July 29, 1921 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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July 29, 1921 |
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mmm soN ,ewn. imtmt+Az+
a.m.m...,m,,m.m.wmmm.mm...mmmmmmHmm , HUER-O'NZmL ClllJH NTO
' E Miss Gladys Hunter and Donald J.
+ .... " . O'Neill surprised their friends here i+ Cr,,R
+ ..... l |
i by quietly slipping away last Friday m.z. .+ +.
+ Local and Persona sprain to St Martins College at 7_. ......
- g " % w re united in 'Morning Sunaay cnoot lu o'clocm
acey wnere mey e . ,
• + . Preachmglloclock.
marriage by ] ather Sebastlan. Mem- . __: ..... : ..... o _,_,__,_
............ il+- made the tri- ve,.. rwc *L o u cmc
Hu .,^....,verb o[cne ........ amresent y at the cere-V rreacmng " at .... .'zozomisn first" Sun-
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kimbel are Gilbert Valley spent two days in money. ':rhe)rde ' is the daughter of day of each month at 8 p. m.
happy over the arrival of an 8/2 Seattle last week. Mr. afifl:;Mrs. W. A. Hunter of the Prayer Meeting 8 o'clock Thursday
Skokomik: Valley, but has made her evening.
pound baby girl, born Friday, July 15. W.A. Randolph left Monday for home here in town for a number of The public is cordially invited to
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Hurley and
son Russell made a trip to Seattle
los, week tc attest "The ay£arer."
Mr. aml Mrs. Roy Cells and family
drove last Saturday to Copalis Beach
where they spent the week end cmnp-
Mrs. Harnmn Wyatt returned Fri-
day from a five weeks' visit with
friends and relatives in Seattle and
T. J. Neihm oJ San Francisco is
spending several days in town this
week visiting old friends and rela-
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Paine return-
ed last night from a trip to Seattle
where they attended the pageant,
"The Wayfarer."
Dewey Barrett spent two days with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bar-
rett here this week, returning to
Seattle this morning.
Frank and Sol Reed left the first
of the week with a party of Grays
Harbor boys for a hiking trip into
the upper Wynooche.
Mrs. Albert LaQuet of Seattle
spent last week end with her mother
Mrs. Arthur Moran and sister Mrs.
Lark Livermore at the head of tim
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Brockschink of
Madrona have as their guests for tie
week Mr. Brockschink's brother, Mr.'
Brockhausen and wife of Presser,
Mrs. M. B. Jones, who has spent
the past month visiting her father,
William Shorter, and visiting old
friends, left Wednesday for her home
in Jerome, Idaho.
Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Angle and sons
Robert and Herbert left Wednesday
for a trip to Whidby Island by way
of Port Townsend. They expect to
eturn the first of the week.
'Mr. and Mrs. C.-. Pritcl). ard.were
camping on the Navy Yard highway
over the week-end; a sort of a float,
ing camp as they found their own
private spot pre-empted by strangers.
Wild blackberries are not so plenti-
ful as usual this season andtrips of
some distance into new logginworks
are required to find a good narvest
of easy picking.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bosch and fam-
ily drove to Seattle last Friday where
Mr. Bosch attended the State Elks'
convention. They were present at
"The Wayfarer" pageant on Elks'
W. E. parker and Mark Burnett
have been egaged for the month at
the Albert Callow summer plae on
the Navy Yard highway, installing
water system and plumbing in the
new bungalow and for the neighbors.
Mrs. C. S. Barren is pleas.ed to
receive cards announcing the birth
Pas.'°'ra 6-pound daughter to Mr. and
C.N. Barren, at Portland, Ore-
gon, on July 25th. Mr. Barren was
married last year to a young lady
of that city.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elliott and
family left Wednesday for Seattle
Where Mr. Elliott will attend the
Northwest Merchants' "Buyerd
Week." From there they will go to
Portland to attend the merchants'
gathering at that city.
.Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Mathewson and
son Mark, accompanied by Mr. and
Mrs. M. Fredson and Lawrence Fred-
son, returned Tuesday evening from
ptaorm°t°r trip to Portland. They re-
the road in fair condition and
an easy day's trip either way.
Misses Maude Shorter, Anne Mc-
Mahon and Dora Fredson leave today
for Seattle where they will take the
Olympia for a visit.
Mrs. T. E. Donaldson and son were
Tacoma' visitors this week.
Mrs. E. E.-Storts spent several
days in Tacoma this week.
Mr. W. A. Johnson" made a busi-
I n(ss trip to Tacoma on Monday.
I Mrs. John Walker of Carlisle is
t visiting lmr sister, Mrs. Carl Kimbel.
Mr. and Mrs. George Bunce and
family were Seattle visitors last week.
Miss Edna Dahlstrom of McCleary
was visiting fri,mds in town on Mon-
Elmer Neilan of Spokane visited
the first of the week with his mother
Mrs. Bel Cruson.
, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bordeaux, of Se,
attle, are spending" a few days visit-
ing over the county.
Will Grisdale is the owner of a
new Buicki his big car having been
purchased by Carl Stalnaker.
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Curl and Thos.
Read and 'mother, of Allyn, were
Shelton visitors on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cooke made
an trip to Seattle yesterday to take
tile pageant "Tle Wayfarer."
Cherries and raspberries are on
the wane and loganberries are in
their prime. Apples and pears do
not promise heavy crops.
After all, there is a bond of sym-
pathy between doctors and editors.
The one doesn't care to take his own
medicine, while the other seldom fol-
lows his own advice.
' Joe' Deer, "who was congratuiatingl
himself over winning the Feiser car
for a dollar, now anticipates putting
some more good money into the gift.
The brakes were not in good order
and in attempting to turn on the
narrow road at the point young
Theodore Deer lost eontrel and the
auto went over the bank, and landed
more or less the worse for the drop.
The boy jumped from the car just as
it rollecl over the edge.
Miss Laverna Swenson and Hubert
Simmons, a young couple of Monte-
sane, who were united in marriage
by Justice Ward here Wednesday af-
ternoon received a lively send-off by
local people who decorated their car
with tin cans and placards during
the ceremony. When the newlyrweds
showed up they were well riced to the
enjoyment of the large crowd that
were gathered on 'the street. The
couple were accompanied by Miss
Reeva Crumley, Mr. Orin MaXon and
Mr. C. B. Craft, also of Montesano.
An automobile owned and driven
by C. D. McClure, editor of the Ho-
iam Washingtonian, collided on the
ebb Hill Monday evening with the.
Ira N. Wood car driven by Miss
Merna Wood• The two cars met on
one of the sharpest curves and were
unable to stop in time to avoid strik-
ing. None of the occupants-were
hurt although both cars were con-
siderably damaged. Both drivers
claim to have been driving slowly and
neither appeared to be particularly
to blame for the accident, according
to those who investigated the acci-
dent. Miss Roe Becker was in the
car with Miss Wood at the time.
years. LThe groom is the son of Mrs.
Jeanette O'Neill and the manager of
the Thos. O'Neill store. The couple
continued on to Seattle and are now
on their lmneymoon 'in down-sound
The sum of $104.42 was netted to
these meetings.
W. H. Thomas, Pastor.
Sunday school at 1{) a. m.
Morning service at 11 a. m.
Young people's serdce at 7:15 p.m.
Evening service at 8 o'clock.
Prayer meeting on Thursday night
the Memorial Fund by the Benefit
Entertainments given on the evenings
of July 19th and 20th, according to
the report of Chairman Mrs. F. C.
Willey. The total expenses of the
show were $95.86 while the total re-
:eipts were $304.70, leaving the net
roeeeds $208.84. This amount wad
]ivided equally with Miss Griffin and
Mrs. Stewart through whose efforts
the entertainment was made possible.
Both women spent nearly a month of
tieir time here drilling the partici-
pants. The balance of $104.42 is to
be turned over 'to the County Me-
morial fund.
