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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 28, 1949     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 28, 1949
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1949. No. 2006 Applicati(m of an individual, e g Highway 'ashington. with tile i: of oi a'. amend- a franchise to maintain a 2- r pipe line SLate County, of twenty- deals- the north- Highway of rotors of High- Highway Govern- side of ai)- Sta- Lot 2. NOTICE IS held on said on the 26th )'clock A.M.. g may this 'ORS RT OF THE FOR of May the said aims againlt serve them n'lonths after of this after and file Court uch service, this 8th the as- ,g, t-21-28 & 8-4---4t TO v. Estate of ceased. that appointed of of Hansine and that all the NO. 2105 NOTICE TO CItEDITOiIN 're FII.E CLAIMS TN THE S.UPEIHOR COURT OF THE STATE. ()F WASHINGTON FOI't MASON COUNTY IN i°ROBATE In the Matter of the Estate of Douglas'A. (]vaut, Deceased. NOTICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN, That Letters Testamentary on the Estate of Douglas A. Grout, deceased, were granted to the und,.vsigned, on the, 8tb day of July, 1949, by the said Superior Court. All persons having claims against said estate are required to serve them with tile necessary VouciltrS upon the at the Law Office of Alden C. Bayley Shelion, WasiLington, within ::i.x monlbs after the date of the first publication of this notice, to-wit, with- in mix months after tile 14th da; of July, 1949. and file the same with the clerk of this Court together with proof of such service, or lhcy shall be for- ever barred. Dated at Shelton, Wash., this 8th day 5f July, 1949. • BEATRICE M, GROUT, Executrix of the Last Will and Testament and Estate of Douglas A. Grout, (le- t:eased. ALDEN C. BAYLEY, Attorney for Executrix, Title Insurance Building, Shelton, Washington 7-14-21-28 --8-,t-- 41 NOTICE OF LEASING OF STATE LAND To All Whom It May Concern: Tiffs is to Certify, That the following des- cribed lands situated in Mason Coun- ty, Washington, will be offered for lease on Tuesday, 2nd day of August 1949 at ten o'clock a.m., in front of tle Court House of Mason County, at public auction to the highest b|dder for a term of five years or less in quantities not exceeding one section to any one person or company. Each bidder will be required to deposit a certified check, certificate of deposit payable to the County Auditor, or cash, equal in amount to the firet year's rental of such land in ac- cordance with his bid, 'together with $2.00, the statutory fee for issuing a lease. No improvements shall be placed on State Lands except by written per- mission of the Commissioner. No lessee shall without the written consent of the Commissioner remain in possession of the land or improve- meats after the expiration of the lease. Application No. 3184 The tide lands of the second class. owned by .the State of Washington, situate in front of, adjacent to or abutting upon the east 100 feet of the west 200 feet of lot 3, section 20, township 22 north, range 2 west, W M. with a frontage of 1.52 lineal chains: more or less• Term of Lease--Five (5) Years. Rental--S15.00 per year. NOTE: Lessee must be a citizen of the United States or have declared, in good faith, his intention to become such,--Chapter 50, Laws 1921, The above described lands will be leased, subject to all the terms con- ditions and reservations of tile statutes, now provided for the leasing of School and Granted lands. NOTE.--Receipts for deposits made with applications to lease may be used by applicant' only. am (.'ash on date of leasing. Witness my hand and seal of office affixed this £Sth day of June, 1949. JACK TAYLOR, Commissioner of Public Lands of the State of Washington. 6-30--7-7-14-28--5t NQb 2045 NOTICE OF NEARIN(-' FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON estate are Ill the Matter of the Estate of the same. Kathleen Young, Deceased, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that' George Young, Execut6r of the estate oI Kathlen Young, deceased, itas filed in the office of the Clerk of said Court his Final Report attd Peti- tion for Distribution, asking tile Court- to settle said report, distribute tile roperty to the persons ehereto en- tledr ahd t.i(h.:rge said Execu- tor, and that said report and peti- tion will be heard on the 26th day ar of August 1949, at 10 A,M., tit the of court room of the Probate Depart- 28, 1949, ment of said Ckmrt, at widch time and filed and place any person interested in said 'estate may appear and file ob- SISsoN, jections thereto anti contest the same. Dated this 28th day of July, 1949. HARRY DEYETTE, Clerk of said Court. ALDEN C. BAYLEY. Attorney for Executor. Title Insurance Building, Shelton, Washington• " 7-28--8-4-11-18--4t. In- General Board USed in classi- of man: and Second 10-3 tfn -aepailIng nka and Plumber, Shelton 12-9tfn. NoTIcE NO. 2001 OF HEARING ON FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PIM)BATE In the matter of the Estate of Clyde