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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 28, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 28, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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• - ....... = qrfqpqp,,4w,.,f.qwv,,qp.vwrqvpwv-- Classified Service v PAPERItANGING INTEF30 R I)I&apos;]C- ()RATING. Phone (lay iJS, nilds 763R5, Mc6-2311 n, CHIMNEYS CLEANED and rccaPlmtl. Oil StOVeS aiMl 'drn8 { !(., v;l('uiiD] cleaned. Fret estimates, t'hone 3486 days, 7026 evenings. Olympia, Wash. Pa-24tfn, EbHI-S1JLA t)Y.!-STOVE-SERVICE: Parts. repairing'and vacuum clean. lng. Local Shelton phone 61-J. B6-30tfn SEWINGMACIIINE REPAIRS EXPERT WORK. Rammablc charges. Estim$tes made in your hoTne by courteous. Imnded en ploy, No ob- ligation, Leave Ca]IS at T]w Joura,tl irl TIc, tIIHI, tJilone lift) SINGER SEWING MACIIINE ('() 510 E. ,tth Ave. Ol.nlpia "DAY-(JR NIGIiT guat'anteed service on home or auto radios. Free estimates gladly given If d(shd, treasonable prices, Free p4ckup and delivery. Closed Friday even/ngs and Salur, days, or leave wntk at Ktlhner Elec- tric, BURGESON RADIO ,'ERVICE, II Franklin, near Leo1) Field. Note new phone No. 845-W. 5-20-try New hardwood floors installed, old or new homes. J. A. Schhmge, Box 28, Belfalr, Phone Belfair 5-393t, 7-17-47Ifn. tlons. Expert work, Machine made button holes, 10 a.m. to 5 I.m., 408. Cota Street S2-2Atfn ;()---'SiSfcEI 16 tiD)* TIO N S and euppork% phone 799-5 for appoint. ment or call at 1416 Summit Drive. 9-26-46tfn. rating, harrowingwith tractor. Call Phllllp IIardie. Route 1, Box 137, phone 766J1, 3-I0t fn Y-I'YiYORYG-i'--'I.,g,7 Ei'iTgi/: tonholing, Mrs. Ellis Well. 405 Ar. cadia Avenue. (Corner Arcadia aml . _..B°un_d_a .IT_. S.t r_e_e.t ) ._ ................ 2:28-tfn ALCOHOLIt. ANONYMOUS meet Thursday evenings at 8 p.m. at Wo- rna'e Club Bldg., 10th & Washtng* on, Olympia, Wash. 3-17tfn. { KIMBEL OIL CO. RICHFIELD FUEL OIL New Puel Tanks (Any Capacity) Vor Immediate Delivery PHONE 46b-W I I -- SIGNS -- Of All Kinds Neon Sales & Scwlce MODERN SIGN SERVICE Phone Shelton 21 3-17-tfn WE REPAIR All makes of RADIOS, WASHING MACHINES and SMALL APPLIANCES Expertly and Reasonably RliDIB 00L|ffRK I II Your Headquarters FOR EMERSON Radio and Television 5-19-tfn Septic Tanks Cleaned CHARLES JONES Contents Hauled Away Quick Service 1714 East 9th, Olympta Phone 3486 or 7026_ 1-15--tfn. Rllable, Expertly Prepar PRESCRIPTIONS On Contracts with the Maon @otmty Medical AsS Or Direct to You Service PREPP'S Drug Store nd & Railroad Phone 89 { Title Insurance--A bstracts--Escrows 8HELTON-B ELL Abstract & Title Co., Inc, 119 S. 4th (Bell Bldg,) Shelton, Wn. PIIONI 5 Mason County agent for Puget Sound Title Insurance Com- pany of Seattle Member Washington Land Title Ass'n, American Title As'n. I J I I I PAPERHANGING Interior Decorating Phone Days 28 .. Nights 763-J-5 • ' ..... F.K. McCutcheoo 7-21-tfn Nit: Why shouldn't I ask for a raise? Do' you think i'm a moran? A fool? An idiot? Wit: I don't know, but I bet you fit in there some place. % ltett    --. ,  , ,  d WANTED FOR SALE WANTED JACOBSEN I)w'er lawn mrwers $132. LAR(D3 qVomflI1 [o care for t%vo ,'hildren Vh,or .qnmple .'p,,cial $125. llilh•r,•:*t llardware. m,,rnmgs. Permanent. Call .ql6[t. ltardwar('. 