July 29, 1921 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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July 29, 1921 |
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! + amATm + I
County Correspondence + + ';" h•a Libby and Elmer Wiss made-'
• trip to Olympia last Friday• Mrs.
_ __ ..... = ......................... I E hner Wins returned from her trip
................. ' down the Sound, where she had a
i i i ° -o:o }splendid time.
[ Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Baughn from
PICKERING AGATE ] Vaughn visited over Sunday with
I I,Mr and Mrs• John Mclntosh and
;:" .... ":. called on Mr. and Mrs h'a Libbv
A very pleasant party met at the
home of Mr. Rudolph Werberger Sat-
urday evening July 23rd. The occa-
sion wan Mr. Werberger's fortieth
birthday. A delightful lunch was
served of which ice cream and cake
formed the "piece de resistance•"
Mr. Werberger was overpowered dur-
(Too late for last week.)
Grange met Saturday night•
Sunday school has t)een postponed
till Septenlber.
Grover West went to Tacoma last
]onday an(l expected to go east of
the me,stains before coming home.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Edgerton were
I.egular Grange meeting was hehl
last Saturday night. The committee
reported favorably on the buihling
of an addition to the Grani,'e hall.
+'Fhe county truck brought (l'wn the
'foundation blocks for the underpin-
} ning.
51r. and Mrs< Geerge Wise, Bliss
ing thu evening by a number of la- Sunday evening callers at Mr. and Edna Wish and some friends have
(lies and given the time-honored beat- Mrs. lra IAbby'n. Ig'+me fol' a week's can-,pinp, trip.
ing with "one to grow on." The Mrs. C. A• Woodall ted Miss Clar- Mrs• Henry Smith came (town from
guesl inehded Mr. and Mrn. Laur- ice and Guy Waterbury attended the Sheltun Sat[trday nighl to Grange
% * S " ' '/ '
ence t3alne., Mr. and Ms Ralph Pa-< nt '- ........ "
.. ;. . .... . ";'.. , ,; g; m nmton tuesuax evenmg, tv,,ith Alvin and Elsie Paterson atul
eison, 'tr., ano mrs. ,'nas' woo(tan, Mr. art Mrs G(n _. _¥(vn.., a nave .... ! went home with her son Earl Harri-
Fran(us Green, Mrs; Snodgrasn, Mrs. purchased ten acres of the ohl Baker :man and stayed until Sunday after-
Evans, Ml,s (lnrico Wooda l, Miss "P't ...... 1 1 ..... + ..... , k...+^ ; noon.
• ' .... - .... . • . "+ t At ce .%ttu J.utta u g'(.% £nuv,J L ]riLe
Ehzabeth Suod,'rans, 1X11', .I)ale IMen-]tie v new hm.o h..¢,,,. ..... 1 ..... + o€o,,,. { Edward Whirler and Elsworth Hil-
sen, Mr. Georl.e tlansen. Mr• H. L. J in S(-t .... h .... " ton struck out for the Puya lun berry
Taylor, Mr Guy Walerbm'v, Masters .. r:-- ,,-." ......... fieMs Monday morning. ' + '
• " '. • '' " * " I av*t'• .lxiHg vy.qlbbaKcr ant, ,;win Da-
Harohl Jbnes, Bflhe Werbergcr, Laur- tbies of Goodro's earn , sent last 'Mr. A. A. I, inton had another bad
s:remenCe,, Barnes, , Jr. and Johnny Suder- II ThursdaYMr's J' l:at, JacobyMrn" na'r'and MrsI[]'riman's'Emer-" " againSIiell lastnow.Saturday, but is better
, ,vrs: .;m!ey Wins in home agamlFinch were businens visitors to Olyn(- Mrn; S. H. Hilton, Mrs. DigTs and
xrom her wmL m Seattle, so are the lpia last Monday. Mr. Chas. Wiss attended Pomona
kiddies, tMded pink because their Mrs. Carrie I)iggs has been at. the (;range Tuesday in She!ton. The Po-
lnother is home.
Wild blackberry pies are ripe--
m-m-El I'll say they are.
Mrs. Etta Evans of Tacoma has
returned from her visit in Los An-
geles and is now at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Clark
:for the summer. Her two sons Rob-
eft and Jack are with her.
Mrs. Bennett Howard and mother,
Mrs. Stours. visited at the Clark
home last Saturday.
Mr. Chas. Green, Mr. Nelson's bro-
ther-in-law, went to Seattle Friday
on a business trip.