I,'., Brown, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Myrtle Amelia Brown, Executrix of the Last Will and Testament of the estate of Clyde E. Brown, De- ceased, has filed with the Clerk of the above entitled court her Final Report and Petltloa for Dlstrlbu- 'ties, asking the court to settle and approve the, same,, distribute the Diroperty to the persons thereto en- tled and to discharge tile said Exe- cutrix, .OTI,CE S FURTHER GIVEN that said Final Report and Petition for Distribution will be hazard at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon. on Saturday, the 20th day of August, 1949. in tire Court Room in the tC2unty Itouse in Shelton, War, hind- Dated this 15th day of JUly 1949, HARRY DEYETTE,' County Clerk CHAS. R. LEWIS Attorney for sai Estate Bell Building, 119 South Fourth St. Shelton, Mason County. Washington 7-21-28---8-4-11--4t, NOTICg OF SALE OF SCHOOL PROPERTY v • 'N6tlce Is hereby given that tlle Eldon School Property state of Wash- ington tract 3, township 24 north, range WWM, will be placed for sale at )ublic auction September 10 at 2 p.m. on the Eldon School grounds Ma- son County• We reserve the right to refuse any and all bids, Tide lands are included• BY ORDER OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS. FR.ANCE B. RADTKE. Clerk Mason County School District No. 312. Hoodaport, Wash. 7-21-28--8-4--31. t ELECTRICAL' SERVICE QUALITY WIRING L'RAIG p. ELIOT LICENSED and BONDED - Electrical - Contractor Bldg. - g St, - Mountain View 158 Shelton Phone 788 Muimal Automobile Insurance Coverage On Cars as 01d am Per Qualified Applicant/ for Policy Holders Now Available at ERVIN MOTORS lrtt ;treet Phone 673 NOTICE OF SALE OF STATE TIDE LANDS • NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That on Tuesday, the 2nd day of AUgust, 1949, commencing at ten o'clock in ths forenomt of said day, in front of the main entrance door to the (:e)unty Court House in the city of Shelton, emmty of Mason, State of Washing: ton. by the Count.'," Auditor of sam county the following" dt.;crlbed state tide lands, togetlLer with the improve- meats situated thereon, will he sold at public auction to the lLighest bid- (let' therefor, to.wit: NOTW.:--No one excepl eltizens of the Uniled States, or persons who have declared their Intention to be. conLc SXI('iL, can purchase state lands. Application No. 11863 The tide lands of the second class, owned by the State of Washington, situate in front of, adjacent to or abutting upon the east 225 feet of the west 870 feet of lot 1, section 18, township 22 north, range 2 west, W. M., with a frontage of 3,58 lineal chains, more or less, appraised at $60.00 per lineal chain, or $214.80. Application No. 11861 TILe tide lands of the second ('lass, owned by the State of Washington, situate in front of, adjacent to or abutting upon the west 50 feet of the east 250 feet of lot 1, section 18, township 22 north, range 2 west, W, M.. with a frontage of [}.80 lineal chain, more or less, appraised at $60.00 per lineal chain, or $48.00. Application No. 11831 The tide lands of the second class. owned by the State of Washington, situate in front of, a4jacent'to or abutting upon that portion of the north hal of lot 9, section 26, town- ship 22 riorth, range 3 west. W.M., lying south of tile north 158.65 feet of said lot, with a frontage of 7.93 iineat chains, more or lens, appraised a $50.00 per lineal cilain, or $396.50. Application No. 118 That portion of the tide lands of the second class, owned b" the State cf Washington, In front el lot 1, sec- tion 20, township 22 north, range 1 west, W.M., lying westerly of a tract of oyster lands conveyed by the. State of Washington through deed issued to Josepn l)er November 13, 1900, un- der application No. 3057, southerly oI the uorth line of said section 20 produced and northerly of the south line of lot 9, Block 15 of the Town of Allyn produced to an intersection with the westerly line of said oyster tract, with a frontage of 11.5 lineal chains, lucre or less appraised at $30.00 per lineal chain," or $845.00. Application No. llgl .. The tide lands of the secona class, owned by the State of Washington, situate in front of. adjacent to or abutting upon tile north half of lot 3, section 18, township 21 north/ range 2 west, W.M., with a frontage of 12.62 lineal chains, moi'c or les, ap- praised at $30,00 pet' lineal chain, or $[78.60. Application No. 11812 The tide lands of the second class. owned by the State of Washington, situate in front of, adjacent to m' abutting upon that portton of lot 2. cctioh 17, township 22 north, range 2 west, W.M,, lying east of the west 214 feet and west of the east 945 leet of said lot, with a fro9tage of '2.5 lineal chains, more or lens, ap- laised at $60.00 per lineal chain, o $153.60. Application NG. 11811 Tile tide lands of the second class, cwned by the State of Washington, situate in front of, adjacent to" or abuttmg upon that portion of lot 3, bcctlon 17, township 22 north, range 2 west, W,M,, lying east of the west 680,65 feet and west, of the east 