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Warren Shannon Allen
Warren Shannon Allen, 36,
died Friday, July 15, 2011 at
home in Omak as a result of an
He was born April 10, 1975
in Tacoma to Vivian Galley.
He worked as a fishorman.
Allon enjoyed fishing, swim-
ming, outdoor family and tnl el
gatherings, artwork, family and
He is survived by his broth-
ers William J. Marobant of Shel-
ton, Anthony Allen of Tacoma,
sisters Marcie Allen of Shelton,
Gwen Allen of Omak, Jackie Al-
len of Shelton and Tanya Cultee
of Shelton.
He was preceded in death by
his parents and brothers Harold
and Isaac Aller
A memorial service was held
on Wednesday July 20 at the
Skokomish Assembly of God.
Memorial donations can be sent
to Tanya Cultee at 351 N. Hwy.
106, Sheltom
Forest Funeral Home. of
Shelton is handling the ar-
Fred merwalxl
Fred Bierward, 75, died July
18, 2011 at St. Peters Hospital
from heart failure. He was a
resident of Shelton.
He was born Dec. 16, 1935 in
Centralia to Walter and Wanda
He mar-
fled Marie
Dahl on
Nov. 26,
H e
served in
the Nation-
al Guard
and was
Bieward a lifetime
of Elks in
Ocean Shores, and Centralia
He was a member of the Ameri-
can Lemon and re ,ee of Lo-
cal 76 IBEW for more than 50
years. He was umpire of little
league baseball and referee for
little league football
His hobbies included playing
member of
the Esgtes
where he
bage every
week, and a
member of
the 40 et 8.
Fleming time with
his fi-iends,
family and his little dog Scooter.
He was preceded in death by
his daughter, Mary Lynn.
Survivors include his broth-
er Roy Fleming (Carolyn) of
Gilbertsv~e, Pa.; son Lance
Fleming of Union; daughters
Nicole Hinton of Shelton" Lon-
na (Fleming) Nichols of Kent;
grandchildren, Sarah Hinton
and Angel Hinton of Colo., Tla
and Madison Fleming of Shel-
ton, Hannah and Morgan Nich-
ols of Kent and numerous great-
grandchildren, nephews, nieces
and cousins.
A celebration of his life will
be held on Sunday, July 31.
Alan Harry Ford
Alan Harry Ford, 83, died
Monday, July 18, 2011 at Ma-
son General Hospital in Shel-
He was bern February 19,
1928 to Harry and Alice (Ander-
son) Ford in Lake Preston, S D.
He graduated from Eastern
High School in Madiso S.D.
and attended South Dakota
State College in Brooking,,
for two years.
He was a member of the
South Dakota National Guard
from 1947 to 1949 and in 1950
he joined the U.S. Army and
was in Japan and Korea He
served in the Army National
Guard from 1956 to 1960.
He mar-
ried Marjo-
tie Olson an
Mamh 25,
1953. He
to school at
South Da-
kota State
College and
baseball and sofllmll. He was , graduated
invulved in Th~-l~ints Pardr£ - ' : Ford -~ :--in 195@wibh
foo~ bat~ in b~dtoli and @i~ft "*'~ ........ a~Srof
the Lake Limerick Country science de-
Club. Bierward enjoyed gay- grey in journalism.
dening, feeding and giving to He worked as a reporter for
the needy and community. He the Dakota Farmer in Aber-
started the garden at the Mason deen, S.D. and as a reporter and
County Fairgrounds, said the news editor for the Madison
family, and he found pleasure Daily Leader in Madison, S D.
working in his greenhouse and In 1960 he moved the family
providing many community ser- to Pasco where he worked as a
vices throughout his years, farm and general assignment
He enjoyed spending time reporter for the Tri-City Her-
with his family, al& In June of 1962, he moved
He is survived by his wife to Shelton to accept a job at the
Marie Bierward, married for Shelton Journal. He worked for
56years; sister, Jo Cusick-Syl- the Journal for 31 years as a
vester, children I)ebbie Schafer reporter, news editor and pho-
(Mark) of Omaha, Neb., Teresa tographer before retiring in Oc-
Morley (David) of Centralia toberof1993.
and Anterm Bierward (Car- He was a member of the
tie) of ~ grandchildren Shelton-Mason County Cham-
Landon Blanchsrd (Amy) of ber of Commerce for many
Omaha, Nob., Courtz Mor- years. He was a member of the
ley- (Vince) of COn- VFW. He spent time helpinghis
tmlia, Allison Zuniga (Mike) of wife raise and show dogs and
Kennewick, Micholle Bierward supporting his children with
of Kennewick, Riley Schafer of theirmany 4-Hprojects. Heen-
Omaha, Nob. and Nick Sohofer joyed reading fiction, mysteries
of'Jefferson City, Mo.; great- and the daily newspaper. He
grmaddRldren Brooks and No- had been a reporter for nearly
lan Blanchard, Sayds Machado 40 years and he wanted to keep
and UrijahZuniga, and his dog up with current events locally
Wizzar(L and nationally.
