeendants of some of our VCashington si!vers in Imlle Yu- mot(). TIIi,: FISll WERE transplanted lo lhe emperor's fishing reservbs before (ha war, and the lake, higi in tim Japanese Alps. was tecming with them. Col. Cornell and his wife were staying at Nikko in a hotel rescrved fol' officers O11 vaca- tions and went fisiling in the lake whieia was at a higher altitude. They said ttmt three of them caught 127 silve)'s one day, and the combined fishing expeditions kept "di lheir tables well snpp]ied \\;viti fisi. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Adler and small son from Seattle. arrived Moniay for a week's visit with Mr. Adlcr's hvolimr-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Hoag- land at Sic(son's Resort. Another house guest of the Hoaghmds is Miss losalin(1 T¢.inker of New Yol'k, vcho has 1)een a missionary in Cifin't, arriving in the States just last December. Patrick M. McGrady. of New York, news editor for the Ameri- ('an Canccr Society, am'ived Sat- urday in Lilliwaul) to spend a short vae:ttion with Mrs. Mc- Grndy an(I their three sons, who have been visiting Mrs. M('Gra(ly's parents, Mr. and Mr.;. Frank iob- Jason. On Monday the three sons lool.: their fatiler fishing, eager tO pas on all their acqllircd l{llOW- lcdge of where, with wtmt, and how to fisit. John W. Rohinson and family of Tac.onta spent Sunday and Sunday nigi]t ot the Frank ttobinson horoc. .I'S. lobinson accompanied her son to 'I'acom,t for a few days' visit. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Evhart went to Tacoma Saturday for the week end. \\;Vith them retm'ning to the home of their I)arents were (iteir ymmg guests, Margaret and Madge l'ry(Ic, who had stayed with them in Lilliwaup dm'ing the week. JAM-MAKING was the chief activity ;:tt the C. E. 'Hill home Monday. The C. E. Hills had pick- ed raspberries during their., week end visit with Mr. Hill's bi'otht, v, M. A. ttill, in Olympia. Their daughter, Merrily, and M a c k Knutsen had picked wild black- Derrics nea)' the Knut:sen home in Chehalis while on a visit there. Improvements in the grotmds. fround the home of Mrs. Warren Stewart are under way, as a bull- dozer is busy getting things shap- ed up for landscaping'. WEI'KICN D (; 17 E,,T Visitors 'tt the borne of Mr. and Mr:;. E. H. Faubevt last week end v,'crc M,g. and Mrs. Gordon Win(lie of Spokane, Mr. and Mrs. William Mohr and son Tony, of Los Angeles and Homer Windle of Portland, Ore. Tim guests were all related and were having a form of rmmion, which was tiae firqt in ten yearn. GOODWILl, TRUCK IIERE The Goodwill truck will be in Shelton August 4, next Thursday. Anyone h a ving contributibns should call Mrs. Charles Lentz at 815-W. Thursday, , / SEE THE .,, Fairl PU LOW Shelton Govey Bldg. Modern Operated • LAND • BULLDOZlN • DITCHING • BASEMENT ING • BULKHEADli • pI LEDRIVIER For Land or • DUMP TR UCKIF For Hire • PILING AND For Sale pHON,' C. FRED ,) SAYS: Pro( More Than Procrastinati( Insurance Cot it over. be in a better He might h position, ily are not. months• Pr( enough port Dad  you Your wife Are you going both? Act atic surance estate C. FRED NORTH AMII Sheltork IN TWO SERIS: ThE NASH AMBASSADOR ANP LAY NASH MOTORS, First & Pine Sts. SheltOO o No fairy tale, th;s! There really is an comfortable Twin Bed arrangement in the It makes up in 60 seconds--double, for nighttime sleeping for two people; or can sleep while your partner drives on It's just one of the plus-value luxury mokes the Airflyte "America's most modern Phone us nd make on appointment to t Airflyte ride yourself--and bring the time st,