One of the most attractive, camp-
ing spots along the Olympic lugnway
is encountered by strangers at the
foot of the Purdy Canyon, and this
ires been cleared up by the state
[orce and a sign announces that it
is free to the public. The property
is owned by C. I. Pritcherd and is
erroneously reported to have been
given to the state, but the owner
does not object to its use by the
ubiic for camping purposes as long
as the trees are not damaged or
property destroyed.
at 8 o'clock.
Addison Self, Pastor.
St. Edward's Catholic Church.
On second Sundays first Mass is at
:00 a. m. and second Mass at 10:45
also in Shelton. On fourth Sundays
Mass at Shelton at 9:00 a. m.
Send all calls and ,messages to
Rev. John Maher, Laeey, Wash.
nla> !RAvrd
UTO DRIVERS AR : A.eV ON .] n|)u '
D, TO DIG $5 JriI +•_..1+i _VlJIklllr-I,
Automobile drivers W h; have not''. 0UH' C0
yet paid their license fee had better
get busy and dig into the old stocking L M. COMPANY MANAGER SAYS
for the necessary one dollar right "CROPS IN SOUTH ARE GOOD
away quick or that nice little extra ..+n" ,+ST'S THERE
fiver in the form of a fite will be u ........
dropping down on them all of a sud- IMPROVING
den. The records at the license de..
partment shows that of the total of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. McGee return-
400.000 estimated to be collected, only
about 75.000 have come in. Tim num-
ber coming in daily has greatly in-
'creased in the last week or so, in fact
it has risen from about 2,000 to near-
ly 8.000. Nevertheless, considering
that this is the record of July 2.q.
one can easily see that a whole lot
of folks will have to hustle and hustle
exceedingly to get their applications
in by August 1, when they become
subject to arrest ant| fine of $5.
Many of the applications are held
up daily on account of the careless-
ness of the anolicants. They either
neglect to obtain the signatures of
vouchers or the address or personal
identification is incomplete. This
means that the apnlicafion must be
sent back to the ap)licant for cor-
rection. Many will be late on this
account. It is expected by the li-
cense department, however, that there
will be an eleventh hour rash as there
usually is on any such collectjon.--
• ._ .:. Camn Tvo managed to run up a
The warm weather has be(n Just the decided victory on the Bordeaux team
thing for most of tie crops, rh grapes here last Sunday in spite of the el-
are looking good and tf no early frost efforts of the visiting rooters. The
cmes there should be a good harvest.
Mrs. Chapin Foster of Grandvtew is final score was 17 to 7 in local favor.
recovering from an operation for the The game was one of the noisiest of
removal of her tonsils, the season and the visitors fought
It seems that Ha ratine was well rep-
resented at the experimental station
in Puyallup thin year.
TRAIN S NOW HAULING OUT Strange doings are reported in the
CAI3LOW & PAINTER LOGS Arcadia neighborhood lately. V¢onder
what is up?
ed Sunday from their tri of three
weeks to California. where they spent
a week with Mr. McGee's mother and
sister at Fresno. They report a fine
trip throughout and wouldn't have
missed it for anything. They toured
all around Fresno, which is a good
fruit district with large orchards of
oranges, lemons, olives, grapes and
eaches. but few apples or pears.
The trip each way was made in
less than six days, taking easy runs
and stopping wherever the place look-
ed inviting. The roads through Ore-
gon were being paved m several
laces and many detours added to
:he time and trouble of the trip, and
in Northern California there was no
work going on and little effort to
improve the old dirt roads, but travel
was not bad. Evidently that state
views with alarm the heavy tourist
travel comin this way and is not
inclined to make the way smoother.
"He<never most of the highwa.v in
Califbrnia has already been paved and
there were days of smooth and easy
sailing in the central sections, where
paving is general.
They .!gent a day in Fresno seeing
the sights and then hurried home-
ward• California seems fairly pros-
perous and business is improving, in
the opinion of Mr. McGee.
