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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 28, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 28, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Still fun ..d...,,,, it that way. ,'~;,t~e:t~ ~'h~, M~crosoft" HealthVault- Go to for medical histories to lower your risk. Dexa & mamma. Forwomenan annual mammogram. For men and women a DEXA bone scan can reveal issues before they show up - and add quality years to your life. Annual mammograms don't need a physician referral, but DEXA does. Get your physician referral today. DEXA is covered by most insurances for patients at risk. Mason General Hospital & Family of Clinics TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY (360) 427-9590, Option 3 901 Mtn. View Drive, Shelton, WA 98584 / By NATALIE JOHNSON In November 2010 vot- ers in Mason County Fire Protection District 9 failed to pass the district's EMS levy, which was 50 cents per $1,000 of assessed property. In February 2011, the district ran the levy again, and again the voters turned it down. "In February if we would have had 30 more 'yes' votes it would have passed," said district 9 Assistant Chief and district commissioner A1 Leister. Hoping that the third time will be the charm, dis- trict 9 is running the levy again for this year's August primary election. Page A-6 - Shelton-Masor * Shelton,98584 |12 County Journal - Thursday, July 28, 2011 Community News 227 W. Cota 360-426-4. Olsen Furniture Ferguson Flowers & Gifts Walter Dacon Winery Howard & Lisa Leggett Shelton Beauty College Bill & Annette McGee Shepherds Soap The Log Cabin Bar and Grill O'Reilly Auto Parts All of Our Car Show Judges West Coast Bank-Shelton Fire dist. #4 Cute Rate Auto Parts Hood Canal IGA Grocery Fred Meyer Allstate Ins. Co Marcy Johnson WaI-Mart Jim Mell Lynch Creek Floral The Red Neck Store C.T. Specialties Key Bank-Shelton KRXY-Radio Skipworth's Mason Co. Septic Sys. Cooper Studios Timberland Bank-Tumwater Jeff & Carol Sayer KMAS-Radio Gary Vig Sage Book Store The Strip Steak House Nita's Coffee Shop Advanced Auto Services Inc. Napa Auto Parts Sundance R.V. & Auto Center Grahams Hair Works El Sarape-Shelton Chris & Victoria Veblen Larsen's Auto Repair State Farm Ins.-Shelton Island Enterprises Olympic Mtn. Millwork Jack Webber Olympic Mt. Ice Cream Verle's Sporting Goods Surf City Garage Union Square Dell The Daisy Pot Very LTD Antiques Blase Gorny Alderbrook Golf Club Hunters Farm HCI'C AAA of Wa. Griot's Garage-Tacoma Xinh's Blondie's' Restaurant Safeway-Shelton The Shopper Meguiar's Austin's Pro/Max-Tacoma Alderbrook Resort Snap-On Tools Safeway-Belfair John Hannukaine Bank of America- Shelton Our Community Credit Union-Shelton Woytowich Design Owl in the Attic Antiques Charlie & Terry Holman PUD #3 Classifieds Sports Subscribe WEB SOCIAL Media Design- MULTI-FAMILY YARD sale would cripple the district - r -- er. SmallTownPapers is look- Saturday, Septembe 30, 9 without the al Droval of the ing for that special designer/ a.m.-6 p.m. and Sunday, Sep- levy. Without 'more funds, developer with experience tember 31,9 a.m.-2 p.m. at 30 the district may not even be I- ~, designing and developing for E. Woodland Dr. near Shelton able to keep its-ambulance. social platforms. Ideally have High School. We have fur- "We're ~oin~ to uav the J i strong graphic design back- niture, clothing, household e enses but it's oin to di • . . XP g g P ground and experience with items, camping gear, games, into our reserves," he said. use cases and user interface, prom dresses and much "If the levy doesn't vass J Freelance project work. Con- more• Mc7/28 there's no reason to sup'port tact paulj@smalltownpapers. ~ that ambulance. It costs us J R]~CE]~k"E PEP, 6AI, I,0B I com. J7/28tf~ only, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., 2111 Ad- more to insure that ambu- 6AS )ISC01]KI" TWO 1-ROOM cabins for ams St., Shelton. Look for lance than it does to msu~e B7 2 our fire engine every year 0t~eu]Woa-'tbm6~l~_~Y~l-S~6m-~e,*S..m6m-lltm I t~-~--t*~;o-^.,~onfor'-'urFEEE~PClubCad.Go0dfor I rent. Waterfropt view, kitch- signs. / 8 " • . . . -li¢" . .... ~ALI:: I-'UWI-H tOOlS, Rouse- 60 ,26-5 -$4 enettes, all ,~ilfies including inferRer, weeKly, ol-monmly ,._,., :,..