7-21 }'()R SALE: B7-28--8-11 ........................................ ('e'ts. 20 x 30, t a-  g tu qLIF',':.- l,'.,eT>l. N.,, F,,I SAIl':: ", .,' ,,,'i,,,,:.*l ,,,.t,,, c,,,,diti,,n, ,15. waats TWO eldorly women patients run only 5 llltlll•S, Save, approxi- ill her lltHne Excc]Jelll care gl'von, nlalely $75 OU ( t st ncw. Kinll)el -- [rs. EllllIla Gautier. 902 No. Twills Motors. 707 S. Fh':l St. 7-.1,1-28 FOR SALE: x 16. six ply. • St.. Olyml)m. Wash. Phone OlYml)ia 32-(iALLON "gah'anlz('O g:trbag,; cans, path tire Classified Service Classified Service REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE 936. 7-28-8-.t ,.,a ,.a,.h whle Ul,l, v 1,,:,ts-one wh,,l,.sal,, WANTED:-ianding harge With trailer to a (.usi(m,u'. no phone ord,'rs, evenings .......... r ......................... 'v ...... :;lT;J:::':::FL;;C:71T::: or scow 30' or 35' long. 8' ,,r 12' cash only---lldh'rest th,rdwar,'. 7-21 "v(}I-¢. SALE: II __  wide. Vvriie or see D. D. I)('l)Uty, }()I. SALEi Three- g,,)itht-"_di{lldli', wood. not for FOR BALE: Modern 2-.bedrooln home. Telfair. Wast,. 7-7-28 h(u's,-s, saddles, blankets, bridlt's. One load or a garage, 2 lots. 1828 Sulnmlt Drive. mih.s wes! of Republic. Wash. ,)n "WANTED: repair work or remodeling Can be seen by ap!)ointnwnt. Phone livery. C. Stoves and Phone 226-J after 3:30 p.n7.14._8.4 state highway, four ('abin. approx, of all kinds. Any odd job, large or 605. I17---1.i-21-28 216-J-3 or 2 acres, highway bisects with 2 small Also rototiller plowing. Call t;;-( )-R" SAI.I; "-."i:,;ci'-,h'( *d-r{:tli,g:- road. IMMEDIATE ehi,,s on e.ither  ' do m ' '''' " ')'d 59__W . C.31 t f. e " -- Furnaces FOR SALE: Mahtland on salt water, fishing, bus. st,heel bns and mail any be(h'o(,m set. three years ,,ld. FOR SALE West of Steamboat Island near Ar- daily, $2.500. Write ox 265. Re- WANTED: will pay cash for timber Cost $20¢5.42. sacrificing at $130. Ex- dition. cadla. 600 ft. depth to road, pretty public. Wash• F7-21 tfn stumpage. Write Daniel and Fie,- ce!hmt erudition, l' ltoodsport ante Center. CASH LOANS trees, view, good soil. 1()8 ft. along chor Logging Co., P.O. Box 35. Olal- 12W. D7 -28 BOWLS. V A C U U M shore. Splendid fishing. $1575. -- .............................. la. Wash. ll-4tfn. terms including oyster land onting ;WX,-,-iT$-D----e;a--qt,---Fo-p--r. 7 Ft)R SALE: I,'(,whq. hot" wal,,r ta'n( masters at can'teous service. Phonc us colh,ct. ,10 t4alh)ItS, t5 lIlonths Old, just lik(' . Center. n,'w. $75. Star F{(,utc 2. Bx 42-H 1,'OR SALE: sEE C L E A N E D on Oyster Bay. Charles omers, FOR SALE Ehna 121-J. Grays ltarbor Ben(let- Ion Dayton lhutd). E7-28--8-11 lie blade. Grapevicw. Phone 871-J-1 5-12 tfn mS. Inc. 2-271Ia .............................................. hauled. ............................................ PLASTIC IqCNIC sets with combma- $150(L00. ........................................................... Several lots on Island Lake, ATTLE: want to buy, sell or ex- tion of fmu" Idah, s nnd ,'ups. salt E D D Y Phone 299-W GRAPEVIEW. WASII.: nine acres of change cattle of any kind. J. Clark. Belfair property with a practically new two- 2 bulldozed for $450 each, one and p,'Pi),'r shakers, regularly $2:95. 2, Box 744, bedroom home hardwood floors. ,,x- for $575 and 2 cleared and _ I}0x_23_2:_El).t.'-¢rah - ......... _2/_1.7_tfn_ . Sl,ccial $2.,19 whih, our aWl)ply lasls. WANT TO BUY: old horses for Mink IIardwarc. 7-28 I J S I N E S S 703 Franklin St. tra large beautiful rooms, nxoderu bulldozed for $750 each. There.. feed Myers and Hansen Mink Farm. F-,)R-SAt, E:" 12 ft li;hl--wi')-d.--'Dly - I ALL as tomorrow. 83 fool drilled well, are not many lots available on Olympia. Phone 4676 collect. 1-1tfn wood heat $50.(), 5 h.l,. "Wards" 10'/. off iii I! , electric pump, 7 acres of grapes, should produce 15 tons this fall, this lake so why not get yours Nb--Mb-I'$E'Y?-S,i-i-('.iihiaT-TaT.(i.h7 Sea King outb,,a:'d $100.00. 30.66 supply lastS. S E R V I C E ACCORDION and h,,,,,e alone, is worth $3500 h) $7000. now while the prices are low? Profit to lOO per cent on $1 "Lead- Winchester M,dcl "70" equilq),.(l All goes for $9000. Small down Day- . . • er" As.,,ortmcnt. I)ersonal greetings with Wc:tv(,r K2.5 s(.ope anti Grif- FOR SALE: 50 for $1 up. New plastics, many f,.n 71owe mm,nt $15L(5; All I)rac- Bring PHONE 540 SOLOVOX PLAYING ment with easy terms. Phone row- 5-room modern home with othc, s. "Lea,er" o, alu,rov, t. FR: ti,•aily ,,,,w. ALo Z-wh,,,l i,'ail,,r pound. ard McClain Agency, Brexnerton 120 South Third Street, for Dances, Parties 3044. Evenings 2008M or 5581M. fireplace, wired for electric Imprinted samples. Stylart 1310 San- with 16 in. Chev. wl:ecls." $.I0.0(L ItORNET Shelton, Wash. J.G. Halvorsen • _7"28--8"11 range, automatic hot water tee. Dept. 35. Los Angeles 55. Calif. See J. P,. Schoti. e,,rmq" of I,am'el sales, parts PHONE 202 FOR SALE . cqtiliy tn two bedroom heater, basement and oil ,, 7-28 and K st., Mt. View. 7 •--21-28-.•8-4 tors, 707 S. ' 6-30tfn modern home. A year old. Wired furnace. Well located with ONE SLIGHTIY USFH)5','h.l). Evin- HAMILTON for range and water heater. Garage excellent yard and garden LOGS WANTED ,.,d, Zephyr motor, new nlot,)r juicers. E. A (Bony) Loertscher ' built on. Take over banee of con- tract for $36 per me. Full price tract. This is a nice home guarantee, bargain for $160 c'.L'h, lasts at • l{ilhu'est Hardware. 7-21 IIIY a FARM & LIVESTOCK .vv,,.v.v,v.e.,vv',vvv',vvvvTvvv'v.-'. $6300. Phone 937W after 6:30 p.m, and a good value at $7,600 Highest Cash Price Paid 'bk--SAL'Ai--CJhicke(-i'er-t-iSzr'-cov.; 20 y+,ar AUCTIONEERING REAL ESTATE D7-28--8-4 with some terms, manure, Skokomish top soil tractor 328 plow ng. Phone 483-W. O2-24Tfn Write Lost Lake Route ,,.vvvvvvvvv,rvvvvvvvvv'v'. COSELMAN MILL CO. 23-GXLLON galva-nized gs_rba-ge }:aii FOR SALE: BOX 57, Elma, Wash. FOR SALE: New sub-division on Herbert G. Angle 7-14--12-30-25t FOR SALE RD 3, Shelton. Arcadia Road $2.5o each wMle supl, y lasts--one good beautiful Mason Lake. Swimming, t,) a customer no phone orders, Icy boating, fishing. Excellent view, 2 Miles East of Hillcrest cash only--Hill(:rest ttar(lward. 