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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 29, 1921     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 29, 1921
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Ill l l AUGUST Brunswick Records --ON SALE TODAY Xn some of these records Brunswick casts seriousness aside for the moment, and invites the world to dance to the most fascinating assortment of dance music ever recordedl Come in, let us play them for yotL 10034 Tke World Can't Go ound Without You 1.00 .oprnno . . . . . Dorathr Jardon 13024  Until Tenor ....... THIN). Katie 1.S ( Dream Toner • • • • • • Then. ICarlo ( Hebrew Melody and Dance Vl Solo . Eliu Breesk 13023  S61i,do Ir-pasnole ($pnnh Jarennde) LS6 Vi.ll, Solo ....... Elias Bm.dda 2092  Boll We.vii Bh.s AI Bernard with Cszl Penton's Orchestra • U  I Ain't Ahd d Nuthln' Dat's Alive • • Ernest 2106  Ua Uk* No A like Hnwniinn Melody Frank Porara and Aothony FrancbinJ .85 t Honoluln Match • Frank Foyeraand Anthony Pranchlni 2107  Memphis Blues AI Bernard with Carl Fonton's OTest • H  Pranido & Johnnia• AI Bernard with Carl Fenton'a Orchestra Poesy O'Neil Tenor ...... Billy Jonu 2108  All By Mff Ernest ]4s nnd mseont Male Trio .SS " " Carollna Lullaby • • . Charles Hid and Elliott Shaw 21.SS10  Oruso Blomoms ..... Crescent Male Trio { poor Buttermilk Novelty Ralrtims-.Piano . Zez Confray 21.SS12  YouTail'Emlvorles Noeelty Ragtime.-Pmno Zez ConfreF ( Ain't We Got Fun7 • • Harmonizers' Male Quartet 21 .aS14  Down On the Farm • • Harmonizers' Male Quartet 7 " Drlfns Down . . . • Criterion Male Quartet 05 Gospel Train . . • • • Criterion Male Quartet 1.00 L Laddie Buck of Mine Tenor • • . James Sheridan 5058 Molly 0 • • James Sheridan and Crescent Male Trio 1.00 Siren of a Southern Sea Fox Trot hham Jones' Orchestra 05 { Mon Homme(MyMan) Fox Trot Knickerbocker Orchestra 1.00 ... f Ain't We Got Fun Fox Trot Bennle Krueger's Orchestra I9 , Dangerous Blues Fox Trot . Bewaie Krueger's Orchestra ' ' peaches Fox Trot Introduclns "Trying" A,,. | Accordion Solo . ..... Marie Perry Io11 " After These Years Fox Trot ,Introduc;ng .o  "My Mammy's Tears" Accordion Solo Marie Perry' € Oh Mel Oh Myl Fox Trot Introducing "Dolly" from "Two 2113  Little Girls in Blue" . , Carl Fenton's Orchestra .85 L Tea-Cup CArl Fox Trot • • Carl Fenton's Orchestra 2115 . I'm Nobody's Baby Fog Trot Introducing "Snuggle" Green Brothers' Novelty Band .85 t, Listenlng Fox Trot • . Green Brothers' Novelty Band Moonlight Fox Trot Introducing "I'm Miln' Mammy's 2116  Yssin'" . • • • • Carl Fenton's Orchestra f .85 DeeplnYourEyes Waltz Introducin"TrTing" L Carl Fenton's Orchestra f Mello'Cello Fox Trot 21 lS Erdody and hiJ Pennsylvania Hotel Orchestra .85 All For You Fox Trot Introducing "Without You" Erdody and his PennSylvanin Hotel Orchestra TheJo.rnal Stationery Shop Shelton, Washington TIIE MASON COUNTY JOURNAL .... I  I I , I U Local Boy Get00 ; 00ord Degree IFEDERAL COURT AFFIRMS BAN ON AFTER WINNING DISTINGUISHED AWARD IN LEGAL STUDIES AT FAMOUS ENGLISH COLLEGE, LOCAL HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE IS RETURNING TO TAKE UP PRACTICE IN TACOMA JOHN HOWARD BINNS John Howard Banns, son of Frank Banns, whose home is near Shelton and whose wife was Miss Carrie Hammond, daughter of United tates Commissioner