After the excitement is all over
some people begin to wortT over
what didn't happen.
Arthur Anderson and Chester Rosen- hard throuI'hout.
rg expect to start logging t their
+t year's camp tids week and Irs "|||'"'q|"""'"'ql||q'|q"||||||l|||l||||l||||||||||||||||||||||||||lHInHInn| llllHHm,.,. ,n,,,,, . .. . .. ............ ........"
drews is to be chief cool{. -----
Many of the Islanders were at the ==
tractor demonstration and all se, emed Come and See Us in Our " i
interested. We hope tlmt all can own a
Fordson some day.
+o .+...+ o.o+oo, .u+o++, .o We have a number o[ Opening Specials
far but many people on the mainland
still do not know where to find tt for
lack of a few road signs.
_ PaL ]
=--+=- ...... ............... R w
About three trips a week are being
matte over the Peninsular railroad
by the upper train with logs
the Callow & painter Camp at
Creek. Both cedar and fir logs
being hauled and the cedar is now l
partichlarly in good demand. The
hauling"will continue while the camps i
of the Simpson company are closed.
: We wish to thank our friends and
eighbors for the kind sympathy and
r the beautiful flowers and pres-
ents during the sickness and at the
funeral of our husband and father, i
Mr. Gustave W. Hensel.
Mrs. Edith Hensel and Family.
The vnnual picnic of the Pomona
Grange will be held at Walker's Park
on Wednes:Jay, August 17th. ]+very-
body is welcome to attend and ar-
rangements are being made to care
for a large gathering. Marie McKay,
Sec. pro-tern, Pomona Grange.
The Commissioners will meet next
Monday as the Board "of Equalization
for the consideration of the tax rolls
which will be turned over by
or Shelton by August 1st. The board
will sit for several days at intervals,
!but any complaints over assessments
should be made at the opening day.
As receiver for the Olympic smel-
ter, Harry L. Parr procured a citation
of contempt from the superior court
yesterday against H. G. Wallace, of
Tacoma, for alleged failure to pay the
receiver $5,000 due the smelter com-
pany from the government. Wallace
t-hro'ugh his attorney, M. J. Gordon,
posted an $11,000 obnd and appealed
the order to the supreme court.
Two other stockhohlers of the com-
pany are Morris Berkowitz, of Olym-
pia, and H. H. Piper, of Chicago.
The smelter was operated at Lake
Show 'starts at 8 +p. m. sharp.
Saturday, July 30
Win. POX preslmlltalt
A story of uncomplaining self-
sacrifice that will appeal to ev-
ery human heart.
O'r WOXg'r'] 'W
Sunday, July 31
Metro Pictures present:
The Shelton Pharmacy
A Prompt and Reliable Prescription Service
and a good place to buy your Drugs
and Toilet Staples '*+'+ ::
Fine Candies and Gift Novelties
Try our fountain service for ice cream and
cooling drinks
Wynne Stewart, Prop.
Real Shoe EconOmy
In the following list of special shoe prices
there is a splendid opportunity for every mem-
steamer for a two weeks' trip to ON WAY TO OLYMPIA
Southeastern Alaska to enjoy their Word was received this week by HEART OF A CHILD"
summer vacation. Mrs. Wm. Malpass of Arcadia that Cushman during the war period, buL As Sally. Nazimova creates her
ber of the family to save money on their foot
.... _1
h • "" .... nd the body of her.so, n,.Allen F. Mal- has been 'closed since. Its assets are _ .
r. anti Pars. unas. lvlcx<eavy a vase, who was Kinect overse'as had fltrurod n a non ...¢t, ¢ AAO liabili- most appealing and striking
son John of Hoqmam, .are en]omg left Jersey City on July 23rd, on its ties. T. L.v'I,oavv iattornev for characterization in this play.
a vacation .°f two weeks .°n ttoo( way. to Olympia. No date has. et,. Hmr'y L. Parr ....... as receve" '-- ".--- Olym-'pmn ALSO SUNDAY: ]F]rBOD] 1 03P
Canal, making headquarte at the been set for the funeral which will +
Kennedy Tavern. Par. Paceavy re- be held in Olympia .... 7 ...... ,,rl, k D .... 1^ D:I^,, '
-^,o (hat his new merchandise busi- '"'"'-" wny no use apse special laDel llll £tll[Jl llUX
hess is enjoying a free family trade ., , [_u, p.T.A T for your preservmg. Jellies, pre- _ ..........