310 feet of said lot with a frontage el 6.11 lineal chains, nmre or less, ap- ?;2 at $60.00 per lineal chaia, or Application No. 11795 The tide lands of the 'econd clas owned by the State of Washington situate in front of, adjacent to or abutting upon the east 875 feet of lot 1, section 23, townkhip 20 north, range 3 was b W.M., with a frontage of 15.45 lineal chains, more or less, ap- praised at $$0.00 per lineal chain, or $772.50. Except, however, any of the above described tide lands which may be in- cluded in an oyer tract deeded by the State of WaMflngton to Andrew Gett July 19, 1904 under application No. 958 and an oyster tract deeded by tile State of Washington to Jonas Erlckson April 12, 1898 under applica- tion No. 2702. Application No. 11881 The tide lands of the second class, owned by the State of Washington, situate in front of, adiaoent o or abutting upon that portion of lot 2, s(.ction 23. township 20 north, range 3 went, W,M., described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the east line of sam lot 2, With the meander line and funning thence N 86  W 4,05 chains, more or less, to an angle point in said meander line and N 49 ° W 1.12 chains to the true point of beginning ol this description, thence N 49 ° W 0.87 chains more or less to an Intersection with a line which Is parallel to and 365.S feet west of the east line of said lot 2, with a front, age 0t 6,$7 Hneal chela, more or less. appraised at $50,00 per lieal chain, or $1.50. Excepting,. lmweyer: any of the above [ described fide tunas, tt any, which may I be included In an oyster tract deeded I by the State 9f .Wa_ngton to An-I arew etty,u]y l, lt4, under appll- [ catlbn o. ;as. [ Application No. 11892 J The tld lands of the set,had class, I owned by me •State of Washington] situate m trent o, adjacent to o l abutting uponthe west 100 feet ot tim l east 80 feet•p-tot 2. settles 17, town- / ship 22 nor m . raage 2 west, W.M,, I wltll u frontage ot 1.5 llaeaL chaises, I mote or less, apaised at $0.00 per[ lineal cl|n, or 1.2. ' I ppllcation No. 11896 , [ The tide lands of the second cta, ! owned V mc State o Washington / siluate in front, of, adjacent to ore abutting, upon the south 160 feet of the north ll40^feet of lot 2, section 26, towhip - nol, th, range 3 west, W.M,, with a ron.tage of 2.56 lineal chainS, more or .less. appraised at $60.00 per Ilno. chain, 9r $153.60, Sald .anaa 9e sad for not lem than the'ePP.rats value above stated and upon me termsand conditions following :. Not less than one-tenth o the nur- chase pre must be Paid at the time of sale, Trio l?urcnaser, if he be viol the owner o tne Improvements, 'm_s.I, t forthwithpay, to the officer maktng the sale ul amount of .the ap- praises valUeot the ImproVements, as above states. )neTtenth of the purehase lice' nLUSL Dr? ptlU annual|.v lth interest onall deferred paymests at the rateiot .x per cecum leer an- sum : lro¥ o e., "mat any purchaser may make ul payment of principal Interest anu. statutory fees at a -" time an.a obtai.n, deed, The "nureha'" of lane contammg timber o/'--o[ht' valuable materials is prohibited by law from cuttl?g tor. removing any such timber or a .rials without first ob- taining consent of the Commissioner of Public anos, until the full .am- ount 9 Pfl[cnase price has been paid ann aeea issued. All sales of state lan& . ^ subject to the reservations--of "os gases, coal ores. minerals and ¢oon of every name, kind and d-scrfi/'lfi aud to the a ddltio.nal terms and condi" tion prescrtoea m section 3 of chap- ter 2S6 .of ,he of 1907. Said lane w.[. be aol.d subject to the terms, corn taChS and reservatlons of cha ter z. ot the Session Laws of 19, relating to easemnt for rtgtit:ot-waY ann the t*arrvin " oi' timber, stone, nunerals and ohm:'n.X: ducts over the same. - .......... " JACK TAYLOR Commissioner of Public Lands, 6-30"--7-7-14-21.28_5t, CALl, FR BIDS ON HATCHERY AND FACILITIE Bids wit! be received by the State ]epartment o[ r'snemes, 130 Smith ,ToWer, _.2}attle 4, _ Wash, until 3 o'el0ck gen,er,  ,,$,,.a, aa etactrical word O, ,, ,,,o,son tata__.. almon^ " Htehery near Matlock Wnh,..-.- posit O! tenty-tlve, agilare ($25.00). Addre /o_mntumcatlons to J C Clausen, uameer. " " AKVIN AND].RSON Director, State Department o Fiaherla .... 7--. About one-tenth of----- th whole human family indulge in hewing the betel nut. NO 52 [ COUNTY COMMISSIONER,' t Mainl,. & Op: $8.15: Ctunty T Re- SUMMONS FOK PUBI, I(_'AT_IO_N _ [ P|gOCEI,'DIN(;S [ fund,. $5.1, " ' IN THE SUPFRIOR CouRT Olt' TltE - 191) (')¢leed tl t  rl ' Vt   , 0.,, .... " •l June, . i t : ...  ..... ,I .. w:a'd v ,- STATE ()IV WAStlINGfON 1,'(.)it [ -: ........ ] er (.c)l•n, fl,r oil distribut.r I), tee- MASON Co4JNTY. . ....... | Monday, Jahv 6th. Board net in l.ecpte at $2103.0i). Jeaneite Darlene Streams, t latnlllt, [ regular session• Present. Chairman[ Notice fr,:nn State Lloum' l'hmrd ,,f THE Sq'ATE OF WAStIIN(VJ'ON o / Heaving on plat of J. 1t. Itill's Ms- I Mat/ock, t,, (,;eden S. Ilunhy aim the s'tld Rohcrt V. Strcams, l)eIenu- ] sl)n Lakv Plat l),stl)ontqi ulltil •lulD! [ (]llFt'ltt't' L. tvtill¢,atl :!t :4;lii1" ])]¢1,''• tint; " 2(l[h at ]0 A. 1, I lt'l'llliS,:ittU ,l•:tlll'(I i( liar.hi 1,• YOU are hereby sumnLoned to ap- F,"y receipts of $77.0(I deimsitod Keith il, buihi aa :tPl)rt,ach t, t',. peat' within 60 days after the date ell in t,',asu,'y. Rd. the first publication of this summons, Ih,nd of Alfred W, Zizz guarantee-' M,,eting v.ntinuetl. to-wit: withiu 60 days after the 16ih int bur:ling sod disp,sing of slasil mt Monday, May 9th, i:.ard u.,t• Ale day of June, 1949, and defend 1he plt of Zlzz Itcaui Island r,'ceivml and i members pru,:t.nt. above entitled action in the ahove entitled court and answer the alnend- ed complaint of the Plaintiff an(l serve : a copy of your answer upon the un- dersigned attorney for Plaintiff at his office below stated and iu cas: of your faihu'e so to do Judgment wl I be rendered age nat you accord- ing to tile demands of the amended complaint which ILas been filed witia: the Clerk of the said court. 2'he ob- ject of this action Is to secure a di- vorce by Plaintiff from you as De- fendant upon the grounds el: non- support, desertion and abandonmenl and for restoration of Plaintiff's maid- en name, CHAS. R, LEWIS Attorney for Plaintiff Bell Building, 119 South Fourth Street, Shelton, Mason County, Washington, 6-16-23-30--7-7-14-21-28--7t. RAIN IS BLESSING FOR FARMS iN SHELTON VALLEY THIS WEEK al)l)roved. P,tition f George S, Pascillo, et all [ferry t','('('ipts of $56,75 ('I-sitt'(I irl [ reas It 1'3', fro' establislnnent of UI t, ltv thmd in : S,,('ti.ns 16 au(l 17-20-t reveivt,iI and i [)auct Imrmi', issued Io 3lhil KniCk- En II'e' directed to oxftfll[ne alld rt,- ol'l)ot'kOl' :It li'()l'('S| th'ittql 'l';l'I'l'll IIItl[[ port. , t)(,tolu,l' 31st, :\\;ilditdt's ('-unt .f Tl'l,astll'Ol"s cash I)anee pern)it i:z';i .h, D. ?,7, "..,.ok- , ai)l)l.ovo [ 1'€)1' illttnths of Mal'ch lsi :tlld luan, Bohbt Itood 'lavern, I()l' l)erh'd:Al)ri I lat, onding Oct, I, fee of i:,i,uu tt,'l sned in tFe:tsul'y. Hearing held oil Olllel'gcncy ;lllt)ro - ; i)rhttion and r(,sohltioll slgll('d RHtllt- ColnHlunicat iolt frt)nt Masoll Co. lllg" sallle, Medical St!rvice Cori). advising an in- ! Claims allowod as follows: Cur, Ex. t:r'(ms( in uledical rate fl')lll $:t.5 to lTvust,I $|00:00; (TUF. EX, $2,$7,01; l'ut" $,f•00 per ntouth effective Aug. 1, I iic Assistance, $174,26: l'U|di(' lh,alth Iwtter:; fron State I)ept. Of Hig'h"i Ihml, $]8.75; Co. H.d. $:t207,11. ways received aud filed, I Following ai)lflit:ati.ns suhmil.d hy Countel' )etiti,,n t(, esiahlisbnmu| td I Liquor ('ontrol Board ltp iI'o%'l.d: A, t!i. he'd dtstri('t n Set )ns R 17 nl 18-  l.emke ; stophon E. lb'h' 20-6 re,'eived and filed w'ith ,,viginul Bids (,IJened In1 lup:ttt' (ff c.urt ,,u::;e I)etition. t I rottf' Its follows: Western • Au|o' Sup- Petition of Lud Andersen .t al for i ply Co,, Olylnpia. $991•00; second pro- va(ation ,if Canal St. ext(,a(ling' fl'oltll pOSlM. $826.00; Puget oun(| !.t#t,.iItg Abler Si. to extreme hig'l tide, l)lat] & Siding Co.. Brernevtou, $997.9|). Bid ,,1' Uni,,n City received, lqngr, t( I!x- of Pug't Sotlad Ih,(l lg (A, a,',:el:)ted aluine and report. ' IL.mlttance frfol t)'. S. Post Offh.e lesolutlon |'r(,nl Hood Canal Gar(len i Dep|. of $30.00' to cover |•erl'y fare +)|' Club I'O polhltiou control in tided t?anal referred to Health Del)t, i nmtl carrier dep(,sited ill treasury. , t{('st)ltlt it)ll froln l,JVtl'gl ee 11 (,al'dt,l| Resolutiou re CRP N(). 127 Mgnod. I Cluh, 13elfair. and IIood Canffl Im- letttion of Signs Schultz et al l'or t provement Chth re pollution (1 • wa- vaeathm of part of Sc.ll(lltz A(Id• filed , Io1' (}f Hood Callltl, I'efcrred to Health and hearing set i'll' Jtlno 271h. Department. i Cheek ill payment t[ daelnges to light post at 4th & .4 d,'e received aud c, ndorscd to Sheltoo Eb,(.trtc Co: in payment of repair bill, Meeting eontiuued. Monday. May 161h. t,al'(I mot. All prosent. Ferry receipts for week ending May 14th were $I14.|), del.),fited ill treas- ury to (redlt of Count/ l:h)ad fund, l-learing -n I)rOl)osed plat of W. S. NaM) Addition to Mountain View, Na))le , lll.)])rl)vod. Permit io cross Laurel St. it) Moun- tain View Add. with wah.r pipe line grpnted to W• S, Nasb. Mlnlltes for Illqntil cd' April rcad ll(i approvod as read• Meeting continued, Monday, May 23rd. Board met. All l)resent, • NO. 1825 NOTICE OF ShLE OF REAL PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE In the Matter o!' tie Estate ,d' George Henry Wiley, Deceased. NOTICE IS HERO, BY GIVEN that George Wiley. Adniinistrator of the estate of George Henry Wiley, will, on or after the 151h day of August, 199., oh'er for sale and sell all the right, title, claim, equity and inter- eat of the said Deceased and the said estate in ,and to Lots 1 and 2, Block 4, Beve 'ly Heights Addition to Shel- ton Washington, all bids shall be ill wr ring, may be left at the law of. rice of Chas. R. Lewis, Bell Build- ing, Shelten, Washington. delivered personally to the said