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l tllllllllllmll~ till 7u Iillltl ~ t
Thumlay Evening
Olmn 5:00 p.m.
Exly Bid 6:00 p,m.
foodI& Beverages Av lable
741 SE Cr lig Rd. • 360-426-2322
This event is sponsored by the
SheltonlEIks Lodge #2467 and is
I The Capit l Youth Sgmphony Is now I
auditionir g for the 201H2 seasonl
Celebratin 30 uears of bringing trle
highest-qualil y symphony experiences to
talented uoung musicians.
Come be a irt of something amazingl
By R. JEANNE REHWALDT ing sun will quickly dry the foliage, soaked. One possibility is that the
thereby lessening the chance for type of sprinkler you are using is
spores to develop, putting out water too fast. An oscil-
Well, we finally had two days of Too much water is as bad as or lating arm sprinkler is one of the
weather in the 80's and boy did our worse than too little. The rate of best to apply water slowly. Dedicat-
plants love it. I even had three ripe water application should be no more ed gardeners use soaker hoses to do
tomatoes to pick this morning. Of rapid than the rate at which the soil deep watering.
course these tomatoes have been can absorb it. One of the best investments home
grown in a greenhouse, so you may Fertilizer spread around plantsgardeners can make to help retain
consider it cheating, but at least (including lawns) does absolutely overall soil moisture is the liberal
they are getting the heat units they no good at all unless it is dissolved use of mulches. Mulching materials
need. One problem with this sum- in water. Therefore, fertilizers have placed over the soil reduce evapo-
reef's weather is the fact that the to be watered in, and soils have to ration from the soil surface, may
nighttime lows are getting down be moist to get the full effect of the reduce some water run-off, allow
into the 40's. That is cold for our fertilizer, better water penetration into the
plants and confuses them. With During July and August, correctroot mass, and limit weed growth.
August coming we are sure to get watering is especially important. Mulches may be organic (shredded
some warm days, and even though Daily sprinkling or "hosing down" is leaves, bark, sawdust) or inorganic.
we have received some rainfall, the the poorest method. Deep watering Plastic mulches are especially ef-
ground is still quite dry. A common is required so that the entire soil fective in limiting evaporation from
question we receive in plant clinics profile in which roots are growing is the soil surface, but also limit water
is "How long do We keep the sprin- moist. The amount of water required absorption.
klers running?" Donald D. Tapio, will vary with the number and size On a final note, remember that
Extension Agent in Grays Harbor of plants as well as the soil type. anything planted this year and any
County, addresses this issue quite It takes about 314 inch of water on trees or shrubs planted over the last
well. The answer is: it depends. See the surface to penetrate to a depth two years need extra water. Even
Don's advice below: of one foot in dry sand. It takes plants listed, as drought tolerant
The amount of supplemental one and a half inches of water on will need extra water if newly plant-
water needed during the summer the surface to penetrate a one-foot ed. Vegetables and fruit plantings
months depends on a lot of things, depth in loamy soil, and two and a need water, especially during fruit
Some important facts to remember half inches to penetrate to a one-foot development. In addition, plants in
before you turn on the sprinklers: depth in clay soil. containers will need to be watered
Most plants in most areas of The best procedure is to water more often, perhaps twice daily, de-
Western Washington need water in only when needed as the soil be- pending on temperature and wind.
the summer, comes dry. Run the sprinkler for a To get answers to your home
Frequent, shallow watering leads number of intervals in a 24-hour gardening questions, please contact
to shallow roots. Shallow roots lead day. Soak the area deeply, and then a Master Gardener on Mondays be-
to more rapid stress under drought do not re-water until necessary. In- tween noon and 3 p.m. at the WSU
or hot conditions, tervals may be only two days in hot Extension office, 303 N. 4th Street,
Outside watering can be done any weather if the soil is sandy. A heavi- or give them a call at 427-9670 Ext.
time of the day. It is more efficient er clay soil, such as many of us have 687. Or visit us this week at the
to water at night because evapora- here in Mason County, should easily Mason Area Fair in Building 22
tion is less, but watering at night carry four or five days between wa- located at the far back right of the
increases the risk of fungus prob- terings, fairgrounds next to the restrooms.
leas. A good compromise is to water Water running off the surface We look forward to seeing you
in the very early morning; the ris- is not an indication that the soil is there!