He was pmceled in death by He is survived by his wife
his parents Walter and Wanda of 58 years, Marjorie of Shel-
Biorward, ~ T~y Bier- ton; sons Steven Ford (Dana) of
ward, sister Darlene Bierward Olympia and Tim Ford of Shel-
and his dog Hans Bierward. ton; daughters Liana Jones-
Memorial contributions can Smith (Daniel Smith), Tami
be made to The Saints Pan- Ford, Toni Wharton (Joseph),
try, PO Box 1064 Sholton, WA Teri Miller (Jay Stillwell) and
98584 or to the kidney or heart Krista "Cricket" Carter (Mi-
associalions, chad) all of Shelton; brother
Services were held on July Robert Ford of Madison S~D.;
24 at Faith Lutheran Church in 12 grandchildren and 12 great-
SheltorL grandchildrerL
He was preceded in death by
Leon Richard Fleming his parents, brother John Ford
Leon Richard Fleming, 70, and sister Marjorie Cross.
died Sunday, July 24, 2011 at A celebration of his life will
his home in ~ Lake from me- be held at 2 p.m. on Saturday,
sothelioma. July 30 at Saint Davids Hall,
He was born September 29, 218 N 3rd Street, SheltorL
1940 to Otis and Alma Fleming McComb Funeral Home of
in Hot Springs, Ark. Shelton is handling the arrang~
Fleming served in the U.S. ments. Memorial donations can
Army for two years beginning be made to the American Lung
in 1960. Association.
He married Geraldine Need-
ham en August 21,1964 in Will- George Clair Purves
ingten, Calif. He was previously George Clair Purves, 81, died
married to Kay McCoy. Saturday, March 17 in Casa
He worked in the drywall Grande, Ariz. from cancer.
and painting business for 35 He was born on June 30,
years. 1929 to Helen & (Petemon)
He enjoyed the outdoors, Fowler and Clair G. Purves in
camping and fishing. He was a Seattle.
He served in the U.S. Army
in the late 40s and 50s and was
stationed in Japan after World
War II.
In 1951 he married Hazel
scot the marmge ended in
divorce. In 1969 he married
Jerrine (Deer) Remsburg. They
lived in Shelton during their
marriage with times spent in
Alaska, California and later in
Coolidge Am.
While in Shelton, he worked
for Tacoma City Light at Cush-
man I)an~ I~ter both he and
his wife traveled all over the
country during his long haul
trucking career. Retirement
lead them to Coolidge, Ariz.
where she died in 2002.
He married Carol (Peck) in
008 and they lived in Coolidge
until his deattL
He is survived by his wife
Carol (Peck) Purves of Ariz.;
Linda Pear-
son (Ster-
Iton and
Karen Saw-
yer (Tim) of
PenrL; sis-
ters Gayle
Callahan of
Purves Utah, Don-
na Dickey
of Ariz. and
Margaret Jackson of Olympia;
brothers Neff G. Fowler (Faye)
of Calif. and Robert Purves
(Debbie) of Port Orchard; grand-
children Ken Pearson of Arkan-
sas, Daniel Pearson (biar~) of
Tumwater, Stacie Pearson of
Sammamish, Stephen Norris
(Trisha) of California and Ryan
Norris currently serving in the
Army National Guard in South
Carolina; great-gnmdd dren
Kyndal and Korbin Pearson,
Julian and Elijah Norris and
Peyton Norris; step children
Cindy (Remsburg) Amadio of
California, Julie (Remsburg)
Brown of Shelton, Bret and
Scott Remeburg of Seattle.
He was preceded in death
by his parents, wife Jerrine
Purves and daughter Victoria
H. Purves.
There was a private memorial
held on July 9. The family has re-
quested donations be made to the
American Cancer Society or local
hospice in George's memory.
Richard William Radtke
Richard William Radtke, 75,
ther and stepfather.
He is survived by his wife
Betty J. Radtke of Shelton;
brothers Russell, Ozzie and
Walter Jr.; sisters Patricia Le-
upold, Marilyn Radtke, Kay
Jackson, Natelh Lubenski and
Gloria Swedesky;, son William
Radtke; daughters Peggy Gul-
Icy and Dianna DonneR; step
children Tamora Brown, Kim-
berly Lightner and Deborah
Metzensr, 22 grandchildren
and 10 great-grandchildren.
Raymond Jay Sperry
Raymond Jay Sperry, 59,
died Wednesday, July 20, 2011
at home in Allyn of natural
He was born March 11,
i952 in Bremerton to Marjorie
(Briggs) and Thomas Sperry.
He served in the U.S. Air
Force in 1972 and was honor-
ably discharged at the rank of
He married Kara Weiden-
bach in Jammry of 1982 in
Be]fair. The marriage ended in
He worked as a carpenter,
contractor and entrepreneur.
He was an artist.
He is survived by his sons
Aaron Willowbrook-Sperry of
Port Orchard and Dylan Wil-
lowbrook of Seattle; sisters
Robin Keehn of Bremerton,
Lowleen Denerd of Belfair and
Arvita Sperry of Eatonvilh and
brother Mark Bergin-Sperry of
A funeral service will be held
at 11 a.m. on Monday, August
1 at Lewis Funeral Home in
Bremerton. Inurnment will be
at 2 p.m. on Monday, August 1
at Twin Firs in Belfair.