Administrator or filed in the Clerk's office of the above enttled court at any time after the first publication of this notice and before the e making of tile sale, all bids shall b.. accompanied by 20G of the amount bid and tile Administra- tor' reserves tile right to reject any Meeting coutinued. Tuesduy, JtliLt 7th. lloard nwt. All present• After discussion and advice of Pr.s. Atty. Heuston regarding distribution of Forest Reserve ap[)ropl'iati¢}n. DIO- tirol carried tha resolutbm da|ed Apr..1, 1949 be rescinded. Clahns allowed as folh)ws: Cur. Exp. $8491.75; Public Assistance, $3470.71; Pui)li Health Pooling. $552,80: TB Itosp. $1652,35; C.. Rd., $12811,8q; Fire Prt, Dist. N(, 1, $I19.25. R,,soluiion Ordering hearing ll eltl o ergency approlu'iation f,)r County Su- perintendeut for dune 20th at II A.M. signed. Meetlng continued, Wednesday, June 8ih. Board met. All present. By Signs A. Kneehmd The vain is a blessing for Lhirs- ty pastures and h0 put out fires btl'u llOt St) 'O0(I for Work on the • l-I! t)uildings being put up in l Lqelt.(m Valley. The btil(ling must be ready for use by August 22. .MI'. :lltd MI's. A. Haclerd".; d:mghLer, Mrs. liL W. Amos. of ()Zitl'|;, Ark., who has boon spend- ing a week with her l)armt at l,'cho ranch, left for home Mt)ndny. Her 'dater, Mrs. l'. J. Van Bus- kirk, of Eatonville and her chil- (:h'en Paul, Jr,, H.oy, Harry anti Sharon, spent Monday to %Vc(I- nesday at Echo ranch visiting sis- ter and parents. Harry spent tie rest of the week with grandpar- ents. Mrs. Charles Kneeland called on Airs. Joe I(neeland and her sister- in-law, Mrs. Wayne Glover Friday aftcrnoon. Mr. and Mrs, Alpheus Kneehmd called at the Highlands Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Robinson and Mr. Robinson's sister, Mrs. Clara Huntley, spent Wednesday evening with the Highland folks. :1: 0 * Mrs. Chtra Ulin of Port Ange- les and her daugMers Zella and Dorthea and grandson David came to see the new baby of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kneeland. Mrs, Ulin is Mrs. Kneeland's mother. This is the first time she has been down to see her daughter and son-in- htw. It used to make her car-sick to ride in a ear. Owing to a pill oIle can take now, car sickness no longer effects hal' and last week she took a ride in her son's airplane, also foe the first time. Mr, and Mrs. Victor Ulin of Fork: stopped at his sister's way home from Seattle. Ilia sis- tar is Mrs. Joc Kneeland. Mr. and Mra. George Kncehtnd i)rotL'.,;ht their little daughter to Mr. Kneeland's mother, Signe Kneeland, for her lo take care m willie they are vacationing in Sun Valley, Idaho. The ladle..; of ttie commttnity si:)ent a pleasant afternoon at Echo raach last Wednesday. They met tie :Hackerd datwbters, one ft'om Ozark, Ark., and the other fi'olll Eatonviile. Potluck lunch at noon wts served to 16. :Master Sergeant and Mrs. James Cunningham and children Willeen, Kenny and Neale , were dinner gueqts of the Slater family on Sunday. The Young People's Dance Club heM its first dance in Shelton Valley at the Grange hall. Mr, and Mrs. Warren and the master of Grnnge 403 and his wife were there representing the grange, Joe Kneeland attended t h e monthly meeting of the hospital board, He represents Local 3-38 of I.W,A. - C.I.O, Signe Kneeland stopped in last Wednesday wlaile in town at the homo of C. V. DeRosier and Coff- man. LURKING EARWIG CAN BE STOPPED BY USING DDT The eager earwig, Waslington' perennial hitch-hiking pest, will soon be lurking around doorways again, waiting' for a ride inside, h'ene M. Piedalue, associate ex- tension agent, warns Mason cotm- ty homemakers. The winged brown bug with the and all bids. Dated this 18th day of July, 1949, GEORGE WILEY, Administrator of the estate of George Henry Wiley, Decoascd, CHAS. R. LEWIS, Attorney for Administrator, Bell Building 119 South Fourth St. Shelton, Ma.)'n County, Washington. 7--21-28--84-11--4t State of Washingte- OFFICE OF SUPERVISOR O!,' I! YDRAULICS Olympia NOTICE OF WATER RIGHT APPLICATION SOS. 8878 an d 8879 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice i:; hereby given that M. M, GRIFFEY of Allyn, State of Wash- ington under date of July ], 19,19, flied with the State Supervisor oi Hydraulics, Olympia, Washington two applications for permits to divert the public waters. Application No. 8878 to divert waters of an unnamed spring tributary of Cases Inlet, in the amount of 0.10 second-foot, sub- ject to existing rigilts, continuously, each year for the purpose of i'isn propagat. Ion that the approxinmte point of diversion is located within Block 12 of Town of Allyn in Section 20, Township 22 N,, Range 1 W.W.M,; and Application No, 8879 to divert waters of an unnamed stream tri- butary of Coulter Creek, In the ant- ount of 0.2 second-foot, subject to existing rights, continuously each year for the purpose of fish prop- agatlon; that the approxhnete point of diversion is located within the N& of S/., of SE% of NWh of Section 9. Township 22 N.. Range 1 W.W,M., both applications Ii(.lng within Mason County. A map .showing the Ideations and, plans of said dh'erslons and the places file in of the prop(,sed rises IS on the office of the State Suvervisor of Hydraulics, Olympia, Wshinton, to-] gether with such other infornmtion ' as is required by law. Any person, firnl or corporation : whose right will be injuriously af-' fected by said applications may file, with the State Supervisor of Hydrau- lics, at Olympia. Washington, such objections or representations, in writ- ing, as he may desire to make, with- In thirty |30) days sfter date of last publication, whicir date iv August 4, 1949. Witness my hand and official seal thts 12th day of July, A.D 1,949. (SEAL) CHAS. J. BARTHOLET, State Supervisor o€ Hydraulics. 