Mr. George NeTson, his mother and
sister, Josephine of Shelton, were
visitors at the Nelson home Sunday
Miss Nelson is a teacher and has
been doing some splendid work
among the children of the Southside
district along the Skookum. She has
organized a string quartet and has
also interested the children in other i
useful and artistic occupations. She
deserves the support of parents and
others in this, as well as other school
Mr. J. W. Clark and two grand-:
sons Robert and Jack Evans rowed
up to the Strong ranch Saturday for
loganberries• Mrs. Strong is glad
to have visitors even if they do come
on business.
Yakima July 25.--"Suspension of
William Bouck by Blaster Lowell of
the National Grange is the direct se-
quel to the action of the national
grange at Boston before which the
charge:; made hy the Yakima Grange
ag.'ainst Bonck were filed," J. R.
Schwartze, chairmrn or the Yakima
,.U+,( in the Bouck matter and
pr()secutor of the charges before the
,muonal 'range said this evening,
t['ter receiving o!'ri:'ial announcement
',,> Ntion:fl Master Ix)well of
l!o,ck's SUSl)ension.
"The special committee which heard
h!' ('hH'<,'oS It*rahl:t louclc, fOll,ld 1i111
guilty," Mr, Schwartze said. "It re-
ported the c'se then io the nation.
,'r,n::.,. for sentence and the grange
deckted he should be repriman'ded.
First, however it required him for-
,ail/ to renew his oath o{ office and
,,in el!affiance to the Drincip!es of the
rganization, the obligation taken on
,.,r,,m'o ,,.en':bership.
Warnings Disregar:ied.
' +I ) 1
i (uc.¢ wan 'iven tu und,wstand at
J. F. Bennett and Miss Alma Ben-
net, are home from Puyallup.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Shafer, Miss
Olive Shafer, Albert and Juanita
Sharer, Miss Louise Ness of Brem-
erton and Vearl Bennett were visit-
ors at the :Grange hall Saturday
night, after grange.
The grange members are planning
on giving a dance in August to raise
money for the grange. Watch for
further particulars.
Mr. aml Mrs. H. A. Winsor made
a business trip to Tacoma this week•
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
cannot reach the scat of the disease.
Catarrh ie a local disease, greatly influ-
enced by constitutional conditions. HALL'S
CATARRH MEDICINE will cure catarrh.
It is taken internally and acts through
the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the
composed of some of the bse tonics
known, combined with some of the heat
blood purifiers. The perfect combination
of the ingredients In HALL'S CATARRH
MEDICINE te what produces much womo
derful results in catarrhal condltion.
Druggists 75c. Testimonials free.
F. j. CheneF & Co.. Props., Toledo, {
mu, ,,,
The marne on the pencil
The pencil with the
rifled tip. Lead is held
firmly by the tipand
is finely grooved as it
I passes through.
The grip of the ttp
will not slip.
Get your EVER-
SHARP from our
complete stock today.
, Made in many styles
and sizes. YOuFEVR.
SHAI is here,
A price for every purse.
50c to $55.00.
Sold by
Washington State Logging Co. camp
for a few days, helping out till they
can get a cook•
The Whidden and McIntosh fami-
lies spent last Sunday at the Lilli-
waup Falls. They took their dinner
anti enjoyed a picnic.
Mr. Forrest Vaughn of Seattle
spent the week end at the. Hariman
home. He came in a cat" and spent
Sunday picnicking on the South shore
road. IVlinn Maud Haskell returned
to Seattle Sunday with Mr• Vaughn•
Mr. S. H. Hilton, who had tlle con-
tract to furnish the school wood is
hauling and piling it in the school
wood shed this week.
Mrs. John Swanson called at the
Linton home Monday afternoon.
Mrs. A. G. Peterson helped her
mother, Mrs. Leo Anderson celebrate
her 81st birthday last Friday, at the
home of the latter• She took a large
birthday cake, and in the afternoon
they called at the Evans home where
a very pleasant tihae was spent vis-
iting. Cake and coffee was served
by Mrs. Evans and altogether a very
pleasant birthday was enjoyed.
Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Grindrod went
to Seattle last Monday and retucned
Wednesday evening.
Dell Smith's father, mother and
brother from their big fmzn in Ore-
gon are visiting at the Smith home
this week.
Mi-. and Mrs. Albion Matthes and
son James took dinner at the Finch
home Sunday evening.
John and Peter Vanderwahl called
at the LaRocque home Wednesday
evening and took the Misses Helen
and Grace and Frank to the show in
Mr. and Mrs. James Dofflemyer of
Olympia are spending the week vis-
iting at the Grindrod-Young home at
Cape Horn. Mr. Young is a nephew
of the Dofflemyer's.
Mr. rank Chester and son Edward
I were Monday evening callers at the
Linton home.