T. W. Hammond of Tacoma, has just arrived in New York with his family after completing his course in law at Oxford University, where the highest honors ever bestowed upon an American student were awarded to him. Having been graduated from the Washington State College, and winning a Rhodes scholarship by competitive examination, Mr. Banns will retul to Tacoma with the degree of bachelor of civil law. He is shown above in the uniform of a lieutenant in the United States army. Part of his service (luring the Worhl War was at Camp Lewis. --Cour, tesy of Tacoma News-Tribune • : . 'NOTZCE 0r XEAXNG OT PETITION %,•" " [ TO CALL SPECXA 7" -LECTZON i LAKE CUSHMAN NOTES !l * O" * O:m:D'Z T O 1 "t"O "T Mr. and Mrs House and little son |teen signed by en per cent e I - ....n r.• ..-se' ]other fied electors of Mason County, Wash- ,of Shelv., .......... .t,t,.  iT "' ington residing within the boundaries of Russelville, Me., spent Sumlay of the' ]n'oposed Port District herelnaf- here as the ruests of Mr :and Mrs. ter described, has been presented to T T',lnh' , ? all(] filed with the Board of County ............. Commissioners of hiason County, Vash- I Mrs. P. D. Woodworth has as her county,ingt°n' tOresidingSUbmitlntOthethesaidVoters of said hereinafter l gest for a few days her daughter, Mrs. Edith Krise and children, of described territory, |he proposition of creating a port district "wiflch shall be- i Kamilche. .  co-extensive with tie limits of the fol- all in :Mason County. .Vashington, o- / Mr. and Mrs. R/'P. Simpson spent lowing described property and territory Sunday evening in Shelton. wit: All or tte following described prop- Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dunham and Mr. eriy: Sections 1, 2, 3, 10, 11, 12, 13, :l,i, and Mrs. J. M. Round motored to [15 22 %. 24, 25. 26. 27. 34. 35, 36, Tx'vp. :3, N., I’. 2 A r. "V, f. Also Sec- Shelton Saturday evening to the mov- thins 4 5, 6, 7, S :, 16, I7, 18, 19. 20, les. 2:, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 3 , Twp, 23, N. :i.. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Latham and I w. w. . ,]so, Sections 1. 2, 3, 1: 11, ]2, 13, ]4, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, son I,arrie and Mrs. Maston and 34, 35, 36, Twp. 22, N. I. 2 .V. iV. M. daughter Verenious, spent a veryAlso, Sections 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, :L 17, ]8, 19, pleasant (lay at the home of M• Shel- 20, 29, 30, 31, 32, Twp. 22, N. R. 1 W. • V M. 3iason County, ,Vashington ton Sunday• The Commissioner districts shall be LEASES TO ALIENS NEW STATE LAW NOT OPPOSED TO CONSTITUTION Tacoma, July 25.--The Washington anti-alien land law passed by the last session of the state legislature, was declared constitutional today in a de- cision filed Jn federal court. Circuit Judge William B. Gilbert of Portland and District Judges Ed- ward E. Cushman of Tacoma and Jeremiah Neterer of Seattle joined in the desision that the law, which rOhibits aliens to own or to lease d and penalizes citizens who enter into leases with aliens, is not in con- travention of the United States con- stitution, as was alleged by Frank Terrace of Seattle, who sought an order restraining L. L. Thompson, state attorney general, from enforc- ing the statute. It is believed that the case will be carried un te the