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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
July 29, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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July 29, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1965 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in e Chrisfmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington PAGE 3 GRAPEVIEWa- Les and Marg- Friday the Stock" entourage|coast•via Cape Horn many years High Low Precis. aret Rice's sun-drenchied beachmade a most interesting side trip|ago. "Their itinerary carried them July 22 ............ 68- 51 .0i- was certainly a perfect setting for up through Hart's pass. Here they on to Donneyville and Chico for July 23 "'.• .. 77 48 -- ] the annual Grapeview V.F.D. pic- partly drove and partly walked up [ visits with relatives and, by Wed- July 24 .......... .. 88 53 --- Tupper a t &bout 50 local members of the ] nic Saturday afternoon. With to the Slate Lookout Tower. Here, ]nesday, they were back in Grape- July 25 ............ 95 51 -- ,TZEL __ L s family attended. ~ about 70 persons in attendance, ac- at a breath-taking 7 900 feet ] view. Accompanying them on theJuly 26 ::"::.'::::: 85 ,55 --- ~ometer hit 98MR. AND MRS. Hector Barbour ] tivities varied from waterskiing to height, the Forest Ranger told ] trip were daughter Jody and Shir- July 27 .... 81 54 -- ado at the Re-enjoyed a visit from old friends, [badminton and an especially at-them how forest fires were de-] ley's mother, Mrs. Esther Garland July 28 .............. 80 48 .-- kind of a record Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cox of Sit- ] tractive and delicious menu made tected and fought. After gingerly] and, for the most part, the wen- Readings"a~e"for a 24-hour per- Et was anotherka, Alaska, and Mrs. Warren To- ~ the picnic table one of the most. retreating from this precarious ] ther was most pleasant. Bakers- led endin~ at 8 am. as reported by I for fun in the IJy of Shelton. ] popular meeting spots. Fire Chief perch they then visited the aban- ] field being the only real "hot the Ra~o~ier Inc weather station Sunday guests at the Barbour ]Les Rice made sure tbat the sup- doned Chancellor mines and fished|spot" 'J ....... ' ........ ____ " Ralph Springerhome were Mrs. Sellers of the /ply of tender steamed clams andin the Chancellor Creek,Doris| .................. • wnne m ~eatue rest weanes fishT • " WIN BOOKS ~st Friday were lake, and Mrs• Beryl Van Norman | grilled oysters sufficed for e~en even catching a • [ da the Joe Li~-les wer b7 " S • o y tt e a ~e to e McCowan and and her son, Bud Glick, Matlock. I the heartiest of feasters. Th seSaturday was spent back at the] coax Theresa's little auntie over Mrs. Mary Trexler of the Pio- Lrietta, Ohio.Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bleeker spent ] hardy souls who dig the clams for camp site with the men fishing and] to spend a few days with them neer area has been awarded a 54- ~ey were joined Saturday at Tacoma visiting the | everyones., en3oyment were_ l~es_s the women st.aying put, their en:| at their Treasure ~Island home. volume set of "Great Books of the ~en Howard andWes Morgans. ]~cu, .~uum~ ,.~m~ u~u,~, thusiasm having seen aampene(~|She enjoyed the lovely weather .... ' ........................ ~nn r~aroie wlGn son ~nan ann by the local rattlesnakes ~ and theil c m an and Men~ western worm xur ~ ~c~L~r ~uu- d om • • o p y any, . . tdta CoOkMrs. OfRonaldMat- wereSUndaYMr, gueStSand Mrs.°f theDorseyBleekersGoff 1 Russ. Wells while the fool c - ...~q~ Andersons ~toined them for| accommodatin~ summer nei~hhor~ ~ ,mitted to Dr. Mortimer Adler for mittee chairmansht was l eld b l, and granddaughter, Marcy, of So- | _ .. P Y coffee Sunday morning and all re-/ Roy Larriman, returned her to her his nation-wide syndicated column ~d i~Irs• Charles attle. | ,~eona ~omers. turned to Twisp for a nice hot/home. "Great Ideas From Great Books". Among the out-of-town guests bath before their return home . • " Au 10a also joined Guests at the Clifford Ford ] enjoying this congenial affair were ~,rl., that eveni-~ ] It Is always a pleasant surprme Her letter will appear in the g. ~ming and pic-home last weekend were Mr. and /~ T,h,, ~o~,h ..... ,~ ~h~ W~b ~= ~ "~" .. • | each year to see the Girl Scouts 15 column, Mrs Trexler was no- Mrs. Richard Boothe and family Gr n families ue ts of the Orin ~eversmg ~nese va = p .u , from St. Albans canoeing through ~-~-a Rh~ i~ ~ t~ch~r nt ~inn~r l~alph Springer of Seattle, and Tyler Boothe, a ~ , ....... • g ~ ...... ~,~^,: Bin Peters of Twisp arri-ed Sun-/on their annual eve-night o-tin~ ~"-'~;~"- ...................... ;the day at thegrandson from South Bend. ~ ,.,u~n~,s,,~,~; a.~x. tt~u =v~. ~, ,~ .... , +h^ ,~-~.~,~a~,~,~,,r ~r~r~= nO/ ....... * v ~ "~ ~' ~cnool. I xz~..~. .,,~. ~,~o ,Vo,~,o w~ou,~y =~~,,,; "~"~"L'" .""'::'~ :-'.[waving to ¢ne canoeists as they l rinnon. lara Diggle ann Archie Kelley is back in the | a]'e"ne~uh't~ors o'f~the'D'on~'~,nder- brotherClarence ann ~.amily~:e| paddle by is always rewarded with ~| Shelton General Hospital after ~ " vim~ ~or a few nays ~m }s en ..... | s ..... ~ wh~ are ,~ow enroute to . . . • .. . | a paddles-up salute and their | ~eValleys~ familYin Matloek.atPicniCtheHospital.treatmentbreaks in hisX'raysat neckTac°mash°Wand GeneralheSeVenwill / w~dh ~?dY~ nandwM[: t Japanne:with the U S ............. " ADDe~b:P:as:°~ ~~oroa°nr~;:i~[ ~ln~nl°di~PThi;°~!:e:~s~als~ tf~Y:e~i~lde ~grg[~rc ~d//~ ] be in traction for six to eight | Stanley, wboe are visiting with her Ph .... ~,~, ~u,~,~ w~tt~r watel~ out| canoes carrying 12 girls. By RodOlsen I ~0TES ]weeks longer. " ~ - ............ e~Yl~Or~v~nd~kGa!ipe~ ~ ~INABG~TTs I Three hi h school students from Southwest Wash ngton are be-folks, the George Lewises. ~'~"~,~'_~._~':~_~•=~'_= ...... / ....... I Mrs• Betty Smith spent Wednes- g ........ | . . mr ~mr~, ~uu, tne~e uay~. i we are mos~ nappy to wemome PUZZLED I day and Thursday with her me- ~_F~he i~fuogh ajr ~vmC~! ~i idavr we~ ~fg: aw~eoevr~e~ enl rn~uneU e~c~aV~is/ii ii~et~t W~el ! s~ilg~ ~ ~~el s~e c emnndd~g!~:~nPn~Cp~aei! tdhA e~vaOSTg ~a~e~ledM~hle~s:tll~f~Vute~!/i~wm ajMvnt~ ~ ~!~ ther, Mrs. Archie Kelley, visiting ~!~ I Thu.rsday evening at the home of ~8Ou~iii~in!t~!hw°fa~t~d~a~i~J(Z°r°~ii~mhc!i:~i~g!!~d ~i!~t:~i:mdMl~k ]iii~PLv~i°~lNeii~itet~na~hd! ~!ta°~~nswBi~aY~ii°~tl~c°i~wfl':teeii~alctp°~p~t~!ie~n~i ~ ~av~'!