. . . , ,___.:__ MAKES HOME ....+.. .... serves ..,.,,+.h,+o -na oioos also o a¢orge gme gt Woo
oelng in a very gooti mcam-. " -- ' - blank' '-'{: .... .o¥.n]...t"inerV sell story starts next Sunday.
• -----'-- A neat and inexpensive, plan Ior ou__ ,,+u,o ................ .
LOCAL ELKS ATTEND generating electricity for home use o.up. -- ,,
CONVENTION AT SEATLE was figured out by Bert Hurst, whose ' .... ' " -- 1 N --U HOW]--- -- eQ , ]] r- -] U g.--
-- +/::< home ]s three miles down the bay. "CE TIFI Y"
............. ' '" made the ' .......... +^ +. ,-, ,€ o h; R CATE OF NECESSIT rasatre closet on account of re.
,,Pk nUlllUl2r U£ IUUlt .... 11'4, , , ++,wuerect cln cups +u +.+ +-- ++ - --- , , ,
trip to Seattle los.t. day to attepd 'eye,Is wheel and used them to catch,: ,, I,EFERENDUM HAS TWICE: pa+s..Show Satd_a following :
the state eonven,ti0n :and the eels-leYwater piped from a small stream. : : ' THE •SIGNERS NEEDED as usua+.
bratmn m connnntt;0Ii They rep0rt+ Is_ ',i'+ i home-made "Pelton" wheel Ort i : __ '
, . . , .' ,+ '+t.,, . : ' + ,,' I ' '; ?,, .... ==========================
hvely t)me dtkrlng,he three.da?s ell, otmde of the shed is connecd ,Olympia July:O:--More than twice i'-- ' ,
the neeting ahd e]oyed a wonclerui|b beltand pulley to a dynamo. ,Th'e asany Signatures, as were needed, ....... ............ .... !
ehtertainmeno1>Elks'" nightat the I arra..e}ent furnishes all the light, oV.5,482 names, were found genuine
"Wayfarer." ':il.i+': | neel}'¢r the house, and, ,leg,! on the petition to refer .... | ll
Among th0" who made the trip[, farms could be supplied H0se bil| 17, now Chapter 59 of ! ]//I -- [[J|
were J. C. F0rrdst, E.,' Fatbert,|e]ecrll convenidnces by making tts the:sessioh laws, of 1921, commonly [ IIII _ i11|
D. R. Donald, Wm. Sm|th Sr.,: Guy I of cricks running through the farmS, known as' te "Certificate of neces- *_
Kneeland, Mill.on Adams and Dennis ]according to A. B. Crane, extension i airy" bill:. The check was completed '].)/]/k
O'Neill. The last cwo.:namefl pla.v.'ed[agricn]tural engineer of the State today by: a special force working [[i[fi.-.Ll/
with the Olympia Lodge and in the ] College. under Secretary of State J. Grant [ tl[/
hig parade. ' ' ';' ' '1 Hinkle in the house chamber of the ]l[[ //fll//r"
........ ...... I LAKE NEWATZEL CAMP. 01, capi:tol building, l i I/# + ' "!;I//i
illUlAtSb t., rn unut* I --'------ 'mere lS a mistaken impression I llltlTtrmm,...llll
STORE TO TACOMA MAN I Attention has been called to a fine abroad regarding the cekificate of LLIHIIIIIIIIIHIIIIItlTIf|
-- ]camping spot which few people from necessity referendum ', stated Seers- t[E,
A a of the Fir Dru Store Was[ Shelt°n have ever noticed, that at tary f State J. Grant Hinkle when -t-'til
• o^ +-" ...... by Geor . xih tLake Newatzel, which has recently reporting the completmn of the check |Ylf.|,u |',