7-21 ()l SALE: gravel beach, Some choice lots. AIGLESIDE ADDITION, 4 bed- ...v.. To the "Sign" 'OR SALE: see Oly'ml)ic Motor Sales" condition Phone 605. H 7--14-21-25 room home, modern, full basement, FOR RENT for auto parts and aeceum,ries. First Service. FOR--SAI.: Attractive 2-bedroom ___a_nd Mlll_S-t_-_t.s.=._P!}°ne_595_'_Y'_4_tf_n. FOR SALE modern home. floor furnace, hard- with playroom. Beautifully land- -.v v.v E. F. FULMER wood floors, automatic hot water, un- scaped lot 60x150. Home has many FOR SALE GOOD SUPPLY of Lawson outboard saddle horse, motors in stock, 3 and 6 horse- ern saddle finished attic, new addition, nice features that make it a highly de- FOR RENT: furnished large front vvv'.-.,,-vv,r. power. Hillerest Hardware. 7-21 trade for big DECORATOR view, leve.I lot. utility room. Phone sirable residence. Fireplace, tiled room, hot water, next to bath. also 945M eenings only. G7-21 tfn large apartment. Phone 699J or in- FOR SALE: cows, calves and heifers_ 862R3. Painting, Paper Hang FO SALE: nern attractive two quire 100 Pine St. V7-28tfn. WE CARRY A FULL LINE of Cath- Hiway 101 at Kamilche. lVI. M. Lytle. FOR SALE: " bath, dining room, central heating oltc supplies and gifts. Also the 7-21--R-4 sole, $15. , ing, Spray Painting bedroom house, Hlllcrest, fireplace, plant. Home is in excellent neigh- 6R RENT OR LEASE: desirable latest in excellent books. Open eve- _--Qj-Ad-u-;-.-{a.l--iai,7.--s;C . 1221 Frank] full cement basement, automatic borhood.P rice $12,500 with either corner lot on Mountain View bust- nings. The Gift Box, 200/a W. Fourth Phone PHONE 977-J-1 heat and hot water. Phone 55W. G.I. or F.H.A. ness corner. Also two bedroom un- Olympia. Wash. 6-23tfn $2.98 at Hillcrest Hardware. 7-28 BUY a New J7-21---8-4 furnished apartment. Phone'693W. FOR-S-AIEi--ued-vT{rl-gez:'--w "-l-e'. 20 year : F6"'-SA'L-MT ;|.-i0a.t--fh--an-d * * * ................................. DT-7.28.tfn- Shelton Electric. 7-21--8-4 328 ,n,, 10th St. Phone601. K6-16tfn. 2 BEDROOM modern with ,urn- FOR RENT: to reliable peuple, new -A-I--]NI'Z-II--I:I-E,---s{7<---",e{ She was surprised 'LOou , FOR SAL----L.: new six-room modern ishings, house incomplete but liv- two bedroom honm. automatic hot Blown Carney Silver Fleece lome, Radiant heat, hardwood floor- water heater, electric range, oil beat. our price before you buy. Hillcrest installed or ROCKV¢OOL ins throughout, fireplace, garage able. This property has good pea- prefer .to lease. 1411 E. Dearborn. Hardware. 7-21 and elated, terms, 3 attached. Located on 115 x 75' col sibiliUe, Price $2500. Some terms. M7-21-28 F-c)R-SALE: walnut bedroom set. in 2 ............................................... cluding box sprlngs and ma(tress As she gazed bet, a0 INSULATION n lot in Northcltff Schultz Addl- • • • FOR RENT'. Three-room house and combination magazine, rack and lamp tlon. Call 1000 during the day, 851- shower. Partly fur,Lshed. Itot in her purse. "F(fR SALE: .W evenings, 5-Stfn. 2 BEDROOM modern, furnished, water and laundry. No objections table. Kenmore tank type vaeuum Masterlock Interlocldng IAVE $i:000.