°il~ I t g Y , . " • " ' Y "~household himself, Henry Gatlin. ape ew last July 26, a;n_d with no wonder, the Dick Tuppers at Matlock. oratory, im~provisation, make-up, acting and the product,on of [handle Lake for their annual en- "Hank" has been workin"~ as ~/them they brought Hildas sister ~%~/ . [ Mrs. Kelley spent Saturday vis- five plays Professor Kenneth Carr (second from right) of the | campment Under the supervision ~t^ward in a canner" messShall at| and husband, Mr and Mrs David ~ w~th so | iting at thb Albert Kuhnle's and • ; . • " ~ v ~ • many fine • the Larry Case's. Mrs. Allen Hickson's great un- cle, 85-year-old Vernon LeMast- ~. ers, and his Wife, of Indiana, are ing this year," Ronnie and Mlkeand The Bruce Fulmer family" circle and Hilda have had a chance to such •a visiting at Betty's sister's home From The ]]Benson, Clifford, Alice, Kathy . . . /rest a ~'it ~ ' | ] at Kingston. The Allen Hickson II David Hicks, Art and Kim Nick- has ~)een temporarily increased by] - • ~ dazzhng | ry I family spent Sunday there, visit- ~ , ~e~ ~ ~_ I| laus, Debbie Milner, Nancy Ewart, the. addition of sister. Susan, who|_ .Treasure _Island resident~ Cap- ~ rave Oafnd I ing with them and an aunt and ~ lll F , | 11"1/ l[Joel Zehe, Rodney Isaacson, Steve wm~e vlmGmg w l~n_ znem..Ior..tnls i tam an~..Mrs, .rler~er~ l)owen: ~ texture- | 0st exclusively uncle from Bellingham. ~~ ~ • ~ ~ • • • ~w ~ w=,~ II Rehard and Georgia Clayton. wee~. ~romer ~ cnata.~eu~'~.u| were d engnteo w~m me news las~ ~. | ~ili!~i!] " " ~ - . .~ ~usan over ~rom ~eatue m mSlSa~uraay that they had become Here are a few brief pointers! . . The Hicksons camped Saturday I] MONDAY, OURedG~ap~meWe~:d sporty new red Triumph convert|-| great grandparents The birth of to help you choose Wool is the | at Belfair State Park on their MASON COUNTY White 28, Port Townsend | nacms were•oPinea~Kee, Greegn~ Girl ble and spent Sunday with them.| a daughter to the ~)owells' grand- most luxurious of "all carpeting | way to Kingston, and on their way home Sunday, they had a pic- JUSTICE COURT The' accident oeeured at 8:50] obYrWwa~h~g~so'Smers' Pho spoke to Susan is at present living in San|son and wife, Mr. and Mi-s. O'Nei] ---and the best wool broad- | nic su!~Der at Twanoh State Park ....... ~a m Sunda,, on Hi=hwav 101 about] .... ' ....... Francisco with her mother Mrs.] of Bremerton, accomplished thin loom is also the most cxpen-| AT I vH!i!iI I ili:!i I a Italian chat- ] of the Elmer Snells of Aberdeen were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Latham d ne tthe pituitary| and daughters, Linda and Joni, ae ~rStlll believed ! of Seattle, and Mr. and Mrs. Rudy John A. Davis, failure to trans- ] .... • .... ~ ..... "1 other than Kristi Sos. A'n o t h e r former Gra'-eviewite | g am" y, M • " # mn vemcm The ~'ramcn vemcm ~" and M~s Arthur BiB tuer and 10 Among the modeln man made educed a se- ] Wasberg and sons, Denny and fer title and registration, no front] _ . A" .............. ;] Parents and families of our 4-H- who dro'~"ed b~, to visit the Julie ]• . zg " - " " - | • • . maoe a leic l:urn ano me two co~- ~-r ¢ • • • rough the nose. ] John, of South Bend. hcense plate, $22 forfeit, Mary C. ] ................... ~., ...... , ,.~;] ers are reminded that the barbe- Stocks Sunday evening was Miss] month-old .daughter•.Cely_.fol~w- f!be~s, the acryhcs are espe- | !Sty, this idea ~ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cooper at- Robillard, improper passing, $12 "~= ...... = ~' ........................ cued salmon feast at Panhandle ,~ .... Jan~ Cook Drivin= out from||rig a weeR s vmitauon. The ~is- crony ruggea ann easy to clean, | the shoulder of the road and over ..... ~ ,- ~, and the don't mat tended the benefit Kiwanis Break- forfeit, $10 suspended; Kerry L./- ~ ,~.~ o.,,.o~,U,~o,,t rollin~" ov ith guiers had driven out fxom their Y ~ted; howev- !] Lake will be Friday at 6 p.m, w Bremerton in a" neat little black I ....... !. " _ . "! ' " | 1 forfeit A1 ~ ~ ~-~' - ° lea nome m r~ew lor~ w~y waro~ is ~Ultary,, per- fast at Kneeland Park in Shelton Brand speeding, $ 2 " ' "[ ~":"~.-"~'~'":':\" | the usual nominal charge.-A p .M G, she told them of her work] ..... : The nylons ~ | ' ' '/er °nt° l~s le~L sloe t~] " ' ~]a ra~ ~1 with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. McClana- len K. Strong,. no operator s h- Damage to the 1965' White' car has been put forth for assistance at the Navy Yard, her plans toCollegeg ua~efor Women°r ~aranand ~awrenCecolumbia which azc' a ler~t discovered hun and their grandchildren, and cense,$12 forfeit; 2erald Tho~npn was $400 and to the 1963 Franie in .preparing th~s meal and any enter Olympic College this fal Law School and-her husband is a current ra- tteen the pit-then had dinner at the Cooper ~v,,, ......... s ...... ' ~ .... vin ~whlle~ vehicle ~¢800 Troo-,er~. Robert Fur-I motners wnung m neap cOUmr at uthe" and thuG her ~oi~s, mr. ann 2ars. i worm ..... ~amous CheSS player wno~" vom~e, espe- ~ ~ ~ ! llcl obesity in home l~st Sunday. jail; Jack R. Cooper,ded ll0dri fmeg '50| ......... ~**. ,nv~o~i~ated~ |tact Mrs. Jane Windsof ce Howard Cook with sister Billie |_nas nero-" ......... the unl~eo~:a~es .... cnamp eially the ~ ~/~.~ ~ | the effects o~ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Linten, Brin- license suspen , $ ' , $ [ " ] County Extension of i . Jean, are due back from Guam| ..... "_ ' . . . " long fiber ~ ~"J7 ~ | ...... lonsmp ann pmye~ an exniDi~ion SUB ended 30 da s in 3aft, d~lv P ' • . Y. " " "] COUNTY BUILDING PERMITS| Wednesday evening, nine mere- Sept. 2. Sounds like good news to[ ..... n ...................... continuous ~k ~ Dr | ~0r~body rune-non, stopped in at the Resort last ing while intoxicated, $276 fine,| ...... : e .... --Ibers of the Grapeview V.F.D. Lad- us for it will be very good to] s~,,,~..~,,ff~,%~ .~-~ ,~nc=~_~=~: filament ~k ~' | =trated. , Monday for a brief visit with the ~150 susnended 90 days in ~ail li- / l~Ullcung permits approv .r] oy I .............. , ,,._ ~ ..... ,~ .....=.. . ,~ ~,,~ ws,~.~; ,=~v. ~ m~,~ nylons aw ~ ~ ! AI Tuppers. w r. , .7 a , / .... ~ -'- "~------"-s:on I ies AUXiliary ~!~aLll~2I't~tl ~L Ltlt~ ~ltt; ~12t~ t.llt~llt tt~ttllt. [ ~..* .... *~ ........ ~--v,-~ ----.. j , --v ~ = eked ix months /~:ne ~vxason wountywumm~=.~ m~r~Lm~; ~uup~, -u ~ay. ___ ~_ cense rev s " -- .... "r C McCord=] hall club room and a lively and Surprised indeed were Pare and] very long ~ | ]arl~acy Sheriff's Offce w~?n(~aYt~iere~5~;e~YFIest Pitts',lproductivemeetingensuehle,oru Chief Clayton last Thursday af-] Also visiting at the Collins' wearing and easy to elean, wtth| Theodore Mann, minorconsum- . ~ ..~ ~ ~o .