Miss Josie Nelson and George Nel-
son, Mrs. Horace Miller and the
Booth family, all of Southside, spent
last Sunday at the Evans home.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas Edgmon who
have been spending a fewdays at the
Diggs home have gone to Aberdeen
to visit with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Schmidt of
Hunter's Point spent last Sunday at
the Grindrod-Young home.
Mrs. J. LaRocque was a Wednesday
evening caller at the Linton home.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F• Stotsbury and
two nephews of Southside spent last
Sunday at J. F. Jacoby's.
Dell Smith and his father were
Sunday evening callers at the A. G.
Paterson home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivyl Daniels and
daughter Elizabeth, of Southside, Mr. !
and Mrs. Gene Young, and children
and the Clyde chihlren 6f Cape Horn,
enjoyed a "weinie roast on the beach
at Arcadia last Sunday.
Among those who attended the fu-
neral of Fred B. Wivell last Sunday
were A. G. Peterson and family,
Ciester Rosenburg, Mr. and Mrs. Gee.
Wise, C. A. Wiss, Mr. and Mrs• S. tI.
Hilton, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ashfield,
and Miss Eula Daniels.
I,orene and Alice Wiss of Picker-
rag, are upending a few days at the
Ira Libby home while thei mother,
Mrs. Elmer Wiss, is visiting in Seat-
Miss Olga Ness, of Bremerton spent
the week end with her sister, Mrs.
Gordon McKay.
Mr. and Mrs• J• Smulter and Miss
I Hildur Cronquist spent Sunday
Journal 00ith Mr. =d 00rs•
Hiekson. '
me,,- .....r-ql'o" Mr,. c Southard who has been
quite seriously ill for some time, is
staying in town with Mrs Mayme
,, Taylor. '
= , ' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Elson an€
son of Camp Two spent Tuesday with
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Johnston.
[ miss 00rances Nagel of Enumclaw,
-'JJ-JJ[l rz I who is visitingin Dayton, broke her
...... I ankle two weeks afro, but is improv-
M A 11 ' llPrl | ing nicely now. Mms Nagel is visit-
l'l=t-Rlt% r- 1 I ing Mr. and Mrs. G. m. Hickson tiffs
.......... I I week.
1 Mr. and rs. O, R. Smith and
[Haro]d Smith of PuyalluD and Mr.
land Mrs. C. N. Smith and daughter
of Shelton, spent last week end with
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Luther.
Dapton was well represented at
the tractor demonstration last Wed-
nesday, and the farmers all seem to
think their time well spent in at-
tending., . /
The Misses Vivian and Florence
Fox entertained and cared for Miss
Nagel last Sunday in the absence of
Mrs. MeKay.
mona Gran'e will give their annual
picnic Augst 17,.at Walker's Park.
Free coffe and sugar. Everyone
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Libby and family
went to Spencer Lake Saturday to
swim and report the water fine.
Mrs. Carrie Diggs and Lauren
Johnson took dinner with the Mc-
Intohes Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Oakley and
Billy visited at Diggs' Sunday after-
[ noon•
The IAvermore twins, Keith and
Kermit, from Seattle are staying at
Mr. cIntosh's so Mrs. Livermore
can be with her mother, Mrs. Arthur
Ira Libby is putting a new founda-
tion under his house and making it
over generally so it will be real
modern..Watch Agate grow.
h,,t time that he wan strictly on pro-
pation and was warned against con-
tinuance of tile conduct anti utter-
ances charged against him. Instead
+ u<.,dmg' this warning, he hen
i flouted the national grange and has
imade no change in his course. Hence
,the further complaint against him
n,t his suspensmn by the national
V;'+qnO ' <'a Be Ma'ntained.
Asked whether or not the Yakima
grange contemplated further action
Mr. Schwartze said the Yakima or-
ganization would simply await de-
velopments. "We are still on the job
and are going to keep on fighting,"
he declared. "These radicals and
political tendencies in the grange have
got to be corrected.
"Bouck was reelected last month
for a period of two years, and his
Work was begun on the Grange successor now will serve the unex-
hall Wednesday.
....... pired portion of his term, provided
Ril:a]pndnlr3a.l)gag:t made_a trip 1;o the national grange, at its meeting
....... • v •, . wee. in Portland in November, upholds the
at ?hee o]2°qr?s aaVe av a plenlc action taken by the national officials
Those -res--" '--p! " " unaay. I confidently expect the action to be
Roc2ue PHeen ra3: vrs; j In- uphekL I feel justified in making
q , e anti rang, lthis re+'i 'on +'^- - '-* ....