7-28--8-4--2t. NO. 5390 SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND loOR THE COUNTY OF MASON . The Federal Land Bank of SI)- kane. a corporation, Plaintiff, Jozef ata-'-- --VS-- Z.o,o,'as administrator of the Estate of Albert Charles Van Buren, deceued; Fred Bagby; The Unknown Heirs of Albert Charles Van Bares, also known as Joseph Van Buren, deceased; Also all other per- sons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest In the real estate dscribed in the Complaint herein; and the Trt-Coun- ty National Farm Loan Assoclathm. a corpqration, Defendants, THE STATE OF WASHINGTON TO: The Unknown Heirs of Albert Charles Van Buren, also known as Joseph Van Buren, deceased: and Also all other persons or parties un- known clahntng any right, title, es- tate, lien or Interest in the real es- tate described In the Complaint here. in, defendants, You, and, each fff yol, are hereby summoned to appear within sixty days after the date. of the first publication of this sumnmns, to-wit: within six- ty days after the 28th day of July, 1949. and defend the above entitled action in the above entitled court and answer the cbmplatnt of plaintiff and serve a copy of your answer upon the undersigned attorney for plain- tiff at his office herelnbelow stated: attd in case pf your failure so to do. ludgment will be entered against you according to the demands of tbe conlplalnt, whtch has been filed with the clerk of said court, The object of said action Is to fore- close a mortgage for the sum of $500.00, dated July 14, 1926, made, executed and delh'ered bY Joseph Van Buren. who is the same as and who acquired title as Albert Charles Van Bi/ren, a widower, to The Federal Ind Bank of Spokane, which mort- gage is recorded In the office of the Auditor of Mason County, Washing- on, in Book 37 of Mortgages, page 76. The further object of said action is to secure a sale of the property de- scr4bed in said mortgage and .herein- after described in satisfaction of the amounts due on said mortgage, to- gether with abstracting charges. The further object of said action Is to foreclose and bar the rights of the defendants and each of them, and all persons claiming by, through or under them in and to the property described Pn plaintiff's mlortgage or any part thereof. ' ' ' The real property described in said mortgag and to be sold in satisfac- tion of any decree entered in tiffs cause is as follows, to-wit: TILe North 10 acres of Tract 47, Concord Beaoh Addition to Mason County, W, ashngton, according to the recorded plat thereof in the of- fice of th Auditor for tld County and Statel Volume 2 of Plats. page 38: Discussion with Sheriff Roessel and Pros. Arty Heuston re ordinance on fire works. Arty Ileust-n quoled st;l- tute re fireworks ond advised that of dinan,:e passed iu 1948 Was adequate and (.overed all i),ints in qestion. Conferen(,c with Viucen[ tO.HI, Co. Assessor, i'egarding asNeNSIllcnts, M()nthiy report of Ircnc M. Piods- lue, Assoc. Co. Agent, for IlloIIth of May approved, Monday, June 13tit. Board nlet. All present. Ferry roceil)ts for wech wove ,$88.50. d('l)oslted in-treasury. Permission granted Mrs. Ivor Wof caster to continue dancing at Delight Resorf until 2 P.M. during Daylight Say, Ttnw. Application of Peninsula Light Co. for fran('hise in Sec, 9-22-1 received and date of hearing set f.r July 18th at 10 A,M. Letter from ttood Canal Impr. Club read and referred to Mitchell. Application of Laurem:e E. Adair. Alderbrook Centor Gro(.'. for Clatss E litease approved. Potition of Lud Anderson et al for vacation of portion of Canal St, in Union City received and refereed t,o Engineer A. L. Ward and Roy Mit- ciu,ll and hearing set for July 7th at 2 P.M, Permit granted to H. [t. Lec to con- struct at)preach to Co. Road f.r I.g- giug purposes in Sec, 26-22-3. Resolution re C¢), Road Pro jeer No, C-128 signed. Resolution re Co, Road Project No. C-129 signed. Claims allowed as follows: Public Assist., $186.58; Co. Rd, $3753.08. Petition for illeorporation of town of Independence presented, Tom Knee- land. O. L, Dunning. Russell Eekh)ff and I'.'lt Pa.rr beillg the i)l•in('ipal |)('ti- ti.qrs. No further action take .n sonic. Monday, June 20tl. Board met. present. ttearing on plat of J. H. Hill's Ma- son Lake Subdivision No. 1 and Sallk I approved. Quit Clainl Deed covering Lot 9. lo(.k 30, Lilliwaup Falls, exevuted to State Highway Dopartment. Resolution Granting Emergency Ap- propt:iation $250.00 for County .Supt. signed. Claims appi'ovod aa f,)llows:' Cur. EXl). $828.70; Pub, Health Pool, $25,04; Co. Rd., $889,13; Fire Pret. Dist. No. I, $62.83. Resolution re Co. Road Project 2qo. C-130 signed. Monthly report of A. Kvuiswyk, Jr., Co. Agent for month (,f March approved. Class E and Class EF Ih'enses ap- ir,,ved for Chas. R, Stewart and arry F. Parker. This being time set for bearing on establishment ,f herd district in Sections 7, 17 and 18. 