~.. " ¢~ ~rn: ~*heil Game Night chairman Louise ternoon when the young man who|Treasure Island home recently, the no shedding or piling. These | 'h'426-2165 ' icnaged:q$l~'fd:iv'~gw°Wwhi:ekeinndt:Xi~l'~e~s~;?:;:Ca2e'2n'~d~'OmO~e ~ufl~i IOk~tnekh:~P'~ret~d2ptre sC~ay d°r°PPeedhebY t°mSee(~n~e?ghsbPc~i:e~ I~;ca~l~;en.2einnegr ~eu~n~u°al l~'c~c ~al~y.t° v,brant colors beaut, / jail; Ray Durbin, minor in posses- ,.. • ,, ., • ~nd that fflans for the 'Aroundsome 10 years ago, L y "laer of ~maranth of Seattle were Where economy ann ~0~,,~,, l 'St.--426-332, ~e~d, ~b:tftGng !e~d?Sc~ $2300~t~ ~!~ ~o~°dl twhe~ Gther~eNw;~t~ be:r L r~rYa(~k~rD~i:dao T~!daE~iI t.aP:rd~i~otwe.!!h25uhPa:!~l~iSsMei ! e°n~ti¢°ln I ':30 to 7:30 ~lr~nin°g ~qh~?:'ia~d~ng .......... De. ...... c " 1Wu°~ledr VwayatT°t~s ' " d a " . ret::es,m;~:r~m2;.)~" ............ t;~te Itwo weekends in jail; Louis Lou- . ..... .~' .~oi'~ .... ~n0 and Fred:|which will be held this Saturda~trip p . .g .~ .~1~ Y g ' " .P- .arpetings to choo,¢~e from, the/ 9:~0 " 6:00 "~ ~l~" Ichor, dm:mfgve~l~ile inmt°a~Ca:ed, I ~ic'k'~Venzl~e~'wood~'residenee, $10,- I night at the first hallat 8:30p~n:: ;ohwanke~.mgetm°er~mrS~ ;~ms ~po[[ta,ty. lowest-priced carpets for cora- l ... __ ~ ., Y 3 , ~ " I 000. | promises to be lots or run ann fUll .Y .... °1 At the re~flar meeting, of the paraom quality. I ......... iii ii i I ! i'~~'F--~.~" A prowler was reported at the tonPoliceCourtbefoeJ ge -I_ ~. ............ i*-"-s detinct|on y , ".,I .... ~ ;~ ..... .................... ,.,^ "/ • narmy encour=~;-~s ~,, ~ ~= " " ' ' friends ~o ~,, ~,,,~ ~. =~ ,=,,~vuv=~ ~ ,~,=,~, ~ur~. Baker residence, la Halbert Monday night were Ver- ] .......... his f-nd -~isin~where they visited with '[,-^u~,~ ~u . ~...~,~.,~,~ ~,,~,, | C P Russell reported a house non Betsworth, drunkenness dl=- [ .... eaI and a Gour In San Dingo they spent s m ~1 .............. / ' ". . • , projec~ for u~e y " " , r z~ ann ±~ brougn~ ~ac~ ~ne mtes~ broken rote turbmg the peace, $10 free, $2.50 .......... as su~'=ested as with Joe s mother, Mrs. Louis Ca -| .... .~, ........ ~ | .... • orace L me~ ~oo~ ~am w . ~,b r i Inin to Ha on t~-ll'e ~ro~ecuon Tnrougn ~now- Mrs. Wilder of the North Shore costs, 10 days in Jut, H • ~ ~ ,,~., .... ~,~,~,t~ This will be penter, before et~ g Y'],.a ........ ,, .~ . ~ .... a ...... ,. | | | !reported her house had been en- Waggoner drunkenness,$25 for-i.~ .~?'~.="~ :~%~.~':Y.:~:~,_e Hall and ward. At Lake Tahoe Shi='ley'sl \=~s~ ~ ?,~- ~? -~.~. ~ .........| | | nel(1 ~ug £~. at the z, ~ ' oemonstra1:lons, aescnoeo prev- tered felt; Gerald McPherson, no arte- :.. _ . ~:.~ ...... = ----ointed as aunt, MrsErnest Webber, playedl ......... | | | Bet) Schively reported a boat rial stop, $12 forfeit; Lloyd Wal- c~Um~tge'c'~dair~an ~"" host to them and this first visit[ musly in mm wee~s column. ~ | stolen, lace, negligent driving, $30 forfeit; . . ~." _ - ~. to her summer place proved to bel --~--- AlL / s 0 Treasurer Vlvlan ~uery tenoertheO , $/,O~7~ ~l~e~" ~/~--~ -- ..-- -- Mrs. McNish reported a house Russell Rodgers, drunkenness, 3ehx her resi anon" " in as much-as Y particularly delightful to the En-] Hatred is the vice of narrow ~ | entered and a mess made by van- days in jail, 23 suspended; F ' 'gn ' " ° " 1 ~l gens in that it was furnished withl souls; they feed it with all their d['~ | are movin in the near ruture al " " uch e d m dals. Brazeau, disorderly conduct, $22.50 g " ' : " - f'll handsome anhque furniture, m ~|littleness s, an ake it tie pre- ~'~4# | • • Ruth