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Shelton-Mason County Journal
By EMILY HANSON in sixth at 3-3, All About Parties Joey B's Softball started playoffs
in seventh at 2-5, Lucky Dog in in third place at 7-4 with Shelton
The Cascade League begins eighth at 2-5 and Friends & Fam- Shockers in fourth place at 5-6,
next week now that the league ily in last place at 1-6. Fuddpuckers in fifth place at 5-6
has finished its regular season. The playoffs for the Olympic and Advocare in last place at 0-11.
Going into its final week of reg- League began on Monday, July The Olympic League plays its
ular play, Steph's Espresso was 25. games on Mondays and Wednes-
still leading the Cascade League At the start of playoffs, Sage days at 6:15 p.m. and 7:15 p.m. in
at 6-2 with Shelton Athletic Club Bookstore was still leading the Callanan Park and MCRA.
in second at 5-1, Not This Time in Olympic League at 8-3 after win- The Cascade League plays its
third at 4-2, Camco in fourth at ning a tie-breaker over Castle & games on Tuesdays and Thurs-
3-2, Hood Canal Communications Coleman Logging, who started days at 6:15 p.m. and 7:15 p.m. in
in fifth at 3-3, A 24/7 Bail Bonds playoffs in second place at 8-3. Callanan Park and MCRA.
Journal photo by Emily Hanson
Bill Remington pitch-
es for the Fuddpuck-
ers against the Shock-
ers on Monday, July
25 in Callanan Park
during the first day of
the Olympic League
Playoffs. Going into
the playoffs, the Fud-
dpuckers were in fifth
place in the Olympic
Full schedule of " " e in
events booked for
this week'! rodeo
There is a full slate of events for the llth annual
Mason County Rodeo Association rodeo this week-
With 176 contestants, participation is up by 30
from last year and every event has been filled. In
fact, so many contestants signed up for team roping
and barrel radz~g that there will be-a slack perfor-..
mance of these two events at 8 a.m. onFriday, July
The official rodeo begins at 7 p.m. on July 29 and
continues at 6 p.m. on Saturday, July 30.
The events for this year's rodeo
are: barrel racing, saddlebronc
riding, bareback riding, wild . "
cow milking, steer wrestling, tie- ....
down roping, team roping, break- 4
• away roping and bull riding.
"The Mason County Rodeo
Association ran their first rodeo
2011 Junior in 2001 because they wanted to
Queen Beth bring rodeo back to Mason Coun-
Snider ty," rodeo director Julie Gray
said. "For their second year, they.
petitioned Mason County to make the rodeo part of
the fair and in 2003, the arena was built through
grants, donations and volunteer work."
Gray said the ages of the participants ranges from
early teens through experienced adults, since par-
ticipants of all ages can be in the North West Profes-
sional Rodeo Association.
Along with the rodeo events,
Saturday will be Kids Day dur-
ing which the first 100 children
through the gate into the eve-
ning's rodeo will get cowboy hats.
There will also be a boot scamble
2011 Junior game for the children.
Princess Katie "During a boot scramble, the
Jo Lester kids will enter the area in age
groups and take off both their
shoes," Gray explained. "ARer they've lined up at
the start line, their shoes will be throw all over the
arena. The first child to find beth their shoes and
make it back to the start line wins."
On Saturday will also be the businessmen wild
cow-milking compeition. There will be six teams of J ..... I photo by Emily H .....
three ]~usinessl~en milking cow.s, most for the first.. ,
time, Gray said. T ddng advantage of a rare break in the rain clouds, Shelton's Andrew ( }rant, 16, headed to the
The price of admittance into the rodeo is $10 for skatepark off of Wallace Kneeland Blvd. on Thursday, July 20, to ride th e half-pipe. "The half-
adults, $5 for children ages six through 12 and free pipe was easiest for me to learn," Grant said. "I know more tricks on it s nd it's just all around
for children five-years-old and younger, more fun for me."
Local children take it to the hoop at Highclimber camp
By EMILY HANSON which combined the boys' and girls' camps into one as there is
Basic fundamentals were not currently a head coach of the
taught to local kids during the girls' basketball team at SHS.
Shelton High School hoops camp"As a whole, the camp was
last week. okay,~ Jensen said. "Our atten-
The camp, which ran from dance has been done the last
Monday, July 18 through Thurs-couple of years, but the kids who J ..... I photo by Emily H .....
day, July 20, taught 24 local chil- were there seemed to have a good
dren the fundamentals of balltime which makes them enjoy the Shelton High School
handling: shooting, catching and game and want to work at it and boys' basketball coach
movement as well as some defen- that'll go a long way toward skill Mark Jensen works
sive moves and games, improvement." with children on ball
"We wanted the kids to have Jensen added that he hopes the movement and han-
ftm so the camp would be a posi- kids enjoying camp last week will dling during the last
tive experience for them," SHS encourage them to join the winter day of the Highclimb-
boys' basketball coach Mark Jen- basketball program, which will er hoops camp on
sen said. begin around Thanksgiving and Thursday, July 20.
Jensen was assisted by coach is run through parks and recre-
Terry Gregg during the camp, ation.
Thursday, July 28, 2011 - Shelton Vlason County Journal- Page C-1