"r p u eu .rm my acqu,xa,,e
Dmk West, the Vanderwall be s, Dell • • • •
......... Y. - I wlth grange senhment as I found t
m]m, ,urs. wanson ana warl, the l at the Boston 'convention
two n Y3:i?:sh2?ThtTahetob°Th:1]dl "We shall watch developments un-
-.-" ....... • . I der a new regime. If the tendencies
v]P[al %lear )a°C?:le fsTe and 1I have referred to are corrected, well
• • ' 'and good. If they are not, then you
Alwn Peterson antl Mss Mable Doak ma "- - " .......
• • : y say ma we Will renew ne ngn,
pcmcked at Spencer Lake Sunday • . .
Mr A Pff' .... A 7I .... ] and propose to keep on fightmg until
............ +'"'" '"' "+'"" """ we w'-ln, 1or" our cause is' 0'v'"* "
Mrs. West and Joice called on Miss ,,. ,
....... :* , we aamit we are technically a
(,e. t0slnayt. Mrs Widden minority," said Mr. Schwartze, hbutl
were Shelton callers Tuesday and we are a fighting- minority, and don't
• • " O " "
v]s]te(1 at the hospital to see Arthur propose toqult.. .... . ,, [
Moran sea wnener, ]n ms ]uugmen, ne I
Agate is much pleased to hear
such favorable reports from Frank
Mah)ass who is in the Olympia hos-
Lots of men who haven't the brains
o make a million do]lars would have
more brains than to .blow it all on
a chorus girl.--Kansas City Star.
Teachers' Examinations will be held
t the Superintendent's office m the
Courthouse in Shelton, Washington,
on Thursday, Friday and Saturday,
August 4, 5, and 6, 1921, beginning
at 8:00 o'clock a. m. of each day. The
following is the program for the ex-
A. M.--8:00: Physiology, German*.
9:30: Orthography, Bookkeeping*.
10:30: Geography, Biology.
P.M.--I:00: Grammar, Latin*.
3:00: Penmanship and Punctuation
Geology*. 3:30: :Reading.
A. M.--8:00: Arithmetic, Geomet-
ry*. 10:30: Theory and Art of
Teaching, Civil Government, Political
Economy*, English Literature*.
P. M.--I:00: U. S. History, Agri-
culture, Method, General 1istory**
2:30: State Manual'p, School Adminis-
tration, Zoology** 3:30: Music.
A. M.--Algebra, Childhood and Ad-
olescence, Psychology, Nature Study
10:00: State ManuaY¢, 10:30: Physical
Geography, Composition, Education-
al Sociology.
P. M.--I:00: Juvenile and General
Literature, Botany, Science of Edu-
rcation. 2:30 Physics, Drawing, His-
tory of Education.
*Examination in March and August
,Those applying upon an accredited
paper must take the examination in
State Manual Saturday morning.
Mrs. Mary M. Knight,
County Superintendent.
Cow testing will put a herd on a
business basis•
Daily Schedule
Leave Shelton-- Leave Olympia
8:30 a.m. 11:00 a. m.
8:00 p.m. 6:00 p. m,
Temporary change in schedule
and inerease made necessary by
detour via McCleary.
Leaving Shelton from Ho,l
Shelton, Phone 421.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Morgan, Ray,
Lawrtmee and Ethel Bailey, called
on Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McKay Sun- '_Leahff Olympia
! y ['D SE, Ilday' of ht week. from Braer's PlacL l.'aos.
nen°t an IOMPI$O'DUNBAR '
IIII 1 1
,. ad.,., .++ ,
The Sign
of a Service
At First-chss Garages
and other Dealers
' i'
, , i
to swmrst
What could be more embar- rK'//
rassing than to have "that" J[1+
box of candy opened by //',I
"her" and discover that the )
candy was stale? Has it ever rT ///
happened to you? Avoid the /!
possibility by always buying !
from uS. It's fresh. L_+,,,!+,,+,,,,
Truck and Transfer
|, ,, [ ,
Bouck controversy could split the
state grange, Mr. Schwartze replied: '=
cared byB°uck lmven° ,read themselves-" out of the grange
{but it should be understood 'that the
grange. He and his followers may state grange exists only under au-
hority of the national grange, and
without its sanction the state grange,
cannot exist."--Post-Intelligencer.
Strike While the Iron is Hot...
0rder Your Fordson Now
A Fordson Tractor delivered on your farm, with complete
course of instruction, on care and operation, for . $771.95
With No. 7 Gang Plow .......... $913.21
With No. 7 Gang Plow and Double Disc - - - $1,092.00
Order Now ['or Fall Work
Terms if Desired