Wells was a om~e~l to Norm Coselman reported a cab- fine, $2.50 costs; Dean Smith, fail- ~ PP . _ ~, of which had arrived on the west] text of base tyrannies. --Balzac | |nat Mason Lake broken into. ure to obtain dog license, dog not this position for the remain(mr o~ the heat,. cool, fresh I,ovelinea~ that be- nars. MaKoviney reported a fox controlled by owner, $25 forfeit; the year. terrier dog missing. Wayne Luke, dog not controlled Bill Somers, the V.F.W. repre- sentative to the Annual Fire be yours with the high-fashion featured by Evergreen Drug. Our corn- help you select the perfect preparations se challenging vaoatlon days, And the e money y,ou save at Evergreen Drug Center. Del Borden reported" logging equipment stolen. Linda Johnson reported money out of a purse and a radio taken at Tw.anoh State Park. Mrs. Don Arthaud reported two bathing suits taken from a clothe~ line. SHERIFF'S OFFICE ARREST Booked at the Mason County Sheriffs office during the past week were Kenneth R. Main, petit larceny; James L. Sturtevant, non- support; Joseph Musta, non-sup- port (Eugene, Ore,. warrant); Ger- ald Thompson, resisting arrest; Jack Cooper, driving while intoxi- cated, driving vehicle while license suspended; William Miller, justice court warant (failure to appear). SUPERIOR. COURT New Cases Arthur Hahn and Lewis Hahn, against Mr. and" Mrs. Albert S. Miller Jr. and others, quiet ~titla. Fred Williams against Wayne Lamphier, debt. WASHINGTON STATE PATROL Neither driver was injured in an accident on the North Shore Road about four miles west of BelflLir ~t 1 15 p.m. ~aturday Dri- vers of the vehicles involved were by owner, $22.50 fine, $2.50 costs; Pete Kruger, failure to obtain dog license, dog not controlled by own- er, $22.50 fine, $2.50 costs. SHELTON POLICE i~frs. Melvin Matson reported an attempted .gas theft• i Bill McWil~iams reported his car had been entered and a gear shift knob and $15 in cash taken• Cars driven by Rosalie Russell and Clarence Baker collided at 7th and C~ta. A car driven by William F. Aus- tin hit a fence at the home of Mrs. Len Speece. A tool box belonging to Don Brownfield was reported taken from a pick-up. FIRE CALLS A call to the Frank Jefferson home, 1028 Ell|nor, turned out to be a false alarm. He was burning trash in a basement trash burner and a neighbor had summoned the fire department when they were unable to are bed.' use Jefferson, who was in A fire in a car owned by Robert Erickson was extinguishe(1 at 9:05 p.m. July 24. The fire was caused Belfair at 1:15 p.m. Saturday. Dr|- driving on a blown out tire. Lotion .............. $6.00 size vers of the ve icle~ involved vere kt o:20 P.m.. Julv 23, a grass Alvin W. Baker, 21, Bremerton, and brush fire Was extinguished at L AT $3.00 and Diane L. Asp, 21, Tacoma.1121 Railroad Avenue• Both vehicles were westbound A grass fire was extinguished Shampoo or Rinse .... Pint Size on the North Shore Road when at 3:30 p.m. July 23 at 1411 Rail- SPECIAL 88¢ the Asp vehicle slowed to make a road Avenue. left turn and was struck in the A call to 620 Ellinol" was an- rear by the Baker vehicle. Damage swered at 8:20 a.m. July 27 when to Baker's 1959 station wagon was a fire in a fireplace stag':ted shoot- ........... 