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Derby girl looking for new skatin
The Timber Town Derby is looking for a new location
for skating.
From January 1 through June 30 the derby girls have
been skating at the Shelton Armory. However, President
Jessica Hendy said during negotiations to continue using
the space, the armory decided not to lease the space to
the skaters any longer.
Until a new location is found, the organization is rent-
ing the armory's space on a month-to-month basis.
"We need an empty warehouse-type place with at least
6,000 square feet for the floor,b Hendy said. =The armory
is only 5,400 square feet, which is too small. We could
practice there but not host events."
Hendy said the team only has 11 members on the ros-
ter right now and they need 14 to be able to compete.
"We're doing scrimmages with out teams but we can't
have an official bout yet," she added.
The Timber Town Derby is a roller derby team which
has been skating in Shelton since January after the team
got its business license last October.
Though roller derby's popularity is no where near
as high as it was in the 1970s, the skating sport is
still around, with at least 52 amateur leagues playing
throughout the country.
For more information about the Timber Town Derby,
contact Hendy at 265-7228.
Courtesy of Jessica Hendy
The Timber Town Derby team are (front, left
to right) Kristie Zehm, Sheena Hayes and Jes-
sica Hendy; (middle, I to r) Alex Evans and
coach Dusti Pitman and (back, I to r) Christina
Kramer, Laura Carwright, Amanda Hayes and
Samanda Craig.
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volving the head, pelvic fractures,
tional and social support. Whil penetrating injuries in the area of the
physical therapy is largely focus~
spine, and injuries involving falls
on muscle strengthening, occupa from heights should be suspected
tional therapy helps redevelop fin for spinal cord damage.
Lake Cushman Ladies Golf
July 13 - Eclectic Tour-
Division 1: Gross) Cher-
yl Ulrich, 83; 1 net) Elaine
Close, 60 and 2) Diann
Muller, 60.
Division 2: Gross) Molly
Frazier, 95 and i net) Betsy
Sharp, 67.
Division 3: Gross) Joleta
Smith, 94; 1 net) Vickie
World, 66 and 2 net) Gloria
Carlson, 66.
Division 3: Gross) Bettie
Shoop, 91; 1 net) Linda Mi-
chaelis, 59 and 2 net) Mar-
Jan Reed, 63.
Closest to the Pin: 7/6 -
Betty Peine, #4, 8"; Elaine
Close, #6, 14'-6"; Kathy
Johnson, #15, 31'-3-1/2";
7/13 - Cheryl Ulrich, #4,
15'-5'1/2"; Betsy Sharp, #6,
10'2~; Betty Shoop, #13,
25'7" and Cheryl Ulrich,
#15, 31'-3-1/2".
Chip-In: 7/6- Gloria Carl-
son, #3 and Bettie Shoop,
#14; 7/13 - Evia Campbell,
Bayshore Ladies Golf
July 19 - Fairway Shots
Flight One (18 holes): 1)
Toni Stevens and 2) Billie
Elms. #2.
Flight Two (18 holes): 1) Low Net of the Day: Sha-
Judy Zehruns and 2) Har-ron Hadsall, 37.
lene Robbins. July 20 - 9-hole, Throw
Least Putts: (tie) Eva Out One Hole
Kissick and Billie Elms, 24 Flight one: 1) Sharon
putts. Hadsall, 27; 2) Pegi Reese,
Birdies/Hole Number: 32 and 3) (tie) Robbi Alberts
Eva Kissick, #12. and Pat Wass, 33.
Chip Ins/Hole Number: Pars: Robbi Alberts, #1.
Eva Kissick, #12. Low Net of the Day: Sha-
ron Hadsall, 35.
Alderbrook Ladies Golf July 22 - 9-hole, Low Net
July 19-MonthlyMedal- Flight one: 1) Ann Woo-
ist ten, 31; 2) Gayle Wilcox, 33
18-holes: 1) Coralie Wat- and 3) Ann Johnson, 34.
ters, 74; 2) Rebecca Daniel- Flight two: 1) Pat Zulfer,
son, 74; 3) Dee Bishop, 74 39; 2) Sharon Corrigan, 41
and 4) Pat Johnson, 74. and 3) (tie) Sharon Hadsall
9-holes: Marilyn Butler,and Barb Dennis, 43.
30.5. Flight three: 1) Pat Wass,
July 21 - Odds and Evens39; 2) Clara Robinson, 42
18-holes: 1) Dee Bishop,and 3) Rosie Bowcutt, 44.
33; 2) Judy White, 35; 3) Di- Pars: Ann Johnson, #16
anne Brown, 36 and 4) Pat and Ann Wooten, #13.
Johnson, 36. Chip-Ins: Gayle Wilcox,
9-holes: 1) Peggy Willis, #17.
