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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 29, 1921     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 29, 1921
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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FRIDAY, JULY 29; 1'921 i i Ill t [ Cords Fabrics EDUCTION in Fisk prices does not mean a lowered quality. Every Fisk Tire, large or small, is a standard Fisk Tire. Present low prices are on tires which have made the name Fisk famous for quality and ,mileage. There is no better tire value in the world than a Fisk Tire at the present price. SoM only by Dealers HORSE POWER PASSING At the rate horses have been disap- pearing from the cities of the north- west in the last ten years, according to census figures announced recently, Dobbin soon will be as much of a curiosity in the streets of Portland, Seattle and Spokane as the automo- bile was 21 years ago. Portland, which had 7894 horses a decade ago, only has 1502 now. Spo- kane hores have diminished in the same period from 4873 to 903, Seattle from 8194 to 1254, and Tacoma from 2954 to 369. i OLYMPIA .. SHELTON MAIL STAGE TEMPORARY DAILY SCHEDULE In effect while McCleary detour is necessar during highway paving. LEAVES OLYMPIA From Bus Station (Phone 22) 7:00 a• m• 3:00 p. m. LEAVES SHELTON From Hotel Shelton 11:00 a. m• 6:00 p. m. m L. M. STEWART, Prop. TAILOR-MADE MEN WHEN QUIT PRISON CHANGE IN CLOTHES FOR CON- VICTS DISCHARGED AT WALLA WALLA IS " ORDERED Olympia, July 9.--Another drastic change in prison reform has been made by J. W. Pace, assisatnt direc- tor of business control. Starting with the 90 men who will shortly leave the Walla Walla penitentiary on paroles, all will be clothed in :tailor-made suits of varying pattern, with regular commercial shoes, hats and other garments marldng them as the average well dressed man, m place of the cheap suit and prison shoes heretofore: given men released. Every effort will be made to give the men a new start in life, and in the minds of the state board nothing is as essential to the man starting out as a neat, business-like appear- ance. The suits to be worn will be made' in the penitentiary at less expense than the most of the suits formerly bought. Manufacture of blue suits for in- mates of the two soldiers' homes maintained by the state has begun at the penitentiary tailors shop, which was recently put in operation with a force of 40 men, equipped with power machinery. The state has purchased 3,500 yards of cloth at $1•78 a yard and will be able to turn the suits out for about $18 each. The state's soldier wards require about 800 suits annually. Portland has about 30 mules against 173 a decade ago, Spokane 55 against 64, Seattle 18 against 499, and Tacoma none against 20 years ago. TIRES At the present greatly reduc- ed price represent the great- est tire value your money can buy. They're built for service and mileage, and we sell them. FISK DEALERS N££DHAH & CLOTHER Tires, Repairs and Accessories Shelton, Wash. I I lilt iT -- ' i  w II1'11' Ill I I I  II 'l/fl II I ' '11 • m M_sor oomerr mmmAL i I I I PAC00 zmum i ii Agricultural News ,l • By County Agriculturist H. E. Drew Due to a lack of fund,s the County Agent will not be able to publish the Monthly Circular for the remainder of 1921• The Mason County Journal has consented to set aside this space every second week, starting July 29, so that the material which appeared in the Circular may appear here. Testing 1,'or Tuberculosis Don't forget that all cattle exhib- ited at the Fair nmst be tested for Tuberculosis before that date. An in- spector from the State Dept. of Agri- culture will be in the county before that time but it is necessary to get your application in NOW. This work is in no way confined to those in- tending to exhibit at the fair, but is open to all residents of the county and is without charge. Secure an applicaion from the County Agent and return it properly filled out. Potato Blight• Late blight of potatoes has shown up in many potato fields of the coun- y. It is characterized by a black wilt that starts at the top of the plants and Continues until the plant is completelp wilted. It may be local in occurence or it may occur over an entire field. As soon as this condition is ob- served, spray the entire field with Bordeaux 4-4-50, for otherwise all af- fected areas will be a total loss. Do not use seed from blighted fields for seed, nor is it safe to replant infect- ed soil to potatoes for at least two years. All farmers of the county having especially good grain that will be suitable for seed will find it to their advantage to have their fields certi- cross combs. A paper may be placed between each box, a,very good way (the bees