ael to John L. McKenme, a forrnerlbeen+cleat ed and mproved: ,by the daY.:.w.The bill referended by the, | Itttqii
/Po,,a ,,,e, odt The new owm-Iores 'crew. Doa is a nandior iCnecx 1 I be House bill 174, now
,o'v"='--'-""i:'first,,,rg ,, . of the ^"=;: Ithoso,,,, who wish to go on .the lake ]Ciiapter 59 of. the session, laws, .and Don't neglect to have
and Mr and Mrs. Michael are mop-I and some people .say that free trout[refers to. pubhc sermce corporatmns babF's picture taken now :
, +^ ,,a Area, on where the,, I may e caueht there rl0wever, it I m mumclpaufies, prei(entin the un- while it is at the utest ' L.i] +
+, .................. - • .." . • g age' Wd are closing outavery
s well orth a VlSlt necessary du heatlo
expect to re-ente business, l w • + ,,.. p n of the same_and It will make a most apprecb'
" " - - had thirt-ei-h ' iregmamng mem and has nothing • ated ift to friends and rela ' : "' '
iPar.er, enzienas Y" g+ + :• • I tvr ...... g " good number in boys | [l/ Hi
years experienee in the drug business I Brothe hood of American Yeoman, im e e .to do wth the certtfleates tires now and a priceless
- .... ......... , -- lot necessmes xor aut sta e lines as os SSl for . ourse and
mu'cn ot wM.cn ime ne +na +prt+ma I .g31 Archers are urged to retid thisIis commonly sU-ose3 o +-iP for P¢o+ ?nero ..o +:^_o English usedlaStto:br°wn+calf'se!l for $11.: ' . ,ja .'+,'4
nrug stores m Tacoma, en+ ann ore- I month's Shield as the s ................ + .... ....... +" ...... : .............
..... s , ! .... , up.m..e ca.- +.e cermtlcates of necessity for, auto Let us take the ichlre whim, ,,-,-
er Washington ctie cla - P
..... " re!have made several changes in stage lines is Clint ^ :i eh +,so,, ....
, t.tQ .n I.'PING ]the eonsttutlon and also have rased sesslon laws and ha. .t.. h,#t '! ......... . S_eciai price $5,,0,0 i:, _ 7
, "= ..... essmenta on expectancy deduction ever to do with the bill whieh s ' Klalks and Spplt, .' ,
:The Ladies Aid of th M. E. church, certificat,iaid increase to be paid bein referred t6the ..ee.a-" : i,. ,,: ..... ,L
w{ll mee tlMrf.Ii:'Pat_ 0a[OIZo.'*y0ndet t.0_a with , _ee:'6,4@ un"ta]ed names' ' : The,:" ',,, : ',',i,: • ." . !.i . , ..... , , .' ........ ,+
m/: + ,A. mm-neer.s.who qtve no ye+ i._+ nexp -uemaY+mgn+, xugus+ na.m flied irl-tlm petition, out Of'+ : . --. ,: " "++.+ -"--'= " :
:P,_d clues zor .uxm ,..e.o+erence Ye.t'.u,..x_.'S . nQ.ve+: a mg 9ne.... WMe.a me 5P-+A82 were accepted '. .:, : ,.:, , : ;netr, , ., ;
.... me, r i . ;; x . Uo..., onqem; te,t . .
U. S. Army shoes for men, best for wear and
solid comort. Now .., ........ : ........ ,$5.50
Popular Ladies' Oxfords
For the ladies, the now very popular mahogany
Russia Saddle Strap Oxford, low heel, at $6.50
Children's Scuffers, sizes 2 .to 13, something
new,.., ..... ,... ............ ,.. $2.25 to $4.00
Boys' English Last
LtlL l +
i :
'I q
• il !