--e¢tity-i-n--$19:500.00 Corner lot. Home and garage to small child. Phone 693W.D 7--21 tfn cleanercompartmentWithstattonaryattachmentS.concreteSingletui, It had not into, 90.g°°dInquC°: WEATHER STRIPPING waterfrontSeattle Northpropertyend Lake(5 roomWaShingt°nhouse about 95 per cent completed. Fur- F(JR-RENT'"-u-nf\\;rnish(ci"-t)reeT-rb--n with stand and fittings. PhonevT.28_8.470W. been deflated, FORcoeker pupl Home Improvement 0 ft. frontage) to trade for Hood nishings include new frig. and apartment and bath, downtown dis- Canal house. Might consider water- bedroom suite. Price $4200. Some trict. Phone 375M. W7-21-28 m, She'd been prepared mY a New Company Cal,fr°nt Unlonnr view$45.prop-ty near Fl-131fn.Shelt°n" terms. RN-I-SH-ED--APkttT--M-EN---TS :--0ne a--- for the worst. 8s2o year FOR SALE: choice 200 ft. waterfront . . . two bedroom units now available at Airway Court. Airport, phone 761R5. FRYER RABBITS Free Estimates Through on Hammersly Inlet, close in. No BUY OF THE WEEK, 2 bedroom AS-26tfn. 'Twas the result of having 20-PIECE Lawton Lumber Co. clearing or road building, Just bring modern, Angles(de Addition. Gar- F--0-R-"-R--ffN-T} modern cabins. The More Meat for Your Money bought lumber from Cosel- tery. your lumber and start building, Will per set. Phone 56 sell all or part to one party. Phone age, utility, clothes dryer, hard- Pines, Mountain View. LS-19tfn lb. 60¢ man's under their "mill to customer. 7-28-tfn 601. K6-16tfn wood floors throughout. Enclosed -OR--R--NY-l)i-m-rnffed- one mile north of Hoodsport, $25 We deliver freshly dressed consumer" selling policy. They Hardware. back yard, nicely landscaped, per month. Inquire Dust. Rhodes In Shelton Vicinity had delivered it too. FOR ! Home in excellent location. Nice Resort. Phone Hoodsport lo-W-11, trailer. 3-10tfn. LEAVE ORDERS AT 766-J-1 2x4 S4S, plenty good .... $49.50 ..... --------,---,--,,--- FOR SALE neighborhood. Will go F.H.A. or c)LI"S'TOlAG BOxEs fol' rent: Or MRS, BILL MARCY 2x4 $4S, good lengths.. $:30.00 Miscellaneous NEW HOME G.I. Price $8200.00. Phone 922. Mr. View Lockers. Star Rt. 3, Box 248-A, Cole Road 2x6 $4S, plenty good .... $49.50 • * * Route I, Box 32-B. 3-24ffn ,.e,,v,vv.v,.,v.v'v'v'v'v'v.v..v,.v'-v 7-14-tfn 2" Dimension Shorts good $20 MILL VACATION WIT}) US on world's long- Living room and dinette, kit- 2 BEDROOM modern, furnished eat beach, Clean, modern furnished chen and service room, 2 bed- with electric range, in heart of Selected knotty cedar panel- . cttages. Good beds. Reasonable rooms, unfinished attic. OVer city with over  acre of ground, ing v jointed .............. 12V€ $10 weekly rates. Write: Midbeach Cot- 2 acres. $7700, FHA approved, garage and shop, Excellent Ioca- FOR RENT USED APPLIANCES Surfaced lumber in all sizes l.ages, Ocean Park, Wash. Phone and quality in fir and cedar. 