& Massage
now taking
Voted "Best
Chiropractor" Mason
County 2010
422 N. 1st St. • Shelton
Co ki g record keeping," Ostenson doors open at 5 p.m., din-
O n said. "That all goes hand net starts at 6 p.m. and
Continued from page B-1 in hand with cleaning the the auction, will begin at 7
fairground and getting it p.m.
that we don't really of- ready." Tickets cost $20 in ad-
ler our children anymore The auction will be on vance, $25 at the door, $50
- 4-H taught me a lot as Friday, August 19 the for a family of three to six
far as responsibility and Shelton Civic Center. The and $150 for a table of ten.
Tickets will be available
at the Mason Area Fair, at
Sage Bookstore in Shelton,
Ferguson Flowers. To do-
nate auction items, funds
or purchase tickets, con-
tact Baker at lorraine.bak-
Continued from page B-1
the years and they are always beauti-
Mason 5 Fire District held a meeting
last week to consider a maintenance
and operation levy, with plans to up-
date its aging apparatus with new fire
trucks, tenders, wild land brush trucks
and command vehicles. The district is
seeking citizen input before making any
decision to place it on the ballot. The
public is encouraged to contact the dis-
trict so they can see for themselves the
equipment that no longer is up to stan-
dards and cost effectiveness of the plan
they have put forth.
You've seen those collections points
for aluminum cans at all the fire sta-
tions and at Harstine Pointe. This is a
continuation of the efforts of our much-
missed good friend, Bud Glasser. Now,
Nick Neuerburg and Bud's grandson
are carrying on the tradition and here
is an account of their latest effort. They
collected $1,464.74. Then, they began
with the donations. They gave Harstine
Island Community Club $150; Theater
Club $100; Women's Club $100 and
the Grange $100. I will pest the rest
of their generous volunteer work next
week. Referring back up to the rum-
mage sale, just look at all the good that
comes from the volunteer spirit.
Mt. Olive
Lutheran Church
Missouri Synod
106 East Wyandotte Avenue
Contemporary Service .......... 8:30 a.m
Christian Education ................. 9:45 a.m
Traditional Worship ............... 11:00 am
Office 426-6353
Daycare 427-3165
IGrace Bapt t Church
il~ + M,dli~ addrm:
tile faith
Phone {360) 462-1611
E-m•1: paaor@~shdton.org
Times of S~rvicea:
Sunday School ........ + .............. ]0 a.m. www.~shelton.o~
Sunday Morning W0~ship ......11 a.m.
Sunday Evening W0@hip ........ 6 p.m. //atom
Wednesday Prayer Meeting..... 7 p.m. 1~ 1030 AM
Ajate Grange Bldg. 0~t Agate 10ep ltd. 8m~89:.30- lO.~a
Christ Lutheran Church
3701 NE Northsh0re Road • Belfair, WA 98528-9434
(360) 275-3354
Worship Service: 10:00 a,m.
Childcare: 360-275-0499
St. David's of Wales
A place where all are welcome
324 W. Cedar St. • Shelton
7:30 & 10:30 a.m.
New Commum.'ty
Church of Umon
Sunday Gatherings
~i+,, (All are welcome!)
8:30 ud 10:30
Union Fire Hall
website: clcbelfiar@mac.c0m 9:15 Conversational Bible Study 50 E. Seattle St., Union 98592
Office phone: 426-8472 360-898-7855~_
BAPTIST www.sdow.o
....... _":::"' lv ith Lutheran Church 7
Refreshed- Restored - Renewed [vnvw.sheltonfbc.org 3e0426-8461 • ~ WA [
I m Rivers of Grace I • 1 ~ ChrL, t-eentered Church (360) 426-8611 l
I$tdttlnMntCome Pm I '" a+lo:3Omn
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IS,.ior ms w hium.i A- I I • iMI Pastor Steve OIson ilt IFalt~ C ~ilIu~" |
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[ 438-8531 + [. j__a+ l.r,.oW.,o+.+ C+~reeer~r (~F) ,
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'rmdition l Service ,. ......
Amo~trddltionalservice ;: ~ ~
:on temporary ~rvlce
,glnsatl|00 AM thatbeglnsal ; ~1~ ~?
• ..... !Band .FTaiseTeam tO|41~ ~lll ....
emporary Message Choir ' ' :
O k!!~h,en I1~1 lult Sunday $¢ I~ 9 AM • Chlldcare both services "=
i J
Children's Classes ~
The pqPpo~ c+ i~l~ 4~l~101~p
........ I CatewavtoK .... rv p,ace your mu
...... ~re ~'" w s, Wal4arll, ...... aM Work ifor ....... His Kirlgdonl.
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