Lewis Funeral Home of
Bremerton will be handling the
arrangements. Memorial dona-
tions can be made to the North
Mason Food Bank.
Ronald Gene Mathews
Ronald Gone ~Tead"
Mathews, 66, died Sunday, July
24, 2011 of natural causes. He
was a resident of Belfair.
He was born May 29, 1945 in
Bremerton to Chester and Irene
He attended North Mason
High School and joined the
Army at the age ofl7. He joined
the Navy after he married and
served in Vietnam as a Sea-
Bees. He received an honorable
Calvin "Larry"
Calvin "Larry" Peterso , 61,
died Saturday, July 16, 2911 in
Skokomish from a heart ttack.
Hc was a resident of Sko omish.
He was born February 1950
in Sbelton to Arline WiI r-
Pcterson and Douglas La lak.
Tbe family said that Andrew
Pcterson was his "daddy.I'
Hc mamcd Roberta Pc y in
the early 1980 s in Skok0mish.
He had two previous mai
Mona Hawk in 1976.
Peterson worked as a n
tribe and as a fisherman,
He enjoyed beadwork, n;
my Children" and opera.
of his title Rez Grandpa
grandchildren, dad Andy
He is survived by his d
Amber Hawk-Suttrelict (
Phillip (Soaring) Peterso
Peterson of Shelton and ]
dages; Geraldine Williams in 1971 and
aintcnance person for the Skokomish
:lam harvester and logger.
tire studies, reading, watching "All
The family shared that he was proud
aad enjoyed spending time with his
Peterson and his brother Andy.
mghters Trudy Schuyler of Skagit and
f Olympia; sons Larry Lee, Trevor and
I all of Shelton; brothers Andrew P.
)oug LaClair of Seattle; sisters Elena
Miller and Darlyn Warre9 both of Shelton; father Douglas
LaClair of Sheiton; gran lchildren Darryl and Janellc Schuyer of
Skagit, Rochelle lee Peterson, Troy Larry Peterson and Jeremy
Drake Peterson all of Sk;
Trevor Peterson, Stacia F
Peterson and Jayden Pet
He was preceded in de;
Arline Wilbur-Peterson a
A service was held on W
Shaker Church.
Forest Funeral Home c
~! ~ ~:~LivingLe°n waS abwaters
tgit, Deidrah Sutterlict of Olympia,
eterson, Naylnne Peterson, Atreyu
rson all of Shelton.
ah by his dad Andrew Peterson, mother
ad son Darryl Lee Peterson.
;dnesday, July 20 at the Skokomish
f Shelton is handling the arrangements.
Paid Obituary Notice --
In Loving Memory of
Richard Fleming
n again Christian, baptized in water at the Church of
i Olympia. I invite everyone who loved Leon to spend
Lord Jesus Christ and join Leon in the family of God.
t in heaven, hallowed be thy name, Thy kingdom come,
, on Earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily
us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead ug not
trot deliver us from evil. For thine is the Kingdom, aod
power and the glory, forever, Amen.
A Reputation B ilt on Service "
, With Love, from His Family F~
: i
(360) 427-8044
- (360) 943-6363
Competitive I " Pry-Arranged Planning
Funer often a varletT
of simple, options.
died July 1, 2011 from leuke- discharge. *
mia. He married Janie Ander-
w2e was bern in Waupaca, son on May 20, 1967 in Ceeur
• d'Alene, Idaho.
• He wasa He joined the Teamsters[ * L |S~
Keman War where he worked at Lincoln gT
vete and and hc family of loyd H. Gruvcr wishc
~ U.s.ServedMarineas a frem Ace Paving after 30 years.Mathewsenjoyed fam.y | to thank all those who sent cards, II
eng,neerand .semorf g.and theH outdoors,fan yhuna.gshared thatand ] flowers, & n cssagcs in our time of II
1 technician he liked making people laugh. Io ' We
1 at the Puget He is s .'vived by wife of ] e,rievingall.T, greatly appreciate the
Sound Na- 44 years, Janie Mathews; chil-
Radtke val Shil> drenJudiguten(Keith),Ron-/ c°mmunitylsupp°rtsh°wnt°us" II
Ya~He mar- Joshnie MathewsMathews;(Jennifer)grandchildrenand k~--Love, Jane_t Sandra, Shari, Sheila, & Suzi
ried Betty J. Radtke.Mathew, Michael, Natalie,
He r red in Shelton and Jake, Riley and Taylor.
His parents preceded him in
A memorial service will be
held at 1 p.n~. on Saturday, July
30 at the Belfair Assembly of
COd Churc
An online memorial is avail-
able at www.rill.com.
continued to work delivering for
the Olympic Bakery throughout
Mason and Kitsap counties.
He enjoyed riding horses and
was a member of the Silver-
spurs riding dub many years
ago. The family said that he was
a loving and giving husband, fa-
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