20-6. a lsrge delegation appearing and opportun- ity given for all persons present to express their oplnions. Couunr. Carr continued hearlng until August 8tb at 2 P.M. Petition from residents of Lilllwaup Precinct requesting appointment of a Justice of the Peace for Lilliwaup Precinct. No action taken• Ordered that transportation of c er mile be made to Special Dcputy heriffs who bring in prisoners in their own cars. Monday June 27th. Board met All present. Ferry receipts for week were $79.00. Deposited in treasury to credit of County Road fund. Order of vacation of portion of Schultz Addition signed. .R.H. Saeger and C. L, Wivetl aP- p6aYed presenti proposed ordinance regarding, self operating gasoline dis- pensers. No action taken This being time set for hearing on proposed Health Ordinance pertaining to food handling and ,no pro'sons ap- pearing to object, motion carried that same be adopted and to tie enforced as of January I, 1950, Regarding mileage paid to permms using prh, ate car for county use. it was ordered that mileage rate be ftxed at 8c pet. mile effeciive June 8th. ,Meeting adjourned until Monday. July 5th at lb A.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON hy LYLE O'DELL. Chairman COUNTY COMMIgSIONE :-'lt' PROCEEDINGS May, 1949 Monday. May 2nd, Board met. in regntar session./Present, Lyle O'Dcll, Chairman. Roy Mitchell and Roy Carr members and Susie E, Pauley, Cier of the Board, Certified copy of Ordinance No. 5{)0 pertaining to vacation of alley run- nln northerly and southerly through Block B in Kneeland's Add. to SILelton received and placed on file. Petition for road to he known am Elfendahl Pass Road acconhuanted hv bond and waivers presente(f to Boarl hy Gerald L, Allen. Engineer t,, ex- annne aud file reporL on same. Resolution re County Road Project No, C-126 signed. C. Nolan Mason of Shelt(m-Bell Abst & Title Co. appeared p 'esenting preliminary plat [)I' W. S. Nash Add. to Mountain View• Date of hearin set for May 16th at i0 A.M. Notlce of transSr of DE license frmn Vlrglnia C. Howard, Forest Beach Tavern to John V. Knicker- bocker red. from State Liquor Board for app,'oval which was granted. Ferry receipts for week were $59.00 deposited in treasury to credit of County Road fund. This being thne set for opening bids Together wlth any and all tene- on equlpment, /blds were opened of meat, heredltaments a.d appurte- following; firms: Feenaughty Machin- nance thereunto belonging or used ery Co.; Howard Cooper Corp.: AI in connection therewith; Huerby Motors, Mall Chevrolet Co.; \\; All slttated in Mason Cotinty, Stoehr & Richert; Thos. Stalgo Co. State of Washington. Ordered that lw bid of AI Hucrby HENRY R. NEWTON, Motors on Ford pickup at $1298.50 I)'e Attorne7 t0r Plqtntiff ' accepted Ordered that bid bc award- stF?::riCewldcdres: ' .... led to Howard Cooper Corpn." at $2,- - - . _! en . Ulluing. 494.00 on pull grader. Btd. on oil dis- pogane, wa.$Dlnton. I tribxltor to be awarded on Wednes- ........ { Tuesday, May 3rd. Board met, All It's time to trade your snow. I present, h,,,., €^,. a n ;. ....... • ....... I Clsi were allowed as follows' Cur 4- ----- -- ---- • •   - ,. • P. & 11 " /funiic ASSiSt $13U3 6' utrougu a ournal wan t-ao. JU/NPulHealt' o.t n. ',v =.' phone-100,. " i --$210705vou/,:/y'ro:'-dd'.'ii4''.k'.. "ltr: tlearing on A, W. Zizz Subdivision pl:tee in Shelton Valley on their tl|' t'ea('tl Island |mstp n,'d until Mv-y .................................................................... 31st at 10 A,M. Preliminary plat (,f I-l. J, ttills [ub- division No. 1 of Mas)n Lake pr,,- seated. Yh,aring sot far June 6th at 10 A.M. slid End[Ileal' instz'u('ted t v.xallline and I•eport, icport of Andrew Kruiswyk, Jr., Co. /(gent. apprcved for l, vovtmry. Cotlaty Road fuud elainls approved in antount of $520.53. Petitiml presented by tiarold Lv- Gard0 et UX et at for eslablishnleo| |' Ilerd (listriet in S,,cthms 7. 17. 1. T,wnshtp 20 North, Rang,. 6 West W. M. Pet tlOll accl'pte(I atl(i date ()e ht';ll'" ing set for June 20th al 2 P.M, i:¢.esoluli(m disirii)uting May all-t- Illent t)i' War Li{|Llf)r tax iu tlllt)ullt of $3372.93 slgacd, lA?sohltion adopted re daylight ::av- ins lirne for monLlt ,,f June, July and August, 1949, l)atwe license isstled t,) [vor \\;V,,:'- castor to etuduct public dIIICt!S ;lt Delight Park 14e:ert t',w six n)onths at fee of $12,50. Dariee perlllit issued to Estella I:, Vlhaites for period ending Oct. 31, M(idtftcatioo of re'eel:el) h, i)l!rlnit covering buihlings . No. 86. 