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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 29, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 29, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAG FPELTON--I Ag0N COUN PY JOURNAL--Publ|sl ed in "Chr4stma,stown, U.*.'A.", Sq elton, Washington WEDDING BELLS WILL SOON RON ELLIS AND CATHY HOARD Betty Utter And Denny Joe Lawson Are Engaged Mr. and Mrs. carl W. Utter wish to anrtounce the engagement of thcir daughter, Betty Jean Utter, to Denny Joe Lawson, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Windell E. Lawson. Thc young couple will be+ mar- ried September 18, in the Church of (-~od at the South Union Com- r,mnity in Olympia. Midwes ecners Aed Washing onians To V]si Eskim Land Touring Alaska shortly will be a local couple joined by friei~ds from the Midwest. All will begin tim journey in Shelton. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Stevens of Shelton presently have Mr. and Mrs. Byron G. Hays as their house guests. The couple arrived from Kansas City, Missouri last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Weldon of Garden City, Kansas, arrived to- day by plane to join the Hays as RON ELLIS AND CATHY HOARD Sb'eltdn visitors '" ~ " . . . The three couples will leave for Mr and Mrs. Wflham Dickie of iBoad of Oiympm .............. :_ • ~ 2ttasKa Ilexi: /vlouoay out unLu tnen Shelton wish to announce the en- The groom to be is a 1961 grad- ~ ........... , [ne lVllOwesl:crn eonples Will spenfl gagement of her daughter, Mis.~luate of Shelton High School. He ........... : ._ o al llis ..... thou" unle on SlCle traps wLtn tne Cathy Hoard, to Mr R n d E - has attended two years of college ....... __ _ " "" "" = ~'1 n--" " ]1 -fiT-'"~o'le- --v' on mtevens so £uat [ney mlgnt get ac- el ~flt If:on. LtL U y lyre • n t v ~ i ~e al u e ' • • ] ; - "~" s ........ quainted with the Northwest Mr. '" h of .~ear av we. ~ern wasnmgmn ' . Mms Hoard is the ctaug ter ]~,.+~,~..n.~ ~no ~.~..o e~.. ,,.~ and Mrs. Hays have made prem- ME"S, William Di~i:l~nd 1MIr. B~ll;~ i ~;;~;re ~nc;t~;e o;;e ~o;:e ;e~r~of ous trips to She!ton and have been ktoar(l. DOlfl 0I ~s e I, .. " [ ,,~n .... '"+ ~xr'~s+'~I'" f'-qo'-e"~ u" a spenaing some ume vimdng witn i= tile son of Mr. and Mrs. b[teachin-I ~_~ i, J '~°b on the ~':~h,,s ~u.uv,-~'"';' fmends they had met ]n the past. ........... [level and hopes of an eventua1 The group will begin their trip ......... |] coaching Job. Mr. Ellis is present- Jto Alaska by flying to Fairbankg. " lily emuloved bv the Simpson Tim- v'rom there they will start the ][ t~er Co. " ~ two weeks •tour of the newly made S l| ,,Ph= ~,~rl,~ ¢o.h,~ ~ ~ l~a~ ~,r~a state. At the end of this time they a [[ uate of Shelton High School a~nd~s ~hirllretu~:InWnajhingts°:~:y sh,p [| presently employed by the Shelton . s v s • |l Journal. In the fall Miss Hoard All are looking forward to the !!~vtll ~t~tend Skagit Valley Juni°r experience °f this j°t~rney'joringC°llegeNo definiteinwhere journalism.dateShe planShas been°n' mS-set MUSIO BOX for the wedding. 205 Cots As if you could kill time with- ~,~1~,~. l~g~ out injuring eternity! ~==~=vu~ "" ~"" ---Henry David Thoreau DINERS --EAT OFT . I " -" q I 3 -m il es "W es-t-of B e]f-alr-on-H- -d-C-a-nal--' We Take Pride in Our • I HOMEBAKED BREAD and .PASTRIES ~1~ We specialize in a wide variety of homecooked meals. | Serving--Breakfast --Lunch -- Dinner Seafoods -- Steaks -- Chicken, etc. ..... Ii ........ --" ~----:'-~ --------" :'-~-~"-~~ ....... :~ ~ .......... , Attention Fishermen a~l Early Risers (~i] Open 6 a.m. for Breakfast : Luncheon Special Daily ~i~ • Eleo. Elevator Launching - Any Tide • Bait -- Tackle -- Gas --, Storage Phone 877-5362 Bob & June Fredriekson owners Next to Aquarium MILLO'S DINER On Hood Canal near Potlatch on Hwy. 101 near power house LUNCH -- DINNER -- Our Specialty -- • BREASTED CHICKEN (finger-licldn' good) We feature SEAFOOD, too! Phone 877-9788 -- Take-Out Orders! WALT'S ROBIN IIOOD LODGE 11£ Mile South of Union on Beautiful Hood Canal Open 11 a.m. - 10 p.m. LUNCHES -- DINNERS -- BANQUETS Featuring: Ste=ks, Seafoods and Southern Fried Chicken Try Our Fabulous Home Baked Pies TIMBER'S RESTAURANT 7th Railroad ................... w- ...................................... Featuring Flavor Crisp Chicken Home Made Pastries and Bread Open 6 - 10 Daily Courteous Service and Good Coffee For Orders To Go Call 426.2441 TIlE SHELTON HOTEL Specializing in PRIME RIB OF BEEF Open 6-10 weekdays 6-12 Friday & Saturday --On Highway 1016 miles S0(+of Shelt0n • ThUrsday Specla( -- 8-oz. New York Cut Steak $1.75 • Delicious Home Made Pie -- Manila Clams -- Fresh From Bay . Davey Crocke~ts for the small fry Mrs. Stevens' son and his wife Dr. and Mrs, James Carlson of Crofton, Neb., were also guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stevens for three days this week. Sheltonites Become Happy Newlyweds Miss Laurie Jean Reif, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Olaf An- derson, became the bride of Jerry Lee Bunko last Saturday evening in the home of the brother of the groom, Norman Bunko, with Bish- op Nielsen of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints per- forming the ceremony. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Bunko. He is a 1962 graduate of Shelton High School and has attended Olympic Junior ColIege in Bremerton. At the pres- ent time he is empoyed by the Shelton Mobile Homes Inc. The bride will finish her senior year at Shelton High School be- ginning this fall. The newyweds will make their home in Shelton. W.W.I Veterans Will' :, Hold Potluck, Meeting The Veterans and Auxiliary will have a potluck and meeting, noon, next Thursday at the Memorial Hall. During this time plans will be made for the first district meet- ing which is to be held in Shelton, Aug. 22, at the Memorial Hall. ITO, HALPIN, STARS BRIDGE GAME WINNERS The Duplicate Bridge Club game took place again at its regular time• North-South Winners were Yas Ito and Tom Halpin; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hartley tied for second and third with Jerry Kaija and Orin Smith; and fourth were'Lou- ise Umphenour and Victor King. Winners for East-West were Mr. and Mrs. Colbert Star; Bob Ben- nett and Mike McNiel; and a tie for third and fourth between Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bachelor and Gordon 'Bennett and Bob Elliot. Every Day 6 a,m. to 10 p.m. Phone 426-8501 MAMIE'S GRILL 1934 Olympici-Iighway North on Mountain View BREAKFAST- LUNCH -- DINNER Special Dinners Daily ~ Fried Clams --- Oysters • Buckwheat Hotcakes Anytime • WE MAKE OUR OWN PIESI GOOD COFFEE Open Sunday during the Summer ' LAKE"-''--° ..... Seafood; Chiol