nibble through it); or the boxes stacked and the edges placed, or cleated together, then the bees are smoked with eight or ten puffs of smoke and closed up for twenty min- utes. Entrances shouhl all be closed. A permanent entrance should be left in the top hive and all entrances be- low this closed as the bees dislike to have their food below their entrance and will more quickly begin building in the top. Three weeks after•the queen has begun to lay in the top, remove the oht boxes from beneath and DESTROY.' Where standard hives, with good clean frames are to be united, re- verse the method of uniting--weakest one on top. The county is very diseased with foulbrood but with the nectar flow in most regions just beginning there will be little excuse for any of us go- ing into winter quarters with dis- eased box hives. The ideal time for shaking, transferring, or making change from one hive to another is at the beginning of our surplus flow, which is just starting• Hives that can be entered and the queen caught should be treated at once. Kill the queen, see that there is the equivalent of six frames of brood and the nec- essary adult bees, and at the end of twenty-one days introduce a young untested Italian queen. If hive is not strong, unite• A weak colony never cleans out the disease, nor is it possible for a European diseased col- ony to raise its own queen as the queen cells are attacked in this dis- ease• It would probably pay in the average yard to drum the bees out of several boxes and dump tliem all together into one clean standard hive, fled, as there is a strong and grow- a queen excluder will be needed under ing demand for certified seed, at a neath for a week or ten days to keep price considerably in advance of that them from swarming out. Burn the for uncertified seed. okl boxes up. This work is done by the State The State Agricultural Department College, through cooperation with the has issued a 119 page textbook on County Agent and is without cost to bees. Tiffs is written in a clear, the gl:owers. Merely notify the Coun- simple and readable manner and is ty Agent of the variety and acreage well worth more than the Govern- that it is desired to certify• ment is asking for it. Anyone own- Heretofore there has been, one ing bees, or interested in bees should grade of certified seed, requiring a have a copy of same. certain percentage Of purity and ger- i Serious 'consideration of the bee ruination test, but this year the State law is urged upon all owners of bees. College has added a second grade Section 6 calls attention to disease known as Improved Seed, for which and that selling, moving, or buying the requirements are not so strict, diseased bees shall be brought to in- but on which is stated however, the spector's attention. purity and germination. Section 7 states that the apiary in- All of those who have had seed specters shaft have access to all api- certified have readily disposed of it l arles, or places where bees me kept in the county for a quarter to half] and it shall be unlawful for any per- a cent in advance of uncertified seed I son to resist, impede or hinder in and there has never been sufficient lany way. to supply the demand. • I Section 12. It shall be unlawful for The County Agent will reserve lany person to keep any bees in any Saturday as office day, so far as pus- [ hive or boxes wherein the combs are sible, and may usually be found in I immovable or which are so construct- the office at the 'court house on that led as to imnede or hinder inspection. Section 13. Every person convicted day. or violating or failing to comply with ttints For Beekeepers. The general comlition of bees in the various localities throughout the county is veT similar. Perhaps indifference is the first and stron;est impression that one gets in going from one yard to an- other. The next impression is that num- bers rather than strength of colonies seem to count. This is a very seri- any of the provisions of this act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, ,n(t uon conviction thereof shall be fined as rovided by law. The 'overnment has issued various bulletins on beekeeping and these shouhl at least be read. These can be procured from your county agent. Yhe inspector will be glad to help in any way possihle as far as time will permit, personally, and questions sent m will always receive consideration. NEW RULINGS FOR tify them that they are not protect- .' ed by bond or insurance while so AUTO STAGE LINES traveling, according to the new law. No motor vehicle used for the [transportation of property shall be REGULATIONS INTENDED FOR used for towing or propclling any trailer or any other vehicle used as THE PROTECTION OF PASS- a trailer, unl'ess and until insurance ENGERS policy or surety bond is filed with the department of public works con- Olympia, July 21.