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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 28, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 28, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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e By KEVAN MOORE Aguillard was ejected into the south- bound lane of the highway and parts of his A Spanaway man sustained serious in- bike were scattered in both lanes of travel. juries Saturday, July 23, in a wreck that He suffered head and leg injuries and was tied up Highway 101 near State Route 3 airlifted to Harborview Medical Center in for hours. Seattle. The state patrol said that Aguil= The state patrol says that Spanaway lard was wearing a non-compliant U.S. resident Joseph M. Aguillard was parked Dept. of Transportation helmet at the time on the southbound shoulder of the highway of the wreck when he attempted to make a u-turn into Stinnett was not hurt in the wreck, but the northbound lane. Aguillard was then his gold 1999 F-250 pickup truck was im- hit by a southbound Ford pickup truck, pounded. driven by Shelton resident Timothy E. The highway was blocked for two hours Stinnett. and thirty minutes following the wreck. The wreck occurred at about 10:30 a.m. The traffic back-up extended in both direc- just north of State Route 3. tions on Highway 101 for up to three miles. County institutes marijuana garden moratorium By NATALIE JOHNSON share a garden growing up "I would prefer the fed- to 45 cannabis plants. He eral law clear this up and Last Tuesday, Mason said that as of last Satur- make medicinal marijuana County Commissioners Tim day, he said, such a garden available in drug stores by Sheldon and Jerry Lingle would have been legal with- prescription," he said. "The voted to approve a 120-day out the moratorium, federal government says moratorium on cooperative "It doesn't say how manymarijuana is illegal. I don't marijuana gardens recently grow gardens you could be- think the state government legalized in Washington long to - there are ways to can pass laws saying it's le- state legislation, morph this into a large op- gal." "I am not opposed to eration," he said. Sheldon said that by pro- medical marijuana for those According to the bill, only posing the moratorium, he that need it but I think qualified medical marijuana is following the example of the initiative ... has been patients and their licensed many cities in Washington abused," Sheldon said. "I've providers would have access that have enacted moratori- proposed two times to the to the garden, urns on medical marijuana commission that we have a While state law would dispensaries. moratorium for pot dispen- have legalized the opera- "There's 42 cities in our saries." tion, Sheldon said that Ma- state that already have Under the recently ap- son County ordinances and moratoriums dealing with proved state medical mari- zoning regulations had not dispensaries," he said. "I juana bill 5073, some pa-. caught up with the statethink that Mason County tients and providers would bill. could become a magnet for be allowed to tend coopera- "I don't see how we can this type of activity." tive marijuana gardens un- distribute or make stateSheriff Casey Salisbury, der certain restraints, or county ordinances for a Director of Community According to the bill, in product that is illegal," he Devlopment Barbara Ad- section 402, "Qualifying said. "We have no zoningkins, and the Mason County patients may create and regulations for this type of Prosecutor's Office testified participate in collective gar- business ... I'm concerned in favor of the moratorium dens for the purpose of pro- about what neighborhood at last Tuesday's meeting. ducing, processing, trans- they would locate in, how Under state law, the porting, and delivering can- large they would be." commission must hold a nabis for medical use." Sheldon said that he public hearing on the issue Sheldon said that under would prefer that marijua- within 60 days. No date has the bill, 10 patients in Ma- na be handled on a federal been set for the hearing at son County would be able to level, this time. Go to for medical histories again. prevent you from l aving.f knee hip replacement.St Orthopedics'* to discover f i.n, may .time to consi jery. Call MGH :S ]tOn ............... Ol ions ..... :: .... "A part of Mason General ""--:: & Fami of Oini : :, Photo courtesy of Brenda Bright Assistant Chief Michael Patti, left, Chief Tim McKern, center, and Assis- tant Chief Mike Sobotka from Mason County Fire District 5 began work in their new positions this month. Former Chief Richard Knight retired after 55 years. Mason 5 fire district reorganizes; hires from within By ARLA SHEPHARD for Mason 5 prior to graduating from Shel- ton High School in 1981. He began work as Following the retirement of long-time a full-time firefighter and EMT in 1986 and Mason County Fire District 5 Chief Rich- was promoted to lieutenant in 1994. ard Knight earlier this month, the district Sobotka, who is a certified instructor has reorganized, promoting from within for the county recruit academy, served as and making new hires, elected officer for Local 2394 of the Interna- Chief Tim Mckeru, formerly an assis-tionalAssociation of Firefighters from 1987 tant chief at Mason 5 for the last 10 years, until May 2011, when he was promoted to took over the management of the district assistant chief. at the start of July, and last week Assis- "Sobotka brings all of that talent from tant Chiefs Mike Patti and Mike Sobotka his experience here in Mason County, as started work. well as the experience with operations and Patti, who has lived in the Olympia area training," McKern said. since the age of 8, joined Mason 5 from McKern has more than 35 years ofexpe- Pierce County, where he served as the in- rience in fire and emergency medical ser- terim fire marshal for the county, vices, starting with his ll-year work as a Patti began his career as a volunteer fire- senior firefighter and EMT with the Bon- fighter in 1973 in Tumwater and became a ney Lake Fire Department. career fire officer in 1981, transitioning into McKern then served 16 years at Thur- fire marshal and fire investigation duties in ston County Fire District 3 in Lacey, eight 2000. He is the past-chairman and current years of which he was a battalion chief secretary of the Region 4 Fire Investigation before coming to Mason 5, where he has Council in Washington. served as an Assistant ChiefofAdministra- "Patti comes from a big city, with a whole tion for three years and Assistant Chief of lot of experience that the fire district can Operations and Training for seven. use," McKeru said. "We're excited for both Mason County Fire District 5 is holding [assistant chiefs] to come on board because an additional town meeting at its station they both have expertise that will bring out in Allyn concerning the proposed Main- the best in the fire department." tenance and .Operations levy to purchase Assistant ChiefSobotka is a lifetime Ma- new equipment and vehicles. The meeting son County resident who started his fire- is at 7 p.m. August 10 at Station i in Allyn, fighting career at the Shelton fire station 18411 State Route 3. 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