__k..,.• _... or monthly $225-$725 Call .u.u Located at the rate.on of ]lYJgl~eay 101 and 108, j=ust ==~tmm zway f~om Olyml~ and Sheltu ....... ~ ......... ~, ,, clothes, books. Saturday, July I~~ r~~~l oou o..oo,,o ~o~ ....... -..-.-.-...-. , a.m.-4 p.m• zou ,-. fair- _ . _ ESTATE SALE Saturday and field Ct. C7/28 $43S/l k 3811/¢mgul i,,= ,.^,= ii Sunday, 9 a.m•-6 p.m., 1511 o , . Jackson St, Shelton Furnl- tan and black female she- I' |li lll J • • p. ture, outdoor gear, house- herdm.x.Smonthsod ..... ~y ~v~ *C~.~PI hold, freezers, collect,bles ...... "~ -^^---^;','^';°"-', -si l electronics, motorbike. C7/28 tention.' Last seen 7th and .~1~i~ '~AI nn red *Casto *Dell FOR RENT in Hoodsport. 2 Euclid, 7/21. Still wea" g "~.'"~ e,~ ._Casie *Dell J bedroom, 2 bath. Secluded collar with leash. Please call ~ *Palm & MORE J lot close to town. $750 month- 360-426-7987.07/28 ly. 360-877"5693. W7/28 - , . '* ,, * ~" The Mason County Historical Society and the Yesteryear Car Club greatly appreciates and thanks all the participants, volunteers and those who contributed to the success of our June 26, 2011, Eleventh Annual Car Show -- Contributors - AAA Septic Ray & Ann Kimbel Peninsula Credit Union-Shelton ~,~ ~j The Tractor Shop Brewer Tree Farm Vern & Virgina Honstain Shelton Vet. Hospital Columbia Bank-Olympia Grove Street Brewhouse .............. o=t on ect to du=l without a0ti -- Reg. $14.99 Mason C. Historical Society Members Wright Brothers Tom & Carol Lundbom [ ~~(~ ~la~ Fa~. S/~I~ H udson's-Transmission's Plus SheJton, Life-Stephanie Horton The Finish Line 10 o~. .... ~5~ Medjnm 16 o~. .......... $7w~__ ,J Corvette & High,Performance Mother s Lou & Ella Confoni Eztza Small Eztra Small 15 o~. .... =8s~ Stew Meat 16 oz ...... =SZ~ J I Spikes Hydraulic s Boulder Equipment Inc. Don Gardner CPA Small 10 o~. ............. ~5z~ Stew Meat 64 oz .... $17~ ~ Yesteryear Car Club Patty Hughes Linda Benton Small 16 oz ............. SBZ~ MauJh Clams ~.~ ..*4z~ rl Medium 10 oz .......... ~5~ O~te~ ~ do== bag ....... *'/~ ] JMariano's Jewelry Washington Tractor Mike Wittenberg CPA P.S. Terry's Automotive Little Creek Casino & Resort Gene & Sherry Myers "1 or 3 year old tax money just coming in. "We're getting maybe 20 or 30 dollars a month com- ing in for taxes,~ he said. In 2010 the district could count on $43,000 in EMS money, he said. Last year the district received 278 calls and 70 percent of those were EMS, Leister said. EMS levy funds are dedi- ers would approve the levy been coping with the loss increase and fully fund the in funds by shifting more EMS program, expenses to fire and using In 2004, voters approved reserve money, but this is the 50 cents per $1,000 rate, only a short-term solution, but in 2010 wouldn't vote Leister said. for it. "we've kind of modified "In 2010 we were col- our expense account to take lecting 32 cents and we everything for the utilities were trying to get back to to the lights out of the fire the 50 cents," Leister said. budget for 2010 because we "It would have been an in- don't have the budget for the EMS," he said. However, Leister said that the district's insur- ance costs alone, which amount to $12,000 a year, The small fire district, Leister said, and cannot be. Leister said that it is im- which only covers 40 square used for any fire expenses, pertant for people to realize miles and has a population "we can take the fire bud- that Fire District 9's levy is estimated at 3,500, has had get and buy band-aids with not a new tax, but a continu- virtually no EMS or Emer- it, with the EMS levy, we ation of an existing one. gency Medical Service fund- can't buy fire hose," he said. "A lot of people that I ing since October 31, 2010, Now, Leister said his talked to after the Novem- Leister said. The enly EMS district is trying to re-run ber election ... thought it money the district gets is the levy in the August elec- was a new levy," he said. from defaulted taxes, or 2 tion in the hopes that vot- So far, the district has cated to EMS expenses, crease ofl8cents." Journal photo by Natalie Johnson Mason County Fire Protection District 9 may have to cut an ambulance if voters don't approve it's upcoming EMS levy.