13 oz. Aerosol Spray $ioo and to the 1953 Asp car, $25. ing flames out of the chimney. PECIAL 69¢ er with Trooper Robert Fursoth investi- BuildingCITY BUILDINGer PERMITS gated. • , , P mits approved by the City of Shelton during tbe past ASION Bath Powd " clinton Albert, 19, Seattle, re- week were to Dave Kneeland, gar- age $1,600, Dean Wool Puff" Reg. 98¢ ceived a cut on his rtght knee, " Tarach, fence, and scratches and bruises when $40; Rayon|or Inc., addition to lab- SPECIAL 79¢ his 1960 motor bike left Highway oratory, $28,000. ]06 about three miles west of Clearance Sale Twanoh at 4 p.m. Saturday. The driver was eastbound on highway 106 and coming out oi a left curve and saw something in the roadway which he swerved to avoid. The motor bike went off the right shoulder into the ditch, striking a culvert and throwing the driver. Damage to the motor bike was $400. EVERGREEN SQUARE Mrs. Lillian Franich, 58, Se- attle, received bruises and corn- plained of a head pain after the vehicle .driven by her husband, Andy, 58, was involved in a col- ll ion wtth one driven by Robert School in Vancouver, then gave a startIing and dramatic demonstra- tion of how inflammable the var- ious pressurized cans of h air- spray, deodorants; etc., really are. A lighted match and a brief spray of afore-mentioned products pro- duces a blast of flame that could be likened to a blow torch, so adequate precautions are highly advisable ! Following tl~'is demonstration, the meeting.resumed with a dis- cussion of the coming open house. This will be held Sept. 16, from 8 a.m. until 10 p.m. Our firemen will first hold a regular meeting, open to the public, and then all present will be given an opportun- ity to take a good look at our love- ly new fire hall. Refreshments* will be served. The Auxiliary wasn't the only lively group Wednesday evening for when members Murial Seiners and Salli Clayton returned home they soon learned that it isn't al- ways safe to leave the daddys at home without adequate supervi- sion. Murial was confronted with a battered and bruised Howard, who had come out second best riding "double" down their road from the school yard" with daugh- ter Kristi on her bicycle. He did his best to denude his arm from wrist to elbow when they fell on the gravel. Within minutes, Walt Clayton's nail scarred neck was being shown to wife Ball|. Seems he made a sudden stop on son Chief's Honda and went sailing up and over the handlebars into a pile of lumber. Deserting our sun and surf for a change of scenery, Julius and Doris Stock joined the Russell Stock family for a trip into the mountains near Winthrop. Leav- ing Wednesday morning, the six Stocks drove to Twisp where they spent the night with the Milton Andersons. Thursday, they (trove on to the Winthrop State Park. Here tt~ey set up camp, Doris and Julie in Mrs. Anderson's trailer and the Russ Stocks in their truck. While Doris, Madelynn and Adele hiked and explored, the menfolk tried their luck at fishing in War Creek. Expert angler Greg Stock finally ~et some of his luck rub off on his dad and Uncle Julie and the resultant catch was soon sizzling over open camp fire and much appreciated by all. for participating in our Grand Open- ing and for welcoming us into Shelton and Mason County. of Rt. 1 Box 329, Shelton, was the winner of the first diamond. Mr. and Mrs. St~oud have one child, Rusty, 19 months. More FREE OATAL06S are available. Jusl Call or stop in at