--Any motor ve- taining full coverage for liability and hJcle carrying passengers becoming property dmnage which may be oc- disabled while enroute from station casioned thereby to station and unable to proceed, hay- I Any certificate to operate a motor iunoPaaSengoe(iilSerWl°onsh ° t° lr°cee¢! tpropelled vehicle for the transporta- t " . .••- ; (t . r nsure(ltion of persons and or property for vemcle opera%my un(ler tile provis , ,: '. ,' • , • • " . - .- eompensaElon ot)alne(t upon dnv ex- lens of the state law, on the same parte application bv any false affi- . - " ,g. .( P - g • .; O[ject to revoca,,ion and cancellation by: OPntan  C?el''inaUte(pasSeoge(s no noe,a/th e departme,'.t of pub'ic works. law issued today bv the department] Advertisers sometimes feel that of public works•div'ision of transpor-[thev are not getting returns flm' ration, their newspaper advertising It will The auto transportation company interest them to know that experts whose passengers are thus relieved, on these matters have re'cently stated shall pay the second company a share that newspaper advertising space has of the transportation fee, proportion- gained in favor during the past year ate to the distance such passenghrs as a medium of determinable results are transported bv the relieving car- and sure economy. Advertisers can rier. If any such passengers elect also take comfort from the govern- to proceed by any other means of lment figures which show that 84 transportation, without waiting for]per cent of last years's business fail- a bonded or insured vehicle, the driv- ures were those of non-advertisers. er of such disabled vehicle shall no- Exchange. FLOWERS ALL OCCASIONS The J. H. Baker Company OLYMPIA'S FLORISTS We carry a complete line of cut flowers, potted plants and ferns and can deliver in Shelton in from two to to three hours• We specialize in funeral work. WHEN IN OLYMPIA, DROP IN AND SEE US 621 MAIN ST. PHONE 1062 =================================== - _=5 --_ = : ::::__::=, HOME COOKING QUALITY AND SERVICE THE BEST PLACE TO EAT IS AT Paine's Restaurant SHORT .ORDERS QUICK SERVICE ICE CREA! AND LUNCHES Completely equipped Repair Shop GAS AND OIL STATION UNION GARAGE llrZO 0 'JU. ]01 X: ra v,v.sAt ,.m JkCOBBO.Z AUTHORIZED SALES AND SERVICE Bring your car to us for repairing and overhauling. You will find our prices reasonable. When it's time to Re-Tire let us sell you FISKS. W. A• NOBLES HARRY OSWIN j l. ous mistake• It is dangerous to "spread out" in ahnost any line-- certainly so in beekeeping as foul- brood makes a speciality of weak colonies. Where the operator is using only one eight frame hive, he should see that there are at lease six frames of brood at this season, with two outside frames of honey, before the super is put on. He will do @ell to wait until there are eight frames of brood. He can hold the bees usually to this point by cutting out queens cells up to the time when the queen begins laying in the outside frames, which she does readily in warm wea- ther if she is a good queen. Better HARRIET SATER, District Bee Inspector. _m TA-00T00 S T" ly 00AI, KS SFERS ome lme Ralph W. Ports and wife to Harold Sauer, w. d. Iots 3 and 4, blk B, Cp- phert's add., con $10.00. Alphonse Lamoureux and wife to George J. Vogel et al, w. d. s of sw, and s of se 8-20-5 con $10. G. O. Haarberg and wife to Ole G. Haarberg, son, w. d. That portion of e of nw 14-20-2, s of co. road con $10. M. E. Reed ta ux et al to F. C. Willey et al, sp. w• d. ne of sw of ne 17-20-3 ex. timber, con $100. m Suggestions i We are now taking orders for thtee novels soon to be issued. All by well known writers and sure to sell big• -- results are obtained where the oper ....... HELEN OF THE OLD HOUSE - - Harold Bell Wright onn Piven to C. M. James, w.o.  , . ator learns to run two brood chain- s 7, ................... THE LAMING IX)REST .... James Ohver Curwood = ' " in 2 acres lO z, io.zz.6 unu  lnl;. , __ bers, condensing just at the beg e H -- • " on $10 " E PRIDE OF PALOMAR .... Peter B Kyne --. nine" of the honey flow, when he re- ' The Sam 1 ...... " .... "' -- o,,es oU ho,,o,, ",,,,,-- ÷. ho,iest - ue  essm enney rres. : z•uu eacn• --__ • hive ............... , , ....... -z . ---_ ]i frames of brood down to one t " , " -- nt m s 7% acres lot 2 18 22 3, con 00ody, the balance of brood $100i0 - - Greeting Cards For All O cccslons ffi ; zrames o a weaker colony, withou C'" ..... A ..... I  iI • • • I. rrizcnarct tiuar. s$. Ivlarle .... _ any bees, shakm them off in the .... g ..... Ann Haumesser insane ^ ,nl D d you know that we have a big hne of Greeting Cards = ! morner. .cpmny" •upers pu, on a tins Paulsvn. • r .