13.25 and 2) Carol Kelley, Low Net of the Day: Ann
14.75. Wooten, 31.
Lake Limerick Ladies Golf Lake Cushman Ladies Golf
July 18 - 9-holes, Low July 20 - Invitational
Net Tournament
Flight one: 1) Sharon Division one: Div. Gross)
Hadsall, 37; 2) (tie) Sharon Carolyn Nelson/Linda Pear-
Corrigan and Gall Gagner, son, 78; Field Gross) Dorie
41. Pannette/Debbie Everley,
Pars: Pat Derheim,#4. 71; 1 net) Diann Muller/
Chip-Ins: Rosie Bowcutt,Vickie World, 59; 2 net)
Cheryl Ulrich]Joanne Bar-
ter, 62 and 3 net) Marsha
Woodburne/Elaine Close,
Division two: Div. Gross)
Betty Peine/Julia Berger,
86; 1 net) Charlotte Ocker-
man/Karen Aumend, 61;
2 net) Ann Johnson/Diane
Pollard, 62 and 3 net) Mary
Lou wicken/Billie Elms, 65.
Division three: Div.
Gross) Gloria Carlson/Linda
Michaelis, 93; Field Gross)
Bettie Shoop/Donna Da-
vis, 96; 1 net) Sharon Ben-
nett/Marian Reed, 57; 2
net) Charlotte Gilje/Joleta
Smith, 59 and 3 net) Geor-
gia Eliason/Judy Keiffer, 63.
Closest-to-the-Line, #3:
Div. 1) Diann Muller, Lake
Cushman; Div. 2) Jean
Scruggs, Alderbrook and
div. 3) Dee Pilkenton, Des-
ert Hot Springs.
Closest-to-the-Pin, #4:
Div. 1) Elaine Close, Lake
Cushman, 7' 6"; Div. 2) Julia
Berger, 5' 6" and Div. 3) Jo-
leta Smith, Lake Cushman,
24' 5-1/2".
Closest-to-the-Pin, #6:
Div. 1) Debbie Everley,
Newaukum Valley, 12' 6"; 3
Net) Charlotte Ockerman,
Lake Cushman, 56' 2" and
Div. Gross)Marian Reed,
Lake Cushman, 14' 9-1/2".
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Photo by Jack Fordyce
Scott Miller
of Shelton
was the Ship
Wreck Beads
Feature win-
ner. He is
shown here
with his fam-
ily and trophy
girls (L) Court-
ney Gibson
and (R) Aman-
da Brown.
Miller won
the A Main
race, came in
third in Heat 2
and earn 1577
points for the
fourth highest
total points.
Family Owned. Professional Service
Advance Glass
2316 Olympic Hwy N
"Next to Super Kleen Car Wash"
Continued from page C-3
Gresham, Ore. for the lead. Long even-
tually faded out of the top five.
Dineen took the checkered flag in
front of Dave Burns of Bremerton, Alan
Muenchow of Sbelton finished third
and Paul Liner of Olympia edged out
Greg Greer of Rainier, Ore. for fourth
and the final transfer spot to the A
Beaulieu, Foster, Rau and Doric all
picked up heat race wins earlier in the
Like a good race horse, Sweatman's
car is a proven winner. Son Cory drove
it into victory lane earlier in the year at
the Harbor.
Sweatman actually had to come
from the back of the pack twice. The
first time was at the start and the sec-
ond time was ai~r he had a fiat tire on
Sweatman was still in the pits on
the restart but a lap was not completed
before the caution flag came out again
and he was able to get back on the track
without losing a lap.
A trip of Hoquiam drivers were up
front after the first couple of laps. Pole
sitter Jack Parshall followed by defend-
ing series champion Zack Simpson and
former series champion Jason Tole.
Tole dropped out of the race on lap
three and Simpson had mechanical
problems a couple of laps later.
Sweatman chased the leader down
and made the pass on lap 12 and then
left everybody in his dust as he finished
over four second in front of Parshall.
Tom Hecker of Spanaway fmished
third, Bill Lemargee of Shelton fourth
and Ryen Haney of Elma fifth.
Simpson, Tole and Parshall were
victors in the heat races.
After Floreck took the lead it turned
into a four-car race for second place be-
tween Gill, Olympia drivers JeffDobbs
and three-time winner and a former se-
ries champion Eddie Blood and Tenino
driver Jacob Mills. Mills, Blood and Gill
all have series wins this season.~
Dobbs eventually won out over Blood
for second, Dead Dryden edged out
Mills for fourth and Gill faded to sixth.
Next Friday and Saturday night will
be the 12th annual Ship Wreck Beads
Northwest "Modified" Nationals at
Grays Harbor Raceway, with both sets
of qualifying heat races and the Race of
Champions on Friday night. An added
special for the fans on Saturday night
will be a special admission price of $20
a car load.
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Shelton-Mason County Journal Thursday, July 28, 2011 - Page C-3