91, ll(i signed and returned t. Dist. Publiv Weeks Office, sehttle. Ratlficati(m and Joiu(tev AF('ellt,'llt cov(!l'ing land in Sec:, ,I and i7-22-1 Imtween Standard Oil C,). and M:ISOl) (tlnt v executed. Meeting continued. Tuesday, May 31st, Bot'd met, All llll'lllll*t1'S ] ir!st!ltt, Irovvy r(c(,ipts of $7,1,75 (h,positod itt i I'easul'y, }te;lrillg h,dd .n plat of Stlhdivisilll (ff A. W. Zizz (if a Imrtu)n ,if lh'a('it 1Mund. plntt a(.eopt!:t aud bOlld filed (ovcriog disposal of shsit, i)tUlCC li(''llSl! gl'all| e(l I€) Shlq toll AhlIlll)i A ', Nn, t Claitns agaiast i-'lit)liv Assistance fund in tum)unt of $2390.,tF6 al)i)roved. l£(,solutil)/l designatiug l'otttis inehul- cd in C,,unty Pviulary Road S3uLem signed. t'!rlnit |.,.l'anted to i;L ZeiL]el' L¢, lieS[ traffiv :dgn in Mt, View Add. L-it(,rs vend and fiio(I, (A,ntt'a't for ¢)l)orltt ion and l/laio- teltlnce )f (')u:'t l'l¢ll:.e !IOVLttOF I'e- ('OIvi!d I'l'Olll ()|is ll,V/llll' Co, Siglli'd und rqtlt'ned for al)i)l'()va[, Rodraft ,)f li(''n'.' with NAAS ])r)l)- el'tit!: exe(!tl|lq| llld I'(?t(ll'IIod ['(H' ('(lll- pleli'oll tht'otlgh Pr,,s, Atty, I]eust(u. ()l'¢ll!Ftd that notice ,ff I h('arirlg ()1 or'dlllalt¢!e l)erlail)illg t(I fo(I }ttttltllin }n' s('t l't)r ,]tilt(' 27th aL 2 [).M. Appli(:ation l't J I' (ill nl;' lictntsos bY lZ,nnel i (;illls t,, v.nthlct 1,ubll'(" thames ai Unit)ll fIl' tin'ee llltnths slid foe of ,',!i,25 dot)called in trcltuly. Meeliog adj-ul'ncd tint iJ t oil(lay. Jtln! 6th tt 1[) A. M. [:'(.)AI)I/) L)I' ('?{)|TNTY C()MM[S- SIt)NERS ()I t` MASON COUNTY. WASItINGTON. by LYI,E O'I)EI.L, Chaii'tmut 7-21-- lt, .,,, ,,,----- ."-- '"""'.,It11,,,', ,'.-2; HORIZONTAL I Pictured dslry product 6 Prtaining tO the moon 10 Before 11 Pledge 12 Upon 13 Decay 15 Raced 16 Conciliatory } 8 Also 17 Negative 19 .Type measure 20 Tavern 20 Frozen wateI 22 Vegetable 21 Single 23 Toward 24 Insect 25 Dine 27 City 29 Fable 31 Bachelor of Arts {abbr.) 32 Father 33 Winged creature 5 Camera eye 37 Excavate IJ-I 01 ^ dil $1 t iI I.?al-I iwlvl 43 Ice cream holder VgRTICAI, 1 Stuff 2Chicken ISl  I • I.,1 s i at '. Pt out I t! 4 Painful  " 5 Female sheep e cut ot mca.t :]$ 7 Relative I.a. a.W} 3 u 8 Talent ! o I .. ,1" I l, 9 Foundation 101OIA R' I I II I0 Construct 14 Tusk 34 Hazy 35 Boy ;6 The- holey 44 And (Latin) 24 Adjudge kind is known 45 Snare 2 Writes on as  40 Metal' typewriter '38 Bestowed fasteners 28 Charm 9 Improvlscd 48 Unit of l|ght 30 Light brown force intensity • 50 Self 3 Metal alloy 41 It Is made of 51 Ocean I' I'_IU P I' I '°1 I l00lt'-t -1 il j F3Mf¢40 I i, 39 Dance step z I [ , 42 It is used tO , c., iraP--Fox  45 I • [ ,1-- ; ,,, . 46 3.1418 - i - , 47 Drink slowly  I .... I m 49 Electors h 51 Sister (c011.) 52 Crafty 53 Half an em 0 61 iz | v i}, s 54^,rlt0rmfu01 IN!t, t 1 I IN 55 Abstract being, q I I I I I": 56 Scandinavian s I I- [|5 I- I II s' €01r. 1 ! t;:,.4 ! I I 007Musical00ra00as i00't i I !, I!" i VIN ,.- ;&f4 I I i I I_ - i - ' I 1 '|$ 'l I I curved pincer tail is one of the state's worst household pests in the sunlmertime. Itowever, it can be controlled by DDT. Earwigs can be killed by spray- ing with a five per cent DDT- kerosene spray or by applying five per cent DDT dust. Spray dark corners, vegeLable bins, dark closet areas, under the sink and other [)laces where earwigs may be hiding. If dust is used, sprinkle it 'around at night and clean it up during the day for the protection of children and pets. It will do little good, llowever, to get rid of earwigs in the house unless they are also cleaned up m tie yard, garden, orchard or other nearby premises. Spray these areas with 50 pet" cent wet- table-type DDT or apply five per cent DDT dnst. Mix the spray at the rate'of one-half pound of DDT to 10 or 12 gallons of water, Spray or dust the area around the fotmdations of the house, along the sidewalks and around the outer edges of the lot and yard. For insect control in dairy barns and on dairy cows, Andrew Krtlis- wyk, extension agent, says meth- oxychlor or a combinatioh of piperonyl butoxide and pyrethrunl now is reconuuended. Additional details may be obtained at tile extension office in the po:;toffice building. vVVVVVvVVW*VVvVVWf'VVVVV PROFESSIONAL CARDS B. FRANKLIN HEUSTON ATTORNEY Angle Bldg. Shelton Phone 166 HERBERT ROTTER PUBLIC ACCOUNTING SERVICE Title Insurance Bldg. PHONE 170 Shelton, Washington CRAIG P. ELIOT ELECTRICAL ENGINEER P.U.D. Warehouse Bldg. K Street - Mt. View P.O, Box 158, Shelton Phone 788 CHARLES R. LEWIS ATTORNEY AT LAW 119-121 South Fourth. St. Bell Bldg. Shelton, Washington ALDEN C. BAYLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW Title Insurance Building Opposite First National Bank Phone 23 - Shelton ELLIOT B. SPRING Accounting Tax Services I Bookkeeptng System8 123 4th St. Phone 565 INSURANCE HERBERT G. ANGLE Office at Angle Building WITSIERS FUNERAL HOME Llcemled Embalmer W. A, Wltaler,,, Prop, Phone 180 - - Shelton, Wash, [ ATTORNEY-AT-I-AW ] Govey' mdg. I Phtme 22