- a .'" ,'" ..,,w-" ] especially, suitable for every occasion? The. assortment in- -- ! i ,m.e.wfll be filled out more Shelton's 2nd add und 1-6 't €I0 n [-- 'cludes birth announcements and congr.atulatlons, birthday cards, _= quickly ant/ larger noney yietas wm Je -,,;o  .......... '  ,: 1---- congratulptions for all events, convalescence cards, sympathy m ! ne secured. Emi-.,. ._....o...• .... . cards, party invitations, gift enclosures, thank you cards, ac-- -- One of the mmplest means of bring- 4 ......... c.^,,^.,. ,_, .aa = lmowledgement of condolence, ete• Prices wth envelopes range [] ............ , . ....... - mt m lot -- • • ' " -- i i! ing all colonies to nearly average con ¢5 an ' 1_ from 3c to 50c. Also neat wedding certificates in booklet -- ;' strength at this time is to take from ,,_,?v. - ........ l-- form at 50c = i - - - ...A ,-oet]ne rl lODlnson ann nusoana o 1= " your weaes colony one or w,,  .... "_. . . . Dernmc 3 Scnraaer, w o w ne ne -- frames Of brood and give to your "'. " • . • • i-- EVERSHARP PENCILS KALIGRAF PENCILS -- st ve and 2 acres m lot 4 see 23 203 ---- 50e to $850 1 5 [] rongest colony, if it does not ha _ ..^ " " [-- . • $ .7 each. • _  ', eight frames of brood (speaking of co • ....... ii[]= Leads 15c and 25c a box. • Leads 15c a box.  i !! • • • r" rrlrnar(1, guar es lnarie • ' ' I  eght frame hve). Use up the weak- An " • " ' ---- " ::= est ones in this wa . Place the _ n Haumesser, insane, to J. F. Ja-[= WATERMAN IDEAL FOUNTAIN PENS frames with adhering ees, alternat- oby: 4.31acroes in lot 1-21-20-3 und. 1 All Styles $2.50 to $7.00. '  ing the frames, smoke well, then -emL SlOt,. _ close the •hive so the bees 'cannot  Jean Bapt!sts Haumesser et al tel= Latest Double Correspondence Cards, while and colors,'gold --- escape, for fifteen or twenty minutes•  r;, acoy q. e. 4.31 acres m lot 1- IF. corners, $1.00 a box• _ ! In their frenzy of trying to get out, r Ul U 5  int $500. ^. _1[] Birthday Candles, all colors 10e a box !' thev accent the n,wam,. ...... ally zoKorsn t'ower GO. o wky of I--  ., " ....... ' " -- __:1. -u'i-(J -- ;; .... "," "" " Tacoma, w d se sw sw se 9 22 4 l= uanum homers, ml colors, 20c a dozen = i very• ,q e y,. ,l ney snow sigs O1 CO --- " ' " " " |---- " m fighting, smoke again and close it for n. 800. 1= --_ a longer period, taking care that they i _. rteof Wash!nylon to J. A. I-I ash- - [  ......... -- 1 a^ ,,ot omoth ur, oeect; z7.94 lin cn 'r , in Iront-- I nave you reaa I I All Moore's on-Leak- I  :!. ,,2"; , ....... , ,.:. ,:_^ ^, ,. lot 2 25-22-3 co $13970 [-- ] "Ballads of- a Bohemian" ] ,o ................... n .... " ': " "l table, A.A. Waterman. and [ []- season to "build up" for this sum- ,raham Skene et al to City of Ta- [= I Latest book by Robert W. [--] Auto Filler Fountain Pens [ = mer's crop--unless you are trying to coma, w.^d..33 acres^in s'ly portion i = _ I Service. $1.60. I [ at a/ regular price: I  ' _hutla.. un. a eolom,, .  -..,+hl ........ .,,,,.,. for " a l-zz-,, con ¢.tuu.. /== - '-" --" I i next year. Umte immediately and  C are M. Burnett and husband .to [-- m,, , ................. ...................... ---- ] do 'not have anvthin,- t- +he ,,rd un- ,. . xoung, w. o. lanc oz ee oy/= .n ,.,,.mx etoux.lvm, u: ,,,,a x-rr x ---- !: der s|x frames of ull"broociat the 820 feet in se sw 18-20-2, con $10.1--- TOWN: least. , David L. Fell and wife to A• G.--- Tablets .... .................. 5c to h0c -- To put on suners before the brood ,raves, w. d. nw se sw se 14-21-21 Envelopes ............. ..... 5c to 85e -- chamber is fille"d insures poor win- con $10. / [] BOX Paper ................ 15c to $6.00 --[]-- l ii tering and usually "disappeaing dis- / Pound Paper ..... ....... .. 60cto $1.00  i, ,, • . .  • • • ease ............ m the spring. It s commonly. STATE PARK ON CANAL ]_- All razes, styles, shapes and qualihes. _-- ;4 good beekeemng s plenty of stores . Land Commsmoner C. V. Savldge/---- :-,,v,,F O"rr,,] = ood rote " b has rese d t - t % t** *-, .,,t _- and g  ction. Judging y _ rye a ract of state land on]- %1  l" . - f: the starved brood, as well as foul- Hood Canal, fronting on the Navy/= "" " = I ;,i brood, over the 'county, it would look Yard highway, and located three{ = For one week more ,e at:suffering ,'eprint .fiction, regular ---- m ,  race $1 00, S eclal,  or z ou Don i; lnlss lllS o olt 1 -- as if the bees had not had a chance ..'les from Kennedys Tavern, which,, p " . . ,1 " .. ' ^^7' "' • ,  "" pp 'un'ty - ,, th or sane oocl rea(nng zuo bOOKS ;o (noose lrom == at plenty of stores• If a colony e state park committee probably[-- , g .... • ...... - .. ^ , • Until Aug- -- is short of stores and you don't care will hold for improvement as a pub- m_ ust 6th. Specta a xor ¢.ou; . zor .ou. . =