67616. G6-30---8-25 Terms. tion for family with children. AND FURNITURE Fir logs custom sawed. ............................. SECOND HOUSE EAST Price $5550. Some terms. 13-room apartment, unfurn- CARl) OF THANK OF SAEGER'S STORE • . • (shed, with bath. 1 washing machine $24.50 Wood $11.00 load delivered, Our Wood about 2 cords, or Wc wish to express (au" hes.rtfelt I Office space. gratitude for the symlmlhy, kindness On Arcadia Road FARMS 1 Beauty Parlor space. 1 washing machine $29.50 R.F.D. 3, Shelton, 2 miles East and assistanee, also the beautiful flor- For Sale Sign in Front Yard 40 ACRES 25 cleared, 3 acres 1 Spindry washer $69.50 Enitai al ofterings given us during the loss ' of Hillcrest on Arcadia oad of our loved on(:, E-ttn in strawberries, home is a 2 bed- Cameron Hotel z oil range $89,50 to the "sign," CO ltarr¥ Deyette and Family. room, modern. Located on good PHONE 513 1 rocker $29.50 COSELMAN MILL "PhOne ........ K/(Rlff"H'fi' ' , " o. _ blacktop road. Small barn, chick- 7-7-tfn en house. Also small house for 1 Daveno and chair $49.50 • Wc wish to e.xtend to Qtlr nlany f,'lcnds an,I neighbors and especially rental. Price $5500. Down $1000. 1 occasional chair $14.95 Phone 867-R-1 to the Allyn community, out" deep H O M E ? • • • I • thanks for the flowers and sympathies . 1 rocker $14,95 given us during Our recent bereave- 2 BEDROOM modern waterfl'ont APPLIANCES 1 incinerator $49.50 ,,,en, ,,f ,,,r beloved .on a,d hrother. Build It Yoursel/ home. 150 feet excellent beach, Mr. and Mrs. W, E. Morgan, Mrs. Shirley Anderson, no bank, stream year around, two FOR RENT z Vernois wood range, E L E C T R O L U X MOVED TO Mrs. Frances Tuten, 8 Lots In Olympic View cottages rented, chicken house, like new .................. $69.50 Gloria Morgan. fl-dditl0n rabbitry, smoke house, excellent Hilco Electric loor Sanders 1 refrigerator $79,50 .SALES, SERVICE, Your ()R-S Sli0W ad"£o?eT%h--o-/ Johnson Electric Floo¢ Polish- August 21 at Island Lake Grounds. Reasonable Price water system, fT,.lit trees, ideal 15-piece bedroom suite $99.50 SUPPLIES Shelton Rode,) Club. 7-28.--8-18 Reasonable Terms nursing home. Property owners ere ......................... N6Tlc; ................... Sewers Installed and desire good 2 bedroom home in Sterling Electnc portable hand OLSEN FURNITURE Sanders Free Pickup and Delivery On and after this date. July 28. Paid For. Shelton in exchange or down pay- 328 Cota Phone 102 1949, I will not e resl, onsiblo for Water to the Alley. mcnt. Reavy Duty Clark Electric Phone Shelton 650 any debts contracted by anyone other Floor Waxer. 7-28 1hart myself. * * • / LLOYD H. LEWIS. Inquire at 1419 Mason St. House Jacks v..v,...vv...-,.,.. LOOK FOLKS,' -MAE A DATE with yoarself and or Phone 58-M 12. Cota  Shelton your frie.nds for the Hurse Racos P-5-12-tfn JAS. B. TROVATO LAWTON LUMBER LOST AND FOUND MILb atShellon.IslandAugustLake 21.R°deoshowGrounds'starts 124 E. Grove St. 420 S. 1st Phone 56 , Jack Manley Many 10:if0 A,M. 7-28--8-18 i ,, Phone 908 days, 537R evenings 2-10-tfn FOUND: one Seabce outboard motor out [ , in Lake Iabella. Owner call 765R1. 