United States supreme court. AIRPLANES REPORT FIFTY-FIVE FIRES Make Twenty-Five Flights and cover 6,580 Miles During Month of June State Forestry Supervisor Pape re- ports that the army airplanes sent up each da.v to detect forest fires in Western Washington, and especially on the Olympic Peninsula, made 25 flights during the month of June, covering 6,580 miles and during that time renorted 55 fires• Most of the fires reported were caused by burn- ing slashings or by burning under a fire permit. The planes (lid not make their daily trip. when the day was rainy. FRIDAY, JULY 9, 2.91' J PROFESSIONAL CARDS 00ER-W Physician and Surgeon oSCCttedl;tg e r d. lts.d in the ofltces J. T. SHIMEK DENTIST Postoflce Building, Shelton, Wash. Open 9 to 12--1 to 5 Evening by avpointment& J A. L BELL ABSTRACTS Real Estate, Loans and Imrane Horn Bldg. Shelton, Wash. , , ,, | CHAS. R. LEWIS ATTORNE--AT--LAW, Phone 468. SIIELTON. WASH. (Rm 7 & 8 Lumbermens Bldg.) |' 4 ALDEN C. BAYLEY LAWqER Mason County Abstract & Title Co. Bldg. Opposite State Bank of Shelton PHONE 231. Shetton, Wash. GRANT C. ANGLE Notary Public Real Estate, :Isurmace and Conveyandng Fire, Life, Health and Accident and Bond Insurance. JOURNAL OFFICE, SHELTON HARRY FORD Dealer in Rough and Dressed Lumber, Shingles, Mouldings, Doors Windows. If you are going to build don't overlook the fact. We can save you money. Let us figure with you. A square deal to all is our motto. Mill at Matlock. Yards at Shelton. Shelt0n Flarket and Ice Plant The Best of Meats and a Reliable Service at Right Prices J. F. BICHSEL, Prop. •  . ........ Mrs. Lee of Seattle is visiting at as folows: • __ BRAKEMA-'S Juts ' same run.prlol- zo ms oeal a no WhO the home of her son S. E. Lee. tlln)i:tict No.101 lhal]  ,npl,s5,Sec: .... I BETTER THAN FORTUNE hao no other nears, me late enne 5ome exckemenz was cause(, in 23 4, '°5' 26 2'7 3'4 3'5 36 Twp. 23. [1" - -- "  Wilcox The only hitch in the pro- Camu when Roy P Simnson's house N.' R. 2"V. Y. . Also'Sec'tions 4, 5, lll|l|l||l|||ll|ll||ll|||||l|||||l|||||l|]li|||||||||l||lqlll|l|] • ' " " " " " t ator i on " rnin A 6 7 s 9 16 17 18 19 20 21 28 ' Though the only heir to $80,000, ceedmg s that the adnums r , A. caught on fre M clay mo g. 2b 30 '31 '3 ° '33 Twp' 23' N 'IR. i V  James Grogan, a brakeman on the!E. Robinson of this city, cannot find large hole was burned in the roof|w: M.' .Maso_n'Conty', .ash. ". - . 'L #.IN-.-- 1------ r _.2__ _ N P passenger train out of South !the will, although it is known that but the blaze was put out before any .•Distract o. fi snau compr!se ec- : kDlitlbt}II  [1(] P ,,4.(,..flrv ! Bend ]s holdxn onto hm monthly t was made shortly before Wilcox s mo e damage was done. 22 N i' 1' W W :M Mason County -- -7 ay check of $12.50 for seven hours death. Grogan lays off occasmnally Qmte a few Shelton people motor-I,Vash.  A'Yr I'kTYTdTF T)'ITATT) OlfIr ... :.',, .h ,.v ’l n tr.vllor tn hmt £nr. that will and went to ed out near the lake Sunday afterl District No. 3 shall comprise Sections [] t qUA'JX AbAA-AA OrlL/l- .... • ....... .' .......... 7 ......... -. ....... , " "* 1 2 3 10 II 12 13 14 22, 23, 4, [] Hueoos|og to 'ro would be the wmer from looking at Astorm for that purpose today. If _blackberries. We hope they went J2  26 '27'34 '35 '36 'Twp 22 N. R. --* ( d Xauala) i him, or suspect that a prospective|it cannot be found its existence can home with full buckets• 12 V. V. I. and Secti)ns 29 20 31, 32, [] I".._" ...... . , ,, . • . . . = rol ewdence or at Mr E A Re and children left Twp 22 N R 1 W W M ason [ Drmg your snoes o us zor a nea ov oz re air plutocrat was calling the stations and [ be proven by pa e " , . . . y " I Count JTash .... m  P =  = hel in ladies off and on the train, the worst the estate will go to Grogan Tuseday morning to spend a few i And 'the saicl Board of County Com ]nfr ouicklv done We oo h, +. ............ , ?le estate was ]eft him by hm under the laws of the state.--South days m Shelton. missioners have heretofore on the 13th  • r. , ,  . . --  ........ Bend "oumal "The Tatler" day of July 1921, made an order fixing -- service, xou 11 Till(:| our prices rght. _ .UnCle wno was a con(mcor on reel 0 • . ' -- ' ' ) ....  .............. " I..J - - "'', the hour at I0 o'clock a. m. on the --- --  m . , - ---  ..... ,, '' , ="" ...... 30th day of July 1921, as a time when []  .............. , ' -- ._ a hearing shall be had upon said pc- [] dt U. LUU., nelr, On, ', ,- ,.- . I 1 titlon, at the Commissioners' rooms in ---- " • B'l]rllllIllfllJJllltlJ  the Court House in the Town of Shel- ' l[]lllll]ltlJIIlllllllllllll[lll [llll]l[llll [ton. l.n said Co.unt.y., and that all per- ||l||l||||||H|||||||||||||l||||l|||||||||||||||||l|i|||||||l|||||||l||ll||||||||||l|||l|||||; ml)l(llllllll)101[l[liJli[I)fllill/lM#[l[l[t[l[llllll }l[lli#llllll I sons anereseu m toe questton presen .... mtlll[l[[H[lll[[ll[ll[l[l00[Jr#00--00l[lllll[[ll Illll(l#H[ll I said ed by said petition will be heard by Board, at the time and place des- '" "ll-|||||||||||||||||||l||l||||||||||||l|||||||||||||||||||||l||||||||l|||||||||||||l||||l|||||||u} . ignated in said order as above set forth  ffi_ ' lltllllllllll]llll[ll nlllll]HIll land that at said heartngthe boundaries  Illlll[l[Jll" -fll[lll IlllIHlll[lll of said proposed Port Distrlc may he  m liJIIllllllllll;lllilllllll[ I'!ill il]lillll]]l]l ' increaseu or diminished. [] ' IlliIlilll[lllllllilllll [lltll llililillll[ll [ By order of the Board of County [] T_]rflkqtT dTTI"T JsrrlkT .. Ilflltlllllilllllli]llllLlmr " [[][I ll[$1ll I Commissloners of Mason County, Wash- [] nl I1 r. • . : rql r_l -/I • Itl illllllll[lllllUll _ - ' L--"•l I ington. , _ , .m. V dL =.=d dL l=dlV& • 1]l[I]lll ''- - .  ill . I Dated this 13th day of July, 1921. [] ll][l - - I ll[ll]l / [ 1ONE W, DOYLE --= ' mm County Auditor and Clerk of the == • li]ll} ....... "' ][lfllll]}]ll  Board of Count,, Commissioners -- BILLIARDS AND POOL--A CLEAN SPORT ! • lJlllllllllllllb:'P11’%l [I]II[I../ I ]Mason County, Washington. ' [] ....  J II[l[lltllllllllllll,lr[. """_'  IIi'J" i(SEAL),-I-9-2t  UonxecuonezT, igars and all Soft Drinks g llllllllilllllllllllll\\;l/ m  llllll ilr i* ---;. --- "--. l[ll]lllll[IHllltlllllll[" ,,.JIIIM' .(_1]111] F,dl I I I = EDWARD H FAUBERT. Mr "- I[]l[lll][]JJ[l[llllll[I]J  I /  [] [ I LOWER MATLOCK I [] ' " - " [] l]l[ll[l[ltllll[l[ll[IH[[/I '_AZ_.../.lr #i [.I J [] , [] lllllllllfllllrllll[lllrflr " \\; M , aW  I ":" %• -- • l[ll[lIllll[l[lllll ' ,'7"/  ] Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rab,deau and il=[lllmlllllllHlllllllllllllllllll|llllllllllllllllHlllllllllll||lllllllllllllll ll]til[lll[]l][l \\;lArr-w [l daughter were t]{e guests of Mr. and[ I.t \\;   Mrs. Frank Helin and family Sunday.. \\; ,,[  Mrs. G,,ggin's grandson, Joe Bros-II I --11 Afi=" ins of Seattle is spending his vaca- I ........... I ............ -   teen at the N. C Nelson home. I  A qll V/| TI ;:KII'.C I Mrs. A. J. Be, k clled on Mr. and II I,z-vJ AqIJAk O£1Ul-O I r qll . 1 Mrs. Leonard Anderson Sunday.. I I " I " Mr: Carl Spalding and so' Carl • • • IOU ll get somewnere od daughter Mr Roy Meek snent IJ by letting us repmr them at the proper tme. It I Tuesday evemng wth Mr. and Mrs. ll" means a great saving at the present prme of shoes. J • • , Wm Evers and fainily I y 1 .1 _1 Ir A I Mr Asa Bateman an*(i the Mullnix ,I OU can rely on our work abso utely. We handle a I With a 1 e ano r. rothes w, T s ,, __  - , b "" e'e Shelton callers hu'- I line of the best loggers boots and heavy and light I - • - ..... A E and son E00est II work sh(es at prices that are lower• - / Start fresh all over again at the oeginnlngl et a ". • • " g- . ,, ' . . . were callers at the Rediska home / pipe I--and forget every smoke expermnce you ever had Tuesday. I[ u II nncvnnl our, ,vn,. ,,=.+ ov "--'''m°a ...*h° ---.°°"', -^'- -° j;imm'r v"i'ev , r"acked Mr. and Mrs. Victor King" motored II n. IU. nUOrl[]Ul.1, OlllVl] e,i.€. Alb.. t. brimful with Prince Albert, will,trim any degree of t°Mheltnn:hUrHiYn and Mr. and [ • ' Mrs Archie Daniels and daughter smokeJyyo ou ever reglsteredl It s a revelation! : • , [ Dolus called on Redisga s Friday eve- sold in toppy red bags, tidy red tins, handsome ponnd and half pound tin hum/dors and in the OuUnd crystal lose midor with aponge moistener top. b Copyright ial yR. J. Reyno]d| Tobscco Co. .Wi,ston-Salem, N.C. Put a pin in here l Prince Albert can't bite your tongue or parch your throat. Both are cut out by ou exclusive patented process. So, just pass up any old idea you may have stored away that you can't smoke a pipe! We tell you that you can--and just have the time of your life on every fire-up--if you play Prince Albert for packing! What P. A. hands you in a pipe it wilI duplicate in a ]ome-made cigarette l Gee--but you'll have a lot of fun rolling 'era with Prince Albert; and, it's a cinch because P. A. is crimp cut and stays put! 00R[N00E ALBERT J:i: : "it smoke , ,L " ......... ning. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Souiner and Frank Quiett of Seattle spent last week end with Batemans and Flet- chers, and LeRoy Qdiett returned to Seattle with them Sunday evening after spending three weeks with Batemans. Mr. Alvah McKibben entertained the following guests from tester, Wash., last week: Ed. Hawkins, Wal- ter Anderson and Mr. Morgan. It takes the exercise of forty-two muscles to make a smile. Bu the result is worth it.Providence Jour- nal. Passengers, Baggage and Freight REASONABLE RATES PHONE 41. D. E. BARREI STR, S. G, S IHPSON I THE SHELTON-TACOMA ROUTE Single Fare $1.51. Round THp $3.YI • CHANGE OF HOME-BOUND SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE TUESDAY, MAY 17, 1921 Leaves. Shelton Monday, Weunesday and Friday at 8:30 a. m. Purnlng zrom acoma Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at • :vo p.m. l)OCK open till 6 p.m. Seattle freight should be delivered to Pier 8. r :   SHELTON 00SPORTMION COIVlPANY x