7-15tfn closing I H7-28--8-11 ,vv,vvvv LOST: one set of false teelh in Sko- are now HOW WOULD YOU LIKE komlsh Valley. Reward. Write P.O. NICE FAT 1 ter's USED CARS Box .9. Sheltou. W=b WT- now, $11 ' ZIIHEO'S VALUES .................. -,- iJos'r-island Iale-vicinit: - i,a[e W O R M S ] cords, TO BUY Fo SALE: 1946 Chevrolet Fleetlnas- Golden Cocker. answers to "Goldie." FOR FISHING ends. ter 4-door sedan. One owner car. A Tag on collar has C. W. Ivey Hut A31y Quantity • • • ATTRACrIVE HOME on Bellevue real buy at the prme. Phone 759-J. 415. Return to Harold Johnson Is- A GOOD HOUSE, unlimited gravity water supply and 16 Ave., 4 rooms and bath; enclosed G6-9tfn land Lake. Reward. 7-28tfn Shelton Worm Ranch acres of land for $3000.00 . . . porch; hardwood floors, fireplace; FOR SALE: 1948 Chrysler cS"n'vr'tib]-. "F'-0"-ti-NND' Boat. Owner may have 1st & Harvard Arcadia attached garage; 60x120 ft. lot, 4500 miles. Priced for quick sale. same by paying for ad. Contact Postpaid Anywhere in U.S. hOl$ OR , . . A FINE HOMI. AT POTLATCH, bg floor plan-- fenced; cement walk in front: hen- Inquire 514 Dearborn. M 7-1-t-28 at.ear' 2,Stephens'Box 619,northBelfair.Shore .road, Star 3-10-tfn 2000 sq. ft., all heated by hot water system. In immacu" dy to school and stores. Reason- E--iI-NAN-6n--thl-t-rs.-Jpto 7-14-29 late condition . . . up for quick sacrifice at $6350 .... ably priced at $5800. 24 moths to pay at Bob Ervia Mo- tors, 633 South First Street Shelton, , OR , , . A'WATERFRONT HOME 5 minutes from town, Phone 673. ' 5-Stfn USED ' large frontage, automatic 0il heat, sweeping view, good HOOD CANAL FRONTAGE, 50 R-'TA-IT7-4-Y-II%Fh¥--V(i:i[b], 'i beach for $6000 .... feet Just north of Potlatch, includ- $725. By uwner. Phone 469W.c7.21.28, ins. tldelands; spring water piped -fiSig-XLg..--3-'-ieo)id[;'-JhTgp. OR . . . ONE OF THE BEST ESTABLISHED BUSI- to tract. $900, Model A Ford coupe in good con- dlth)n, $165, 1947 Klt-Kamp trailer, NESSES IN TOWN that should pay for itself In a year. * * * eaaonabie. Inqllre Frank's Service, 3 ACRES and 4-room house with , Newatzel. Star Route 2. For these and 0ther real down to earth values , . . Ask bath; garage attached; 52-foot 7-28 FOR SALE: 1941 Chevrolet 5-pasS- ']tll)" drilled well and electric pump; one coupe, radio and heater, good me- H L OLSTEAD AGENCY acre cleared, balance in pole tim- c_ranlcal shape, $275 down. also 1941 • * ber; some furniture. A real buy Mercury convertible 5-pass. coupe, at 116 No. 2nd Phone 30' at $5,000,00, Pershall's Service four miles south .... 7-28 a • • on Olympic Highway. COMBINATION WATERFRONT home and chicken rancb; 10 acres, REDUCe) PRIff00 BETTER FOR YOUR NEW HOME 4 acres cleared, orchard, somepole =" JULY timber, well, elec. pump, 300 gal. tank; large chicken house; 6-room TO B NOW A Corn p,-'ete " """ - 000000rvice modern home with 3 bedrooms; ouuumg fireplace, hardwood floor, picture windows; several hundred feet 1947 CHEV, SEDAN, radio, heater (black) ............ $1450.00 / OUR USED CAR PRICES highway and water frontage; only 1946 STUDEBAKER PICKUP, heater, overdrive, @ Choice Improved Lots four miles from Shelton, close to Looks and runs like new ................................ 890.00 pries grocery store. Price and terms on 1942 FORD / TON Pickup, Extra Good ................ 595,00 1946 Hudson .................. @ 2 and 3-bedroom Plans with inquiry, 1942.CHEV. SEDAN, good condition ........................ 850.00 2-door sdan. This ear very clean. Has new • * * 1941 PLYMOUTH CLUB COUPE, Radio & Heater, • tires. adio, heater, windshield washers. complete color planning six 30.FOOT LOTS on Angles(de, New motor just installed ................................ 695.00 @ F. H. A. Financing an cleared and on a corner, for 1939 CHRYSLER CLUB COUld, radio & heater.. 390.00 1941. Ford .......................... only $1500, one-third down; or will 1939 FORD TUDOR SEDAN, new motor ................ 465.00 2-door. New finish.'qfcatcr, good tLt.e.. N radio, • @ Competent Construction sell any two separately. 1936 FORD SEDA , new paint ...................... 235.00 • * * CHARCOAL BRIQUETS NOW AVAILABLE 1940 Olds .......................... Ki b Co ti CO NEARLY NEW attractive home F d Sle & 00-door seals. A ,et 1,,a00k one-owner car. Dick e urtz nstruc on s on Mt. View, 5 rooms, bath and Has Radio and IIeater. large utility room, automatic elec- Fitch or a s Service Plymouth ................ ANGLESIDE -- PHONE 899 tric tank, laundry trays; hard- FORMERLY AL HUERBY MOTORS 4-door sedan. Radio and I-Icatcr. Builders of Shelton's Finest Homes wood floors, plastered, fireplace, Venetian blinds; corner lot, fenced; Phone 16 5th and R.R. These Cars All Reconditioncd and eligible for G.I. or F.H.A, loan. Priced at $8650. • . . 1947 FORD LOGGING FULLY EQLqPPED cabinet shop HERE THEY ARE Coral)fete with bunks and cab Veteran's Opportunity - 100% G. I. Loan for $3700, on terms, road. 5-speed main transmission, • , . . transmission, heavy duty Clark rea* 8-ROOM HOME at Union over- 1949 COMlVANDEg LAND (RU'ISER SEDAN. t)n any home, price ranging between $5000 and $10,000, looking Hood Canal; large fire- Radio. Heater, 6,000 miles, perfect .... $521 Discount 1947 Dodge 3/4-Ton Pickup Montlfly payments average between $25 and $50. No down place; fruit trees, hrubs; corner 35 FORD COACH ............................................................ $175.00 A-1 Condition I,aymcnt, just $200 earnest money to G. I. OUt of that lot, New low price, $6500. 35 CHEV. COACH ............................................................ $200.00 • closing costs average about $75. Balance Is refunded when . . . M%DEL A cOUPE .................... deal is consummated. 47 EEP, Very Good ........... " ................................ $140.00 IMM'D{AT DLIVERf .................................... $825.00 New International Vz, aeS, and 1-Ton Wil Finance M. C. Zintheo M.C. ZINTHEO Anderson Motor Co. K I M B E L M 0 T Title hlsurance Building Phone 157 TRIo Insurance Bldg. Phone 157 ...... Phone 52- ............ 1st & Mill Shclton, Wash. Shelton, Wash. I , •